Ask for Magic

Chapter 272 A Game

"Your creation?" The evil son of heaven turned around, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Su Ming, although he was tired, but his eyes were as calm as water.

He looked at his four disciples and waited for their answer.

"Master, this is my work." Su Ming took a look at the direction of the lizard's department and said slowly.

"I don't know much about the creation of the eldest brother, but I can see that his skills are mixed with ice and fire, ice is cold, and fire is hot, such as two extremes. This fusion is not in line with common sense and is difficult to understand.

But the integration of mutual restraint, once successful, you can calm down, this is the creation of the eldest brother. Su Ming's eyes withdrew from the direction of the dragonfly witch's department and fell on the evil son of heaven.

The evil son of heaven was silent for a moment and looked at Su Ming.

"Your elder brother's creation is to make a sound of noise."

"The noise is noisy, and the silence is silence. It is also the fusion of the two extremes, the closure is ice, and the fire is the same." Su Ming said calmly.

"Speaking with the second brother, he has a pair of hands of creation, to create the life of vegetation during the day, and at night, like destruction, to destroy the vitality of vegetation and uproot it," Su Ming's voice muttered, echoing in the jungle.

"This is also two extremes, which is not common sense. Creation and destruction, just like life and death, the creation of the second brother is the fusion of life and death, the blend of creation and destruction.

Tian Xiezi looked calm, but his heart was shocked. He didn't expect that Su Ming was not very long at the ninth peak, but he had such a sense and understanding.

"Keep talking!" The evil son of heaven opened his mouth slowly.

"Third brother, his practice is still two extremes. The fusion of true and false thoughts that are not in line with common sense is really his reality, and false is his dream.

Reality and dream, trying to merge into drunken dreams and death, hovering between waking up and dreaming. If one day he really wakes up... its creation will be done.

"Master, is the disciple right?" Su Ming's eyes fell on the evil son of heaven again and opened his mouth softly.

"This is indeed the way your three brothers want to go." The evil son of heaven showed admiration and nodded.

"This is not." Su Ming's voice is weak, but extremely firm.

Tian Xiezi frowned.

"This is the way the master let them go..." Su Ming shook his head.

"It can't be understood, and because it is integrated into extremes, in the eyes of outsiders, the people at the ninth peak are all weird people. The eldest brother is still normal to be closed all year round because he seldom goes out and others don't know much about it.

The second brother planted flowers during the day and destroyed at night. This kind of behavior can no longer be explained by strange words.

The third brother is drunk and dreams of death, and often mutters to bring people into dreams. After listening to those who don't understand, it is inevitable to be like crazy. These are not in line with common sense, because they are different from others, and because they are not understood, they have become the appreciation in the eyes of the master and become the evil of the evil son of heaven in the name of the master!"

Su Ming said a word here.

The evil son of heaven is silent.

"Master, this is yours" is not mine." After the master and apprentice were silent for a moment in the jungle, Su Ming said softly.

"So what are you pursuing?" The evil son of heaven stared at Su Ming, and his eyes were complicated.

"I don't know..." Su Ming shook his head and looked at the direction of the witch's department again. His eyes fell on the sky.

"If there really is, I think I should... open my eyes." Su Ming closed his eyes.

"Open your eyes to see what?" The evil son of heaven looked at Su Ming, and the complexity in his eyes became thicker and thicker. He looked at Su Ming and vaguely seemed to see himself in those years. In the face of his master, although his words were different, he had the same expression.

"Maybe it's to see the world that others can't see." Su Ming opened his eyes, and there was a bright light in his eyes. The light showed persistence and a sense of firmness and pursuit.

"Why do you see the world that others can't see?" The evil son of heaven opened his mouth calmly, and his voice contained strangeness, which echoed around him.

Su Ming was silent, and he looked at the evil son of heaven for a long time.

"In order to see yourself... your true self!" Su Ming muttered.

Tian Xiezi smiled on his face, and there were more and more smiles. Finally, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and his smile circled around the jungle, swaying straight into the nine heavens.

"Good, what you are pursuing is no longer the evil of being a teacher. If you open your eyes and see the world that others can't see, it is equivalent to the world being drunk and waking up alone!

This is not evil. This is a state above evil. This is a kind of "... I don't know the name of life! Su Ming, if you really do it one day, you have to be mentally prepared, and you may not be allowed to be intoxicated with this world! are awake!"

Su Ming's body shook, looked at the evil son of heaven, and nodded.

"Let's go, take you home as a teacher..." Tian Xiezi patted Su Ming on the shoulder, shook his big sleeve, and the wind rose out of thin air, rolled up the master and apprentice, went straight to the sky, and disappeared into the vast sky of the witch clan.

