Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 107 Lai Liu was detained

Hearing this, Lu Feng was quite clear in his heart and said, "I think it was the predecessors who passed on the Tao Law to others, which led to the tragedy of the barren corpse town." Lai Liulian shook his head and nodded, "Isn't it just one sentence? If it were me, I would pass it on to others to try. However, your old man is careless. You know that you will become a demon. Why don't you prepare in advance? For example, once you become a demon, let others kill you immediately.

Lu Wuchen glanced at Lai Liu and said, "Shut up for me. The precept of the Demon Sect is not a child's play. Do you think I'm lucky to do experiments? Since the founding of the Demon Sect, I don't know how many disciples of the Demon Sect have become demons and the minions of the Demon Sect. These demons seem to be unconscious, like walking dead, but once summoned by the demon sect, they will immediately become the army of the demon sect, and the demons are the real killing force of the demon sect. After saying that, he closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, sighed again, and said slowly, "I did have some luck. Alas, I'm too confident. I have been familiar with the Taoist scriptures for many years. I thought that I had figured out the way and broke the taboo method of the Demon Sect, so I made a ridiculous decision. As a result... Alas... As a result, I didn't think about it, it's not that I was not prepared, but after the method of preaching the Taoist Sutra was changed by me, I did not immediately become a demon, but Three years later, when I completely relaxed my vigilance, I suddenly had a seizure. At that time, it was too late...

Lu Wuchen's eyes suddenly became very desolate, and the desolate moment seemed to be much older.

Lu Feng understands Lu Wuchen's mood, which is heavy, carrying the pain of a town's life. It's better to die than to live under this pain. He thought for a moment and said carefully, "I don't know who the predecessor passed on the Taoist Sutra to? But your family?"

"Wife, my wife, I'm sorry for him!"

Lu Wuchen's voice became sad, and his silver hair flew up. At this time, he no longer looks like a fairy Taoist monk, but if he is a little crazy old man, "Do you know? I love her so much that I would not have preached the Taoist Sutra to her, but she was getting old day by day and her life was exhausted day by day. I didn't want to lose her, so I did this stupid thing.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu were silent. At this moment, they felt that the old man in white was no longer so hateful and could even be forgiven. But can you forgive me? Can the old man forgive himself? He carried thousands of lives, as well as the lives of his close family and his people.

Lu Feng said, "This is the end of the matter, and there is no need to blame yourself."

"No, I am a sinner, and the evil sinner is my sin. Even if I die 10,000 times, I can't make up for it..."

Lu Wuchen shouted sadly.

Lu Feng was silent. After a long silence, he said, "I don't know if there is any way to remove the magic of the demon?"

"Yes, but he absolutely refuses."

A glimmer of hope appeared in Lu Feng's heart and said, "Who?"

"Magic Master Modan."

Lu Wuchen spit out three words, and his body was trembling.


Lu Feng gently read these two words. This is the second time he has heard the name. He is full of curiosity about this character. He guessed from Lu Wuchen's expression when he read the word "Modan" that he was definitely a quite horrible figure.

Lu Wuchen took a breath and said, "Modan, that is an extremely horrible existence. You should never mention Modan and come into contact with the Demon Sect." With that, he shook his head and said, "Well, let's not talk about the Demon Sect. Come on, I'll tell you who my granddaughter is.

Lu Feng said, "Senior, I have one more question."

Lu Wuchen said, "What's the problem?"

Lu Feng said, "Where is the Demon Sect?"

Lu Wuchen's body was shocked and said, "Why do you ask this?"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Just asking."

Lu Wuchen stared at Lu Feng for a while and shook his head, "I have been in the Demon Sect for eight years, but I still don't know where the Demon Sect is." Lu Feng said, "How is that possible?" Lu Wuchen said, "The Demon Sect has countless large and small altars and spread all over the continent. I have been a disciple of the Demon Sect for eight years, and I don't even know the specific location of the altar, let alone the general altar.

Lai Liu interrupted and said, "You're not fooling us, are you? You just don't know where the general altar is. How can you not even know where your branch is?"

Lu Wuchen said: "The Demon Sect acts extremely secretly. Disciples enter and exit the altar to carry out tasks through an energy door called 'magic cave'. The exit is randomly arranged by people, and it is impossible to know the direction of the altar."

Lu Feng nodded and said, "I'll just ask." After saying that, he saw that Lai Liu had no questions to ask, so he said, "Then tell me, how can we find your granddaughter?"

Lu Wuchen sighed, raised his hand, and the head of an eight- or nine-year-old girl appeared in front of him.

The little girl is very clever, with long hair, upturned nose and big eyes, which looks very distressing.

Lu Feng stared at the little girl's head for a while and turned his head to say to Lai Liu, "Why is it so like water? Look, that eye, that nose?" Lai Liu also had this feeling and thought, "It can't be Shui'er, right? No, Shui'er has been growing up in Shaming Village. It's absolutely impossible."

