Ask for Magic

Chapter 325 New quenching

No one knows what these witches have seen. They disappeared on the edge of Nanchen in this night. Only a few broken magic weapons could be seen on the land hundreds of miles away. In addition, there was no clue.

A total of eight people, all of them disappeared.

Even on the night when they disappeared, no one heard anything in a tribe near the Dead Sea of witches not too far from here. Even the fluctuation of fighting methods did not notice it at all.

It seems that these witches were swallowed up by nothingness out of thin air.

The land of the witch clan began to be surrounded by a panic as early as a few months ago. This panic has not been covered up, but is getting thicker and thicker. It has spread far away, so that a large number of witch tribes near the Dead Sea have begun to migrate.

It's already uninhabitable here.

In the land of the witch clan, there used to be a long rainbow that occasionally flashed by. What exists in the long rainbow is a fierce beast with a dragon head but a horse body. The body of this beast is not big. Although it is only dozens of feet in size, the kind of fierce evil emitted from its body is scary when it is approaching.

The most distinctive feature of this fierce beast is that there are blue flames burning under its four hooves. The sky where the fierce beast passes often leaves a line of horseshoe fire marks that gradually dissipate when the long rainbow disappears.

Whenever the witches saw this beast, most of them looked devout. They bent down with their chests in their hands, and even many of them would kneel there with respect.

Because of this beast, it has a special name, which is called witch horse. This beast is owned by the witch temple in the whole witch land.

But in recent months, there have been more witch horses with dragon heads and horses in the sky of the witch clan. In the long rainbows roaring through, there are no less than hundreds of such fierce beasts. They go to all corners of the witch land and send their lives to carry out their respective tasks.

The whole land of the witch clan, with the spread of the rumors of the Dead Sea and the sealing of life brought by the witch horses, began to migrate in a planned way.

The wind and rain are coming!

In the position near the Tianlan barrier, in fact, the wind and rain have come, and the sound of fighting is earth-shaking. The sky here is dark, and the earth emits blood and blood after blending into the soil.

War, with a lightning speed, with a barbarian who was not ready, suddenly, it came like this.

On this magnificent Tianlan barrier, in many positions, especially Tianlan City as the most fierce place, at this moment, there is a fight echoing.

After the Tianlan barrier, the land of the barbarians, on the distant sky, the blue waves are thousands of miles, and the clouds are spread like scales, which seems to indicate that in the sky, a ten-foot sword cuts through the sky at a very fast speed, setting off an amazing roar. With the spread of the roar, the sword goes straight Yes.

Compared with the tension and panic of the witch land, the barbarian land is peaceful. Even in the face of the war in this century, most barbarians seem to be used to such a battle, and do not regard it as a real life-and-death battle, but a trip to experience.

They believe that the existence of Tianlan barrier can block the witches.

They believe that the war will end in a few years, and when it is over, they will continue to live in the land where the tribe thrives.

Including the vast majority of people who exist on the sword that flashed through the sky at this moment and raised a shrill roar, they all think so. This is an experience, a battle that can be amazing.

"The quenching is not something you take for granted. Even if you carry more weight, there is no other use except to make yourself lighter in your imagination!" On the tip of the sword, Su Ming sat cross-legged, pale, gritted his teeth and persisted. There was a strong wind in his position, blowing almost every position of his body, making his flesh and blood tremble. Even the flow of blood inside the body seemed to have received strong resistance, which made his heart seem to lose its ability to beat. .

After Su Ming, the old man surnamed Jing sat there calmly and slowly opened his mouth.

"But the birds in the sky can be endless because they are light, which also shows that I bear the role of refining the body!" Su Ming's lips trembled and he was short of breath, but he gritted his teeth and said this.

"A ridiculous idea, do you only look at birds? So have you ever seen a fierce beast with a huge body, flying so fast that even we barbarians can't reach it. Are they also very light? The old man surnamed Jing sneered and said.

Su Ming was silent and couldn't refute for a long time. The golden roc came to his mind. His huge body must be extremely heavy, but it could have that amazing speed.

"It's not right to refine the body with heavy weight. It's okay to call it the first step, but there are too many disadvantages of this method. The real refining body is to control the law of the wind, which can control the direction of wind resistance, use two forces to promote the body, and step on the ground with continuous integration.

