Ask for Magic

Chapter 358 Sacrifice Bones!

The sound of the statue of the sacrificed bone, with its indifference that does not contain feelings, echoes in Su Ming's ear. At this moment, Su Ming's heart beats very violently, and there is a trace of tension. This tension is because he knew that all this would not belong to him!

But due to some accidents, he completely belongs to himself at this moment, which makes him get the inheritance of Fengman and those items that belong to Fengman.

Especially in the integration at the beginning of the wind, Su Ming can clearly feel that there is a wind that is different from the outside world in his body. Although he can't control this wind, under refining, he must be able to set off all kinds of strong winds in his body [body] that are the same as the outside world or different.

Once he does this, his speed will... reach a level that makes him excited even if he just thinks about it.

If it is just so extraordinary, and there is also the skill of cutting from the wind, which is also integrated into Su Ming's eyebrows and deeply engraved in his memory like a brand.

That's the strongest barbarian magic power related to the wind, Li Feng!

Su Ming just swept this skill in his mind and was secretly shocked. Although the degree of power and terrible momentum were not created by him, its power was by no means idle. After all, this is the inheritance skill created by a generation of barbarians and belongs to his command!

Su Ming's mouth is dry, because in addition to these two, there is also a more important inheritance crystal. This thing is in his storage bag. Just the moment he grabbed the inheritance crystal with his right hand, he immediately felt the amazing vitality and power in the crystal [body]. If this power can be obtained by him, then his repair For, you can cross the realm in an instant!

It's a pity that this inheritance crystal has a magical feeling. It was the first to detect something wrong with Su Ming. If it hadn't been for the faint light of black fragments, I'm afraid that Su Ming had already gone through at this moment.

The surprise came so suddenly that Su Ming was a little overwhelmed. This was just the end of the gift, and the sound of the statue of the sacrificed to the bone continued to reverber.

"You are the inheritance of the wind and barbarism, which conforms to the second law of sacrificial bones set by a generation of barbarian gods. Give you the virtual armor of sacrifice bones, and quickly come to the Dayu Dynasty to get the real armor..."

With the indifferent voice, the blue light flashed on the body of the thousand-foot-sized statue, and a wisp of light suddenly scattered from its eyebrows and went straight to Su Ming. While surrounding Su Ming's body, the dust armor on Su Ming's body transformed by itself. The black smoke was like silk, wrapped around Su Ming's body, The rapid fusion of light.

With the integration, the black and blue blended, and the black gradually dissipated. On Su Ming's body, a pair of dark blue armor suddenly appeared. This set of armors looked extremely powerful, covering Su Ming's whole body. At a faint glance, it was comparable to the armor of the gods that Su Ming saw on Bai Chang!

Compared with the dust armor, it is not a level at all!

This is just a virtual armor. If you get the real armor, it must be even more extraordinary.

But this kind of gift, so far, has not ended...

"You inherit the wind..."

"You inherit the wind..."

Su Ming's mind was buzzing. He listened to the same gifted items. Unfortunately, all of them existed in the Dayu Dynasty and needed to be taken by himself, but even so, it was still enough to make others crazy with jealousy after hearing it.

"You inherit the wind and barbarian, in line with the original law set by a generation of barbarian gods, you... sacrifice bones!!" The thousand-foot-sized sacrificial bone statue roared, and its huge right hand suddenly raised and pointed to Su Ming.

The huge finger, looking at a few feet thick, went straight to Su Ming's roaring approaching. Su Ming did not dodge. He had the experience of opening the dust, and now he does not want to refuse to sacrifice the bones. After all, he knows that his wild identity is a little unformal...

"Sacrifice bones! I want to sacrifice my bones!!" Su Ming's eyes showed a bright light. He longed to be strong and strong, because only in this way can he be above all wills!

Only then can he be his real self, find the [answer] case he wants, open his eyes and see the world that others can't see!

The finger roared and approached Su Ming in an instant. It touched Su Ming's body in an instant. This finger touched Su Ming's eyebrows. Although it was very powerful, it was as gentle as the wind when it fell on Su Ming's eyebrows.

With the touch of that finger, Su Ming's body trembled violently. He clearly felt that there was an indescribable force rushing into his body [body] with the finger, and his body was like a broken bamboo, moving with the blood.

After swimming for nine laps, this force rushed to Su Ming's spine with a bang!

A person's spine is different in childhood and adulthood. Generally speaking, it will be composed of 33 pieces in early childhood, but in adulthood, it will become 26 pieces.

varies from person to person, and there are also differences.