Lu Wuchen said excitedly, "Do you think it's familiar?"

Lu Feng nodded and said, "It's a little familiar, but she can never be your granddaughter."

Lu Wuchen said, "Why?"

Lu Feng said, "Because we watched her grow up."

He thought of Shuier, and his clever appearance came to his mind.

Lu Wuchen was a little disappointed and said, "That year, if she hadn't happened to go to Geyuan Town, I'm afraid..."

"Wait, wait." Lu Feng suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Lu Wuchen's words and frowned, "I think of a person, maybe..."

Lai Liu opened his mouth and said, "Do you mean Jieya?"

It is Jieya's suggestion to come to the barren corpse town to practice. Lai Liu remembered Jieya's expression at that time, and his mind suddenly lit up.

"Jiya, my granddaughter, do you know her?"

Lu Wuchen's voice trembled.

Lu Feng muttered, "Aunt Jieya, is Aunt Jieya really his granddaughter?"

Lu Wuchen said, "What do you call her?" Aunt Jieya? You..."

Lu Feng briefly talked about the relationship with Jieya and said, "No matter whether my aunt Jieya is the granddaughter of the senior or not, we are willing to go for the senior."

Lu Wuchen said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll do you." With that, he took out a shiny white ring and gave it to Lu Feng and said, "When you see her, give her the ring. If she is my granddaughter, as long as you drop a drop of blood on the ring, you can open the ring."

Lai Liu's eyes turned around and said, "You put all your valuable treasures in this spiritual ring. No wonder you left two rooms of garbage for me."

Lu Feng glanced at Lai Liu, took the ring, hugged Lu Wuchen and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely confirm this for you."

Lu Wuchen nod his head and said, "I will definitely fulfill my promise according to my words." Speaking of this, he paused and asked Lu Feng, "What is your attribute?" Lu Feng said, "Metal." Lu Wuchen said, "You are not suitable for learning alchemy." Lu Feng said, "I have learned forging and don't want to learn alchemy. The predecessors can pass on alchemy to him."

Lu Wuchen looked at Lai Liu, touched his beard and said, "You boy, hum."

Lai Liu said, "I'm not interested in alchemy, but if you want to teach, I'll just learn it."

Lu Wuchen's face changed and said harshly, "Will you learn? I don't teach waste. If you don't want to learn, I don't bother to teach. After saying that, he said to Lu Feng again, "Since you don't learn alchemy, you can start. I'm waiting for your good news."

When Lai Liuyi heard this, he immediately said, "What do you mean? Do you take me as a hostage?

Lu Wuchen said, "You can understand that I just passed on your alchemy during this period until he found my granddaughter."

Lu Feng was a little angry, but when he thought that it might be Jieya's grandfather, he suppressed it and said to Lai Liu, "Learn from Wuchen. I'll be back soon." Lai Liu broke his mouth and said, "Don't do it, what I'm most disgusted with is this set..." Before he finished speaking, Lu Wuchen flicked his fingers, and a white beam of light shot out and directly tied Lai Liu: "You have no choice. I asked you to upgrade three levels in a row, and naturally I won't kill you. Please stay for me." After saying that, he looked at Lu Feng and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Lu Feng hesitated, hugged his fist, didn't say anything, and strode out.

Lu Wuchen said again, "Wait, put your hand over here."

Lu Feng said, "What else can I give you?"

The tone is not very good, because he doesn't like this set either.

Lu Wuchen said, "If you want to become a demon, just go."

Lu Feng stretched out his right palm, and Lu Wuchen stretched out his fingers and drew a strange tapered pattern in his palm and said, "With this, the demon will not attack you." Lu Feng gave up, looked twice, and said to Lai Liu, "Let's go. I'll be back as soon as possible." Lai Liu was very unhappy and shouted, "What would Jieya do if it weren't for his granddaughter?" Lu Feng smiled and said, "Then you have to stay until I find his granddaughter." Lai felt aggrieved, but he couldn't say a word.

Lu Wuchen suddenly said, "Don't worry, even if he can't find my granddaughter, I will let you go."

Lai Liu and a half skeptical said, "Really?"

Lu Wuchen said, "Well, but there is one condition."

Lai Liuyi hummed, "I knew it."

Lu Wuchen smiled and said, "If you become a five-pin medicine pharmacist, I will naturally not be able to keep you."

Lai Liu was speechless and shook his head vigorously.

Lu Feng smiled and patted Lai Liu on the shoulder to say goodbye. Lai Liu suddenly said, "Wait." After saying that, he said to Lu Wuchen, "Will you let me go? I won't run." With a stroke of Lu Wuchen's palm, Lai Liu was free. He took out pieces of equipment from the spiritual ring and stuffed it with Lu Feng's finger and said, "Help me sell all these useless things to take up space."

Lu Feng nodded, waited for Lai Liu to finish stuffing, and strode away from the stone room.

It's still dark outside, but the dark night has faded a little.