Ask for Magic

Chapter 136 Handan Treasure

Fang Mu looked depressed. He didn't know why, the mysterious predecessor Mo ignored himself more than a year ago. After allowing himself to come several times, he called again and again, but in the end, he still returned dimly.

He didn't know what he had done wrong. He always recalled the scene of the last meeting before, and analyzed it. He felt like the reason of the bone knife.

He couldn't help talking to his father about this half a year ago. His father was silent and did not speak at that time, but a few days later, his father told him that the other party had left the rainforest in a hurry and seemed to have encountered an accident.

When Fang Mu heard this, he was silent for a long time. He also wanted to give up, but at that last time, 70% of Su Ming's words could heal him, which made Fang Mu unwilling to give up like this.

Although his father had clearly told himself that the other party had left, Fang Mu still came here once a month for several days in a row, hoping to have a response one day.

For more than a year, he has almost never stopped, and he feels that this is his only chance.

Fang Mu knows that his father sees his actions, which can be seen from the fact that every time his father comes and goes to the rainforest, he is still protected by the strong in the clan. According to his previous habits, he stays in the details outside the rainforest.

Thinking about all this in his mind, Fang Mu sighed and walked alone in the rainforest, sometimes shouting habitually.

"Senior...Senior..." Fang Mu came to the place where he met Su Ming for the last time and looked around with a gloomy look.

"Are you ready for the herbs I asked you to prepare?" A calm voice came leisurely behind Fang Mu. Although the sound was abrupt, it seemed to exist in the rainforest, and there was a feeling of integration with here.

Fang Mu was stunned, turned around suddenly, and saw the familiar figure standing in the same place in those years.

"Former...Senior!" Fang Mu's body trembled, his eyes showed ecstasy, and his breathing was short, and he couldn't believe it.

"The younger generation of animal bones comparable to open dust is ready, only over." Fang Mu looked at Su Ming for fear that the other party would disappear again. When he finally appeared, he immediately explained anxiously.

"It's just that those three herbs are rare. My father has been looking for me for a long time, and I have only found two kinds. The last herb called Tianyi Branch has been extinct for a long time in the land of Nanchen. Unless there are some special places, it is difficult for the outside world to find." Fang Mu said, immediately took out a black bell from his arms and crushed it in front of Su Ming.

The black fog dispersed, and two purple animal bones appeared in front of the square wood, as well as two herbs emitting bright light.

Most of Su Ming's body was hidden in the dark. Looking at Fang Mu and the animal bones and herbs in front of him, he was silent. "Senior, give me some more time, I..." Fang Mu's heart pounded and he was quite nervous.

"I want you to look for these herbs in order to quench a medicinal liquid, which is very useful to me and can indirectly help you dispel the bruteries in your body." Su Ming spoke slowly.

"If the same is missing, this solution is difficult to quench"

Fang Mu gritted his teeth, bowed to Su Ming, and looked up with a solemn look.

"Senior, my father once said that this heavenly branch is not inaccessible. In the abyss under the city of Handan, there is a secret place of three parts. Decades ago, three tribes, including the eastern part of An, entered once, where they obtained a heavenly branch, but this herb was obtained by the Yanchi tribe. It is said that it has been drugged.

But my father analyzed that there should still be natural sound branches there, and half a year later, it was also the time of heavy fog in Handan Mountain every ten years. At this time of every ten years, the three tribes were (Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Hand, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943) The time to open the underground passage of At that time, the three ministries will send clansmen and Hakka...

My father, at that time, will help me arrange the clan to find a heavenly branch in it... Please wait for another half a year!"

"Oh?" Su Ming looked as usual and asked He Feng in his mind.

"Master, what this son said is right. There is a strong prohibition on the land of my ancestors sitting in the Handan Mountain. Not to mention them, even I can't enter at other times. Only once every ten years, the whole land of Nanchen will be foggy. In this childhood, the prohibition of the land of ancestors' sitting will be invis A lot of people can enter.

These three films should have been entered many times in the past hundreds of years. Their purpose is nothing more than to get the relics of their ancestors. After all, except for the four treasures left by the ancestors, the rest of the treasures were in their sitting place.

I just heard about it in those years, and I don't know the details. I only know that the Handan Mountain Department suffered the rebellion of these three parts after the death of the ancestors. The place where the ancestors sat down would not be so simple. Otherwise, these three parts would have taken all the treasures and would not have been taken many times. Obviously, they

Master, this may be an opportunity. If you can enter the place where your ancestors sit, with my help, you will gain something. And the reason why these three parts have absorbed Hakka for a long time is to prepare for entering there.

