Ask for Magic

Chapter 356 Natural Variation!

But I saw the green fog rolling in the sky, as if there was a pair of invisible big hands in it, which suddenly went deep into the fog and suddenly tore the fog to both sides.

The fog completely collapsed and rolled upside down to the dish. The three strong men of the witch clan looked shocked and retreated together. The five or six strong men of the barbarians also looked the same, quickly rewinded.

The green fog in the sky turned into fragments in an instant, quickly scrolling around, revealing the dark sky!

On this canopy, it can be clearly seen that there is a blue light coming from the distant place of the sky. With the appearance of the light, this black sky has become blue!

But this blue is different from the blue during the day. It is a kind of dark blue, a kind of strange and heavy. At the same time, there are bursts of roaring in the sky. The sound is like singing, like roaring, which makes people unclear. At the same time, you can feel an indescribable pressure. The sky condensed rapidly and came to the earth and all directions.

"The statue of the sacrificed bone!!!" In the sky, among the six barbarian strong men who retreated, someone suddenly heard a voice.

"This is a sign before the arrival of the bone sacrifice statue. The bone sacrifice statue from the Dayu Dynasty is crossing the void and coming here!!"

"Someone broke through on the battlefield and attracted the statue of sacrificed bones!"

The six strong barbarians are not ignorant people. At this moment, they can see the clue at a glance. Originally, someone had reached the altar bone, which was just a small matter for them, but at this moment their color was revealed. This is by no means a small matter!

"The ordinary breakthrough of the dust to reach the sacrificial bone will never attract the appearance of the sacrificial bone god statue, which can only make the sacrificial statue appear................... sacrificial bone god general!!" On the wall of Tianlan City, the seven or eight old people were looking at the sky at this moment, and one of them said hoarsely.

"And it's the real body. If it is projected, it can never have the ability to tear the fog, let alone produce the pressure to prevent them from fighting!

This is all the real body!! Unexpectedly, someone can attract all the real bodies of the sacrificed bone statue to appear. In my memory, only once in the past thousand years, all the real bodies of the sacrificed bones have come, which has attracted all the real bodies of the sacrificed bone statue!"

"Even if there is a sacrificial bone god who will be canonized, only half of the real body will be dispatched. Now... all the real bodies have appeared! God bless my barbarians to appear in my Nanchen land at this moment, the second true god of sacrifice bones!"

Compared with the speculation and knowledge of those strong people about the change of the sky at this moment, some of the tens of thousands of people on the earth have seen the clues, but more people are confused and do not know how to look at the sky at this moment, and their hearts are shocked.

At this moment, even Zhou De in the southern war zone has set his eyes on the sky and no longer looked at Su Ming. On the whole battlefield, only Tian Lanmeng and Su Ming's more than 100 followers of the barbarians who pay attention to Su Ming.

Only they are looking at the direction of Su Ming's existence.

Su Ming's whole person turned into a bright blue light. The blue light exists in nothingness. He can only see the light and shadow, and he can't see it clearly. While the blue light flashed, Su Ming's speed continued to soar, and the distance of 3,500 feet became thousands of feet in an instant.

Everything in Su Ming's eyes was blurred except for the target. What his eyes saw was only a woman standing in the crowd thousands of feet away, protected by layers.

The woman was wearing a long shirt, looked elegant, and was also looking at Su Ming. This woman's appearance is not beautiful, but her eyebrows are clear and beautiful. Her hair is decorated with a gorgeous feather, and there is nothing else to set off.

Her eyes are deep, which seem to contain some unknown power, but anyone who is seen by her seems to sink into it and can't extricate himself.

Almost at his speed, Su Ming came a thousand feet away from the place where the woman was located. The sky had turned into a dark blue. In that deep blue, the whole sky became a huge whirlpool. During the rapid rotation, an indescribable pressure came.

Under this pressure, the two witches on the earth battlefield could not fight. The pressure not only made the barbarians in awe, but also the people of the witches.

On the battlefield, for the first time, there was a truce!

Only Su Ming was moving and galloped towards the only place in his eyes. However, there are very few people who pay attention to him. Even the witches are looking at the changes in the sky.

When Su Ming was 800 feet away from the woman, the center of the huge whirlpool in the sky emitted a bright light that reflected the whole earth. This light was blue and instantly covered the earth.

It was almost the moment when the strong blue light covered the earth. A statue of thousands of feet in size came slowly from the whirlpool.

