Ask for Magic

Chapter 81 Can't!

The seventh layer of the coagulation state, the minimum number of blood lines required is 243!

At today's speed, its blood line has reached 224, only 19 points away from the seventh floor of the blood clotting realm! This speed of climbing is extremely shocking to anyone, which is different from the improvement of Su Ming's cultivation when climbing Fengzhen Mountain. After all, Su Ming seems to have improved a lot in a heart-hearted way, but in fact, he still follows the principle of gradual progress and increases the blood line little by little. .

But now, it's completely different! At this moment, Su Ming's blood line in his body was forced to improve, which was blown up with a large amount of Luo Yun's juice. After Luo Yunye swallowed to the limit, he forcibly absorbed a drop of dust and blood.

Improve your cultivation in this way. Except for Su Ming, a reasonable person will never do so. After all, this kind of thing is fatal to himself! Otherwise, many people will make themselves stronger in this way.

But Su Ming, do you have any other choice... Or put up with it, don't think about the safety of the tribe, don't think about the life and death of the clan, don't think about whether Grandpa can come back, and don't think about whether his family may be facing extermination.

Don't think about anything, just care about your own well-being, stay here, wait silently, may have suffering, may have confusion and bitterness, but it will not be life-threatening.

It may be right to do so, which is also the way that Grandpa pointed out to him.

After all, in the eyes of many people, Su Ming is just a weak person. When he goes back, he just dies. What can he do?

But Su Ming did not allow himself to choose this path. Everything he had become stronger before was for the tribe, and his character was also cowardly, but this cowardice was deeply hidden, and when he encountered such a thing now, the cowardice immediately dissipated and was replaced by his firmness and persistence of Su Ming!

From childhood to old age, most of the people in the tribe have been kind to him. There are his friends, there are familiar clans, there are aunts in the clan who took care of him when he was a teenager, there are grandfathers who taught him to learn language and the kind people in those clans, and the bits and pieces of his 16 years

He can't clearly know that there is a crisis in the tribe, but he is indifferent in order to survive. He can't clearly know that the clan people are facing life and death, but he can't flinch. What's more, he can't wait silently when the tribe is even likely to face the extinction of the clan.

He is a teenager, a teenager under the age of 17, and he is also afraid of death... He doesn't know anything about it, but he understands that the tribe is his home!

Now that his homeland is in crisis, he must not ignore it. Even if he dies, he will die in the war to protect his homeland!

This is Su Ming.

He may be impulsive and led to madness. Maybe his madness is incomprehensible and needs to be questioned in the eyes of many people, but all this exists in his bones. He has long regarded the Wushan Department as his home.

His family is in crisis, his friends are facing life and death, and his grandfather will probably never see it again. His young and always kind family members seem to be crying. Can he... not be crazy...

Su Ming looked up to the sky and roared, and his whole body trembled. The blood in his body that was constantly absorbed by him was quickly integrating into his qi and blood. Under the micro-control, it dispersed crazily, making the blood line in his body show signs of climbing again.

Su Ming's eyes were blood-red, and he looked ferocious. The madness of his terrible appearance made him look like a fierce ghost now. With the mausty of the blood line in his body, a powerful force emerged from Su Ming's whole body, making his roar echo and rushing out again from the retreat. This time, he did not Instead, he hit the sealed door with his body and his shoulder.

With a bang, Su Ming's whole body suddenly hit the door. The door shook, and the ice and snow statue formed by the seal outside appeared several cracks again.

But this seal is under Agong Mo Sangbu. How can it be easily opened by Su Ming? Grandpa's purpose is very clear, that is, to limit Su Ming's footsteps, prevent him from entering danger, but wait here!

However, Grandpa miscalculated. He didn't expect that Su Ming had such a determination to do such a crazy thing in order to get out of here, which even Grandpa did not expect.

He only guessed that Su Ming would be unwilling, but with Su Ming's cultivation, he couldn't get out of this room! In Grandpa's eyes, Su Ming will always be a child.

Tears flowed in Su Ming's eyes. The fusion of tears and blood made him look like blood and tears, but Su Ming still did not give up. He stepped back a few steps and rushed forward again. The roar continued. Su Ming roared crazily and hit the door with his body.

In this impact, the blood line in his body increased again, 227, 231, and 233!

Boom boom!! The whole room shook, as if it was about to collapse, as if the room had turned into a cage at this moment, which was sealed with a strong beast. But at this moment, in the struggle of the beast, the cage could not bear it. The ice and snow on the door of the room seemed to be quite similar. At this moment, there were more cracks and more But it still exists!

"I want to protect the tribe..." Su Ming's eyes were blurred, and his mind was not awake, but in this blur and unconsciousness, it contained amazing persistence. He muttered, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood and hit it again.

The roar echoed, and the blood line of Su Ming's body increased again because of the impact and the wild blood that was being rapidly absorbed in his body, from 233 to 237!

