Ask for Magic

Chapter 439 Red Stone

The witch city in the Jiuyin world was built by the witch temple a long time ago. Until now, in addition to giving people a sense of vicissitudes, there is not much meaning of decline. On the contrary, with the passage of time and continuous improvement, the city has made the city extremely prosperous. Especially every time the Jiuyin world is opened, with the influx of a large number of witches, so that in the noise here, countless shops will be in and out even at night.

At this moment, just after noon, in a two-story attic in the west of the city, Wu Duo and Su Ming sat at the tables and chairs by the window and looked at an inland river surrounding the whole witch city outside. The sound of flowing water came from their ears, which made the wine they were drinking a different flavor.

"Yesterday, I fought with the witch of Donglai. I thought it was Brother Mo. When I saw you just walked out of the Jiuyin Ling, Nangonghen followed you and guessed it." Wu Duo smiled and looked into Su Ming's eyes full of emotion.

"I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for many years. Brother Mo is no longer the same year. His cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, which is admirable!"

"It's just a fluke to fight with senior Tiemu." Su Ming shook his head and said slowly.

"Oh? Brother Mo doesn't have to be modest. Although I haven't seen this matter, I can hear it when I hear it. Brother Mo is not a fluke in that war. Wu Duo smiled and took a sip of wine.

Seeing Wu Duo's words, Su Ming smiled and stopped talking about it. Instead, he looked at Wu Duo and said calmly.

"I don't know what specifics about the gambling conference that Brother Zhong said. Mo doesn't know much about it, and he wants Brother Zhong to tell him one or two."

"Brother Mo must get enough witch crystals before the gambling conference. Only in this way can he gain something at the grand event. Of course, if Brother Mo only intends to see and not participate, it is not necessary to do so." Wu Duo took a sip of wine, took a look at Su Ming, and said with a smile.

"The so-called gambling conference is actually a special thing that only happens in the nine underworlds. It is divided into two parts. The first part is that anyone with more than 100,000 witch crystals can participate.

As for the second part, you must reach the realm of the future witch to gain something. If you don't have enough cultivation, most of them will not choose to participate in the second part. Unless you have the peak luck, most of them will have a miserable end. Wu Duo said in detail. He knew that Su Ming might know a lot, but after all, he was not a member of the witch clan, so there must be some details that were not clear enough.

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it. "Follow me" Su Ming took a glass and took a sip.

"Brother Mo, do you know why it is called Jiuyin Realm here, and how does it get its name?" After pondering for a moment, Wu Duo looked around and whispered his mouth.

Su Ming looked at Wu Duo and said nothing. He knew that Wu Duo did not need to answer by himself.

"In addition to the name of the Yinling clan telling me about the ancestors of the witch clan in those years, the greater origin is a stone tablet erected here in those years.

There are only three words on the stone tablet, which is the Nine Underworlds. As for the Yinling clan, it's it..." Wu Duo said, raising his left hand, revealing a flashing mark on the back of his hand.

"After the ancestors of the witch clan came to the Jiuyin world, I don't know what kind of contact they had with the Yinling clan, which made the Yinling clan help each other. It took many years to occupy a million miles of this place in one fell swoop, and even built this witch city.

As for the gambling conference, it is actually a great connection with the place where this witch city was built!" Wu Duo's voice was low, and it did not spread too far. Only Su Ming could hear it clearly.

"The reason why Wucheng chose to build the land under our feet is that this area contains a great secret, which is difficult for outsiders to know in those years. Until a few years later, a witch who participated in this matter told the secret to future generations before he died. Slowly, after twists and turns , known by more witches.

Hey hey, it must be difficult for Brother Mo to guess that the land under our feet is a huge pit when there is no witch city! There are many red stones in this pit. There seems to be nothing surprising about those stones, but they can't be sensed but can't extend in. If you open them gently a little, there are some strange herbs in these stones!

The famous Jiu Minghua is one of them! There are even a lot of herbs, which are not recorded in the witch clan. Even the people of the Jiuli clan can't recognize them. They should not have been seen in ancient times. Now they have long been extinct!

But..." There was a flash of light in Wu Duo's eyes.

"In most of the red stones, there is nothing. In fact, there may have been, but after too many years, it gradually dissipated.

In a few red stones, even if there are herbs, most of them have become petrified. There is no medicinal effect at all. Even if some herbs still have medicinal effects, there are not many.

However, everything is not absolute. In these red stones, the ingredients containing medicinal effects have been prescribed, which can reach as much as 70% of the herbs! Even... As far as I know, in the past few years, nine times in the open red stone, there have been herbs that are as complete as before and have all the medicinal effects!

