Ask for Magic

Chapter 189 The Cold Weather Comes

The ninth section of the Handan mountain chain is already the end of the whole Handan mountain key, which is connected to Puqiang Peak. Standing on it, you can clearly see the details of Puqiang Peak.

Su Ming took a step forward. At the moment when his footsteps fell on the ninth iron key, there was a roar in his body again. The roar could not only be heard, but also echoed from the outside world.

This is a sign that the blood line in his body will appear again under a strange collision!

Although the sound was not loud, it made the barbarians and patriarchs on Puqiang Peak, as well as everyone who heard it, were all shocked, as if their own blood lines were stirred by the roar, and flashed out one by one.

The sense of time from the ninth iron key has been extremely amazing, making Su Ming's footsteps unable to speed up. Step by step, after he walked through nearly 20% of the circle of the ninth iron key, Su Ming's whole body was shocked, and the roar from his body became stronger and stronger, which was already earth-shaking, above him. The blood-red giant, with a dense blood line on his chest, added another one at this moment!

Nine hundred and eighty-one!

Su Ming looked up at the early morning sky, hiding his eyes under his robe, revealing the bright light. When he broke through the Hanshan key, he revealed his level of blood clotting perfection, so as to achieve his purpose of shaking Handan Mountain. At the same time, he can also use this method to let his cultivation go through the complete Hanshan key

The barbarians and others of the three parts only guessed Su Ming's idea of increasing the blood line with the Hanshan key, but they didn't expect the second meaning of Su Ming's doing so.

Su Ming took a deep breath, and the mountain wind rushed to his face, making his breathing seem to stagnate. Even if he was inhaled, it seemed difficult to swallow. The iron keys under his feet shook, and every time he shook back and forth, it was like the waves of the years.

"Nine hundred and eighty-one blood lines are not enough.

" Su Ming muttered and walked forward again. He didn't know how the people who had successfully walked through the ninth iron key in the past did it, but he felt that the speed of this iron key absorbing vitality, even if it was difficult to open the dust, it was difficult to fight. Even if it passed by, it would lose its vitality.

Su Ming's eyes flashed step by step, and he kept getting closer to Puqiang Peak in front of him. As he moved forward, the momentum on his body increased again after a burnt incense.

This time, the increased blood line was also in his chest, reflected by the giant above it. At the moment of being seen by everyone around him, Su Ming's body suddenly appeared the 982 tea blood line.

There was an uproar, and the city of Hanshan was boiling. At this moment, all the people of the three tribes on the three peaks stared at Su Ming on the ninth section of the iron key with awe. "Nine hundred and eighty-two blood lines, if he finishes the ninth section of iron keys, how many blood lines will he increase

"I've never seen a blood clotting man. He... He has to challenge miracles, which is rare even in the early days... Thousands of blood lines!"

"Thousands of blood lines... I have heard an ancient legend that once the thousands of blood lines open the dust, they are the strongest under the sacrifice bones!"

There was a lot of discussion, and the three barbarians and patriarchs were also silent, looking in awe.

Su Ming continued to walk forward. He could feel his strength with the increase of the blood line. Even if only one was added, it was like a big step, which made him clearly realize the power in his hands.

This power is the qi and blood power of 982 blood lines, which only belongs to the blood coagulation perfect person!

He looked at the sky from time to time. The clouds in the sky were torn and replaced by a fog. The fog was not as solid as the clouds, but it was full of majesty. The dust statue was rapidly condensing and transforming. Once it appeared again, it represented Su Ming, who was about to open the dust.

"I'm finally going to choose to open the dust..." Su Ming looked at the fog rolling in the sky with a complicated look. He raised his feet, followed the iron keys, step by step forward, and walked slowly.

Walking on this iron key, it is like walking in the years, but in Su Ming's mind, what emerges is the scene of Wushan in his memory. For many years, maybe four or five years, or even longer, Su Ming himself can't clearly tell Ziba about this specific years.

The confusion and sadness that have just come to this place in the south morning, the scene of lying on the middle of the mountain with tears, looking at the sky blankly, is still in his mind [Baidu Seeking Magic Bar Quick Update, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943] exists.

Su Ming rested, and his already strong momentum was already strong. At this moment, it increased again, and the blood line on the giant above reached 983!

These nine hundred and eighty-three blood lines exude a huge red light, piercing into the eyes of all the people who are paying attention. A force powerful enough to make all the blood clotting realm tremble burst out from Su Ming's body.

Under this pressure, in Handan City, all the people in the blood clotting realm in the three parts trembled faintly, as if they could not control their bodies and wanted to kneel down to worship.

This is the suppression of the blood line, and it is a kind of suppression that can only appear after reaching the great completion of blood clotting!