Su Ming's body, his spine is 26 pieces! Twenty-six vertebrae formed a spine. At this moment, under the power of the statue of the sacrificed bone, the spine trembled in Su Ming's body.

It absorbed this power, and even absorbed the bone obtained by Su Ming before. At the same time, it absorbed the endless wind.

The qi and blood in Su Ming's [body] dissipated when the dust was opened in those years, and turned into the power of dust. In a sense, the power of the dust will exist in Su Ming's body, like blood, and then move, and then burst into a powerful force.

However, there is a very different difference between the sacrificial bone and the open dust. This is not only an increase in cultivation, but also a change in the realm, and even amazing changes in the body.

Sacrifice bones, sacrifice bones!

What this saying says is to sacrifice one's own bones, and this bone is that backbone!

In the ancestors of the barbarians, the backbone is the most important thing in the human body. It connects heaven and earth, so that people can stand up and call people!

The role of the backbone can make people burst out of strength. At the same time, it is the support of the mind. It supports a person's will and a person's body. It is the source of everything in the body.

In the barbarian practice, blood coagulation is to constantly condense the bleeding veins and burst out the power that belongs to the root of the barbarians. With the continuous condensation and the increase of the blood line, the blood coagulation becomes more and more pure as if it is refined.

This is the purpose of blood clotting, because only in this way can a kind of blood-like blood be born from the pure blood when the dust is opened. It exists in the body, but the power that cannot be seen but can be felt. That is the power of the dust!

This is the first use of the barbarian bloodline, so that the dust-opener can fly, so that the dust-opener can draw a barbarian pattern to stimulate an initial level of display of the bloodline.

Sacrifice bones, it's different!

This realm is a deeper application and application of the power of the barbarian blood. Because of the barbarian concept, because of the importance of the backbone, all the power of the whole body is integrated into a bone in the backbone in a special way. When this bone absorbs all the power of dust, it finally enters After metamorphosis, in the continuous refining and sacrifice, it will become a real barbarian bone!

In this way, you can step into the realm of sacrifice!

The strong man of the sacrificial bone is similar to Kaichen in the early stage, and there are not too many qualitative changes. After all, if only a bone becomes a barbarian bone, it can't show the strength of the sacrificial bone.

In the division of the barbarian realm, as long as a bone becomes a barbarian bone, it is the beginning of the sacrifice bone, but because of this, the more you practice backwards, the more difficult it is.

When you have a second barbarian bone, you step into the middle of the sacrificial bone, but if you want to reach the peak in the middle of the sacrificial bone, you must have thirteen barbarian bones.

This is also the reason why Su Ming can kill people in the early stage of the sacrifice of bones, and even some people in the middle stage of the sacrifice of the bones. However, if he meets the strong man in the middle stage of the sacrifice of the bones, Su Ming's battle will be extremely difficult. He needs to show all the means and a lot of cooperation

When there are 14 barbarian bones, it is the late stage of the sacrificial bone realm. At this time, the strong of the sacrificial bone realm can be said to be the most glorious time. Their strength can often become the hegemon in a region.

This kind of brilliance, until their barbarian bones reach 25 pieces in the later realm, is the peak! Even in a sense, the people who sacrifice bones in this realm are the strongest under the barbarian soul!

Because of the perfection of the sacrificial bone, it is to sacrifice all the 26 vertebrae of the whole spine into real barbarian bones, such as opening the passage between heaven and earth, from mortal to holiness!

But the sacrifice of the twenty-sixth barbarian bone is too difficult, and even by chance, it got a great opportunity to successfully sacrifice the twenty-six barbarian bone, but once the twenty-six barbarian bone appears, it must immediately attack the barbarian soul.

Opportunity, only once!

Successful, step into the barbarian soul and become the highest level of the four realms of the barbarian race. If you fail, the whole spine will be shattered. From then on, it will disappear and die immediately!

Sacrifice bones are perfect, like a line of life and death, tied up in every barbarian life that has reached this realm. Walk over, sanctified, can't walk over, and enter the underworld.

Therefore, many people who dare not try stayed among the twenty-five barbarian bones and became the strongest under the barbarian soul!

Su Ming already knew about this kind of thing about sacrificing bones at the ninth peak. At this moment, with the trembling of his body and the power of the statue integrated into the first bone at the top of his spine, with the rapid change of this bone, it gradually became different from other bones.

It bloomed with bright blue light. The blue light penetrated Su Ming's body and spread around. From a distance, Su Ming's whole body was only blue!

The speed of this change is just a few breaths, which makes this bone completely change and become the first barbarian bone in Su Ming's backbone!
