Ask for Magic

Chapter 275 They have no morality

"Su Ming" The woman in white and smiling with two small tiger teeth came from the sky. There was a ribbon under her feet, which floated, making the woman walk to the platform in front of Su Ming as if she were stepping in the void.

His voice was soft and fell in Su Ming's ears, as if it were swaying from the years, awakening the sadness that Su Ming buried in the depths of his memory, and an agreement that could not be fulfilled in those years.

At this moment, the snow was blown by the wind from the wind, rolled up, flying, and sprinkled between Su Ming and the woman. The snow covered the eyes, as if to break the eyes, and condensed together again with the drift of the snow.

"Su Ming, do you remember me..." The woman in white bit her lower lip, and there was a sense of wildness in her bright eyes. She walked lightly and slowly walked to Su Ming. From her body to the faint fragrance of Su Ming in the wind, she penetrated into Su Ming's nose and into the depths of his soul memory.

In the sunlight of the sky, the sequins on the woman's forehead emitted a bright light, reflected in Su Ming's eyes, and also entered the place where his buried memory.

The erect hair, two strands of green braids in his ear, and a few strands of hair raised by the wind as it approached, touched Su Ming's face.

"Why don't you come to me..." The woman murmured softly and echoed in Su Ming's ear.

Su Ying's body was shocked and looked at the woman in front of him. There was sadness in his eyes.

"Su Ming, do you still remember me? Do you still remember Liu Mingyu... Do you remember the first time we met..." The woman's soft words penetrated into Su Ming's heart.

"I remember..." Su Ming muttered, raised, and the right hand of the door stroked the green silk of the woman in front of him. After untied the red rope, he tied it up again, put the braids in his ear behind his shoulder, and finally took off the sequins on the woman's forehead and changed its distribution.

"In this way, it's more like this." After doing all this, Su Ming's eyes were calm and he said slowly.

After Su Ming said this, the woman immediately frowned, and the disgust in her expression was difficult to hide. After a few steps back, it seemed that Su Ming's hand touched her hair, which also made it difficult for her to accept.

"If you can be her, let me treat you as the ground... Then when you leave, Sima Xin will arrange your task, even if it is completed." Su Ming opened his mouth calmly, looked at the woman in front of him, turned to the distance and sometimes looked at the car here.

Bai Su stamped her foot fiercely. She was carefully prepared for the shock of Su Ming this morning. Even the ambiguous words, including the expression and various expressions when talking, she practiced in detail many times.

Even before she came early in the morning, she practiced in front of the ice mirror. At the moment of the exercise, she had a feeling that she had changed into a person, like a strange spirit, condensed in her body, changing her words and deeds.

She deeply knew that the first time she dressed up as the person in the other party's memory was her best opportunity at the moment when she first met Su Ming like this.

Even if you seize this opportunity, it is likely that there will be no next thing.

In fact, when she saw Su Ming's trance just now, she was still proud, and she was even more satisfied with her careful preparation last night because she sensed the sadness Su Ming looked at her.

But the development of things did not go according to her wishes. Su Ming's last words and behavior let Bai Su know that the first meeting like this, the overnight preparation failed.

Su Ming walked to the car and cared respectfully. Su Ming had an order.

"I need an item that is not big in shape but very heavy. The heavier the better. You can get the door for something like this"

The car pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Master, I know that there is a kind of ice called drowning ice. It is said that this kind of ice will never melt. A fist-sized piece is the same as the weight of a human-like rock."

"The more the better." Su Ming raised his right hand and waved a token in the hand of the car.

The car looked at the token with a strange look. Before he came to the ninth peak, the token could be said to be like a sacred object, but at this moment, the more he knew, especially when he knew that it was borrowed from Huzi, the calmer he was.

He held his fist at Su Ming with the token, turned around and turned into a long rainbow and galloped away.

After the car left, Su Ming walked along the mountain path to the cave where Huzi was. Bai Su stamped his feet again. Seeing that Su Ming ignored himself, he simply took a few steps quickly and followed Su Ming.

"Hey, didn't you say you wanted to teach me how to paint!"

"What do you want to draw?" Su Ming's footsteps were not straight, and his voice was not slow.

"Slow down, I want to draw myself!" Bai Su walked a few steps quickly before she could barely keep side by side with Su Ming. Obviously, she didn't want to keep the pace of a division after her.

"I'm very good at drawing. Facing the ice, looking at the reflection of the ice, just draw it with a stroke." Su Ming's voice was as gentle as the day, and there was no wave at all.

