Ask for Magic

Chapter 88 Funeral Song

"Who is he!! Wushanbu doesn't have such a cultivation at this age!!" The big man sprayed blood and looked shocked. He roared in his head and roared in his heart.

But Su Ming's speed was too fast. Almost at the same time as the big man hit the huge wooden fence, Su Ming approached again, with madness and killing. At the same time, he bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. As soon as the blood appeared, it immediately turned into a blood fog, which was the

As soon as this skill came out, he went straight to the big man. In the unbelievable look of the big man, at the same time, Su Ming's right hand, with the fastest speed, directly penetrated the blood fog and bombarded the big man's chest.

With a touch, the huge wooden fence was shocked. The big man's eyes suddenly opened wide and lost his color. Blood had a lot of benefits from the corners of his mouth, and his chest was punched through by Su Ming.

"Kill!!" Su Ming's eyes turned red and killed a man without stopping. He turned around and went straight to the rest of the Black Mountain barbarians beside him. Although his previous battle with the big man was very fast, he was seen by all the rest of the Black Mountain people in the nearby direction. They couldn't believe it and watched the deputy leader of their hunting team being bombard Even they couldn't see Su Ming's body, only a shadow flashing.

Not only them, but also the barbarians of the same clan around Su Ming were also shocked. They knew Su Ming and knew Su Ming. In their memory, Su Ming was just an ordinary clan. They had no time to think about why Su Ming was also in the barbarian team before, but at this moment, Su Ming's outbreak shocked them. At the same time, there is a strong exhilaration!!

With Su Ming's low roar, all seven or eight barbarians of the same race roared.


"Those who destroy my home, kill!!" Su Ming's eyes were red, his whole body was magnificent, and he punched it away!

"Those who slaughter our people, kill!!" One punch again.

"Kill my ethnic group, kill!!" Another punch.

Su Ming's figure flashed, and in the fear of more than a dozen Black Mountain men, he unfolded madness. He had never killed like this, never hated so much. At this moment, he no longer seemed to be a teenager less than 17 years old, but a crazy killer.

In the blood splashed everywhere, a roar came from Su Ming's ear. His heart was dripping blood. When a member was seriously injured, he chose the blood line to explode!

This is a war, this is a battle between invaders and guardians, this is the madness of tribes and tribes, this is the Wushan Department and the Black Mountain Department, the endless hatred of hundreds of years!

The sudden increase of barbarians in the Black Mountain made the war more and more fierce. There are not many barbarians in the Wushan Department, and the number is less than that in the Black Mountain. But at this moment, every clan of the Wushan tribe is in that persistence, in order to protect their homes, to protect the people, for their tribes,

Death, it's nothing! Fight for your home, fight for your tribe, fight for your children, fight for your parents, this is the most brilliant moment in your life!

The crowd protected by light, in the silence, there was a cry, and the sound of crying echoed, mixed with a call. They are crying, for the son who protects them, for the father who protects them, for the barbarians who protect them, crying...

"Mom, why is the sky blue... Is it because there, it's Dad looking at us..."

"Dad, why did the stars in the night blink... Is my mother there, looking at us..." I don't know who was the first to whisper. Slowly, almost all the people protected by light muttered in the crying.

Their voices merged together and gradually turned into a deep sound wave, revealing a softness and sadness, but in the softness and sadness, there was an indescribable thought.

These words belong only to the Wushan tribe, which is in the Wushan tribe. Whenever a clan dies, the whole clan surrounds the fire, looking at the dead clan and singing sad words.

"Rasu, don't be lonely in the sky, don't be sad, don't cry, Mom and Dad are looking at you on the earth... Every year, every day... looking at you..."

"I won't cry, I won't be sad, I won't be lonely, I know you are there, look at me there... I'm very happy..."

The words, in the midst of crying, gradually became louder and louder. Those Wushan barbarians who were not afraid of death listened to the voices of the clan, listened to the familiar words, looked sad, and let out a suppressed roar. They wanted to fight to fight to the end!!

Su Ming's body trembled, with tears in his eyes. His body was filled with blood. He had his own, but more belonged to the enemy.

He doesn't know fatigue, he doesn't know fear, what he knows is to fight to the death. When he can no longer move, when he is seriously injured, all he has to do is to explode his blood!!

"Mom... Dad... Pipi..." After Su Ming, he faintly heard the awakened little girl, crying.