The first time I saw Jing Nan, the first time I saw the strong man of Kaichen, the shock and desire in the bottom of Su Ming's heart, when he became the strong man of the dust, he kept breeding three sighs in his heart, "I want to open dust, I want to be the strong man of the dust..." Ming Nan, this is Protect your own tribe.

But now... Su Ming looks sad. He is very close to Kaichen, as close as he can at any time, but... the tribe he longed for Kaichen to protect in those years, but he couldn't find it.

His sadness was integrated into the breath of his whole body and felt by everyone. An indescribable depression made the comasurd and quiet around him.

Su Ming walked, walking, his blood line, at this moment, added another one, nine hundred and eighty-four tea!

Nine hundred and eighty-four blood lines have made Su Ming's whole body dense in almost all places, as if occupying all the positions.

The sky roared, Lei Xia roared, and the lightning kept scratching, breaking the sky. The fog that filled the sky condensed at this moment, the outline of the dust god faintly appeared.

At the moment when the outline appeared, majesty came, and all the creatures on the earth were shaken at this moment.

Su Ming kept walking, and the Black Mountain barbarian Bi Tu, the second strong man he saw, even Su Ming felt that Bi Tu's impression of him was far greater than that of Jing Nan at that time.

Bitu's strength comes from his cultivation of Kaichen, the strange barbaric skills, and the battle of life and death have made Su Ming powerless again and again, eager to open the dust again and again.

Su Ming's body roared, and his blood line reached nine hundred and eighty-five! This amazing increase speed makes all the people who see it show their disbelief, especially Nantian and others, and Han Feizi, who can't hide the embarrassment in their eyes.

They suddenly understood again why Su Ming didn't open the dust a few months ago! He is not satisfied with the number of those blood lines. He... wants to hit more blood lines!

Nine hundred and eighty blood lines can be called the great perfection of the coagulation realm, but in this same great perfection, each additional blood line will increase a lot of strength after the dust.

The gap in this is also huge!

Su Ming walked forward silently. He seemed to go back to the first time in Handan City, when he saw He Feng and saw Han Feizi. At that time, he never thought that one day he would become the master of He Feng, and even fight with the Han Feizi he saw in those years, and he was entangled.

"Sir, do you know that Rasu is going to open the dust... If you want to draw your own barbaric continuation, what will my barbaric lines be..." Su Ming muttered, and in the step, the blood line in his body increased again.

Nine hundred and eighty-six Nai!

The ninth iron key has been passed by Su Ming at this moment. It is only less than a hundred feet away from Puqiang Peak in front of him. At this distance, not only can Su Ming clearly see the appearance of the figure at the top of the peak, Pu Qiang Man Gong and others, but also can clearly see Su Ming's robe.

Pu Qiang Man bowed his head and looked respectful.

The patriarch next to him also bowed his head, as if waiting for Su Ming's arrival.

At this moment, the sky is reflected by blood, Lei Xia is roaring, and the statue of the dust is slowly condensing, from only the outline to the complete man.

The pressure is stronger, covering the world!

It is also at this moment that there is a strong light suddenly flashing on Yan Chifeng. This light is white. If it is in ordinary times, because it is also daytime, it will not be too eye-catching, but now the world is red all around, and the white light is immediately extremely conspicuous.

This light has attracted the attention of many people, but not a few people know the origin of this light.

"Transmission?" The barbarian of Andong was stunned, and the two of them looked at each other, and both of them saw each other's doubts.

The same suspicion is the Puqiang Department, and even the Yanchi Department itself, is also puzzled. Yan Chi Mangong, the old man suddenly turned around and looked at the light [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Update, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943] The location of Mang, which is the center of the top of Yanchi Peak, The case was engraved on the ground.

"Barbarian Gong, this... Only Tianhan Sect can be used to transmit here... Is it a human..." Yan Wan looked at the white old girl.

The old girl was silent for a moment and nodded.

However, as soon as the light of this transmission appeared, it was immediately crushed and dissipated by the pressure formed by the open dust statue that appeared in this world.

At the same time, a deep mountain sky 10,000 miles away from Hanshan City suddenly roared, but a white light appeared out of thin air, forming a complex pattern and bursting directly. In the white light, three people came out awkwardly.

"What happened in Hanshan City, the power of transmission ** disturbance, so that we can only transmit here!"

The three people who came out were led by an old man in white, with bright eyes and majesty. At this moment, they frowned and looked in the direction of Hanshan City.

The two people next to them are a man and a woman. Both of them are about thirty years old, extraordinary in appearance, and their cultivation is even more beautiful!

The speaker is the man. To be continued. If You likes this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. You's support is my greatest motivation