Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 200 Basic Insight Training

Dier is gone.

Lu Feng sat quietly by the lake one by one, listening to the deafening waterfall in a daze.

The night is already very deep. He didn't want to sleep yet. He looked at the waterfall and recalled what Deere had said. A man sat a little lonely, so he summoned Yiyi. Yiyi jumped up happily as soon as she came out. He looked at Yiyi and thought that if Yiyi could talk, he could talk and accompany him to his loneliness.

Yiyi may have been locked up for too long, and as soon as she comes out, she is like a happy puppy. After a long time, he stopped and ran back to Lu Feng's side and kept rubbing his head against Lu Feng. Lu Feng touched Yiyi's head and stood up and said, "Just play here. I'm going to practice." Then he plunged into the lake.

He didn't expect that Yiyi also plunged into the lake. Yiyi in the lake was like a fish in water, playing more happily, and rushed up and down, with an indescribably beautiful posture. Only then did he know that Yiyi likes water, and maybe Yiyi is a water beast.

He looked at the waterfall and swam over. After the water wave was photographed, he tried to condense the fighting spirit to meet the water waves as Deere said. He failed again and was knocked over by the water waves again and again. His fighting spirit was aroused again and again, and he swam more crazily...

The training continues day by day. Gradually, the students of the elite class are gradually familiar with climbing with heavy burdens, and their footsteps are no longer staggering. Lu Feng also adapted to the two backpacks, but he still deliberately pulled the last one, so that he could stay on the mountain in the name of punishment and continue to practice at night. Lai Liu said that he was suffering alive, and he said that he just liked to suffer alive.

Ten days later, Lu Feng was finally able to float in front of the waterfall against the huge waves photographed. As Deere said, being able to stand in front of the waterfall is the real beginning of practicing basic attack power. The waterfall is like a strong man. He can't stand in front of the waterfall, but he is not even qualified to challenge the strong. Now he has at least this qualification to challenge the strong.

He punched out of the waterfall, and then his hand touched the waterfall. The whole hand was overturned, and the whole right arm was as painful as dislocated, which shows how strong it is. He looked at the waterfall with a wry smile and wanted what Ruo Dir said, a waterfall in a boxing to form a cyclone. How much experience and endurance the fist would be, not to mention half a year, that is, a year or two, he felt that it was absolutely impossible.

He rubbed his arm for a while, gritted his teeth and punched out again. As a result, he was still overturned and painful. After trying several more times, his arm was finally dislocated. He thought it would be useless to continue to practice like this, so he had to give up and think about the doorway.

At this time, he actually saw Yiyi shooting into the waterfall and shooting out again. His posture was very vigorous and beautiful. He was a little puzzled and wondered why Yiyi could go in and out, but he would not be slapped down by the huge momentum of the waterfall. He swam over and observed carefully, and found that Yiyi was surrounded by dense scales. The waterfall was photographed, and when he touched the scales, it naturally slipped down the scales, that is to say, the pressure was basically removed by the scales. He was a little frustrated and returned to the shore. Yiyi has scales, but he doesn't have scales, so naturally he can't be like Yiyi.

Two days later, almost all elite class students can stand in front of the waterfall. At this moment, they all faced the same problems as Lu Feng. When they asked Instructor Deere how to do it, the answer given by Instructor Deere was to understand it by himself. Self-understanding, perhaps only self-understanding can you understand the key points.

After that, every night, Lu Feng, Lai Liu, Murou and Mu Yu all stayed on the "Tianfeng" and practiced boxing in front of the waterfall. They were all people who were unwilling to admit defeat. Although the purpose is different, Lu Feng and Mu Yu want to be strong, Lai Liu is unwilling to be cancelled by Lu Feng, and Mu Rou wants to accompany Lu Feng, but in any case, they all have a tough heart. Only such a heart can understand the way in thousands of trials.

One night three months later, Lu Feng shouted loudly. He punched the waterfall and endured it for five seconds before his arm fell. Although there is only a difference of four seconds between five seconds and one second, this is just the beginning, indicating that Lu Feng has touched the doorway. As long as he persists, he is bound to succeed. A few days later, Lai Liu, Mu Yu and Murou also realized the middle door one after another. This is the result of the hard practice of the four people. After that, they were more diligent, from one second to five seconds to ten seconds, and the time slowly increased, from one punch to ten punches and a hundred punches. They have left the other students in the elite class far behind. When other students asked Lu Feng how to do it, Lu Feng only had one answer: "Hold on, be patient, bear it."