Su Ming's heart was tingling, dripping blood, as if there were countless sharp thorns penetrating, making his speed faster and faster, making his fists roar more and more. In this sorrow and killing, a wisp of sobbing music spiraled up.

The sound of music revealed a desolate, a sadness, and a parting... Not far away, under a big tree, the willow flute of Wushan was leaning there. His legs were blurred, his body was filled with blood, his face was pale, and his eyes were gloomy.

His trembling hands, holding a gum made of bones, put it on his mouth, playing the sad guise. The whining voice was like his mother's crying. In this tragic battlefield, he murmured with the people of that clan, turned into a sad sadness in people's hearts.

The sad whimper floated with the wind, melted in the snow on the ground, and was immersed in the blood of the clan. On this battlefield, every Wushan clan that heard burst into tears.

Su Ming's body trembled. This was not the first time he heard the song, but he had never made his tears flow down like this, so that his heart seemed to be penetrated and lost, and became an unintentional person. What existed was only the scars and endless sadness.

In addition to this sad song, there is also a self-exploding roar from time to time. Every roar represents this barbarian of the same clan, who chose to burst the blood line.

"Huangquan Road, don't leave me alone!" Su Ming laughed miserably, punched out, and blew out a Wushan enemy in front of him. He also spit out a mouthful of blood. He turned around and saw the clan under the big tree not far away, blowing before death.

Although the people's eyes were dim, they were bright. He played the song, and the blood of his hands was stained on the bones, but he could not hide the voice that belonged to him, his sadness, and his farewell.

This is the last song he played for the people in his life. This time, he played it with his life...

Su Ming closed his eyes and withdrew his eyes. His pupils suddenly shrank. He saw that in the other direction, in front of Beiling, there were three black men from the Black Mountain. In the ferotry and excitement, Beiling forced Beiling to retreat repeatedly. Beiling's bow was broken. There were many wounds on his body, especially There was a lot of blood, and his face was pale. He held a bone knife in his hand, with perseverance, with sadness and crazy fighting.

He can't step back. Beside him is the clan. Although the clan is shrouded in light, he can't retreat either. The closest one behind him is a woman. The woman looks at Beiling with tears, his trembling body, and his mountain-like back.

This woman is Chen Xin. She seems to be shouting something sadly, as if telling Bei Ling something. Su Ming is far away. He can't hear it, but he can see the hidden tenderness in Chen Xin's eyes when he looks at Bei Ling.

She likes Beiling. At this moment, she is more sure of her own ideas. She likes... him.

Under the tears in the corners of her eyes, when she saw Bei Ling's body trembling, one of the three Black Mountain men in front of her suddenly approached. A bone knife in her hand went straight to Bei Ling's head like lightning. Chen Xin let out a sad voice, and she... rushed out.

Bei Ling laughed miserably. Now he is so tired that he can't bear it. Since last night, he has been fighting to the death. He knew that he could not avoid it. At the moment when he was about to explode, he saw Chenxin hugging him.

"Well, since you come, go with me..." At the moment when Beiling was about to close his eyes and explode the blood line, suddenly the heaven and the earth roared, shaking around, making everyone, including the fighting Black Mountain, suddenly echoed the world.

But I saw a red spear, which went straight to the front of Beiling at an unbelievable speed. The spear revealed a strong killing to the extreme, with a madness, turned into a huge red eagle that everyone could see. In an instant, it crossed Beiling and penetrated directly in front of him. The chest of the big man in the Black Mountain, who was about to fall with a knife, banged and nailed his body to the snow. At the same time, a wave of air burst in all directions, and the big man's body suddenly burst into flesh and blood.

The other two Black Mountain men trembled and couldn't help stepping back a few steps and spewing out blood. At the same time, a lightning-like figure suddenly jumped in front of Bei Ling, replacing everything in his pupils!

This scene, this back, at the moment of appearance, set off a huge wave in Beiling's heart. He was familiar with this scene. In the Fengzhen tribe, he experienced this scene. He saw a person standing in front of him like this. Although the two people were different in appearance and body shape, at this moment, in the eyes of Beiling They... overlapped together.

"Su...Ming..." Bei Ling looked unbelievable. He was stunned there, and he understood everything...


I don't know if anyone has ever heard the music. It's a very old musical instrument. I remember that because there are only five voices, it sounds very sad. It happens that you can add a video to the book review area, so I found one for everyone in the book review area. Maybe there is a better one, but I can't find it.

Finally, please recommend the ticket!!!