Ask for Magic

Chapter 412 Black Crane

This split is an extremely strong man from afar. He is tall, has no hair, his whole body is dark, and there are bursts of evil air.

This evil spirit is scattered by those black beetles. At the same time, in this evil spirit, there is a strong vitality and hidden, the same strong dead spirit.

The fusion of life and death is perfect enough to shock people when they see it.

This is not an ordinary puppet. It can even be said that it has many differences from the witch dementor puppet. Even because of the existence of Su Ming's Yuan Ying, this puppet looks almost the same as ordinary people!

As Su Ming moved forward, there was a black fog rolling under his feet, and there was a faint buzzing echo. If someone looked up on the earth, he would be shocked by this scene.

The Black Crane is not too far from the Dongfu Mountains. At the speed of Su Ming's split, it will soon approach. Looking at the sky, the peaks of the Black Crane will curl up. At this moment, it is noon. Obviously, most of the people of the tribe are burning fire to make food.

Some children are still playing, and the black crane soldiers around them are not all vigilant, but lazy.

On the top of the mountain, the crane-like stone statue has shadows reflected on the earth in the sun. With the passage of time, the shadow will move slowly.

The whole tribe was peaceful, but after Su Ming's arrival, it turned into an exclamation. The children quickly ran back to the house, and the soldiers of the lazy clan changed one by one and looked at the sky in horror.

Su Ming's split body, rolled up with a huge black fog, appeared on the sky of the Black Crane Department. His dark face and evil spirit made Su Ming's appearance and caused an uproar of the Black Crane Department.

Looking coldly at the nervous witch warriors in the small tribe under him, Su Ming shook his body and flew down directly... and stepped on the top of the mountain, the huge crane crown.

Stepping here, Su Ming made a low voice.

"Witch of the Black Crane Department, come out!"

Almost at the same time that Su Ming's sockpuppet said this... In the tribe below, several old people immediately rushed out of their houses, especially one of these people, a thin old man with a bone stick in his hand, a blue face, stared at Su Ming, but his heart was quite frightened.

He has never seen Ji Yunhai... At this moment, he saw Su Ming's appearance, especially the vitality and death of his whole body, as well as the fierceness, which made the old man seem to smell a blood.

"Who is your Excellency? I am the black crane witch!" The old man stepped forward, knocked on the earth with a bone stick in his hand, and opened his mouth in a low voice.

Su Ming sneered and did not open his mouth... Instead, he raised his right hand and pointed down. Immediately behind him, a dry corpse suddenly appeared... He went straight to the old man and landed on the ground with a bang. It was the patriarch of the Black Crane Department.

At the moment he saw the body, the eyes of the witch of the black crane suddenly shrank. Other people around him also looked at the body one after another, and their faces inevitably changed one by one.

"What do you mean? Who is this person? I have never seen him." The witch of the Black Crane Department gritted his teeth and opened his mouth in a low voice. He recognized at a glance that the body was the patriarch of the Black Crane Department... But at this moment, he could never admit that he could not tell whether the black strong man in front of him was sent by Mrs. Ji or the owner of the mountain.

But no matter who it is, he can't afford to provoke, so he gritted his teeth and didn't admit it.

"It doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not." A cold light flashed in Su Ming's eyes... His right hand slowly raised. This witch tribe let him experience those crises in the previous half a year. If it hadn't been for his unwillingness to cause trouble at the beginning, the tribe had not killed it. If there was only a slight lesson, it might not have been so.

Although the emergence of Hongluo and a series of subsequent developments are of great significance to Su Ming, it has also set up many enemies for him in the witch clan. It is not worth it, which can cause all this. If he doesn't pay the price, how can Su Ming let it go.

Almost the moment Su Ming raised his right hand, the witch of the Black Crane Department let out a sharp roar in his mouth, and his body rushed out. Behind him, other strong men in the Black Crane Department also flew up in an instant and went straight to Su Ming.

Unlike the forbearance of the White Ox Department, the Black Crane Department chooses to take action!

Su Ming sneered at the corners of his mouth. Although he has not fully adapted to this body, with the black beetles on his body, it can make him play a lot stronger.

At this moment, at the moment when those people of the Black Crane Department rushed, Su Ming snorted coldly and immediately raised a deafening buzz on his body, but he saw that his body seemed to decompose. The black beetles scattered and flew out one by one, forming a black fog. At the same time, with hissing and fierceness, People go away.

At the same time, Su Ming's split body was really revealed. His thin body and gray eyes made everyone who saw it shocked.

A sad scream came in an instant, but it was those who rushed were covered by a large number of black beetles. Their bodies were splashed with blood, no longer rushing, but retreated quickly.

Su Ming stood on the crown of the crane and looked at all this indifferently. His right hand raised the formula. With a forward finger, the power of heaven and earth around him immediately roared, and a huge sword body condensed in front of him. The sword was raised and galloped down.

