Ask for Magic

Chapter 403 Earth Dragon Vein!

Swinging his sleeves to change the sky, this scene fell into the eyes of the red-haired Su Ming, which made his face deeply bitter.

"It turns out that his cultivation has reached this level... This is equivalent to the cultivation of a master of the world after the integration with the fairy sky... But even so, I will never give up. What about the master of the world!" Red-haired Su Ming took a deep breath, suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and looked resolute.

He did not pay attention to the emperor's spell, but stepped towards the earth. His whole body fell on the ground thousands of feet away. The ground was soft. Because he lost some souls, Su Ming's feet were like stepping into the silt and fell into the small half of his body after landing.

He simply sat down cross-legged, put his hands on the ground beside him, his eyes were closed, and there was a murmur in his mouth.

At this moment, the emperor looked at Su Ming's behavior coldly, and his right hand pressed his five fingers to the sky after shaking his sleeves to change the sky.

"The heavenly punishment is ninety-nine, and for your crime, you need to suffer six or seven-... Six or seven days of punishment for three deaths, one is a yin dragon..." With the words of the emperor, the yin wind immediately rose in the sky that belonged to the fairy clan. These yin winds were tangible, light green, condensed in the sky, faintly reflected with the stars, and turned into a long dragon. As soon as it moved, it immediately wander

After a yin dragon appeared, gradually with the large condensation of the yin wind, yin dragons reflected with the stars appeared one after another. In the end, a total of nine yin dragons appeared. They roared to the earth in the sky, their voices roared, and a breath of destruction spread from them and spread all directions.

If you look carefully, you can see that the yin qi that makes up the body of the nine yin dragons, and there are countless faces. Those faces are imprinted on the body of the yin dragon, the protruding part, as well as their hands and feet are struggling, showing pain, and the wailing sound constitutes the roar of

Su Ming sat cross-legged on the ground pale, with residual blood stains on the corners of his mouth. With the muttering in his mouth, the earth was gradually no longer soft and a hazy breath grew out of the ground.

"The earth that exists in this world, I can feel your damage and resentment. After your overall separation, I can feel the disappearance and extinction of each other... I need to borrow your power... Please lend me the power that belongs to the earth and the dragon vein..." Su Ming's voice echoed, and the ground outside his body breeds. The breath is more and more in the sky, like the ground where Su Ming is located, which has become a fog pool.

Compared with the whole land of Nanchen, the atmosphere contained in this small fog is really insignificant.

Di Tian pinched the formula with his right hand and pointed to the sky again.

"Sixty-seven days punishment, the second is pus." The emperor's voice was calm. As soon as it came out, there was a sound of the sky belonging to the immortal clan, but it was seen that in the sky, there were huge drums slowly coming, gradually appearing, gradually protruding upside down. In each drum, there were turbid and stenchs, as if in these drums. There is an extremely filthy thing in the world.

This scene will make people's scalp numb. The whole sky is like the skin of a toad. While the large number of drums are dirty, there is a faint light flashing inside. If you take a closer look, the number of these drums is exactly sixty-seven!

Su Ming's face became more and more pale. He opened his eyes cross-legged, and there seemed to be a lot of local gas borrowed by him, but in fact it was not enough at all. There was bitterness on his face.

"The earth of this world calls in my name. The earth is a dragon and has been bred into a vein for a long time. I need your help. Wake up, the dragon vein of the earth, awaken, belong to the power of the earth!

In my name, wake up!!" Su Ming pressed his hands on the ground, bulged his blue veins, and clasped the ground. Suddenly, with his body as the center, layers of fog grew in an instant. Under the spread, the earth of ten miles, a hundred miles, thousands of miles and thousands of miles. After the fog emerged from the ground, it formed a sea of fog around thousands of It is still spreading.

However, Su Ming's expression is still bitter. Although the local gas he borrowed is a lot at this moment and is still spreading, it is scattered. Even if these local gas condensed into a dragon shape under his magic power, it is just a virtual shape. Like the local gas he summoned a few days ago, it is acceptable to deal with ordinary people, but The emperor's heaven is really like an egg hitting a stone.

Unless he can wake up the dragon vein that exists in the land of Nanchen, then there is a possibility of confrontation, otherwise, everything will be a mirror.

"Six or seven days of punishment, three are spiritual creatures!" Di Tian's voice echoed in the sky, containing majesty and calmness, as if he didn't care that the red-haired Su Ming would escape, or that in his world, he could control everything.

