Ask for Magic

Chapter 338 Participate in the war!

After Su Ming, the fire ape galloped along, and the dozens of human heads on its body fluttered while walking, forming a strong evil spirit around, making the ape look like coming out of the yellow spring, which would make people be shocked.

In the roar of one person and one ape, he went straight to Tianlan City. As he approached, the sound of fighting came from afar, and it became clearer and clearer. Su Ming's expression gradually became extremely solemn. The sound of fighting of more than 100,000 people brought shock to those who saw and heard with their own eyes, either the collapse and A kind of uncontrollable boiling and blood.

Su Ming belongs to both the former and the latter.

He has his fear, but the will to fight overwhelms the fear. He does not fight for the Nanchen barbarians, does not fight for Tianlan, let alone for Tianhan Sect!

He is fighting for the ninth peak, fighting for the way home, fighting to become stronger, fighting for himself...!!

As it approached, with the sound of fighting coming clearly from outside the Tianlan site, Su Ming and the fire ape behind him, the approaching Tianlan City, in front of him, under this majestic city, within the scope of the barbarians, there is a winding ladder, which is almost close to the wall and can be passed.

In the mid-air of the city, there are a large number of barbarians floating to guard the city.

The proximity of Su Ming and the fire ape has long attracted the attention of some people in Tianlan City, especially those who guard the city in mid-air in the war.

They belong to Tianlan City. When they do not participate in the battle, their duty is to guard the security of the city. At this moment, many people have been fighting on the battlefield, but those who take turns still do their duty to guard it.

As Su Ming approached, these people looked calm. It seemed that several of the guardians who had long been used to war looked back at Su Ming in the distant sky.

"Stop him and ask if it's that tribe. Now it's a wartime, and no one can break in from the rear!" One of them was obviously a slightly higher-level person and said in a cold voice.

While he said his words, the two guardians of Tianlan City immediately held their fists and said yes, turned into a long rainbow, and went straight to Su Ming.

"Stop coming and report to the tribe!" Tianlan City belongs to the barbarian area of the city. After the two coming guardians in the sky flew out, one of them spread indifferent words to Su Ming, who was galloping to the edge of the sky.

Su Ming also saw these two people. After them was Xiongcheng Tianlan. At this moment, the sound of fighting was deafening and echoing for a long time. Su Ming paused and punched at the two when he was dozens of feet in front of the two.

"Su Ming is from Tianhan Sect!"

The two guardians glanced at Su Ming when they heard the words, and the previous speaker snorted coldly.

"A group of nonsense, Tianhan Sect came half a month ago. Why didn't you come here together, since you are a person of Tianhan Sect?"

"I was delayed on the way down, so..." Su Ming was about to explain, but was interrupted by the guardian of Tianlan who was talking.

"I don't need your explanation. No matter where you come from, now the barbarians are fighting, and strangers are not allowed to approach. You leave quickly. When this battle is over, if it is really Tianhan Sect, I will report to the city and bow you to enter." The man who has always been speaking is a strong man who looks about 40 years old. He is wearing a blue robe, which is still stained with blood, and he looks slightly tired. Obviously, he has just been replaced from the battlefield.

As for another person, he is about the same age and is also tired, but the cold light flashes in his eyes. This cold light may not be aimed at Su Ming, but born from the war.

Su Ming was silent, and his eyes fell on the witch land in the distance, where they fought fiercely. At such a distance, Su Ming could see that on the land of the witch clan, the head of a barbarian was fought by a witch man, and the head was raised by him and rushed out in the roar of the sky.

Similarly, on that battlefield, the witches are also killed and wounded, but for those fierce beasts, they often need several barbarians to besiege them to contain them, and the roar of fierce beasts echoes in this huge battlefield.

Su Ming wants to participate in this kind of war. Only by experiencing life and death in this most experienced place can he break through again, from the dust to the sacrificial bone!

However, he came late, and in this war, as a late person, and no one can prove his identity at this moment, it is impossible to participate in the war.

Even if someone recognizes it, unless it is the older generation of the Tianhan Sect, other people's words, with slight words, cannot play too much role in this war.

"Eh? Don't leave?" The big man in the blue robe was full of blood, and his eyes flashed murderous, and he opened his mouth gloomily.

Because of this, the conversation between the two guardians and Su Ming was too long, so that the others in Tianlan City also looked at it. Su Ming sighed secretly and stepped back a few steps.

