Ask for Magic

Chapter 160 Handan!

The sword ship giant slanted into the earth, and the faint light on it was like running water. At the moment it touched the face of this huge woman, the faint light above suddenly trembled and gradually stopped flowing, and there was a sign of solidification.

At the same time, the color of the huge woman's face also faded quickly. In just a few breaths, each Buddha spent more than half of its power. Looking at the speed of its passage, it seemed that the faint light and flowing water on the sword ship giant could not completely solidify.

Seeing that the speed of solidification of the faint light on the giant of the sword ship is slow, and even in some places it is no longer solidified, but has traces of recovery.

The woman's eyes flashed in the middle of her eyebrows, showing regret. She raised her hands and suddenly clicked on the woman's face that merged with it.

At the moment when her fingers fell, the woman's face flashed with a strong red light, forming a strong red light and rising to the sky. The red light rushed to the starry sky and turned into a huge ripple impact, spreading in all directions. In a blink of an eye, it almost covered the whole sky.

A long smile came, but a vague figure appeared in the red light rising to the sky. The figure quickly condensed and became completely clear almost in an instant.

This is an old man in a red robe, with white hair, but a red face. He carries a huge gourd on his back and takes a step from the red light.

At the moment he appeared, the whole place trembled today. The starry sky seemed to be unbearable and was about to collapse, and the earth trembled even more. The countless valleys around him collapsed a lot in the roar.

"Yan Luan has seen Zhou Zuojiao!" Yan Luan opened his mouth respectfully. At this moment, with the appearance of the old man, the woman's face that Yan Luan blended with had also disappeared in the gloom.

"The method of breaking the four-layer space transmission is really mysterious! Yan Chi can understand this method and dedicate it to me. Your department should make the first contribution! The old man in red robe laughed, his eyes flashed, and stared at the sword ship giant below that was quickly recovering the faint light.

"Hankong, you think you are hiding here, but I, Tianhanzong, can't help you! You think the four-story space is forbidden. I, the barbarians, don't understand. Even if I know you are here, I can't kill you?" The old man in red robe smiled, raised his right foot, and took a sharp step towards the sword boat on the ground.

"If it is a complete four-story space ban, I really can't break it, but my barbarian Yan Chibu has clearly realized your space ban, which makes your ban have a flaw. If I enter... I can open it!" The old man in red robe approached the sword boat giant. He raised his right hand and waved the void, but he saw a red ghost claw above the sword boat giant, and he grabbed the sword boat.

This ghost claw can never be possessed by a creature. At the moment of its appearance, Yan Luan's expression showed a strong desire and respect. Not only she, but also Han Feizi beside her and the clansmen of Yanchi Department recovered after the woman's face dissipated. When she looked at it one after another, she looked respectful

"Barbarian Soul Realm..." Condensing his own barbaric image, I am barbaric, barbaric is me..." Han Feizi's eyes were bright and muttered.

The ghost claws approached and grabbed the sword boat. The faint light flowing on the object suddenly shook and made a roar, but saw the faint light collapse, like fragments, like drops of water, separated from the sword ship's giant and rolled away.

Under the vibration of this sword ship giant, the prohibition on it suddenly collapsed!

"In Hankong, since 8,000 years ago, it has come to our barbarian clan. Limited by the laws of the second generation of barbarian gods themselves, his cultivation can only be played to the middle of the barbarian soul realm, that is, the infant change of your fairyland, ranking 147th in the list of foreign killings!

Today, my husband, Tianhan Sect, left to teach Zhou Shan, came to ask for his life under the edict of three generations of barbarian gods!" The voice of the old man in red robe was like a thunder trial. At the same time, his figure turned into a fiery red rainbow and went straight to the forbidden sword ship giant.

With a loud bang, the old man had already rushed into it. Yan Luan's eyes flashed and rushed in together. After that, Han Feizi and those clansmen of Yan Chi also rushed in one by one.

At this moment, at the bottom of this earth, the sword ship giant is deeply buried in [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Update, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943] Next to a certain position in the ground, there is a channel that was traversed vertically many years ago. Now, this channel is close to this sword ship giant. At the end, with the breaking of the prohibition, the stone wall collapsed and broke into countless inverted rolls.

"It's broken!" Nantian looked excited. He took a sudden step forward. It seemed that he was going to be the first to break in, but his figure almost just moved. Xuanlun had rushed out quickly, crossed it, and became the first entrant.

Nan Tian and Ug Nu followed closely, and the two rushed into the entrance after the lost stone wall.

Su Ming opened his eyes, and there was blood in his eyes. He stood up silently and looked at the entrance to the place where the ancestors of Handan were closed. The face hidden under the mask was complicated.

In his ear, the calling voice became anxious and kept calling him over.