After all, the three tribes were once affiliated to the Handan Mountain Department. It is said that in those years (Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Hand Fight, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943) were forcibly driven by their ancestors and left the mark of slavery. For the ancestors, the three tribes were slaves for generations to generation, so after they entered the There must be discomfort, but if it is an outsider, there are no such restrictions. The harmony was a little depressed, explaining.

"In this case, why could these three tribes exterminate the Handan Mountains in those years?" Consciousness came out of Su Ming's mind.

"Don't say that this matter is the master. My family and I have been troubled for a long time, but after all, it happened hundreds of years ago. Few people have clearly known what happened in that year... But I guess that outsiders must have participated in the matter of that year!" He Feng was silent for a moment and whispered.

Su Mingmu thought that he was not very interested in the place where the ancestors of the Handan Mountains sat, but the strangeness of the red grass, which surprised him and the ancestors of the Handan Mountains, surprised him.

"I'll wait for you for another half a year. In half a year, if you can take out the sound of nature, I will fulfill my promise!" Su Ming looked at Fang Mu and said calmly.

"Before you go to the three secret places, you can come here. I have something to tell you." Su Ming took a step forward, and there was a flower in front of Fang Mu's eyes. He couldn't see Su Ming's figure clearly. He only felt a cold in his mouth, as if there was a foreign body melting in the mouth and scattered all over his body.

When he reacted, there was silence around him. Su Ming had left, and the animal bones and herbs on the ground were gone.

Su Ming's whole body turned into a long rainbow, not in the sky, but in the rainforest.

"Master, why don't you take the opportunity to ask to follow in?" He Feng couldn't help asking.

"Do you really want me to go?" Su Ming walked forward, his speed was extremely fast, and consciousness came out of his mind at will.

"The master misunderstood, and the villain didn't mean that." He Feng was shocked and hurriedly stopped asking questions.

All the way and the wind no longer mentioned this matter, but indicated the direction and told Su Ming the location of the heavy treasure he had hidden. Half a month later, Su Ming stood on a mountain peak and looked down at the continuous mountain that was no longer close to Handan Mountain City.

It was desolate around, and no one could be seen at all. This place was even more remote. Few people came, and the mountain wind was very strong, sobbing blowing on his body, making Su Ming's long hair flutter, and his clothes crackled.

In front of him is a valley formed by a eral. There are many valleys covered with vegetation. Although it is not a rainforest, it is also a deep mountain.

"Master, my cave is in the seventh valley in front of me (Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Hand, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943)." The sound of Hefeng echoed in Su Ming's mind. Su Ming's eyes flashed. After meditating for a moment, he raised his feet and went straight to the seventh valley.

The seventh valley is concave from a distance. There are many plants and trees inside, and there are many black beasts. He cautiously walked into the valley step by step. Su Ming looked around. The valley was quite quiet. There were many cracks in the rocks on both sides, which were full of vegetation.

His eyes swept through the valley, and a white stone coin appeared in Su Ming's hand. After holding it, his right hand pinched out the mark, and immediately all the scenery within a hundred feet of his mind appeared in his mind. The wind blew and the grass moved, and the clues were leisurely in his heart.

Soon, his eyes condensed in the middle of the right rock, on a small crack, and his eyes flashed slightly.

In the crack, Su Ming clearly saw two big eagles, which was obviously the habitat of the bird.

"You are also careful about what you hide. Is this the cave you are talking about?" Su Ming said flatly.

"Where birds and beasts live, it is easy to be noticed, but it is also easy to be ignored, especially in this remote deep mountain, there are many carved birds like this." The sound of harmony appeared in Su Ming's mind, and he was very cautious.

Su Ming's branding technique was all condensed in the crack. After careful inspection, no abnormality was found. Then he shook his body and went straight to the crack and entered it in an instant. The two eagle birds were shocked and were about to hiss. They were stabbed in the head by Su Ming's branding technique. After forcibly flying In the past.

Walking to the right side of the hole, Su Ming lowered his body and looked at the ground. His right hand suddenly patted up. Under this pat, the ground shook and broke apart, revealing a palm-sized jade box hidden inside.

This jade box is not surprising. There are some patterns carved on it. Su Ming did not pick it up immediately, but looked at it carefully, but his expression gradually became more and more solemn.

The material of this box is also made of stone coins.

"The heavy treasure left by the ancestors of Handan Mountain... What is it..." Su Ming sat down cross-legged and looked at the box. He once asked He Feng what the treasure was in it.

But He Feng's answer was vague. He opened it once, but he only saw a blue light. After the light, the box automatically closed. No matter how he opened it, it could not be opened again.

In addition, he was afraid that he would fall when he did not have the cultivation to hold this treasure, so he thought about it again and again to hide the treasure here and was ready to wait for him to open the dust before taking it out and try to open it.)