Ask for Magic

Chapter 376 In front of your own door

Volume 2 Wind and Cold Chapter 376 In front of your own door (first update)

To the north of the mountains where Su Mingdongfu is located, several people led by the middle-aged man in the sky are leaving quickly for fear of walking slowly and provoking the displeasure of the dementor.

At this moment, they flew out nearly ten thousand feet away, and then they slowed down. Sometimes they looked back. The distance of ten thousand feet made everything blurred. If they didn't have a certain cultivation, what they saw was only far away.

"Lord Wu Zhu, what should I do?" The people next to the middle-aged man said anxiously.

"Yes, Lord Wu Zhu, everything was normal there half a month ago, but now why is there a dementor central witch..."

"It's not the strong man invited by the Black Crane Department. You can't forcibly occupy there!"

"Okay, shut up!" The middle-aged man frowned and looked helpless. After looking at several people around him, he looked at the mountains where Su Ming was in the distance and sighed.

"Maybe this person just lived and practiced for a while, and it won't take long to leave. After all, this place is barren, and there is really nothing that has attracted the dementor central witch for a long time. Let's go back to the tribe and report this matter to the witch and let the witch make a final say." The middle-aged man said, shook his head, and quickly left with the people around him.

"It must be the person invited by the Black Crane Department. That mountain is very important to both of our tribes, alas..." A clan behind the middle-aged man muttered and stopped talking.

With the departure of the crowd, the silence gradually returned to the surroundings.

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain and paying attention to Su Ming, who continued to disperse the whirlpool here, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment. His eyes were deep and contained a faint light, and he looked at the direction of the departure of the Bainiu tribe.

"The nearby White Bull Department..." Su Ming withdrew his eyes and looked at the mountain range. With the power of his divine consciousness at this moment, if it is not scattered in a circle, but condensed into a line, it can spread far away. The words of those white cattle tribes were heard clearly by Su Ming.

"It seems that this mountain range is not unnoicing, but before I change it, this place is indeed barren, and there is really nothing surprising. This white bull department and that black crane department, why is there a dispute because of this?" Su Ming was slightly surprised. When he was sure that he had decided to open a cave here before, Zeng Zai searched carefully several times until he found that there was no clue here before he made a decision.

But now it seems that there are still some secrets that Su Ming didn't find.

Su Ming murmured slightly, stood up, and saw that the whirlpool formed by the power of heaven and earth had shrunk by the place had shrunk more than half. It seemed that in about two days, it would completely disappear.

At that time, this place will return to its original state. Unless it enters it, it is difficult to see that this place has been transformed into an excellent place of cultivation.

As for this whirlpool, the people of the white cattle tribe can't see it due to the limitation of cultivation, but the power of heaven and earth here makes these people feel that it is different here, but the specifics are not clear.

Su Ming shook his body and checked the mountain again. Along the way, his divine consciousness dispersed, but in the end he still found nothing.

"Strange." Su Ming frowned. After a moment of meditation, his eyes flashed. After recalling the arrival and departure of the white cattle tribe, this time he did not check the inner ring of the mountain, but rushed out.

expanded the search scope and focused on the outside of the mountain range. Even the flat Su Ming still checked it carefully. A few hours later, Su Ming stood on an undulating and concavex plain more than 700 feet away from the north side of the mountain, staring at the earth, and his eyes flashed.

Not far in front of him, there is a hole that has been dug out. This hole is covered by weeds. At first glance, it is not easy to find, and it is outside the mountains. Su Ming searched mostly in the mountains before, so he didn't pay attention to it.

What's more strange is that even if Su Ming stood here at this moment and scattered his consciousness to check, he didn't find any clues, but when his consciousness spread to the cave, he whispered gently.

About ten feet in this cave, Su Ming's consciousness was bounced back by an arbitrary force, as if there was some kind of imprisonment there, which could stop the spread of the power of consciousness.

"It's not that the White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department are competing here!" Su Ming glanced at the hole on the ground, shook his body and stepped into the hole. The hole was not big, but it could accommodate one person. After entering the hole, Su Ming had no symptoms of discomfort, but when he walked out of the hole for more than ten feet, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

This position is exactly where his consciousness was bounced back. His eyes flashed, and he saw two items on the ground in the hole in front of him.

A black stone bowl, which is full of water, is the first item.

