Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 197 Assessment after March

Dier listened to these words and snorted coldly, "Did you give you three months to fool around?" Let me tell you, these three months are a conscious and dynamic assessment. Only the disciples who are conscious, practicing and want to be strong are the disciples we want. I believe that every disciple who wants to be a strong person will never waste these three months and will give me a satisfactory answer. After a pause, Deere continued, "As for the assessment method, we will first evaluate according to the root points. Next, listen to my password and raise your hand with more than 1,000 points."

1000 points? Oh, my God, how can it be? Even if you do tasks day and night, you can't have 1,000 points.

"Yes, this instructor Deere is not crazy."

When countless disciples were talking, some people raised their hands, about 50 or 60 people. Among these people, Lu Feng saw Mu Yu and Mu Rou.

How is it possible? How can they have so many points?"


At this time, Lu Feng and Lai Liu looked at each other and smiled and raised their hands high. The two of them raised their hands, and more than 200 hands were raised among the "six doors" members behind them.

"Six doors are six doors. Do you think there are so many people in the six doors?"

"Yes, six doors, Xu Lin alone compensated them 25 points, and they almost occupied the whole trading place... Alas, if only we had joined the six doors."

Countless foreign disciples cast envious eyes at the "six doors", and instructor Deere also looked at Lu Feng in surprise. He also heard about the bet between the old mainland Feng of "Six Doors" and Xu Lin, a disciple of the inner door. He looked at Lu Feng and wanted to find something from Lu Feng, but he couldn't see anything. Even his soul power disappeared strangely as soon as he entered the other party's body.

Dier was stunned for a moment, withdrew his eyes and said loudly, "Is there anything else?" Seeing that no one raised his hand again, he said, "Okay, you go to Instructor Fath for the second review of the elite class."

"Is there a second assessment?" Lu Feng thought about it and walked to the instructor Fas on the rostrum with the members of the "six doors" whose roots were more than 1,000.

Mu Rou and Mu Yu are waiting for Lu Feng. Lu Feng smiled at Mu Rou and Mu Yu and asked Zhong Yuan to take his men first. Mu Yu is Mu Rou's brother, so he naturally can't lose his courtesy. Murou shouted to Lu Feng and Lai Liu, "Well, last time you fought with Xu Lin, how dare you not call me." Lu Feng smiled and said, "Isn't it in a hurry to inform you?" Mu Yu said, "Brother Feng is amazing. The inner disciples have been defeated by Brother Feng." Lu Feng said, "No, I'm just more patient. It's just a fluke, which made Brother Yu laugh." Mu Judo: "Oh, oh, why have I ever heard that you are so modest?" Lu Feng said, "Go, what are you going to do?" Lai Liu said, "Let's go and talk while walking."

There has been a long queue on the rostrum. Zhong Yuan waved in front of him and motioned Lu Feng and others to jump the queue. Lu Feng waved his hand and lined up at the end, wriggling with the team. Mu Yu said, "If you can't expect it, this is an assessment of the bone value." Lu Feng said, "Maybe. After all, the root point is only virtual, and the root bone value is the core."

At this time, I heard Dill shout, "If the root point is 500, go to Kaga to review the ordinary class. If the root point is 500, go to the garbage class." Murou looked at the crowd allocated in the square and laughed, "Hee hee, look, there is still a lot of garbage?" Lai Liu said, "It's a lot. Fortunately, I don't have any garbage on my 'six doors'." Mu Yu said, "The six doors of the two brothers are famous for the whole outer door. How can there be garbage?" Lu Feng smiled and said nothing.

The assessment of the elite class is still continuing, and it is indeed the measurement of the root bone value. There are six root bone values. Only if the total root bone value is more than 50 points can enter the elite class. Even if the root point is more than 1,000 points, if the root bone value does not reach more than 50 points, you cannot enter the elite class. In this screening, nearly nine-tenths of the members of the "Six Doors" were brushed down and went to the ordinary class.

After such a review, there were only 32 people left in the whole elite class. Fortunately, Lu Feng, Lai Liu, Murou, Mu Yu and Zhong Yuan were all there, and only 12 members of the "Six Doors" entered the elite class. Even so, they also accounted for half of the whole elite class.

When measuring the root bone value, I still didn't tell each disciple the detailed root bone value, but it was too much. This made Lu Feng very puzzled.

After the second trial of the elite class, Deere came over and asked the two elite class students to stand up and said, "Okay, in the future, you will be the disciples of our elite class. In the future, I will take care of your training." Fath handed Dill the list of elite classes, and Dill took over and said, "I'm going to call the roll and answer whichever I want." Deere called one by one. When he came to Murou, he couldn't help but be surprised and said, "It's amazing. There is actually a female classmate in my elite class? OK." Mu Ju: "What's wrong with the female classmates?" Dill said, "No, I just want to remind you that the cruel training of the elite class is not what you can bear. I hope you can bear it." Mu Judo: "Well, I'd like to see how cruel it is." Dill shook his head and continued to call the roll. Murou muttered to Lu Feng, "He still looks down on me." Lu Feng smiled and said nothing.

After the call, Dill nodded and said, "Good, 32 classmates, I hope no one of you will fall behind in the next training. From tomorrow, the real training will begin. The first step is the training of basic attack power and basic endurance for 6 months. I want to explain about this training. Each of our training is aimed at the training of root bone value. You can enter our elite class. Naturally, there is nothing to say about cultivation talent. As long as you abide by my training rules, I guarantee that you can get full marks of root bone value. As soon as this was said, the students of the elite class were excited. Unexpectedly, Dill's tone turned around and said, "That's what I said, but few of them can complete my training regulations. In a few years, only one has appeared."

Lu Feng knew that what Dier said was Mo Leng, the son of Modan.

Dill continued: "There is only one training for each bone value. For example, this time we will first carry out a six-month basic attack and endurance training. If you can increase the basic attack power and endurance to 10 points in these six months, then congratulations, you have done it. If it is less than 10 points, there is no way. Next, we will go into the rest of the bone training. After some training, the time for your graduation assessment will come, so as an instructor, I hope you can seize the training opportunity every day. Do you understand the horse?"

"I understand."

"Shing up, I can't hear you."

"I understand."

"Okay, that's all for today's lecture. Let's meet at six o'clock tomorrow morning and disband."

After Dill's lecture, he was disbanded.