Lu Feng told the truth, but those students thought that Lu Feng had reservations, but those students just thought about it. They didn't dare to say it in front of Lu Feng.

Time flies, five months have passed in a blink of an eye, and after five months of training, Lu Feng can easily run with two backpacks, even faster than some students carrying a backpack. With the practice of basic attack power, Lu Feng can already condense a small cyclone on his fist. Under the impact of the waterfall, the cyclone is like an airbag that can be changed at will. No matter how the impact is, it can remove all the pressure.

Dill is very satisfied with Lu Feng's performance. If he expects it well, Lu Feng's basic endurance and basic attack power have reached full marks. However, this is only his guess. As for the specific amount, he still needs to be tested to know. He didn't want to tell Lu Feng the good news that Lu Feng needed such a training and needed this process. Whether his two root bone values reached full marks or not, this training process was only good for him, and there was no harm at all.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last day of six months. On this day, Instructor Deere called all the students to the front for testing one by one. As Dill expected, Lu Feng's basic attack power and basic endurance are 10 points, Lai Liu's basic attack power is 9 points, and the basic endurance value is also 10 points. Both of Mu Yu are also 10 o'clock, and Mu Rou is a little worse. Both of them are 9 o'clock. Although this is quite rare for Mu Rou, a legalist, it still makes Murou look unhappy.

Lai Liu and Mu Yu are out, and there are no more full students. Dill is very satisfied with this result. If there are two full-value students, it will be foolproof that he will be promoted to the elder level. No elder dares to oppose it. Even if he opposes it, it is absolutely invalid. This is a dead rule.

After the training of basic endurance and basic attack power, the next step is the training of basic defense, basic dodge, basic insight and basic action. These trainings are more cruel and cruel than one. As students of the elite class, they can only endure, endure, endure and become strong. In a series of training, three students fell down and withdrew from the elite class training, and two students became disabled and had to go home. Two students were timid and gave up on their own. After nearly a year and a half of training, there are only 25 students left in the 32 elite class.

In these trainings, Lu Feng is as strict with himself. He is full value in every training, while Mu Yu unfortunately only achieved 9 points in the assessment of basic defense. In this way, the hope of achieving full value falls on Lu Feng. Lai Liu was good. In addition to the basic attack power, he got 10 points, while Murou only got 9 points in the assessment of basic defense, which made him very unhappy. In fact, as a forensic, Murou's basic defense is the weakness of the forensics. It is very rare for her to get 9 points. However, for the root bone value, only when the full value is obtained will there be an attribute point bonus in the future level promotion, and 9 points will naturally not get any bonus.

The last one is the training of basic insight, and the training time is still 6 months.

The training of insight is a very boring training. All the students were gathered at a cliff called "Wangya Peak" and were stunned by the stone wall. Instructor Deere said that there were countless figures fighting in the stone wall. When will they clearly see the figures and their moves? It's passed.

There is no more boring training than this. But there is nothing they can do. They can only do what Instructor Deere said.

At this stage of training, many elite students have given up psychologically when several bone values have not been full, so they have begun to muddle along. They simply close their eyes and sleep when they have insight into the wall, like this every day.

Lu Fengzai couldn't stand it when he still couldn't see a person after looking at it carefully for a month, and even suspected whether what Instructor Deere said was true or false. At this time, Lai Liu suddenly stood up and dodged left and right. Lu Feng thought that Lai Liu had seen something wrong all day and hurried to Lai Liu, but Lai Liu said, "Don't move, don't move. I saw it. It's not good. Someone stabbed me with a sword." With that, he flashed to the right. Lu Feng smiled and said, "Don't pretend. I don't know your trick yet?" Lai Liu said, "I'm serious, alas, don't disturb me."

At this time, Instructor Deere came over and said, "What he said is true. He did see it. I believe it." Lu Feng said, "Really?" Instructor Dill said, "Really, he is a hunter, and basic insight is the hunter's strength. It's not surprising that he sees it." Lu Feng just remembered this and immediately believed it. Seeing Lai Liu's dancing and indulging in it, Lu Feng and others couldn't help swallowing their saliva and more seriously insight into the stone wall in front of them.

As a hunter, Lai Liu does have unique advantages in basic insight, which is almost unmatched. Two months later, Lai Liu completed the basic insight training. After the assessment, Instructor Deere announced that all the training of Lai Liu had been completed and could go back and wait for the final assessment results.