Ask for Magic

Chapter 416 Three-headed turtle!

Volume 3 Ming Zhen Donghuang Chapter 416 Three-headed black turtle! ( Second update)

With the passage of time, it has been half a year in a blink of an eye. It has been a whole year since the rebellion of Hongluo in the witch clan.

In the war outside Tianlan City, there have been several large-scale battles in this year, and the small battles are countless, and they are getting more and more fierce. The defense force of Tianlan City is gradually weakening, and most of the strong barbarians are also sitting in Tianlan City.

Among the barbarians, a rumor about the house of the eastern wilderness is circulating secretly, and most of those who hear it will be suspicious.

And the land of the witch clan has no tribe at all near the edge of the Dead Sea, and almost 70% of the tribes have migrated.

There are still some tribes that have not been moved. These tribes are either unable to migrate or are small tribes. Even if they migrate, it is difficult to cross this long distance, simply... stay at home.

The White Bull Department is such a tribe. They struggled, thought about it, had the impulse to move, and even sent people out to find the nearby migratory tribes, but in the end, they had to give up.

This place is originally remote. Unless you take the people out for a long time, you may meet the migrating tribe, but maybe you can't. It's better to stay in the tribe.

In the last month of the past six months, the witch of the White Bull Department, the old man with a sharp-billed monkey's cheek, went outside the Dongfu Mountains where Su Ming was located many times. He always felt that something was wrong here. Until the scene of the Black Crane Department was known to him, he was even more suspicious of the strangeness

After many arrivals, the old man was very polite every time. He respectfully shouted for a word of opinion outside, but never replied, but the old man did not give up and came every few days.

Time passed like this. Within the prohibition of the Dongfu Mountains, the fire ape lay there lazily, and the little snake flew around in the air. As for the poisonous corpse, it was still standing outside the gate of the cave, motionless for half a year.

The frozen door of nothingness, the ice seal on it has existed for half a year, emitting bursts of cold air and never melting.

Today, Su Ming, under the black sea, in a world of glaciers, is sitting cross-legged in the iceberg, and his body is completely frozen. He has been protecting him for half a year.

There has been no blood spilling behind Su Ming's back, and his wound has slowly healed in the past six months. Now, you can only see the drum of the crystal of Lei Man's inheritance. As for the crystal of Feng Man, it is almost impossible to see it.

In Su Ming's body, four of his spine are barbarian bones, but at this moment, the fifth bone and flesh blue light flashes, which seems to have changed. Although its appearance has not changed, it gives people the feeling that it is similar to the wind barbarian crystal, just like the shrinking wind barbarian crystal, which is absorbed by

Until another month passed, on this day, Su Ming, who had been closed here for seven months, suddenly burst into the outer ice of his body. While a piece of crack appeared, Su Ming's eyes slowly opened.

At the moment he opened his eyes, in addition to being deep, his eyes seemed to have a whirlpool of wind. At the same time, the ice around him burst into pieces, making Su Ming's body resume action.

Silently felt the changes in his body, Su Ming obviously felt that he was much stronger than before the closing, and the most important thing was...

"Kaiyang..." Su Ming looked down at his right hand with his eyes shining. In the sense of Feng Man's inheritance, he tried the art of Kaiyang many times in that opportunity of enlightenment. Under such understanding, in the illusion full of wind, Su Ming had a reborn feeling.

Gently clenched his fist, and Su Ming slowly stood up. At the moment he got up, the split behind him also stood up.

Su Ming did not look back, but stared at the ice outside the ice of the iceberg shell in front of him, the world of glaciers, and his eyes fell 80 feet away, the place where the blue-scale man was frozen.

After thinking for a while, Su Ming raised his right hand and touched the ice in front of him. Immediately, cracks appeared under the sound of the ice. After a moment, it broke, and a stream of black seawater suddenly poured in, but at the moment when the sea came, Su Ming's body had already walked out of the iceberg, and his split followed.

He didn't pay attention to the iceberg behind him. In the black sea, a pressure came, which made Su Ming dust all over, but he looked as usual and walked forward slowly.

Step by step, when he reached the range of 80 feet and the place where the ice was covered with the green scales, Su Ming once again felt that he was different from the original. When he did not integrate the crystal of wind and barbaric inheritance, it was his limit to go to 80 feet, but now, he feels that he can still walk dozens of feet

Staring at the iceberg with the scales in front of him, Su Ming clenched his fist with his right hand and punched it. At the same time, the split behind him took a step forward, and then separated his fingers a little.

