Ask for Magic

Chapter 383 The Voice of Dementors!

"Witch, this matter..." The big man hesitated and took a look at Mrs. Ji with a bamboo hat. Although the woman did not show her appearance and did not say a word, when she stood here, a sense of coldness dispersed, which made most of the people around her feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially those who can stand here are the leaders and strong men of the clan. Most of them have heard the rumors about the name of Mrs. Ji, and now they are in awe to see her.

"It doesn't matter, you say so." There was a yin frost in the eyes of the witch of the black crane.

The patriarch of the Black Crane Department struggled to stand up, endured the severe pain, and slowly said the beginning and end of the matter from the beginning, but did not mention the change of heaven and earth many days ago.

"I'm not an opponent of this person. Please ask Mrs. Ji for help." After saying that, the big man struggled to bow to the woman.

The old man in a shirt made of black feathers, his eyes flashed slightly. After all, he was familiar with the big man. He saw some clues, but he did not break them, but narrowed his eyes. He knew that the big man's mind was still meticulous and would never be aimless. Now, in front of himself, he went to The lady took action, obviously thinking that even if she went, she was not the opponent of the outsider.

"Mrs. Ji, this matter... please ask Mrs. Ji to take action!" As soon as the old man gritted his teeth, if other people had spoken like this, he might not believe it, but the big man in front of him was the patriarch of the Black Crane Department to this generation, and the old man could not believe his words.

"Is the other party a witch!" Mrs. Ji, who was wearing a hat, suddenly opened.

"It's not a post-witch, I can guarantee that!" The man said quickly.

"If you promise to be wrong, the Black Crane Department will be buried with you! Kill one person, two thousand witch crystals, two people, four thousand! Also, as agreed before, the witch crystal of the White Ox Department and its sacred objects will return to me after the black crane of your department breaks its seal!" The woman with a hat had a sharp voice, and the people around her who heard this when she said it trembled.

Wu Gong of the Black Crane Department was extremely distressed and hesitated for a moment, but after looking at the firm eyes of the big man, he knew that there must be a clue in it, so he gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ji. After this matter is over, I will send out the remaining 2,000 witch crystals."

"It's okay if you don't give it." Mrs. Ji with a bamboo hat smiled, and her laughter was also sharp and harsh.

"I dare not, I dare not." The old man quickly hugged his fist.

"I've treated your leg for you. It's free this time." Mrs. Ji raised her right hand and pointed to the right leg of the big man. Under this finger, there was a gorgeous centipede embroidered on the woman's clothes. Suddenly, her beard moved a few times, and she actually swam away. She climbed quickly along the woman's arm and galloped straight to the man's right leg. In the big man' The clam bit through the flesh and blood of the big man and got in with his whole body.

This pain made the big man shake his whole body and wanted to hold back, but in the end he couldn't bear it. There was a sad scream, and he suddenly fell there. When the black crane tribe around him changed their look one by one, the fallen black crane tribe's right leg heard a click, and the flesh and blood quickly healed for a moment In the meantime, his whole right leg was no longer injured at all.

But there is a centipede's totem flashing on its right leg.

The big man was pale, stood up, looked at Mrs. Ji's eyes were full of fear, and he bowed with his fist.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Ji."

"You're welcome. Your flesh and blood can provide my baby's blood food for seven days. If you haven't taken out Wu Jing seven days later..." Mrs. Ji with the hat smiled sharply.

There was silence all around, and only its laughter echoed.

"Now that your legs have recovered, lead the way." After Mrs. Ji laughed, she said in a shrill voice.

"Mrs. Ji, do you want to take a break first? Let's do it tomorrow morning..." The witch of the Black Crane Department quickly said, and he still had something to talk about with this big man carefully.

"There is no need to rest. It's just killing two people. It's not too late to rest when you come back." Mrs. Ji shook her sleeve, and her body flew up in an instant. Her right hand pointed to the black crane tribal chief on the ground. The big man's right leg uncontrollably drove him to jump up. He only had time to turn around and glance at the witch with deep meaning, and then turned into a long rainbow to follow Mrs. Ji, and the two disappeared

It was not until Mrs. Ji left that the witch of the Black Crane Department was completely gloomy. He turned his eyes and glanced at the people around him.

"Tell me what happened during this period!!"

As the clan members opened their mouths in a low voice, and as a sentence fell into the witch's ear, the old man's face gradually changed, especially when he heard the mutation in the sky many days ago and the huge nine-headed beast, he took a breath.

"This matter... this matter..." He stepped forward and had the intention to chase the big man, but he paused for a moment and was silent there.

In his mind, the chief of the Black Crane tribe came to his mind before he left, with deep-meaning eyes.

