Ask for Magic

Chapter 332 Dementor

The moment he saw the crystal, the man suddenly smiled.

"Yes, I'm doing it for this thing. Unfortunately, the waste of those two witches is not on it, but since Brother Mo got it, it naturally belongs to you.

Looking at the direction of Brother Mo's way forward, he should go to Tianlan City. If so, Wu is on the same road as Brother Mo. Wu Duo held his fist to Su Ming.

"No need." Su Ming took a look at Wu Duo and turned to leave. He felt that this person was very dangerous. Now in the face of the battle of Tianlan, Su Ming did not want to waste too much time. Of course, if this person took the initiative to take action, then Su Ming did not mind seeing what kind of combat power he had now.

"Brother Mo, stay for a moment." Wu Duo took a few steps forward and immediately opened his mouth.

Su Ming paused, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Brother Mo, don't misunderstand. Wu just has a deal. Brother Mo will be interested." Wu Duo looked as usual, as if he didn't see the cold light in Su Ming's eyes, and said with a smile.

Su Ming didn't say anything, but looked coldly at Wu Duo in front of him.

"Brother Mo went to Tianlan City alone this time. If he can go there with some credit, I think that after entering Tianlan City, the ranking will be much higher. Wu has a credit here that needs the help of Brother Mo. Once it is done, I will ensure that Brother Mo will get enough credit, so that Tianlan City should also look at it Wu Duo licked his lips and opened his mouth slowly.

"Say it!" Su Ming looked calm.

"Hey hey, Brother Mo's words are decisive. Wu appreciates this very much, so I won't talk nonsense. I have a secret report. In this battle of Tianlan City, some witches, with other means, secretly entered my barbarian land when Tianlan City had no time to pay attention to it.

The three witches you met before are the first batch. There should be some barbarian escapers behind them. The two of us work together. If we can intercept all these people on the way and take their heads to Tianlan City, it must be a great credit!

Brother Mo, what do you think? Wu Duo smiled and said to Su Ming.

"Those who can avoid the guard there from Tianlan City and escape into the barbarian land, how can their cultivation be weak, and if the number of people is small, the credit is not great, and if there are many people, I'm afraid that even if you and I join hands, it will be difficult to intercept them.

The most important thing is how you know about it!" Su Ming's voice was cold and he spoke slowly.

"Brother Mo didn't know that this flaw in Lancheng that day was not a flaw. It could only be passed by the first witch. If it was the central witch level, it was difficult to enter because his cultivation was too high.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the passage of this gap requires a lot of flesh and blood, and often only when there is a battle that only those who are prepared have the opportunity to pass.

There won't be many such people, otherwise, it's not secret. I have a secret report that there are less than 20 people who enter the barbarian land this time, and the cultivation of these people is only equivalent to the first witch in the early stage of the sacrifice of bones.

As for how I know about this matter, please don't ask Brother Mo about this matter. This is my secret. Wu Duo looked at Su Ming and opened his mouth in a low voice.

"I don't hide it from Brother Mo. After you and I killed these people, the corpses are credited to you, but the belongings on them belong to me. In addition, as a thank you, after the end, I can tell Brother Mo about the role of the crystal. After all, in the Battle of Tianlan, there are still many opportunities

This is the first cooperation between you and me. If it is perfect, we can continue in the future. If you still can't trust me, I can do it first every time. In this way, you can naturally make a choice. Wu Duo said in a low voice.

Su Ming is silent. If this mysterious Wu Duo is talking about another deal, Su Ming will not be too interested, but this kind of hunting of witches will become a perfect explanation for Su Ming's lack of time to go to Tianlan City.

"What is the first witch? What's the central witch again?" Su Ming was silent for a moment and suddenly opened his mouth.

Wu Duo was stunned and looked at Su Ming in surprise.

"Brother Mo doesn't know? Well, this matter is not a secret. Your sect or tribe may have forgotten to tell you. Wu Duo's heart was moved, and some of him could not judge Su Ming's origin. If there were some large tribes about the witch level, he would definitely know, but Su Ming felt that he did not seem to come from the small part.

"Is he testing?" Wu Duo said in his heart, but his expression was as usual. He smiled and said, "The witch is different from our barbarians, which can be said to be completely different. Our barbarians are divided into trapezoidal levels, such as blood clotting, dust, sacrifice bones and barbarian souls.

Each realm is divided into four small layers, namely, beginning, middle, back and completion.

But the witches are not the case. The level of cultivation of the witches is relatively chaotic, but it can also be said to be relatively simple. They have six realms, namely, war witches, spiritual wisdom, premonition, soul, spiritual medium and Sichen.

In fact, there are few high and lows in these six realms. You can see it as the six paths of each witch after the coming-of-age ceremony, which will be tested by the clan wizard to find a suitable way to practice.

Six types of realms, each of which is divided into four levels: primary, central, post and absolute. Among them, the first witch is comparable to the early stage of the sacrifice bone, the central witch is comparable to the sacrifice bone, the latter witch is comparable to the early stage of the barbarian soul, and the absolute witch is like the barbarian soul of our barbarian.

