Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 148 Three Steps, Die!

Lai Liu covered with "broken ice armor" and greatly increased his confidence.

He moved his muscles and bones and admired judo: "You go and help him. I'll deal with these bastards."

Mu Rou nodded, covered herself with "broken ice armor" and ran to Lu Feng. Two families rushed to block it. She turned over her palms together, and the "broken ice palms" patted out and fell directly to the ground.

Lai Liu turned around, squeezed his eyes at the three seemingly master-looking men, and waved, "Come on, let you see what a genius is."

Genius has always been hated.

One of the three men's entry-level warriors was extremely hot and stabbed him directly: "Fuck your mother's genius." Lai Liu dodged sideways, put away his dagger, took out the dazzling yellow bright black iron dagger, and cut it away. With a "ding" sound, the sword was directly cut off. The dagger kept going and stabbed directly into the abdomen of the entry warrior. The warrior knew that the attack of the top-grade black iron dagger could not resist the armor he was wearing, and jumped back.

Lai Liuyi smiled and was about to make a "longbu" when he suddenly felt a hot air ball coming. Looking up, it was the entry-level tactician of the three who hit a "fireball skill", and he hurriedly avoided it sideways. Unexpectedly, as soon as he avoided it, a coyote roared from the right side.

He bent down and narrowly escaped. He turned his head and looked at the coyote and saw a bright mark shining in the middle of the coyote's eyebrows. This is the mark of the underworld. Needless to say, there is a wizard. He looked sideways and saw an extra burnt wooden stick in the hand of the family behind the entry-in warrior.

Lai Liu looked at the three men who were staring in front of him and couldn't help crying, "A warrior, a wizard, and a wizard, and their strength is similar to mine. This is a fucking fight. Lu Feng didn't suck the soul bone in the morning, but he didn't suck the soul bone at this moment. Shit. He turned his head and looked at Mu Rou and Lu Feng. Mu Rou didn't know when she put on a set of entry-level soul clothes, with grass-green light all over her body, long hair dancing, palms dancing together, standing in front of Lu Feng, and fighting with the extremely family regardless of you and me. And Lu Feng is still sitting so much and doesn't know when it will end.

In his distraction, a black fog quietly enveloped him from above his head. He smelled a foul smell and the scream was not good. When he wanted to dodge, the black fog had encountered the "broken ice armor" and made a "slurping" sound. Hearing this sound, he knew that the black fog was extremely corrosive.

He did not dare to be distracted and launched the middle-level body fighting skill of the entry stage: Youlongbu, his body turned into a red dragon, and shot at the entry-level tactician who was condensing the fireball again.

The warrior is a little difficult to deal with, and he doesn't have the ability to kill it instantly. He doesn't want to struggle with soldiers. If you want to win, you must quickly get rid of the wizard and wizard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, the entry-level warrior shouted: "Sword dance!" He launched a combat skill and stabbed him directly in the back. He complained bitterly and had to go back to fight. At this time, the Fushi fireball condensed and hit him directly. He felt hot and quickly dodged sideways. The soldier found that he was trying to stab him with a few swords to dodge. He stagnated and waved a dagger to block it. In this block, the fireball hit the "broken ice armor". The "broken ice armor" has just been corroded by the witch's poisonous fog. At this time, it bears another fireball, which immediately "crips" and disappears and disappears.


It was also at this moment that the soldier stepped on a big foot. He could not dodge and was directly trampled on his chest and turned to the ground.

"Kid, you'd better just take it."

The warrior stepped forward step by step.

"Three against one, I'm embarrassed to shout, I pooh." Lai Liu turned up, spit out, and shouted, "side dance!" He launched a high-level attack fighting skill and stabbed thousands of daggers all over the warrior.

Lu Feng heard Lai Liu's scolding and slowly opened his eyes.

Murou fought hard in front of him and was already sweating profusely.

Lai Liu is worse. He is entangled by the warrior and has to beware of the sneak attacks of wizards and wizards from time to time. I'm afraid he will be defeated soon.

At the door, he saw a twenties-old man in a white robe looking at the situation on the scene with his hands behind his back. This man must be the "head" of these families. On the left back of the head, there is also a man in a silver brocade dress and holding a one meter long thorn. Although the man stood behind the head, his head was raised high and looked very arrogant.

The situation is not optimistic. If these two men take action, Lai Liu and Murou may be defeated immediately. He took a long breath and closed his eyes slightly.

The quenching has been completely completed, and he should have stood up to join the battle. But he felt something more subtle. He felt that the soul of the left collarbone and the left shoulder blade were entangled together. This situation was the same as when he condensed the "hand of death that day". He would like to see what the left collarbone and the left shoulder blade could condense.

Entanglement, condensation, pulling up, as if slowly forming a prototype of a shoulder armor...


There was a sound in front of the left, and he immediately heard Lai Liu's abuse. Lai Liu was tricked again. His heart twitched and stirred the soul of the skull more violently with the power of the soul. He felt that the soul of the skull was the leader, and only the soul of the skull could complete this process well.

The shape of the shoulder armor formed by the soul became more and more obvious, and his heart became excited. Yes, that's the shoulder armor, the left shoulder armor condensed from the left collarbone and the left shoulder blade...


Mu Rou screamed in pain, and then he felt a soft body leaning against his chest.

He didn't open his eyes and whispered, "Don't move."

Mu Rou's eyes flashed twice and did not move, so she leaned on Lu Feng's chest.

"Yellow...yellow-haired girl, still... quite powerful, don't do it, give it... get up."

A family man who was covered with ice crumbs and was beaten by Mu Rou's "broken ice palm" and slowly came forward with a long sword that saw blood. It was this sword that just pierced Murou's right shoulder.

Mu Rou covered her right shoulder and scolded, "Don't get up. What are you?"

"Hey...hey~, come to catch...catch you up." That Ding was so trembling that he still wanted to laugh, so he stepped forward step by step.

"Bah, shameless, lazy toad." Mu Rou felt disgusted and spit out.

The family's face suddenly changed, and the smile turned into a ferocious smile.

The distance is getting closer and closer. Murou waved her hand and said, "You... Don't come over. You will die three more steps."

"Haha~ three steps, I'll show you five steps."

The Ding pedal came over. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took three steps, a dark shadow shot out of Murou's hand. The Ding only said that it was a hidden weapon or something, flashing sideways, but unexpectedly, the shadow was a living thing. It turned in mid-air and shot directly into his neck. He was shocked and reached out to grab it, but touched a cold, slippery thing.

"Snake, snake!" He shouted, and the long sword landed with his hands between his necks.

Unexpectedly, the snake slipped into his mouth while his mouth was wide open. He stretched out his hand and took it out in his mouth, but only took it out twice, and his body "dong" fell to the ground, and there was no movement.