The witch of the Black Crane Department roared and pushed his hands outward. After touching the coming sword, his body shivered, and his face immediately turned purple, and he actually solidified the sword in mid-air.

Su Ming's split look did not change at all, but said coldly.


As soon as this said, the sword suddenly burst out and set off a whirlwind sweeping around. The witch of the Black Crane Department spewed out a mouthful of blood and retreated.

But at the moment he retreated, Su Ming took a step forward and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The Wuwu Gong of the black crane saw this scene, and his heart was immediately bad. When he suddenly turned around, his pupils in his eyes contracted, and he saw a finger, which was quickly pointing to his eyebrows.

In the crisis of life and death, the black crane witch bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. His body immediately dried up rapidly, as if he was dozens of years old, his face was wrinkled and his breath was weak. While the center of his eyebrows was penetrated by Su Ming's split finger, his body

Dozens of feet away, the old man's body was exposed. His face was like dead ashes, and his expression was full of fear... He screamed sadly around him, and the warriors of the whole tribe were all surrounded by the immortal black beetle. This kind of worm was a strange insect sacrificed and cultivated by Ji Yunhai The evil name of the clan.

How can the people of this small tribe easily kill these bugs? You know, even Su Ming just isolated Ji Yunhai's body at the beginning, which made these bugs fall asleep.

"The ancestor of the black crane, take my father's flesh and blood as a sacrifice to wake you up!!" The leader of the black crane tribe saw the warriors of the clan die one by one, his eyes were red, and he tore open his chest ferociously. In front of Su Ming, regardless of the blood flowing... Despite the gradual extinction of vitality at this moment, he grabbed his heart, and the heart was still beating... He was raised high by the old man.

Su Ming's expression condensed, and immediately many similar voices came to his ears, but it was those people who were fighting with the black beetle. Many of them looked crazy one after another. Following the old man's movements, he opened his chest, took out his heart, and raised it high.

"Black Crane Holy Ancestor, accept our sacrifice, please wake up................... and punish this person!!" The witch of the Black Crane Department spewed out blood... At the moment he finished saying this, the huge crane sculpture on the top of the Black Crane Department immediately. Cracks appeared on it. The sound of clicks echoed and turned into countless fragments and shot around. At the same time... A dark shadow flew out of the broken stone sculpture and turned into A ten-foot-sized black crane!

The crane hissed, and his body became a black man. He went straight to the witch of the black crane and bit the heart. After swallowing the mouth, the black man flashed again. In a few breaths, he actually swallowed all the heart of the sacrifices. Then he looked at Su Ming with his cold eyes.

"It's just a barbarian soul puppet. If you don't deserve it, get out of here quickly. Otherwise, I don't mind leaving you as a toy!" As the cold sound came from the mouth of the black crane, an extremely powerful momentum suddenly spread from the crane. The strength of the momentum made the world faint, and the clouds seemed to be dim.

Su Ming's eyes shrank his pupils and stared at the black crane, with doubts in his heart.

"Lord, don't let him go!" The old man who lost his heart was strangely not dead. At this moment, he fell aside and struggled to open his mouth.

"Eh? Well, I'll give you ten breaths of time. If you don't leave, I will change my mind and leave you. You know, I haven't killed for tens of thousands of years. The momentum inside the black big crane body [body] was strengthened again. Looking at Su Ming, with a look-down posture, he slowly opened Su Ming's eyes and flashed. His divine consciousness suddenly dispersed. When it shrouded around him, it swept over the big crane, and finally condensed in the small half of the stone left at this moment of the broken stone The black crane's expression changed. When he saw Su Ming's eyes staring at the half of the stone statue, his eyes immediately panicked, but it disappeared in an instant and turned gloomy.

"If you don't leave, then stay!" When the big crane opened its mouth, its momentum strengthened again. The sky and the earth roared faintly. Under the wind and clouds rolled, its body became huge again, turning into hundreds of feet, and the voice spread all over the world.

But Su Ming turned a deaf ear and didn't even look at it. He walked to the half of the stone statue, raised his right hand and pressed it.

"What are you doing, stop!! It's easy to say, brother..."

hehe, this is a surprise, the third update, supplementary update.

In addition, on the morning of the 25th of this month, Ergen will sign and sell the fairy reverse physical book in Beijing Xidan Book Building.

On the afternoon of the 26th, it will continue to be signed and sold at Shanghai Bookstore in Shanghai.

I hope to see you in these two places at that time. Thank you.

In addition, there is another thing. Thank you for the support of the immortal Taoist friends for three years. If Ergen has enough financial resources, when each person will give a fairy reverse entity... Unfortunately, I really can't afford it. I can only give one to each alliance leader.

Be careful of new ideas. If it doesn't make a salute, please contact the moderator and give me the address. It will take longer. After all, I haven't seen the physical book yet.

However, it is available in major Xinhua bookstores across the country. Taoist friends can go and have a look.

As for Seeking Demons, the physical book will also be listed soon. At that time, it will still be sent to every alliance leader.