However, even I don't fully understand such a method, so you don't have to think about it for the time being, but this is a direction. Only when your direction is right can you pursue it. If the direction is wrong at the earliest, it will only waste your time. The old man surnamed Jing opened his mouth in a low voice, raised his right hand and pointed to Su Ming in front of him.

Under this finger, the protective light shield outside the tip of the sword in front of Su Ming suddenly cracked a slight gap. At the moment of this gap, Su Ming's body trembled violently. He could feel the wind of the leather surface, which was several times stronger at once, and the feeling of severe pain and tearing of his body became even stronger.

"In this direction, if you want to pursue it, you have to take the right path. Now, imagine yourself as a wisp of wind to feel the oncoming wind resistance in the sky, and feel the reaction of all positions of your body after the collision of these two forces."

The corners of Su Ming's mouth suddenly overflowed with blood, and the severe pain in his body made him unbearable. The wind coming right in front of him was cut on his body like a knife. There was no place to hurt. His body sitting there cross-legged was even more shaky, as if it could be directly swept away by the coming

"Waste!" The old man surnamed Jing frowned and said coldly.

"If it weren't for Bai Chang's face, I would never have paid attention to you at all! The predecessor of Tianxiezi should be respected, but as his disciple, you make me feel a little un deserved. The old man surnamed Jing snorted.

At this moment, Su Ming's body trembled, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood again. The body sitting cross-legged there was blown back half a foot. His face was pale, and the pain from his whole body even made the power to stand up seem to disappear, especially under the strong wind, the qi and blood in his [body] was extremely difficult to run, and even the flow of dust-opening power was slow, as if he had received great resistance.

Under such a premise, it is difficult for him to keep his body frozen in place.

"Waste is waste, stubborn!" The old man surnamed Jing raised his right hand and pointed to the protective light shield in front of the tip of the sword where Su Ming was again. Suddenly, the gap that had cracked before stabbed and was expanded again.

In this way, the strong wind blowing towards Su Ming soared several times in an instant, so that Su Ming's body had no time to adapt, so he stepped back again and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The blood spewed out encountered the strong wind on the face, and it was immediately blown away. Surprisingly, while the blood was blown away, there was a trace of blood fog. Under the headwind, it stayed in front of Su Ming for so many breaths before it gradually disappeared.

"It's still waste. After a stick of incense, I will open the crack of this protection again. If you can't bear it, then roll back to the edge of the sword." The old man surnamed Jing frowned and looked cold.

Su Ming's face was pale, and it was difficult to even open and close his eyes under the strong wind, not to mention breathing. His body trembled and had reached the limit, but his eyes were staring at the place where the blood mist just existed, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Imagine yourself as a wisp of wind... This matter is simple, but how to do it..." Su Ming was bitter in his heart, but he did not give up, but gritted his teeth and continued to persist there.

But he also knows that such persistence does not seem to have much effect.

"That blood mist... Why can it stay for a few breaths under this strong wind before it is gradually blown away..." Su Ming suddenly bit the tip of his tongue in silence and spit out a mouthful of blood again. His eyes stared at the blood spewed out desperately in the wind. It seemed that the scene he saw slowed down when he looked at He clearly saw that the blood first turned into fog when it encountered the wind.

But there was a blood fog, and the wind penetrated through their tiny gaps before they swept them away and blew them away.

At this moment, Su Ming's eyes showed understanding and closed his eyes. His body was gradually blown backwards again in the wind.

"How can Bai Chang value you..." The old man surnamed Jing was impatient, but before he finished his words, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

But he saw that Su Ming's body was moving in the wind, but it stopped at this moment. Not only that, in the old man's eyes, Su Ming closed his eyes, and his body actually stood up and took a few steps forward. After returning to his original position, he sat cross-legged without hesitation.

At the moment he sat down, Su Ming's hair fluttered rapidly, and his clothes danced wildly, but his body did not retreat in the strong wind. Although he was still trembling, it was completely different from the earliest time.

"What?" The old man surnamed Jing looked at it for a moment and gradually looked surprised. He raised his right hand and pointed to the protective light curtain outside the tip of the sword in front of Su Ming again, making the crack open a lot again, making the wind stronger.

If it is changed before, Su Ming's body must not be able to bear to roll upside down, but at this moment, Su Ming is sitting there steadily, allowing the wind to blow on the front of the body, and then... from the back of it, penetrating...