Immediately, the ice fell by Su Ming's fist, and a circle of broken cracks appeared. The blue light flashed, and the sword flew out of the split. When the sword pierced the broken place, Su Ming raised his right hand, and his palm pressed there again when the sword retreated.

Over and over again, after several times in a row, the broken marks of the ice slowly spread inward, and the outer ice also fell off.

Su Ming was in high spirits and accelerated his speed. With the cooperation of his split, he gradually dug a hole in the iceberg. After this hole, it was the black wooden stick with nine teeth held by the green-scale man.

As the ice continued to thin, when it was only three inches thick from the tip of the stick, suddenly above the glacier, there was a rapid fluctuation in the black sea. At the same time, Su Ming heard a muffled roar in his ear.

Then, I saw a huge blurred figure in the black sea, which was coming rapidly. As it approached, the low roar shook the glacier and trembled, making the sea roll, and the pressure formed shocked Su Ming's heart.

His eyes flashed. At this moment, the iceberg in front of him had been dug out a big hole that could accommodate people. It was less than three inches away from the stick, and it didn't take long to dig it out. But the low roar made Su Ming hesitate for a moment. He immediately clenched his fist in his right hand and bomb At the same time, he will blow up the ice before the unknown fierce beast comes.

But at the moment Su Ming took action, the low roar was in his ear. When it came, the sea water around him twisted, and a huge shock came.

Su Ming's face changed without any hesitation. He immediately got into the big hole that had been dug out. At the same time, his split also drilled in and blocked the entrance. At the same time, Su Ming was shocked to feel the sudden shock of the whole glacier ground. His eyes contracted and saw the amazing momentum coming from the sea. A huge beast.

This is a double-headed turtle!

The two huge heads, outside the tortoise shell, stared coldly at the ice where Su Ming was hiding, revealing the fierce light. At the same time, when their tail swung, they immediately raised their heads, and there was another head on their tail!

What kind of two-headed turtle is this? This is a three-headed black turtle!

His body was not too big, only a hundred feet. Standing on the glacier, his body did not fluctuate much breath, but the feeling of qi and blood shocked Su Ming.


The three heads of the glan roared at Su Ming at the same time, but he stood there. There was nothing other than roaring. Su Ming hid in the ice. His split was also sealed by the healing iceberg. He looked at the three-headed black turtle outside and complained in his heart.

But gradually, Su Ming found the strangeness of the mysterious turtle. The beast only roared, but did not attack, which stunned Su Ming.

He meditated for a moment. Seeing that the iceberg was gradually sealed, his right hand raised his hand and punched the thin ice that has now turned into three inches behind him. The sound of click echoed, and the thin ice became two inches.

It was at this time that the three black turtles were crazy, roaring more violently, and their bodies took a big step forward. While approaching the iceberg, the tail behind them roared straight to the iceberg, but they did not win, but swept by them. The black turtle looked more tyrannical. He stared at Su Ming and roar .

"The strength of this beast's qi and blood obviously has great power, which I have never seen before... But it doesn't seem to have any magical power." Su Ming's eyes flashed.

"And look at its behavior just now... Is it possible that this beast can't destroy the iceberg here... Is it the guardian beast here?" Su Ming's heart moved, and his body approached the position of the thin ice. Immediately, the black turtle outside roared more violently, and his tail shook back and forth, making a sharp roar.

Su Ming immediately withdrew his body. After pulling away a little from the position of the thin ice, the mysterious turtle obviously loosened down. Instead of looking at Su Ming, he stared at the blue-scaled man in the ice, a few inches away from the thin ice.

Su Ming was very nervous at this moment, but his mind was calm. After watching the mysterious turtle's behavior, he knew that the longer he was here, the more unfavorable he would be, so he spread a divine idea to the split.

His split immediately raised his fingers and suddenly clicked on the outer ice seal. Because the freezing time was short, a small hole was immediately poked under this finger. Suddenly, a black beetle flew out of Su Ming's body and drilled out along the small hole.

Su Ming stared at the little bug. After seeing the bug fly out, the black turtle just took a look and ignored it. He let the little bug fly 80 feet and returned to the iceberg where the door of nothingness was located... The second update was sent, the third update was being written, and it will be sent in a while... RQ