Ask for Magic

Chapter 85 Reluctance Home

"Su Ming, you..." Grandpa subconsciously opened his mouth, but when he saw the blood in Su Ming's eyes, Su Ming's fatigue and silent persistence, he could no longer say these words, because he also felt the tragic price behind Su Ming's persistence.

In his eyes, Su Ming at this moment is like an arrow off the string. This arrow, with an amazing sharpness, is not stained with blood, and no one can stop it!

"Gong... I'm back." Su Ming returned as usual when he went out, and opened his mouth softly.

A Gong looked at Su Ming, with relief, reluctance, hesitation, and a kind of complexity that Su Ming could not recognize.

"Are you going to fight for the tribe?" After a long time, Grandpa spoke softly.

Su Ming nodded silently.

"Even if you die, are you willing?" Grandpa was silent for a moment and spoke again.

"Everyone has a death. If I die in the war of guarding my home, I have no regrets!" Su Ming's calm words spoke his heart.

"Good, Su Ming, Grandpa won't stop you. Since this is your choice, I will give you a chance to fight for the tribe!" Grandpa closed his eyes, as if he was hesitating. After a long time, he suddenly opened it, revealing his decisiveness.

He knew in his heart that he could not stop it any more, otherwise, he didn't know what crazy things the child would do. Looking at Su Ming's tragedy, Grandpa was distressed and gratified.

At this moment, suddenly the assembled people were all quiet for a moment, and their eyes condensed outside the tribe, and at this moment, they walked into several people.

The patriarch was in front, followed by the head and the mountain marks, as well as the strong men of the sixth and seventh layers of blood coagulation of the Beiling and the tribe. They were tired and stained with blood and came back.

It's just that among them, when they left, there were obviously more people, but now, it's less. And many people have wounds, especially Beiling, whose face is pale and there is a lot of blood on his chest.

Everyone held the head of people who no longer dripped blood in their hands. Their return aroused the excitement and cheers of the tribes, and scattered one after another, so that these people could go directly to the place where the father-in-law was.

Bei Ling saw Su Ming, but at this moment, he was not indifferent as before, but silent and followed his father. It seemed that compared with the life and death of the tribe, his jealousy was insignificant.

If the tribe is gone, if the clan is dead, what else is there to be jealous of...

"Son-in-law, the stalking of the Black Mountain nearby has been scattered by us to search, and all of them have been killed. Now it should be safe outside and can be moved!" The group walked to the Grandpa, and the head of the Wushan tribe, with the heads of the two people in his hand, was still on the side. He opened his mouth in a low voice, and his words revealed a blood.

The people behind him also threw their heads away. In the silence, there was Xiao Killing.

Su Ming stood beside his father-in-law and silently looked at the patriarch and others. He saw the fatigue on them and the sadness hidden in the killing and blood.

It is not difficult for him to think that when the grandfather came back last night, when the clans of the tribe were ready to move, they must have encountered the first attack of the Ministry of Montenegro. The war was very fierce, which made it impossible for the clans to move. Until the end of the first war, under the order of the grandfather, the remnants It can be safely migrated.

After all, most of the tribes are ordinary people, and there are many women and children. To protect their safety, that is the future and hope of the tribe.

Grandpa nodded and glanced at all the clansmen. At this moment, the clansmen of the tribe, men, women, old and young, were also looking at him. Their eyes contained dependence and expectations.

"The clan..." Grandpa opened his mouth gently, and his words spread all around and fell into the ears of every clan.

"We don't want to leave our hometown... We don't want to leave the land that has lived for generations, and we don't want to be attached to the Fengzhen tribe from now on... But for the continuation of the Wushan Department, we... must do this!

We want to live, we will live!

Tell our descendants and tell ourselves that one day, we can still come back here, and we can also create our own home. On that day... We will return all the shame to the Ministry of Montenegro several times!!

I'm confident, do you... have any!!" Grandpa shouted loudly.

All the clansmen, at this moment, in the sadness, burst out the suppressed roar. The roar was shocking. Maybe there are not many clans in the Wushan Department, but this roar is the strongest roar of everyone's vitality.

"One day... our Wushan Department will come back... Now, migrate!!" Grandpa closed his eyes, but he didn't want to be invisible to the sadness in his eyes. With a big sleeve, the Wushan tribe who had suddenly gathered, under the help of each other and the protection of the barbarians of the tribe slowly moved, leaving the land that had been reproduced for generations to generation, and moved to the unknown distance.

The long crowd slowly left the abandoned tribe. In the Wushan area behind them, there was a faint black smoke coming out, and the ground was full of debris, revealing a sense of desolation and sadness.

The sound of crying came from the crowd, belonging to those Rasu who had not grown up, to those women who were afraid, and to every clan of the Wushan tribe.

The men in the

clan protected their relatives, held the confused children, and walked forward silently in the tears. Some slightly older Lasu were also afraid to hold their relatives' hands at this moment, crying and looking back.