The second item is on the ground next to it, with a black feather inserted into the ground.

These two items produced the power to stop the spread of Su Ming's consciousness. Su Ming stood aside and looked down for a long time. There seemed to be nothing surprising about these two items.

The so-called feather is just an ordinary feather of birds and beasts, and the color on it is not naturally black. Some of it has its original white. It looks like a white feather, which is wiped on the charcoal after burning a few times, making its color black.

As for the stone bowl, it is quite ordinary, and so is the water in it.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, and his consciousness suddenly scattered and went straight to the feather. At the moment he touched the feather, Su Ming immediately felt as if the feather did not exist. Even in this feeling, the cave did not exist, as if Su Ming was buried in the ground.

"No wonder I didn't feel the place in the cave before. This feather has a hidden effect, but ordinary items have this ability..." Su Ming's consciousness covered the feather. Under layers of exploration, he suddenly looked.

Because he felt a weak consciousness inside this feather, which is not perception, but consciousness!

is the same thing as the divine consciousness in his body! This is the second time that Su Ming found the same power as his own consciousness in the land of witches, and even in the land of Nanchen.

As for the first time, it was at the auction of the cold earth.

This divine consciousness is very weak and condensed in that feather. It is this trace of divine consciousness that makes this ordinary feather have the ability to hide. The divine consciousness also sensed the existence of Su Ming, and struggled to resist the invasion of Su Ming's divine consciousness, but compared with all of Su Ming's divine consciousness at this moment, the divine consciousness on this feather was a little weak. During the touch between the two sides, the trace of divine consciousness suddenly dissipated, and even the feathers turned into flying

Su Ming was stunned. This was the first time he touched his own consciousness with the consciousness of an external object. Seeing that the feather dissipated, Su Ming's eyes fell on the stone bowl next to him. After a slight meditation, his consciousness suddenly dispersed again, but this time under his control, only a few consciousness was scattered, the moment of touching the He immediately felt an arbitrary force sipating from the stone bowl and touching his divine consciousness.

In silence, Su Ming had a sense of buzzing in his mind. His divine consciousness was suddenly bounced back, but this feeling soon dissipated. Su Ming snorted coldly, and his divine consciousness increased a lot and pressed on the stone bowl.

This stone bowl seemed to be unbearable, and cracks appeared on it, including the little power of divine knowledge contained in it, which also dissipated. The bowl clicked into two halves, and the clear water inside it dispersed and penetrated into the soil.

Su Ming frowned. He didn't know what these two items were, but he could be sure that they must be from the white bull or the black crane, or belong to them separately.

Without the stone bowl and black feathers, Su Ming closed his eyes and stood there. His divine consciousness was no longer hindered, and others did not arrive, but the divine consciousness swept under it and went straight to its interior along the hole. After a moment, Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange light in his eyes.

"So that's it."

At the end of this cave, he saw a karst cave about hundreds of feet below the ground. The karst cave was not too big, but there were many bright crystals on the walls around it, and there were many traces of mining around it. Those bright crystals, Su Ming recognized at a glance that it was Wu Jing!

Here, it is a vein rich in witch crystals.

Under the cover of Su Ming's divine consciousness, he saw the whole witch crystal vein, whose scope is not large, and half of it has been mined. The rest can look like nearly ten thousand witch crystals. Maybe some large tribes don't like it, but for the small witch tribe, this is a huge wealth.

However, it is obvious that there is a dispute over the ownership issue here. It is also because of the competition between the White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department that there is friction. However, under Su Ming's observation, it has obviously been mined here for many years, and the two tribes are still rubbing against each other. It is not difficult to guess that they The method, although not the best, can avoid war.

However, all this has been changed by Su Ming's accidental arrival.

Su Ming looked strange. He didn't expect that there was such a small treasure in front of the door where he was in a cave he saw. Thinking that the White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department would definitely not let go here, there was not much trouble in the future, so he had a headache.

"That's all, since this witch crystal vein is in front of my house, it is also predestined to me. In that case, I can't give up." Su Ming walked out of the hole with his hands behind his back. Before leaving, he left a wisp of consciousness here... Thank you, let Ergen occupy the first 60 hours. I don't have much ambition. My only desire is to occupy a little more time, hoping to breathe more of the long-lost air here.

Please give me a monthly ticket so that I can wait a while, thank you!! This is the first update...RQ