Ask for Magic

Chapter 167 Greedy for a big one!

Su Ming couldn't tell what he saw or didn't see anything.

But he still struggled to see clearly, but even he himself didn't know what he wanted to see clearly. The world was black in front of his eyes, and there was no light.

"Are you eager to see the light..." Su Ming muttered that no one asked. There was no [answer] case, and he felt that he did not need to [answer] the case.

Because he suddenly understood that what he needed was not light or darkness.

"What I want to see... is to understand... it is clear..." Su Ming closed his eyes, not the eyes of his body, but his thoughts, his heart, and his soul.

For example, the gap that had just been opened was finally unbearable, so he chose to close it. For example, he just struggled to climb from the abyss to the edge of the deep pit, looked up at the outside world, and then fell down again.

But in spite of this, he still saw something.

"If one day, when I know that I am me, I... am me. Now, I'm Su Ming, and I... Mo Su." Su Ming opened his eyes, and there was still confusion in his eyes, but this confusion had been deeply buried, left in Su Ming's heart and in his thinking.

He suddenly had a strong sense of loneliness. This feeling of loneliness came from the bottom of his heart, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world, the whole world, like a person who lost his soul, couldn't find his soul, like a child who lost his way, couldn't find where the way was, and even more like a wanderer who left

"He is the sky, why are you crying alone..." This sentence of Su Ming, who had been ignorant and even thought about, came to his mind at this moment, and he gradually understood a little.

He was silent.

The calmness of both eyes, revealing loneliness, sitting silently cross-legged in the silent cave, but this time the calm and silence seemed to be the same as before, but in fact it was completely different.

In his memory, he experienced a scene of Wushan until he woke up in this strange place of Nanchen. Along the way, he learned to be silent, calm and lonely.

But these are just what he learned. They are used to hide and cover his heart. It is a kind of disguise with tenderness.

But now Su Ming raised his right hand and touched the scar on his face. His silence and calmness no longer need to be used to hide anything, but because of his heart, from the outside to the inner.

"Are you grown up..." Su Ming lowered his head and whispered to himself.

The bright smile in memory, the innocent words, the scene of being taken by the young master like a child, in the bottom of Su Ming's heart, all the time.

The childhood sweetheart in the snow asked the white-headed soft and flexible words, and the green silk with a delicate fragrance was still in Su Ming's heart.

"I've grown up." Su Ming raised his head, and the moment he raised his head, there was a roar on his body, echoing around, forming countless echo rolls in the cave, as if turning into a low roar, which lasted for a long time.

In this roar, Su Ming's body had an endless red light, which directly reflected the dark cave into red, making everything here sink into the red world at this time.


Bright red!

represents strength, cultivation, and the tingling red of people's eyes!

This red light is centered on Su Ming's body, with a strong blasp of light around him. Under Su Ming's silence and calmness, his clothes turned into pieces of silk outside his body. When the smoke dissipated, only the storage bag and other things were still there and fell at his feet.

With the dispersion of his clothes, it can be clearly seen on Su Ming's body. At this moment, there are countless blood lines. The number of them is difficult for ordinary people to see at a glance. Only Su Ming himself knows that the number of blood lines has reached 999 at this moment!

"If you don't die, you will create... Handankong... Thank you." Su Ming was not surprised by his current changes. Handan's words appeared in his heart. The barbarian bone that was integrated into Su Ming's [body] by it, Su Ming could also clearly feel its existence and feel that it was slowly melting.

This barbarian bone would not have been so easily absorbed by Su Ming, but under all the creation, the original owner of this barbarian bone was tempered by Hankong. Although he had no time to practice the cultivation of this split body, he has changed it in the subtle transformation over the years.

As it melts, the power erted from this barbarian bone is the main reason for his soaring cultivation!

Su Ming sat cross-legged, melted all the confusion in his heart, and did not want to reveal it. He did not know where the road was, but he knew that only when he became a strong man could he solve his questions and have the opportunity to find his own [answer] case.

"Whether my fate or my memory is erased, one day, I can know the [answer] case. When I know the [answer] case... I will have the right to choose my own fate!" Su Ming took a deep breath, and his [body] inner blood line roared again, and it increased again.

Nine hundred and forty-one, nine hundred and forty-three... until it reaches nine hundred and fifty-two!