In addition to the desperate situation, there is actually a legendary realm, which is the void. In the six realms, if someone surpasses the void, it will be called the witch sky!

However, the emergence of emptiness is so difficult that it is second only to the appearance of barbarian gods in our barbarians. Wu Duo smiled and said in detail.

"Witch of War, Linghui, Prediction, Dementor, Psychic, Si Chen." Su Ming's eyes flashed. This was the first time he heard about the hierarchy of the witches, which was completely different from the barbarians. Among these six categories, he had seen Si Chen and the psychic, but he didn't know which category the witch of the witchzard belonged to.

"Speaking simply, it is because of the four levels of the beginning, the central, the latter and the absolute. The chaos is because of the six categories, each of which are different. Among them, the war witches, they are the warriors of the witch clan. This kind of witches are the most. With the power of the body, with their

Linghui, the combination of power and wisdom can dominate the fate of others. Linghui is very special in the witch clan. The witches of each tribe are cultivated spiritual wisdom. His wisdom is supreme, and he can call the wind and rain, forcing the people of his clan to sacrifice to their gods at the cost of their lives. When Wu Duo said this, even his voice was much lower, as if he was very afraid of witches like Linghui.

When Su Ming heard this, his heart was moved. He thought of the witch of the Witchzard Department. His strength was a rare strong man among his enemies in his life.

"Forethinking, based on the most handsome man or woman of our clan, ** their foreboding ability, easy to see the celestial phenomena, good governance of the land, more acquaintances, strong foreboding can achieve the level of terror of people to the earth, the earth is dry, and the sky

Dementor, good at the art of red death, the art of making people rise to life and return to the soul, the immortal witchcraft that makes people immortal. Don't look into their eyes. It's as powerful as Zhu Jiuyin... I've killed two dementors and fought with them. It's a nightmare. When Wu Duo said this, he was silent for a moment.

"Psychic medium, for the dead and the main soul of the living, especially sympathizes with the dead, but regardless of the life of the living. A single psychic may not be strong, but if it is a powerful psychic with the dementor, their combination will be a catastrophe for the living.

Finally, it is Sichen, which is beautiful and rare. Every pair of Sichen has to pay a lot of effort to cultivate. They are all detached from nature and reality. Legend has it that they can imagine casually and will become reality! I hate this kind of wizard, but in fact, this kind of realm is the most difficult to appear.

Once Sichen appears in the witchcraft, then it's like a new barbarian god appeared in our barbarian clan, or even stronger! This is the witch clan. Brother Mo knows more about it, and there will be more chances to survive in the Battle of Tianlan.

So now, is there an opportunity for you and me to cooperate? Wu Duo licked his lips and looked at Su Ming.

"You are so confident that you can find them and lead the way!" Su Ming meditated briefly and broke his mouth.

"Brother Mo is cheerful. I can indeed find them. As for the reason, it is inconvenient for me to say, but Brother Mo, don't worry, I sincerely cooperate!" Wu Duo laughed, stepped directly into the air, turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the distance.

"Brother Mo, the latest group of witches is not far ahead. After I take action, I will ask Brother Mo to help me!"

Su Ming got up and stepped forward. He remained calm behind Wu Duo. He assimilated with him as a long rainbow and cut through the sky.

In the other direction of the two people sitting in the plain, there are two witches who are speeding cautiously against the grass at this moment. One of them is wearing horned leather helmets. Their eyes are gloomy, and there is a scar on the position of their lips. It seems that their lips are divided into four petals, which is very horrible.

Next to him was a boy. The boy's hair was shaking, and he always closed his eyes and didn't open it, but there was a gloomy feeling around him, which made the big man look nervous and awe when he looked at him from time to time.

"You are scared." As the two walked forward, the boy, who had always closed his eyes, suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice was slightly sharp, like rubbing the soul.

"Lord Dementor..." The big man next to him shivered.

"Don't be afraid, Wu Duo dares not play anything. After the transaction, he will become your companion, follow me, and enjoy the immortal witch body." The boy smiled, and his eyes did not open, but a strange black light scattered from his eyes.

"Yes!" The big man's eyes were suddenly distracted. He lowered his head and said respectfully. There was no emotional fluctuation in his words, like a dead man opening his mouth.

The moment he lowered his head, in his cracked four lips, a maggot came out and fell to the ground. This big man... His body [body] was full of maggots. He... was a dead man!


Mudanjiang has a power outage on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week. I'm going to hate the power bureau... It's not a power outage, it's half a city...

There was a power outage in half of the city. Today's and Monday's articles were written in Internet cafes, which was noisy... It was even more painful to think that it would be like this on Friday.

Especially in Internet cafes, they are chatting, games, lala, picking up girls and so on. I'm typing, and sometimes I'm curious to come and look at it curiously...

Please recommend a ticket to comfort me. I hope this hard day will end soon, and the great electricity industry will not be overhauled soon...