The age of these herbs is extremely far away, and each plant can be called a treasure! But it also depends on luck. If you are lucky, maybe the value of the herb itself is very high. If you are unlucky, it is an ordinary leaf, so even if it is as fresh as before, it will..." Wu Duo sighed with emotion.

Su Ming listened to Wu Duo's words, and his eyes flashed faintly.

"From the quality of different herbs themselves, from the efficacy of herbs with the same effect, and based on these two points, the real value of them is calculated.

And not only herbs exist in the red stone, but also ancient magic weapons, some skills, etc. Everything can be possible, depending on whether it can be opened, what can be opened, and whether it can still be used...

Because of its mystery, it is difficult to see even the clues of the absolute witch, so this kind of red stone, which only depends on luck, has gradually turned into a gambling treasure conference!

This feeling of heartbeat is something that many people can't refuse... It costs a lot of red stone bought by Wu Jing, which can be said to make people lose everything in an instant... Wu Duo licked his lips. Obviously, he was very enthusiastic about this gambling conference.

"This kind of red stone is so precious that even rare herbs and treasures can appear in it, but with the power of the Witch Temple, there is no need to hold any gambling conference, just open it all by yourself. In this way, isn't it safe!" Su Ming frowned.

"Brother Mo doesn't know something. In fact, at the earliest time of this place, the Witch Temple did this, but with the passage of time, with the secrets of this place being known by the whole witch clan... Hey hey, although the power of the Witch Temple is great, how can the major tribes of the Witch Temple of Take this opportunity to get the most precious treasure.

And those medium-sized tribes have also looked here. Under this pressure from the whole witch tribe, every time the witch temple is opened here, it will take out some red stones to carry out this kind of gambling conference!" Wu Duo explained one sentence.

"Even so, when this place was opened up, most of them were also involved. It is impossible not to know it. In this way, your statement is a little reluctant.

What's more, the red stone here can still exist in these years, and it looks like a lot, which also puzzles Mo. Su Ming pondered for a moment and said slowly.

Wu Duo hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly, "There may be some reasons I don't know about the former you mentioned, but no matter what the reason is, the Witch Temple launched this kind of gambling conference for all witches many years ago...

This matter can't be faked, and some people have really prescribed precious herbs. The nine times I said before are examples.

As for the second point, Brother Mo still doesn't know about the Jiuyin world. The number of red in this world is extremely large, but it can't be mined too much at one time. It needs to be mined slowly. Therefore, every time this place is opened, the red stone will be taken out.

Rumor has it that there are several huge channels under Wucheng, which have been dug out in the process of mining red stone over the years.

However, it is true that the red stone of every gambling conference is getting less and less. I didn't come the last time I opened it here, but after that, it was said that I only took out more than 10,000 yuan, which was a little less than before. Wu Duo said in a low voice.

Su Ming thought silently for a long time. Although there are still some problems that are puzzled, looking at Wu Duo's appearance, he does not seem to understand the whole thing. Thinking of these clues, it is by no means known by the central witch.

"Isn't the second part of the gambling conference that Brother Zhong said is a small-scale, another auction-like trading place that restricts cultivation?"

"Brother Mo guessed wrong. There is indeed such a small-scale auction at the gambling conference, but this is carried out privately, not the second part of the conference. This second part is extremely bloody, and he often dies! Its name is also known as the Stone Snatching Club!

The absolute witch guarding the witch city will not take action. This is a competition between the descendants. The location is one of the three small red stone veins that are usually confined within a million miles.

These small red stone veins will erupt by themselves every once in a while, and some red stones will be ejected. After the special preparation of the Witch Temple, they can make them eject in a short time and a large number of eruptions. How much they can grab depends on their ability.

At that time, the transmission array will be opened. In principle, any cultivation can participate, but it is very rare for the central witch to go there. However, this time, because of the disaster of the Eastern Wilderness, in order to survive in that disaster, people are getting crazier and crazier under the pressure of death. There will be more people

What I want to discuss with Brother Mo is in this second part... If Brother Mo is willing to help me, I will get part of the red stone in exchange. I can guarantee that if everything goes well, the red stone we will get will never be less!" Wu Duo's eyes showed his expectation and looked at Su Ming.


This chapter is written after 3 o'clock in the morning. After the release, if you eat something, you have to face the signing in the afternoon nervously. Although you have experienced yesterday, you are still nervous. All the Taoist friends who arrived yesterday can see the tension in your ears...

Nervous...please comfort