"I want to go back to the tribe..." Su Ming was desperate and hit the door again. The roar had echoed for a long time. The cracks in the door were enlarged a lot. The whole door is now full of blood. The blood belongs to Su Ming. The blood represents Su Ming's persistence!

"I want to fight for the tribe!!!" Su Ming roared and bumped into it again. At the moment when he hit the door of the room with his head, the blood line in Su Ming's body rose directly from 237, reaching the moment of 243, and a magnificent power of breakthrough emerged in Su Ming's body.

This force was the outbreak when the sixth layer of the blood clotting realm broke through and stepped into the seventh layer. This force emerged in Su Ming's body and completely bombarded into the door with the impact of his body.

The roar was shocking, but I saw the sudden vibration of the door, but with a click, the door was pushed open half by the life. The ice and snow outside it was broken a lot, and a large amount of snow splashed out, making it look incomplete!

But the power of the forbidden seal is still there, but it seems to have reached the limit of its seal!

The corners of Su Ming's mouth overflowed with blood, and his body staggered back. He suddenly looked up. The 243 blood lines in his body burst out with a huge blood light. At the speed of the blood light, his whole body was full of breath and pressure with a sense of tyrannical feeling. At this moment, he had directly

Blood clotting, the seventh floor!

From the seventh floor to the eighth floor, it takes 390 pieces of blood. Once you step into the eighth floor, it means that you have become the peak of the middle stage of blood clotting! Taking another step and stepping into the ninth floor can be called the late stage of blood clotting!

You should know that in the whole Wushan tribe, as far as Su Ming knows, the head and the mountain marks are the eighth floor of the blood coagulation realm. As for the patriarch, his cultivation should be beyond these two. Su Ming guessed that even if it is not the ninth layer of blood coagulation, it should be infinitely close.

It can be seen that the strength of the eighth layer of coagulation also shows that the lower seventh layer is rare! In the whole Wushan Department, there are not no people with seven layers of blood clotting, but the limited number of people are like the generation of patriarchs, and now most of them are deputy leaders of the hunting team.

Among the younger generation, Su Ming at this moment deserves to be the first person in the Wushan Department! Although, despite the existence of a fatal crisis, he was forced to rise, and it was very unstable.

But Su Ming didn't care. He saw hope, saw the vibration of the door, and saw the broken ice and snow statue formed by the seal outside it. At this moment, he rushed out again and bombarded the door of the room.

But although the door seems to be blown open, and the ice and snow outside are even more dilapidated, no matter how Su Ming hits, it is still not broken in the continuous bombardment. Obviously, with the cultivation of the seventh layer of the blood coagulation realm, it is not enough to break the seal of the Grandpa, but a little bit

But now, it is the limit of Su Ming, and the sky is full of wind and snow, and there is no bright moon. In such a weather, it is impossible for him to use the power of moonlight to burn blood again!

Although the wind and snow now have signs of weakening, it seems that it will not last long and will stop. At that time, maybe the moon in the sky will still be revealed, but if we wait, the torture of the passage of time will be unacceptable to Su Ming.

He is so crazy that he wants to get out of the room as quickly as possible and return to the tribe at his extreme speed. If it is delayed, he dares not think about the disaster that may happen...

Seeing that the door could not be completely opened, Su Ming had despair in his eyes. He staggered back and smiled miserably on his face, but he had not given up. Under a sad roar, Su Ming's 243 blood lines constantly moved with the qi and blood in his body.

"Heartbeat...heartbeat!!" Su Ming looked ferocious. The method of micro-control he realized in Fengzhen Mountain completely broke out at this moment, but he saw 243 blood lines on his body, dissipating one by one, two hundred and twenty-five, one hundred and eighty-two... until ninety-three, seventy-five, forty-seven...

Finally, when the blood line of his body disappeared one by one, leaving only one, Su Ming raised his head, and his eyes showed a terrible persistence.

"Gun... You can't stop me from going back to the tribe!" Su Ming slowly closed his eyes. After a moment, at the moment he suddenly opened, he saw that there was only one blood line left on his body, and suddenly he continuously emitted a stronger and stronger red light at a very fast speed!

This is not a blood line. As its red light becomes stronger and stronger, this is clearly Su Ming's technique of micro-control. In this blood line, more blood lines are constantly overlapping. Almost in an instant, the red light of the blood line seems to have reached the extreme. This blood line seems to be one, but in fact, this is 243 blood Overlap together!

This is the outbreak!

"I want to go back to the tribe. I, Su Mingsheng, am a member of the Wushan tribe. Death is the soul of the Wushan tribe!!" Su Ming clenched his fist, and the 243 blood lines in his body overlapped. In the blood light, it seemed to twist and spread, and went straight to Su Ming's right fist.


This is the third update, but the third update is not an outbreak, and there is the fourth update, which is being written. Please recommend!!! Can today's recommended ticket reach 7,000, or more than 7,000?