Ask for Magic

Chapter 389 Do you think I'm vicious?

Mrs. Ji looked ferocious, which made her face more and more terrible. Her eyes were dark, which made Mrs. Ji's face have four eyes, staring at Su Ming.

At the same time, Mrs. Ji raised her hands, and her five fingers fluctuated in a strange way in front of her. Soon a twisted ripple appeared in front of her. The ripple spread around, and Mrs. Ji gave a sharp roar.

"Ghost pregnant witches, the living spirits sacrificed in past dynasties, with my only ghost body, summon the Holy Spirit of my tribe!" Mrs. Ji's voice was sharp and harsh, like bones rubbing. At the moment she said her words, the pupils of Su Ming's eyes shrank. He clearly saw Mrs. Ji's dry body, and her concave lower abdomen, squirmed at this moment. It seemed that in her lower abdomen. I don't know what existed and drill Generally, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it actually swells up.

At first glance, Mrs. Ji seems to have become a woman!

A large amount of wind is constantly sucked away by Jifu's population, and his abdomen is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it is like being pregnant for ten months, but compared with the dryness of other positions of his body, it gives people a shocking feeling.

bursts of blue veins appeared on Mrs. Ji's bulging belly, and there was a bulge the size of a fist on it, which was constantly up and downs from all positions. The sharp laughter came from Mrs. Ji. She stared at Su Ming, and the murderous intention was in her mind.

"My husband Ji Yunhai was sealed by you. My dementor is ineffective for you, and my curse is useless to you. Since I married Ji Yunhai, I have never been so hurt. Since I can't kill you, then let my baby... Let the Holy Spirit devils of my family kill you!" Mrs. Ji's abdomen was getting bigger and bigger, and her laughter was strange. Her left hand pressed on the straight belly, and her right hand raised the void and grabbed it.

Immediately, a child's toy drum appeared in her hand and let go of the drum, which floated aside.

"A vicious woman not only kills her partner, but also wants to use her baby to carry out the spell!" The whirlpool over Su Ming dissipated at this moment, and his restricted range quickly weakened and stared at Mrs. Ji. Su Ming slowly opened his mouth.

"Vicious?" Mrs. Ji laughed, and her laughter showed a strong resentment. She looked at Su Ming and said in a sharp voice, "I'm vicious? That's a real vicious person you've never seen. Although my ghost pregnant witch department has always been mysterious, it has no dispute with the world. Now, I'm the only one who exists, and all the rest are dead. I was killed by Ji Yunhai who experimented with his curse.................

From the elderly who have no witchcraft power to the newborn babies, have you ever seen the scene of those elderly people grabbing their chests, taking out their hearts and swallowing them to be relieved? Have you ever seen the scene of a newborn baby crying bitterly and dying of his whole body?

Have you ever seen the pain of all the men in the clan with bones growing outside flesh and blood? You have seen all the women in the clan, watching your family so much, but you can't control the desire in the [body]... There [**] giggling, jumping in front of the enemy who made your tribe so sad, crying and teasing, [**] swinging the buttocks?

You haven't seen it before. Why do you call me vicious!!" Mrs. Ji screamed, showing excitement and resentment, and more sadness and pain. She raised her right hand and grabbed it again. This time, what appeared in her hand was a bow and arrow for children to play with, floating next to the small drum.

"I'm vicious? I'm really vicious. My viciousness is because of Ji Yunhai, because of him!! He killed all my people. In order to test his curse, at that time, I was writhing in tears. I hated him, hated myself, I prayed for God's help, I prayed for all gods, as long as someone could help me, I could sacrifice everything...

But no one helped me. The god closed his eyes and walked away indifferently. Dark clouds rose in the sky and washed away all traces with heavy rain. After that nightmare, all the men in the clan died. I looked at my husband, my father and mother, and my daughter who had just been born..................

Do you know that kind of pain!!! But the nightmare is not over yet. All the women in the clan have been conceived by Ji Yunhai's magic. In addition to the curse that our department has just practiced, he also cares about the Holy Spirit of our Ministry. The Holy Spirit sacrificed by my Ministry of Demons is the devil!

With its vicious method, let us women give birth to the devil and become the bearer of their curse, so that his curse can be stronger!" Mrs. Ji seems to have never said these things to anyone and hid them in her heart for many years. At this moment, she was forced to this extent in the series of fights with Su Ming, so in the madness, she said all her inner words because of Su Ming's vicious words.

"Everyone is dead. My sister, my mother, and all the sisters in my clan have been opened by Ji Yunhai. They died because I didn't give birth to devils... Why do you think I'm still alive? Because only I have successfully pregnant with devils. It takes a long time to give birth to devils, so I didn't I was taken away by Ji Yunhai... He will wait for the devil to be born!