In the sky, Mrs. Ji was extremely fast. As she walked forward, there was a five-color smoke under her feet, which was extremely clear in the sky. The five-color smoke emitted bursts of fragrance. After the big man of the black crane part smelled it, he couldn't help but look confused. He bit his tongue suddenly, and then he Those legends of people can't help but be in awe.

"Although there is a strong wind in the sky, which makes my wife's colorful fog not come out of much breath, but it seems that your will is still very firm when you can wake up so quickly." In the colorful fog, Mrs. Ji's sharp voice came. Although her voice was pointed, it contained a force that made people's hearts ripple, which was introduced into the ears of the big man, making the confusion in her eyes appear again.

Almost at the moment when he was confused and reappeared, the big man's body was immediately swept by a strong force, and he was pulled into the colorful fog.

"Mrs. Ji...give me... spare my life..." The big man trembled, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out the trill. What he saw in front of his eyes was all five-color fog, and there was nothing else, but he clearly felt that there was a soft hand touching his back, as if he had drawn a few circles on his The feeling appeared all over his body, which made the big man's face suddenly turn red and he was short of breath.

"You are very strong-willed. I like you like this, and I can give you this sweetness..." The big man's body shivered. He clearly felt a hot air blowing in his right ear, and then there seemed to be a soft tongue in his ear, gently licking and hooked it.

Under this hook, the big man's brain suddenly seemed to have forgotten everything, leaving only the primitive impulse on his body. His eyes were red, his breathing became heavier and heavier, and a large amount of five-color fog was sucked into his mouth.

bursts of giggles echoed in the fog. In the sky, the five-colored fog galloped and rolled inside. With the wind blowing, a large amount of fragrance was scattered everywhere. Wherever the incense was blown away by the wind, some birds and beasts immediately went crazy and restless.

"Dog...Madam...Adam...Adam!" The big man's body trembled. At the moment when his consciousness was about to completely dissipate, he suddenly bit his tongue and almost bit off his tongue. Finally, it made him wake up again. With incomparable panic, he said this with difficulty.

"It's disappointing, that's all. I'll give you sweetness after cleaning up the outsiders." The lazy voice was no longer sharp. From the fog, Mrs. Naji came out of the fog.

His clothes were still the big red gown, and the colorful insects and snakes were permeated. With a hat, his appearance was hidden inside, which made it difficult for outsiders to see clearly. After walking out, Mrs. Ji raised her right hand, waved in the colorful fog behind him, and immediately the big man inside flew out. His whole body was flush A low roar. A low roar.

After being raised by Mrs. Ji's little finger and raised in the middle of the big man's eyebrows, the patriarch of the Black Crane Department immediately shivered, fell into a coma, and fell to the earth, but on the way, he was surrounded by a wisp of colorful fog, and the speed was buffered, but the wisp After making an illusory woman figure and getting into it along the seven orifices of the big man, the big man immediately closed his eyes and roared like a beast.

Mrs. Ji was in the sky, and her breathing was also a little short, as if reflected in the roar of the big man of the black crane. Her face hidden under the bamboo hat licked her lips like an orchid. She shook her body and went straight to the mountains visible to the naked eye in the distance and galloped away.

That mountain range is the place where Su Ming's cave is.

While Mrs. Ji galloped, the colorful fog under her feet appeared again, rolled around, and saw that half of the sky was surrounded by this five-color fog. At the top of the Dongfu Mountains, the fire ape lay on a big stone, closed its eyes and fell into a vacation. Its claws sometimes raised on its body to scratch it. Suddenly His nose moved, as if he smelled something, and immediately sniffed his teeth.

In the cave, the stick snake that was not taken back after being released by Su Ming crawled in one of the many small holes at the top of the cave. At this moment, his body immediately moved, and his eyes showed a cold light.

Below it, in the huge cave hall, Su Ming, sitting there cross-legged, held the crystal of wind inheritance in his right hand, and pressed it with his left hand suspended in the air, frowning and raising his head.

Before the fire ape and the stick snake, he sensed the colorful fog coming from the sky.

Almost Su Ming raised his head, the divine consciousness dispersed, and the strange stick worm's eyes were cold. At the moment when the fire ape roared, suddenly, from the people of Jifu, who was surrounded by colorful fog, came from the sky, there was a sound of a moan... rippling heart.

The sound came very suddenly, like a dementor, and it was extremely clear. It spread around, into the mountains, into the cave where Su Ming was located.

Please recommend the ticket!! The monthly ticket has been continuously blown up by Gao Fushuai and Bai Fumei. Let's counterattack. Our slogan is to overwhelm Bai Fumei and kill Gao Fushuai!!!

Longing to return to the first place, eager to overwhelm the rich and beautiful, eager to kill the rich and handsome! ( To be continued)