Ask for Magic

Chapter 187 It's him!!

"This man deliberately spoke for external spies, trying to provoke me, Pu Qiang and Handan, and his heart can be killed! I closed this person with my own hands, and the Hanshan chain continued, and I agreed!"

With the old voice of Pu Qiang, the figure of Handan Mountain City, which was rolled up by black gas in mid-air, in a sad scream, burst out, forming a large area of flesh and blood. Before it fell, it turned into a trace of black gas and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The wind was blowing, taking away the blood of this place, so that the angry people in Handan City slowly calmed down.

Su Ming stood on the seventh iron chain, turned around and looked at Handan City, in the direction of Handan City, and bowed deeply with his fist.

His worship immediately made the people of Handan City, who had peace, rise again with a shocking sound.

"Your Excellency wants to break through this Handan mountain chain, go through the ninth section, and breathe a breath for us outsiders of Handan Mountain!"

"Go down, we are all watching you, please, go down!"

"Walking to Puqiang Peak, successfully breaking through the Hanshan chain, joining Tianhan Sect, and also giving us the same outsiders hope for today!"

The voice one after another is very different from the past. At this moment, all the words contain encouragement and expectations. Su Ming, a man who broke into the Hanshan Mountain, is no longer strange to them at this moment. He represents their desire, and he represents all the outsiders in Hanshan.

"Brother, you must break through. When you come back, Nan will hold a banquet, and we will cross the wine!" Nantian Lang's voice echoed, and the admiration in his eyes was integrated into the voice of the invitation.

"In addition to the cold one!" Leng Yin always looked indifferent, but at this moment, there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"How can this kind of thing be without Ke, Brother Nan, this time you have to take out the altar to get drunk." Ke Jiusi's laughter came out, making the voice in this Hanshan City even louder.

"It's easy to say, be sure to take it out!" Nantian laughed and was quite happy.

Xuanlun looked more gloomy and silent in the distance.

That sentence was heard by Su Ming. He raised his head and looked at the Handan Mountain for a long time. After turning to the end of the seventh iron chain, the seventh stone pillar suddenly went away.

He no longer saw the figure of the grandfather on these chains, and even the figure of the woman buried in his heart never appeared.

What does this represent? Su Ming didn't want to think about it. He couldn't calmly tell himself that everything on the chains was fake, and he was not sure.

In the discussion and encouragement of the outside world, Su Ming silently took a step until he finished the seventh chain and stepped on the seventh pillar.

At this moment, the sky is already slightly bright, and you can see that the bird clouds are still the same, covering the brightness of the day a lot, making a sense of hazy.

"The eighth paragraph..." "Su Ming did not rest on the seventh pillar, but raised his foot and stepped on the eighth chain. At the moment he stepped into the chain, he still did not see the figure of the woman who hoped to appear. It was hazy ahead, which was very close to Pu Qiang Peak.

He could even see several people on Puqiang Peak, looking at himself coldly.

Walking on this eighth chain, Su Ming felt the pressure formed by the years. With every step, the vitality will be absorbed by a lot of feeling. Even if the qi and blood are running, it is more and more difficult to persist in the continuous walking.

The feeling of fatigue permeated Su Ming's whole body. After walking more than ten feet, his gasp was already very rough. Even in this fatigue, he felt the ruthless sweep of the years on his body, took away his vitality, took away his strength, and took away his life.

As a young man, he walked in the years and slowly grew old until he was completely old, turning into a handful of earth ash and spilling it away.

"Is this the strangeness of the eighth chain? The passage of time makes people have no time to accept it, and it has passed." Su Ming continued to walk. I don't know how long it took until everything around him gradually stopped dark. He looked at his hand, and the skin on his hand had wrinkles. It didn't look like a young man, but an old man.

At this moment, he has only walked through half of the eighth chain, and the remaining half. With the shaking of the chain, like shaking the years, even if people can detect it, they can't keep the years away.

With the brightness of heaven and earth, with the arrival of the early morning, the barbarians and others on Puqiang Peak looked coldly at Su Ming on the chain, which was already very close to here, and their eyes were extremely cold.

Su Ming raised his head and looked at [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Update, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943] With the bright Pu Qiangfeng, he saw those indifferent eyes, and he was silent for a moment.

"I can't go through... If I can't offset the power of this time, even if I reach the end of the eighth paragraph, I will lose all my life and die.

Slily..." Don't hide it!" Su Ming's eyes flashed. He slowly looked up at the sky filled with bird clouds. Blood lines suddenly appeared on his body. First, on his face, his face hidden in the robe, and a large number of blood lines appeared in an instant. Those blood lines were like totems, forming a strange pattern.