Nine hundred and fifty blood lines are rare in the barbarian land. This realm is called blood clotting perfection! If it can reach 980, it is called the great perfection of the coagulation state, and it is extremely rare to reach this level in the coagulation state!

Even if someone absorbs the barbaric bones of the sacrificial bone realm in the same way as Su Ming, it can't be done without the silentization of thousands of years. Even in this, it is not so simple, but has some important connections with the brute force in the body.

At the moment when the blood line in Su Ming's [body] reached nine hundred and fifty-two, outside the cave, the hidden place of Handan in the past, there are nearly a hundred people at this moment. These nearly a hundred people are either three or five companions, or alone, scattered with each other, wandering in this hidden place.

It was supposed to be quiet here, but at this moment, the earth did not move, but all the barbarians here suddenly [body] internal blood lines seemed to be out of control, and there was disorder.

This sudden change immediately shocked them.

"What happened!" A middle-aged man who had just come out of a place where herbs were originally grown in a valley. His expression changed greatly. His blood lines condensed by himself, making his whole body filled with red light, which made the middle-aged man stunned and stunned.

At the same time, all the people in this secret place are like this. They are surrounded by the light of their own blood line. The blood light is unstable, and there is a huge suction involved in the antique, as if to be separated from their bodies.

"This... What's the reason? What's going on here!"

"My blood line is out of control. Damn it, this feeling only appears when it meets Kaichen. Is there a strong Kaichen coming?"

"No, even the strong man can't do this. There are no less than a hundred people here at this moment. Look at the red light around here. Obviously, everyone can't control the blood line..."

The uproar echoed in this secret place, causing panic and panic. If it were changed to other places, maybe this panic would not appear. After all, these barbarians who came here were not weak.

But two months ago, this was still the most mysterious place in Handan Mountain City. Although it is open now, it has been two months, but the mystery of this place is still there!

In such a place, how can they not be shocked by the shocking changes in front of them?

"There must be three secrets that have not been found here. Now I'm afraid it has just unfolded, which makes my blood line collapse and fly out of my body... I can't stay here!" An old man in white hair, with a pale face and a solemn look, shook his body and was about to leave here quickly and return to Handan Mountain. He felt that there was great danger here, which he could not pry into.

It's just that he just galloped, and before he could get out of a hundred feet, suddenly, a roar of the earthquake roared in countless valleys in this secret place.

With the appearance of the vibration, like the shaking of the ground, the wind and clouds changed, and many of the nearly 100 people in this secret place exclaimed in horror.

The old man's head did not look back, his heart pounded, and he strengthened the idea of leaving here quickly. He had the same plan as him, and it was not uncommon. There were dozens of people here who were galloping from different positions at this moment and were about to leave here.

However, after the shock, suddenly there was a strong pressure swept like a strong wind, covering the whole secret place in an instant. The pressure was so sudden that it was impossible to predict.

The roared and swirled, and the pressure shocked the sky. Those who wanted to leave were shocked one by one. Under this pressure, they involuntarily stopped their steps and immediately sat down cross-legged to operate the internal blood line, but resisted the arrival of the pressure.

In the sky, the original starry sky has dispersed with the breaking of the prohibition. Now what is revealed is a distant blue sky. This sky belongs to the barbarians and belongs to the land of Nanchen.

At this moment, the clouds rolled in the sky, and under the condensation, there was a golden light. This change immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Hanshan City, and even made the people of the three parts look sideways.

"This is..."

"What happened? Why did it suddenly change this day!"

"Is it someone from Tianhan Sect? No, according to the time, Tianhan Sect should come in a few months..."

"What a strong pressure, my blood line is a little uncontrollable. What is this vision of heaven and earth!"

"What kind of scene is this? The clouds are condensed and the golden light is shining. Is it... Is there any treasure?" Almost all the people in Hanshan City put down their things at this moment, looked up at the sky, and talked about it, showing surprise and confusion, and a trace of panic about the unknown.

"This...this..." In Hanshan City, there was a slightly trembling old man. The old man stood in the crowd with crutches and stared at the sky. His eyes were not confused, but disbelief and shocked.

"This is a person with a perfect blood clotting state, and the wish of the barbarian god can only appear when the dust is opened! This..." The old man lost his voice, and his words were heard by the people around him. After a short silence, an increasingly strong exclamation broke out.