Looking at the once familiarity, it seems that this scene will be turned into eternity and buried deep in the depths of memory, for fear that I will forget it, for fear that I can no longer remember... the way home.

Each of them can't help looking back, looking at the departing tribe and the former home...

In the crowd, there is an old man with vicissitudes of life. He is Nansong. He looked calm, as if he had seen through the years. At this moment, he carried a simple bag on his back and silently in the crowd, inconspicuous.

It's noon now. The sun is not strong. The snow on the ground is silvery, which can prick people's eyes, but no matter how strong the light is, it seems that it can't stop the clan's frequent turning back and the sad parting.

The home is getting farther and farther away, and the outline of the tribe is gradually blurred. You can only see the faint black smoke rising into the sky, and you can only see the broken trance, but the beauty of the former tribe has been engraved in the hearts of every clan. They... will not forget, reluctant to forget.

Su Ming turned around. Everything in the tribe was also imprinted in his memory. There was his childhood, his happiness, his growth. Every corner there he was familiar with, every land, he was unforgettable, and everything there... was... In his mind, he exists all his life.

As a last resort, no one wants to leave their hometown, no one wants to leave this familiar home, no one wants to go to the strange wind, and from then on, they have become affiliated.

However, this is the only way. It is the only way that can make the Wushan tribe not destroy the clan and continue to reproduce. This road is very far, very far away, and the process will be bumpy, but it must... go on.

The crisis is not over. On the contrary, the real danger has just begun. Previously, with the help of tribes, the Wushan tribe resisted the first wave of war in the Black Mountain. But now in the process of migration, the crowd is pulled into a long line, and most of them are ordinary people. They have no resistance in front of the barbarians

This migration is destined not to be safe...

Once the Wushan Department is defeated, they will be waiting for all the barbarians to die in battle, all the men will be slaughtered, wrapped children Rasu, but all men will die... The only thing that exists is the women of the Wushan Department. They will be driven into the Ministry of Montenegro and become things like property. The only role is For the people of the Ministry of Montenegro, for the rest of the years of dedication to the growth and humiliation of the Ministry of Montenegro.

The migration of hundreds of people can't be too fast, especially when there are men and a large number of Lasu and women. In this winter, in this cold, their crying is gradually less, and silence replaces everything.

They don't know where the future is. Maybe Fengzhen is the only one... But no one knows whether they can walk to the Fengzhen tribe alive...

In the process, how many people will die, how many people will no longer see their relatives, they don't know...

There are many young people in the crowd. They do not have a barbarian body. In the past, they rarely contributed to the tribe in the tribe. Most of them are willing to play, but because there have been barbarians who died in battle in their family before, as long as their actions are not too out of line, no one will pay attention to them

At this moment, these more than a dozen young people, with fear and fear, looked around in the crowd, hoping to go to Fengzhen at once.

Around this long crowd, the barbarians of the Wushan Department guarded silently with fatigue and persistence, and sometimes came forward to help some disabled old people. At the front of the team was the patriarch of the Wushan Department. He looked resolute and walked in front of him vigilantly. There were several barbarians behind him, all of whom were vigilant.

On both sides, in the rear, it was all like this. Grandpa walked at the end. He walked solemnly with a white bone stick in his hand and always paid attention to the surroundings. Beiling pulled Chenxin and walked silently on the right side of the team. His face was pale and there was more blood on his chest, but he didn't care

Lei Chen, Ula, and other barbarians in the tribe all followed around and were always vigilant.

On the left and right sides, the head and the mountain marks are of great responsibility, and they follow silently. The right hand of the lookout always holds its bow. If there is any wind blowing, he will open the bow and shoot an arrow at the first time! After him, there was an old man in the crowd, who glanced at the lookout with calm eyes from time to time.

This old man, Su Ming knows, is Nansong in the herbal room!

Shanhen looked as indifferent as ever. No one knew what he was thinking. At that time, a trace of complexity flashed from his squinting eyes was also ignored.

Su Ming followed the tribal migration crowd and listened to them crying. The crying gradually turned into silence. His heart was very painful. He looked at the familiar faces and their fear. Su Ming clenched his fists.

"Guard the tribe and fight for the tribe!" Su Ming muttered that his position was on the right side of the crowd, not far in front of him, and it was a mountain mark.

This position was not chosen by him, but assigned by A Gong at the time of migration. In Su Ming's arms, he held a five- or six-year-old girl, named Tong Tong. Now she has fallen asleep, but there are tears on her eyelashes.

Her father died in battle, and her mother also died last night, leaving her alone.

"Mom... Dad... Pipi..." The little girl was in a deep sleep, trembling like a nightmare. While she was in tears, she grabbed Su Ming's clothes.

Su Ming knew that Pipi was a little girl's pet beast. It was very cute and was often held in her arms.

"Tong Tong is obedient..." Su Ming patted her gently on the back, with sadness in his eyes. He felt that he had grown up all of a sudden...