At the same time, an amazing and strong breath suddenly burst out of his body. As soon as the breath came out, the bird clouds in the sky seemed to have changed and rolled faintly.

At this moment, the barbarians and others on Puqiang Peak were the first to notice this. With the contraction of Puqiang Mang's pupils, the meat mountain man's face changed instantly. All the people of the whole Puqiang Peak felt a restlessness from the [body] inner blood line, which was an uncontrollable impulse!

The upper body under Su Ming's robe and his arms, under the continuous growth of this amazing breath, was instantly filled with a large number of blood lines, and the stronger breath burst out!

The operation of the blood line hidden in the [body] is different from the rotation that is completely revealed outside. The rotation hidden in the [body] is only its own qi and blood. If it is revealed, it can be connected with heaven and earth, and it will burst out the strongest power.

Su Ming has been hiding the inner blood line. At this moment, he is not hiding, but completely revealing!

With the amazing increase of its [body] breath, there was an exclamation and an uproar from Puqiang Peak. In addition to the barbarians on the top of the mountain, together with the meat mountain man, they were all shocked at this moment. In their minds, the sudden change that happened in Handan Mountain a few months ago appeared!

Pu Qiang Man seems to be as usual, but his heart has set off a stormy wave, which is no weaker than the previous scene of indignation in the face of everyone.

"He... he is..." Pu Qiang's eyes showed disbelief, and even a trace of surprise. He suddenly found that he had already looked up to the other party, but until now, he still underestimated it.

A sense of panic suddenly appeared in Pu Qiang's body. He suddenly knew that Pu Qiang's biggest mistake was not the anger of the people in Handan Mountain, not Yan Chi and Anton, but not seeing this person clearly!

"The blood clotting is perfect..." Pu Qiang's body staggered, stepped back a few steps, and his face turned pale.

At the moment when he muttered, Su Ming's legs were suddenly covered by dense blood lines. Although his blood lines were hidden in his robe, the earth-shaking power of blood broke out on his body, which made the sky change color, dark clouds rolled, and the wind around him as if the world was still. Discolored!

Su Ming raised his head, and the birds and clouds in the sky rolled at this moment, like the mutation of the sky a few months ago, the scene of the appearance of the dust god, is coming to Handan Mountain again!

At the same time, above Su Ming, red lines appeared out of thin air. These red lines were illusory, but after they appeared, they quickly condensed. In just a moment, the void above Su Ming suddenly formed a huge figure more than ten feet high.

This figure has no appearance, only an outline. This outline is composed of 999 blood lines. At the moment of its appearance, the blood clot on Su Ming's body reached its peak!

"Yes... he! Blood clotting is complete... Nine hundred and seventy-nine blood lines, only one is the legendary blood clotting is perfect..." "Such a person came to break into my Puqiang Hanshan chain, and we had to count him before..." The meat mountain man on Puqiang Peak, after seeing the blood line giant over Su Ming, spewed out a mouthful of blood The people behind him were also dull, showing unimaginable expressions.

On Yan Chifeng, Yan Luan took a breath, her mind was shaken, and her face was shocked. She never thought that the person who broke into the chain of Handan Mountain was the person a few months ago!

"It turned out to be... him!" The old woman beside her was replaced by a rosy look. She looked at Su Ming and the figure above Su Ming, and her eyes showed the brightness that had never been seen before.

On Andong Peak, there was an uproar. Andong Man subconsciously stepped back a few steps, his expression changed, and was finally replaced by horror. He was the same, not to mention Fang Shen next to him. Fang Shen has been completely stunned [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Update, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943].

Only Han Cangzi, his body trembled at this moment, and he looked excited.

In the city of Handan, after a short silence, a sound of excitement and shock broke out. Su Ming's revealing blood line caused a change that was enough to make people trance.

Han Feizi's delicate body trembled and her breathing became short. Nantian, Ke Jiusi and Leng Yin stayed there one by one. It took a long time to react and looked at Su Ming's eyes, which was no longer admiration, but awe!

"nine hundred and seventy-nine blood, as long as he adds one more, he will start... just like... great perfection! The perfect opening of the dust is enough to defeat the middle stage of the opening of the dust, and even the ordinary opening of the dust in the later stage, it can barely fight!"

"This person... Once this person can open the dust successfully, it is Handan Mountain City together with the three parts, the first strongest, he alone, can live and slaughter a complete tribe!" I know that the reason why he didn't choose to open the dust a few months ago is to add another tea blood line! I even guessed that the reason why he chose the Handan Mountain Chain must be to stimulate it and add one to his bloodline!" ( To be continued