I became his plaything. Why did I [**]? It was because in those years, he planted more and more curses on me, and I became the experiment of his curse.

I'm a vicious person in the world!! My innocence in those years, I think the sky will always be blue. I think the dark clouds are only temporary, but the truth is that the blue of the sky is also a kind of depression!!

So I tried my best to please Ji Yunhai. In the end, I used up all the methods and found his weakness. It took a whole year. When the devil was born, I killed him! I refined him into a puppet, but the price was the dissipation of the devils, leaving only a trace in my body, which became a spell that I didn't want to use.

I thought everything would end with his death. I thought I could [from myself] to find a new life and live the rest of my life alone in a remote place... But you know, you know... I'm used to that kind of life, I'm used to [**] ecstasy, I've changed... ...I'm no longer me, no longer who I was back then......" Mrs. Ji had tears in her eyes. When she spoke loudly to Su Ming, her right hand was raised, and this time it was a baby's skull.

The skull is bloody, floating next to the drum and toy bow and arrow.

Su Ming listened to Mrs. Ji's words. The restrictions around him completely dissipated at this moment, but his expression was complicated. From Mrs. Ji's look and voice, Su Ming could feel that what he said was mostly true.

vaguely, he seemed to be able to see an innocent figure that dissipated in the years behind Mrs. Ji.

"This scar on my face is not scratched by others, but by myself. Every time I control myself, I open my open my face again and again, destroying my face and not letting it heal, but it's useless... It's useless... I control my body and don't know................ All this It's all Ji Yunhai!!" Mrs. Ji was crazy. At this moment, her stomach bulged high, her eyes showed resentment, and she suddenly looked at Su Ming.

"Kill you, suck out your flesh and blood essence, and let you bear my pain! Devil, baby, be born, choose your way. If you choose to help your mother, kill him...!" Mrs. Ji's voice suddenly softened from the sadness and touched her stomach. At the moment of her expression of pain, a wisp of black gas suddenly spread a lot from her stomach.

With the dissipation of the black air, Mrs. Ji's abdomen quickly sank. In a blink of an eye, a baby's cry suddenly came out, but in front of Mrs. Ji, under the large amount of black air rolling condensed, a dark baby suddenly appeared.

The baby has a black horn on his head and golden lines on his face. At this moment, he opens his mouth, showing his sharp teeth, and is crawling towards the floating drum, bow and arrow, and the baby's skull.

A gloomy cold, with the appearance of the devil, immediately covered the surroundings, but the devil is obviously incomplete. Its body is dissipating rapidly at this moment, and the cold around it is also recovering rapidly. As Mrs. Ji said before, the devil at this moment is only a trace left after dissipating.

Su Ming sighed secretly, his footsteps moved forward, and his figure galloped towards Mrs. Ji. His right hand was raised, and a faint light flashed, and a vast force spread out of Su Ming's body.

The devil's body jumped suddenly and suddenly appeared next to the baby's skull. He grabbed it and opened his mouth. Under the sudden bite, the sound of click echoed. It actually bit the baby's skull. While swallowing it, it suddenly looked up and his eyes showed a faint light. The moment he looked at Su Ming, his body flashed and

"Kill him!!" In Mrs. Ji's sad roar, the devil approached Su Ming in an instant, and the roar echoed. Su Ming's body retreated repeatedly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. The devil was invisible. Su Ming's attack by all means was like hitting the void, but if it was just like this, the force hitting the void appeared in On his own body.

Su Ming has never encountered this kind of strange magic. At this moment, his eyes flashed when he retreated. For the invisible thing, he did not have a killing move. His right hand suddenly raised and drew a stroke towards the devil!

A stroke of brutality!

This is the first magic power created by Su Ming, and it is also the strongest skill in his magic power! Now that he has reached the middle stage of the sacrificial bone, he has unfolded for the first time with the power of the four barbarian bones in the [body]. At the moment of this stroke of fall, the sound of vicissitudes echoes, which is his barbarian song!

The spread of this voice and the majesty contained in it. With Su Ming's stroke, the devil made a miserable scream. If it was in its prime, it would be fine, but now it is only a trace of that year, and it is dissipating quickly. Now when it meets Su Ming, it can penetrate The Manshang directly clicked on his body.

At the same time as this stroke fell, Su Ming's identity, with the echo of the barbarian song, with the release of his clothes under the release of the strong power in the [body], revealing the barbarian lines on the body, revealing "You are a barbarian!!" Because of the damage of the devil, Mrs. Ji spit out a mouthful of blood and her expression changed greatly.