This statue is so bright that you can't see its appearance clearly, but with its appearance, it seems that even time will be still. The strong pressure makes the barbarians on the earth immediately kneel down one by one.

Not only are they, but also the witches are struggling, but their bodies can't help kneeling down. For example, the existence of this statue can not only make the barbarians in awe, but also they must do the same.

At this moment, if a foreigner looks down from the sky, he will inevitably be unable to distinguish between witches and barbarians, such as a nation and different camps.

Those who do not kneel are only those who are extremely strong. They are looking at the gods in the sky in the air, in Tianlan City. They look respectful, but they are not too shocked by his pressure.

In addition to them, there were also no kneeling down on the earth, as well as the many fierce beasts, and the destination of Su Ming's move forward at this moment. After everyone else knelt down, she stood alone among more than a dozen fierce beasts, and under the thousands of holy beasts, the woman with long hair fluttered.

The woman even raised her hand at this moment, stranded the blown hair, and there was a ring on her finger.

The bones in Su Ming's body were all melted. After being absorbed by his spine, the endless wind was absorbed. The wind disappeared in his body, which made Su Ming appear 500 feet away in front of the long-haired woman in a flash.

At this moment, on the wall of the barbarian Tianlan City, the seven or eight old men who had been looking up at the changes in the sky suddenly changed their look, faintly, disbelievable and feared.

Not only they, but also the six barbarian strong men in the sky, and even the three witches, are all like this.

"The pressure... has been enhanced!!"

In the sky, with the appearance of the statue of the sacrificial bone, the already existing pressure suddenly increased. At the same time, the vortex of the sky actually reversed in the center of it. With its reversal, the vortex on the canopy moved. In an instant, the direction of its rotation changed, not only so, but also It spread to all directions, unexpectedly exceeding the momentum of the appearance of the sacrificial bone statue, covering so much that it not only exceeded the whole battlefield, but also spread through Tianlan City.

"This is... This is a sign of the appearance of the barbarian spirit statue!!!" One of the seven or eight old men on the wall immediately lost his voice and exclaimed.

With the spread of his words, there was a shocking roar in the whirlpool in the sky, like the sky breaking apart, and an indescribable statue slowly revealed a corner from it.

Just one horn made the earth tremble, and the nine strong men of the witch and barbarians floating in the sky quickly dragged back and fell to the earth one after another, as if they could not exist in mid-air.

The exposed horn emits a red color. It can be seen that it is the bottom edge of an unknown statue. It is just the edge, and it is so powerful. If all the statues come, I'm afraid it's just pressure, and it can make tens of thousands of people on the battlefield explode at the same time.

The statue of the bone sacrifice and the statue of the barbarian soul appeared at the same time. This scene was beyond people's expectations. It seems to be a strangeness that has never been recorded in any classic. After appearing at this moment, all those who saw it were shocked.

With the exposure of a corner of the barbarian soul statue, and as it sank a few inches again, even the strong of the barbarian soul realm could not withstand this pressure and knelt down one after another.

"What the hell happened? How could it be like this!"

"Is it that someone has directly reached the barbarian soul from the open dust world, this...................this..............."

"What's the reason for the two statues appearing at the same time!" Just as there was chaos in everyone's minds, and the war was interrupted because of this, a voice came out of Tianlan City, "This is the first inheritance..."

The vicissitudes of this sound seem to come from the distant years, echoing in all directions, into the ears of every barbarian strongman in the barbarian realm, and no one else can hear it.

"Different from the open dust god, the sacrificial bone god will have a subtle division, in which the true god is the highest level... The meaning of the true god dissipated with a generation of barbarian gods in that year and existed in the vast world...

In my surviving memory, there are some understandings about the true god. There are four true gods, led by the wind, followed by clouds, thunder again, and finally fog.

Among them, clouds, thunder and fog have been inheritors in the ages, but Fengman has never appeared... Now, he is the inheritor of Fengman.

Because, only the first inheritance of the true god of sacrificed bones will the real body of the barbarian soul statue come to personally be canonized... If this person dies, the subsequent wind and barbarian inheritance will not be like this.

Almost at the same time that the barbarian statue showed a corner in the huge whirlpool in the sky, Su Ming's body was less than 200 feet away from where the woman was.

This is the third update and the fourth update. Is there only so much for today's monthly ticket...