After his words spread, in the sixty-seven convex abscess in the sky, the turbidity suddenly flashed, and a cicada-like creature appeared faintly in it. This creature seemed to be similar to a cicada, but it was black and ferocious. After appearing, it kept hitting in the pus, and it It's revealing. There is only one such creature in each pus bag, a total of 67!

At this moment, Su Ming coiled his knees, and the scene of him staring at the sky was strange. Although it was already foggy within a radius of 100,000 miles and the momentum was amazing, Su Ming knew that this was not enough.

"In the name of my Su Ming, wake up, the dragon vein of the earth!!" Red-haired Su Ming clasped the ground with his hands and let out a low roar.

At the moment when his roar came out, the earth dragon vein, which had not been called by him to wake up for a long time, actually responded to this moment!

In the whole place of Nanchen, at this moment, there was a slight vibration on the ground. This vibration is in the scope of the whole earth, especially in four positions, and the vibration is even more violent.

In Nanchen, there are four and a half dragon veins. Except for that half is on the edge of the eastern land, the other four are the second in the land of the witch, and the barbarian land is the rest.

At this moment, Su Ming is a dragon vein that exists in the land of the witch clan in the range of hundreds of thousands near here. It looks not like a mountain range, but a... -, a long river!

This long river is not far away from Su Ming. The river is now dry. It is only a small part of its huge body. In fact, it is difficult for the river to wither. It will automatically recover in a short time.

Its length almost crossed the land of the witch clan. At this moment, with Su Ming's words, this long river dragon vein, while having a response, immediately had a large amount of earth gas from this long Hanoi, roaring towards the place where Su Ming was.

From the sky, the earth's atmosphere around Su Ming is getting thicker and thicker, especially the dragon vein earth gas coming from this long river, after the fusion, makes Su Ming's surroundings look like a dragon!

"Six or seven days of punishment, you, be given!" Di Tian was in mid-air, staring at Su Ming coldly. He raised his right hand and pointed to Su Ming on the earth.

Under this finger, the nine yin dragons in the sky immediately roared, and Su Ming rushed from the sky to the earth. The nine yin dragons roared ferociously, and countless faces on their bodies were howling, making the sky gloomy, so that the stars could not be seen clearly.

With the arrival of the nine yin dragons, Su Ming raised his head on the ground, raised his hands from the ground, pressed his left hand on his right hand, and pointed to the coming nine yin dragons.

"The dragon vein of the earth, the dragon of the earth, destroy the sky with the earth!" Under Su Ming's finger, the corners of his mouth overflowed with a mouthful of blood. At the same time, the earth-like dragon coiled around Su Ming raised its head and roared into the sky. His huge body did not move all, but his head was raised and went straight to the nine yin dragons.

Compared with its body, these nine yin dragons can no longer be called dragons, but can only be regarded as snakes and pythons. The two sides touched each other in the air in an instant. The roar exploded from the place where the two sides contacted, and spread rapidly around, setting off a large number of ripples and shocks Keep spreading.

The nine yin dragons roared and hit. After touching the dragon of the earth, they dissipated one by one. They turned into nine green silk threads and directly rushed into the body of the earth's air dragon. Along the way, the earth's air dragon roared in pain. Su Ming's hundreds of thousands of miles of earth' After swimming out of a distance of thousands of feet, the line disappeared into the body of the earth dragon one by one.

But at this time, Su Ming's body trembled violently and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. Nine green lines suddenly appeared on his body. These nine green lines flowed under his skin, making Su Ming suffer unimaginable pain. His whole body secreted cold sweat. This kind of heartbreaking pain was enough to make the strong man' But Su Ming laughed under the severe pain.

It's not a slaugh, but a laughs from the sky.

"What is this pain? Di Tian, do you have any other means? Just take it out!" Su Ming's face was pale. At this moment, he was laughing, and the pain in his body was even more severe. The nine green lines had disappeared from his skin and drilled into his body.

Su Ming simply did not endure the severe pain and let it spread. He raised his hands and pointed to Di Tian. Immediately, the earthly dragon outside his body roared and moved his body and roared towards the emperor.

The emperor's god has always been indifferent, standing there without dodge, but before the dragon of earth approached, the sixty-seven bulging bulges in the sky burst together. With their rupture, a large number of ** spilled from the sky like rain, and a stench filled the whole world, with the filth. The rain sprinkled, and the earth air dragon was sprinkled all over his body. His body trembled and screamed bitterly. His body kept shrinking, and the large amount of earth gas around Su Ming was rapidly reduced.