Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 146 Absorbing the left shoulder blade

The candlelight is shining, reflecting the simple and elegant room.

Lai Liu had enough to eat and drink, and has been snoring in **.

Mu Rou sat at the square table with her cheek in her hand and looked at Lu Feng with drunken eyes. Lu Feng's face was surprisingly ugly by Lai Liu, and even a little scary in the candlelight, but she still looked at it like that.

Lu Feng didn't know that Mu Rou was looking at him.

He sat on the ground with his eyes closed and was adjusting his body to the best state. Every minute in Geyuan Town is extremely dangerous, and he must be ready to deal with the mutation at any time. He even carried the tomahawk and cocoon on his body and never unloaded it for a moment.

"It's time to suck that left shoulder blade into the body."

One more bone will have one more chance to save your life. He moved his mind and took out the black shiny left shoulder blade from the spiritual ring.

Mu Rou saw the bone and said, "What is that?" Lu Feng said, "Soul bone." Murou walked over and looked at it carefully. "Oh," she said, "Why do I feel so familiar with this soul bone?" Lu Feng became excited: "Is it familiar? Have you seen it? Where have you seen it?" Mu Rou tilted her head and thought for a moment. "I remember, my father is collecting such soul bones. I don't know what's good about this soul bone. Every time my brothers find the soul bone for him, he is very happy..."

Hearing this, Lu Feng's heart suddenly cooled down. If the soul bone is in the hands of others, he can still try his best to do it, but in the hands of Mu Rou's father, he is a little overwhelmed. It can be heard from Murou that her father has been collecting soul bones, and there should be a lot of pieces. Since it is collected, you will naturally know the beauty of the soul bone. He can't rob, and he can't cheat. What should he do?

Mu Rou looked at it with her shoulder blade for a while, and suddenly flashed her eyes and said, "Can you give me this bone? I will bring this bone back to my father, and he will be very happy. Lu Feng grabbed the shoulder blade and said, "It's beautiful. I spent 50 million yuan to shoot it from the Chamber of Commerce."

"What? Is this the soul bone you bought at the auction? Mu Rou shook her head like a rattle and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"What's impossible, just at the last auction. How can you know that you are not here?"

Mu Rou still shook her head and said, "That's impossible. Wanhe Chamber of Commerce will never auction this soul bone." Lu Feng smiled and said, "It can't be that you don't have the final say. Wanhe Chamber of Commerce is not yours. Really, I've been wandering around Geyuan Town all day, and I don't even know about it.

Lu Fenghua's 50 million yuan to buy a soul bone has been talked about all over the town. Mu Rou naturally knew, but she didn't expect that the auction would be such a soul bone. This soul bone is what his father wanted. How could the Chamber of Commerce take it out for auction? What's more, his brother is here, and there is no reason to mistake this soul bone for an ordinary soul bone auction.

Seeing that Mu Rou was still staring at the shoulder blade, Lu Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't think about this bone. This bone is very important to me. I won't give it to you."

Mu Rou wanted bones just to please his father. Lu Feng didn't give it, and she didn't care. She waved her hand and said, "Stingy, it's just a broken bone. My father has a lot." Lu Feng said a few times in his heart, "Depressed, don't bother me." Mu Rou suddenly smiled and said, "Do you really want such a bone?" Lu Feng said, "Nonsense." Mu Ju: "Then if there is a chance, can I steal a few pieces from my father for you?"

Lu Feng's heart trembled, and then said calmly, "No." Although he really wants to get the soul bone, it is not his style to use others by any means.

"If you don't need it, it's like Miss Ben is swung to you." Mu Rou walked to one side angrily.

Lu Feng shook her head with a smile and raised the shoulder blade flat in the palm of her hand, gathering the central wisdom. The power of the soul stirred. The soul of the skull, the left collarbone, and the left palm bone gradually spread out, passing along the left shoulder blade of the palm of the hand.

The left shoulder blade immediately felt and slowly shook.


The power of his soul spit out, and his shoulder blade flew up and shot at his left back shoulder.

"Ka~" shoulder blade directly made a blood hole in the left back shoulder and entered the body.

Seeing this scene, Murou suddenly screamed: "Are you crazy? What are you doing?"

Lu Feng didn't have a tone. The left shoulder blade has turned into a cold soul in his body, and he is absorbing these soul gases to refine the bones.

This is an extremely painful and enjoyable process.

Mu Rou took out a bottle of medicine and poured it on the blood hole in his left back shoulder. He felt that the skin on his left back shoulder was healing. He still didn't say anything and was still treated by Murou.

He felt Mu Rou's smooth fingers sliding on his left shoulder, and also smelled the faint body fragrance from Mu Rou's body. Fragrant, charming and intoxicating...

"What's going on? Why can't you stop?"

The skin had just healed, but it rotted in an instant. Mu Rou looked at the black impurities overflowing from the rotten flesh and blood and was a little panicked.

Exclude bone impurities and refine bones, which is the most critical and painful step in absorbing soul bones. Lu Feng was sweaty and gritted his teeth and said, "No... don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

The soul has been fully sucked into his left shoulder blade. As long as the quenching bone is completed, it will be completed.

"Oh. OK, I'll wipe it for you." Murou took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the discharged black impurities...

It's so comfortable! He gently smelled the unique body fragrance from Mu Rou's body. The body fragrance is very fresh, and he feels that it can relieve the pain caused by hardening bones.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened and shouted, "Lai Liu, Lai Liu."

Mu Rou was shocked and said, "What's wrong with you?" Lu Feng said, "A pile of chaotic breath is going upstairs, no more than 20 people. If it is expected to be good, it should be coming to us." Mu Judo: "Are you all here to die?" Lu Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I still need some time. Wake up Lai Liu quickly."

"Okay." Mu Rou walked over and kicked Lai Liu: "Pig, wake up, pig, wake up, wake up, the pig slaughterer is coming."

Lai Liuteng sat up and said, "What is pig slaughter? Who are you talking about?

Lu Feng said in a low voice, "Your mother, don't quarrel. I'll have to take a while. If a group of people outside come to us, you can resist first." After saying that, he closed his eyes and refined his shoulder blades wholeheartedly.

Lai Liu jumped from **, took out eight black small boxes from the spiritual ring and threw them at the door and window, and then pulled Murou to hide behind the bed. Mu Rou asked why she wanted to hide. Lai Liu shouted, "Shut up!" He took out a long iron bow, three bright, white arrows, bent his bow and arrows, aiming at the door.


The door was kicked open, and four or five men in blue rushed in directly with swords.


Lai Liuyi drank, and the "vine wrapped" that was just thrown on the ground immediately stretched out a green rattan and wrapped around the legs of these people.

"Weng Luotang", a first-level control trap, has a three-second binding time. These people's legs were entangled and they couldn't move.

At this time, Lai Liu's hands were loosened, and three arrows shot out with white light, "Puff, poof, poof." Three shots directly shot through the heads of the three of them.