But just as he retreated, suddenly, there was a loud roar in the direction of Tianlan City. The roar was earth-shaking, but in the mid-air of Lan City that day, a huge crack suddenly appeared. The crack was not substantial, but between reality and illusion, constantly flashing. At the moment when the crack appeared, the guardians in Tianlan City suddenly changed their looks one by one. At the same time, an old voice echoed around Tianlan City.

"This is a transmission that connects the land of the witch created by the witch Sichen with the fantasy skill. This skill cannot be broken, but even the witch Sichen can only use it once in half a year.

Defeat the people transmitted by the witch clan that come out of it, and there will be no such attack in half a year! Brother Chi, Ran You, Brother Zhou, this is also the reason why I left the three of you here not to go to the battlefield.

With the old voice, four figures suddenly stepped out of Tianlan City. Three of the four figures were white-haired old men, and the other was a middle-aged man in black robe. As soon as the four people walked out, they suddenly formed a great pressure and spread almost the moment they walked out, the crack in the sky. There was a roar inside, which suddenly and completely tore open. As it cracked, a roar echoed from the inside. A dragon of thousands of feet in size suddenly drilled out of its head, shook, and broke out directly from the crack.

After the dragon, laughter echoed, but three people suddenly flew out of the crack of Bena. The three people looked the same, all of whom were as skinny as bones, and their bodies were painted with unknown patterns. They held a bone stick in their hands. At the moment they flew out, a black gas suddenly spread.

At the moment when these three people and Jiaolong appeared, the four people who came out of Tianlan City were already approaching in their steps. They didn't say a word to each other, and the roar suddenly swirled and stood together!

For a moment, the color of heaven and earth changed, the wind and clouds rolled upside down, and the sound of bombarded in all directions. At the same time, in the cracks in the sky, figures roared out, one witch after another. Almost in a blink of an eye, hundreds of witches appeared from the crack

Every wizard who rushes out has good cultivation.

"Kill!!" Those guardians, one by one, roared without hesitation and launched a life-and-death battle with those witches who came out of the cracks.

In Tianlan City, many people rose up at this moment and went straight to the small but equally tragic battlefield here.

The sound of fighting was shocking. It was hidden that the sky was dark, and there was no light in the sun and the moon. The two guardians in front of Su Ming who prevented him from participating in the war also had no time to pay attention to Su Ming in the change of his expression, but went straight to the battlefield.

This war took place less than 5,000 feet away from Su Ming. To its tragic extent, as soon as they fought, there were sad screams. Many people's whole bodies collapsed and burst, and some of them were even fragmented.

There are barbarians and witches here.

This is not a direct fight between two people. This is on the battlefield. What everyone is facing is not an enemy, but an overwhelming enemy. Countless enemies. When you kill one person, you should be cautious about the magic power roaring from the hands of the non-barbarians around you.

Su Ming's eyes flashed. He did not continue to retreat, but when the fire ape roared and was about to rush out, he raised his right hand and threw it at the fire ape's big sleeve. Suddenly, in the aggrieved look of the fire ape, he put it into the bag that belonged to it.

This is a difficult battle. Su Ming is worried about the fire ape's battle. Once this ape is red-eyed, it will go crazy and he will not be spared.

At the moment he took away the fire ape, Su Ming suddenly took a step towards the battlefield 5,000 feet away. When he took this step, his figure seemed to be motionless and still seemed to keep the step, but in fact, his speed was still unfolded to the extreme.

The two guardians who had blocked him before, the robe was full of blood, and most of them were the big men he was talking to Su Ming. Now he raised his five fingers and grabbed him forward, and there were five breaths wrapped behind him, turning into a colorful spider, bombarding the oncoming witch in front of him.

The witch was also extraordinary. At the same time of death, it also let the colorful spider burst open, and a nail popped up under the roar of its own death. The nail penetrated the chest of the guardian man, making the corners of his mouth overflow with blood and retreated.

But at the moment he retreated, a tomahawk roared and suddenly appeared from beside him. It was a witch warrior who cut down with an axe in a ferocious smile. The guardian's eyes seemed to ignite madness, as if he was about to explode. Even if he died, he had to kill a few more people. Suddenly, there Suddenly, the shadow appeared.

With the appearance of Su Ming, his eyebrows flashed blue, and the armor on his body suddenly turned into a miracle. At the moment when the big man's axe unfolded, his sword roared away.

Good news, dear, it will explode tomorrow! It's still the last method, reaching 300 votes, and the ears will continue to fight!!!

Now it's 3020 votes, dear, 3320 is the fifth update, 3420 is the sixth update, please break out, please ask for the sixth update!!!