"The voice of the ancestor of Handan Mountain is completely different from the voice that appeared in the illusion I immersed in on this red road. Obviously, it is not alone." Su Ming closed his eyes slightly and looked hesitant.

"Lord Mosu?" Dongfang Hua next to Su Ming was about to step in, but the ugly Su Ming did not move and hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice.

"I want to think about it. If you want to go in, go in first." Su Ming spoke calmly.

Dongfang Hua hesitated in his heart and looked at the entrance, showing a trace of desire in his eyes. He wanted to become stronger. In front of him was an opportunity. If he let it go, he was unwilling.

After waiting for a long time, he saw that Su Ming was still meditating there, so he gritted his teeth and held his fist at Su Ming. He shook his body straight to the entrance and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Now at the end of the channel, only Su Ming is engraved, standing there silently, with anxious calls echoing in his ears and mind.

After a while, Su Ming opened his eyes.

"Gambling, or not gambling... The ancestor of Handan Mountain is not dead. He called me like this. This matter is unpredictable. Coupled with the strangeness of the previous red route, I can conclude that it is extremely dangerous to enter it!" Su Ming muttered.

"But this may be the only machine man I have now... I know which part of my memory is missing, and I know what happened to me..." Su Ming walked back and forth at the end of the passage, and his eyes flashed.

"The wind once said that practicing the magic of the ancestors of Handan Mountain can condense into a spiritual body, and once there is a spiritual rest, you can use a strange magic. For example, when I didn't completely subdue the wind, if I put on the mask, I would be hit by the magic of the wind.

He later mentioned this technique to me, which is called taking away... Only those with spiritual bodies can use it, occupy other people's bodies, and turn over other people's memories in the process of taking away...

Those who have spiritual rest will only condense after practicing this brand. What I have encountered now is that in addition to the breeze, only this ancestor of Handan Mountain has it.

Su Ming paused and looked decisive.

"You can gamble, but you can't take risks. You don't want to have complete self-insurance, but you also need to be sure before you can gamble this time! Although memory is important, these are just my guesses. If the guess is true, it's fine, but once I think too much, I will give my life for nothing... It's not worth it!" The ancestor of Handan Mountain called so anxiously, not to mention whether there was any connection between him and me. This matter was related to the broken place "..." And he called me, thinking that he simply killed me after introducing me in.

So the reason why he did this, except for some reason I don't know, there is only one possibility, that is, what Hefeng said!

Grandpa once taught me that if you can't figure out something, you can try to change yourself into the other party, and calculate the other party's thoughts based on the other party's experience.

If I were the ancestor of Handan Mountain, who had not been here for many years, and watched the three slave departments rebel and could not change, then he should have been injured, and not a minor injury... And now the Yan Chi Department has opened the ban, and there is Tianhan Sect behind the Yan Chi Department, and there must be Tianhan Sect in

The ancestor of Handan Mountain will die this time!

He called me, probably for the sake of what He Feng once said! Take my rest and avoid this killing... As for the reason for choosing me, maybe it is because of the existence of this flesh and blood vein in my [body]..." So does it mean that the blue sword, bloody grass and other things chose me is also related to this!

Step by step, lead me here "... Su Ming's eyes showed cold light.

"He won't live long. Yan Chibu dares to break the ban and must be sure to kill him... The safest way is to wait here. If you don't enter, it won't take long, and the ancestors of Hanshan will perish.

This is a safe method, but if so, I can't get the cultivation method of the ancestors of Handan, and I can't get what I want. I can't get how much I lost in my memory..."

Su Ming sneered at the corners of his mouth. After sitting cross-legged down, his right hand was raised, pointed to his chest, and immediately the qi and blood rolled in the [body], such as a wave of anger in the [body].

It was almost the moment when Su Ming's finger fell, there was a ball of secluded from his chest immediately [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Update, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943] The light was forced out of his body. In the faint light, it was the rest of the gentle breeze. He closed his eyes and seemed to be

Su Ming looked at He Feng Lingxiu, and his right hand touched it, and a piece of ripples sled. When he swept over the He Feng Ling body, the He Feng Ling body trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

"Lord..." The gentle breeze that had just woken up was still at a loss, but when he saw the four weeks clearly, especially the spleen at the end of the passage, his whole body trembled violently.

"This is...this..."

"Wu Feng." Su Ming opened his mouth slowly, with a low voice, with a deterrent.

"I need you to do something for me." Su Ming looked at the breeze and said in a low voice.

"Master, please say that as long as He Feng can do it, I dare not refuse." He Feng quickly tightened his mind and opened his mouth cautiously, but he was a little nervous. He didn't know what Su Ming wanted to do, especially to forcibly wake himself up in this place.