"But before I go home, I will take you to some places. After you see it, you will have a deeper understanding of the blood feud between the witches and the barbarians... and prepare for you to open your eyes and see more worlds." The voice of the evil son of heaven gradually dissipated in silence in the sky.

In the Tianlan barrier, on the edge of the Nanchen barbarian land, a mountain of ups and downs, the sky was twisted. From the twisted ripples, the evil son of heaven and Su Ming came out.

"Look at this land carefully and tell me what you see." The evil son of heaven looked at the mountains below, and the voice came into Su Ming's ears.

Su Ming's expression was still tired, but his injury had been controlled. He looked at the place pointed by the evil son of heaven. The mountains here were in pieces. At first glance, there was nothing surprising. The only thing was that it was a little bleak. The mountain was bare and there was no vegetation at all.

Su Ming frowned and fell from the air. He stood on this bare mountain, squatted down and grabbed a handful of sand on the mountain. When he put it on his mouth, his eyes showed a wisp of light.

"A faint smell of blood..." Su Ming looked up and looked around. At the moment he glanced, he suddenly condensed in a place.

There is a mountain col, a bleak, and the sand reveals the meaning of desolation.

With doubt, Su Ming walked to the pel of the mountain. Gradually, Su Ming's expression became solemn. He raised his right and pressed against the earth. Suddenly, there was a strong wind roaring, rolling the sand around him into a whirlpool, spreading around, blowing away the layers of sand and soil.

reveals the buried under the sand, some broken wooden stakes, broken stone bowls, and more... have become brown human bones in the years.

The bones are all over the ground...

Su Ming's eyes swept over the remnants of the bones around him one by one. Some of these bones were relatively slender and some were thick, until Su Ming's eyes finally fell on a more complete bone.

It is a child's bone, only the upper body, and there is a lot of damage. In the child's hand bone, it seems to hold something before death, but now it is gone.

Su Ming's body was shocked, and he suddenly looked up at the evil son in the sky.

"This used to be a tribe..."

"A large small tribe has more than 700 people, of which less than 40 barbarians are, and the rest are ordinary people or young children.

Three hundred years ago, the Tianlan barrier was lost in World War I, and some witches entered the land of the barbarians. This tribe was the one that was slaughtered by them.

Men, women, old and young, were all brutally killed!"

Su Ming lowered his head, looked at the child's bones, and was silent.

"To the east from here, you can see more than 40 such destroyed tribes along the way... Some of them were slaughtered 300 years ago, and there are times longer."

Su Ming walked step by step. As fast, he went straight to the east in an instant. The evil son of heaven followed him and stopped talking all the way. He watched Su Ming gallop and walked through the tribes that had become ruins.

With the passage of time, every time Su Ming walked through the ruins, his expression sank a lot. When the whole day passed, Su Ming stood on a plain with dark clouds in the sky. He stood there, and the grass under his feet was lush, but he could not hide the blood and killing here.

"This is just part of it..." Tian Xiezi walked to Su Ming's side and said calmly.

"In the Tianlan barrier of the land of Nanchen, there are many tribes that have been slaughtered like this. For thousands of years, they have formed a deadly feud with the witch clan, and they will never die..."

"The witch... is very strong." Su Ming closed his eyes and whispered after a long time.

"This is the truth." Tian Xiezi looked back at the heaven and earth in the distance.

"So the so-called Tianlan hunting witches..." Su Ming hesitated for a moment.

"In the witches, they call this ten-year-old activity hunting." The one who answered Su Ming was the evil son beside him.

Su Ming's pupils shrank. This simple two jingle, the word, the bloody breath, is by no means a substitute for killing ten people, killing a hundred people, killing thousands of people. This is a kind of killing after years. In these two words, people can read, listen, and feel a sense of evil.

"If we have agreed with each other, the killing will be done every ten years..." Su Ming's eyes flashed and he looked at the evil son of heaven.

Tian Xiezi looked at Su Ming for a long time and nodded.

"This is a game."

"Game?" Su Ming looked at the grassland under his feet and smiled.

"The reason why both sides of the game have been like this for thousands of years or even longer is that they have their own purposes. As for what the purpose is, you can find the answer by yourself.

Now, tell me, do you still want to participate in this Tianlan Witch Hunting War? The evil son of heaven turned around and walked towards the sky.

Su Ming stood there for a long time, turned into a long rainbow, and came to the master waiting in mid-air.

"In the Battle of Tianlan, I will participate in... as a person of Nanchen, to carry out this game... in the eyes of others." Su Ming's voice was calm, and the two of them turned into two long rainbows, towards the direction of Tianhan Sect, farther and farther away until they disappeared between heaven and earth.