"So...what am I going to do with you!" Bai Su was stunned, and then looked angry, but Su Ming walked quickly and took a few feet. She followed her and said, "I didn't want you to come to me." Su Ming didn't look back, and gradually distanced himself from Bai Su.

Bai Su gritted his teeth and ran again.

"I won't draw myself, I want to draw you!" The voice of Bai Su behind Su Ming's ear came.

Su Ming stopped and looked back at Bai Su who ran over.

Seeing that Su Ming no longer walked forward, Bai Su quickly ran close to his side and felt proud in his heart. He secretly said that he would see how you would answer this time. If you draw your own words, you need to face the ice, so if you draw others, you naturally need others to stand there before you can draw.

"You want to draw my door" Su Ming looked at Bai Su.

Bai Su's pride was revealed in Ding's expression from the bottom of her heart. She raised her chin, and the sequins on her forehead were shaken by the sun, flashing, and the tied green silk moved with the wind.

"If there is no six, I just want to draw you." Bai Su snorted, and his proud appearance overlapped with Su Ming's figure buried in the depths of his memory for a moment.

Su Ming raised his right hand and suddenly went to the ice stone on the left side. After a few strokes, a large number of ice pieces flew, and a figure appeared on the ice stone. This figure was Su Ming.

"Draw according to this." After Su Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Bai Su was stunned for a long time, looked at the figure drawn by Su Ming on the mountain stone next to him, looked at Su Ming who was far away, and stamped his feet fiercely again.

"Su Ming, you big bastard!!"

Bai Su's current appearance and expression, as well as that kind of words, are completely different from her when she is with Sima Xin. Often in front of Sima Xin, Bai Su is always naive, always looking at Sima Xin with that soft eyes and a clever expression.

But on the ninth peak, in front of Su Ming, she seems to have changed a person. If Sima Xin is here, she must be stunned, because Bai Su at this moment is very different from Bai Su in front of him in the past.

Bai Su was bulging, staring at his big eyes, flickering. After stomping his feet, he saw that Su Ming had gone far away and could not see his back, so he looked at Su Ming's portrait of the mountain stone fiercely, raised his foot and kicked him.

"I'll kick you, Su Ming!" Bai Su kicked several times in a row, as if she was slightly relieved. Looking at Su Ming's portrait on the ice, her eyes suddenly turned, and the proud expression was revealed again.

She took a few steps forward, took out a black cylinder from her arms, and smeared Su Ming's portrait soil. While smearing, she smiled proudly.

Outside Huzi's cave, soon after, Su Ming walked slowly and did not hear the snoring sound. Instead, there were strange laughter coming from his cave. Su Ming did not stop and walked widely.

As soon as he entered the cave of the tiger, Su Ming immediately saw the tiger squatting on the ground, with countless round patterns drawn in front of him. In that pattern, there was also a mountain map, which surrounded each other, as if there was a track inside.

Huzi held a dagger in his hand and kept carving on the pattern. As he carved it, he let out that strange laughter. If Su Ming saw Bai Su's expression at this moment, he would definitely feel that it was quite similar to the tiger in front of him.

"Hmm, your grandpa tiger is the smartest and the smartest!!"

"What if you change the formation, grandma, let's see how I can open it for you!"

"Your grandpa tiger has grown up so much that he hasn't encountered a place where he can't go. Your grandma's, such a difficult thing, it's not your grandpa Huzi understood after sleeping."

Huzi was so absorbed that Su Ming did not notice it when he arrived. Even when Su Ming stood behind him and looked at the pattern painted by Huzi on the ground, Huzi did not pay attention to it.

"Your grandpa Tiger spent ten days, and I drank more than 30 pots of wine in these ten days. You drank so little. Damn it, your seventh peak is good. Why do you want to change the mountain protection war? See how I can break it for you!" Huzi took the dagger and carved a few more on the ground. He looked ecstatic and looked up and laughed.

But at the moment when he looked up and laughed, his afterglow swept to Su Ming, who was standing beside him. In a stand, the laughter stopped abruptly.

"Lao Si, when did you come to the door"

"I've been here for a long time..." Su Ming looked strange and looked at the tiger with his eyes full of blood in front of him.

"You've heard the door" Huzi looked serious.

"I heard... part of it." Su Ming looked even more strange.

Huzi lowered his head, then suddenly raised, hugged Su Ming, and his voice echoed in the cave.

"Fourth, you are really my dearest and dearest little brother. You know that your tiger brother will succeed today, so come and congratulate me. Well, you are a good brother. I won't tell you the truth. You judge me. Tell me, this is the seventh peak of her grandmother's damn shameless and indignation. Do they have Have a conscience, is there any virtue? They... They actually changed to the mountain protection array!!"