Ask for Magic

Chapter 469 October!

Su Ming didn't believe everything Zhu Jiuyin said, but... Even if he believed it, it was difficult for him to watch the little snake being swallowed up in order to get a strong cultivation and a great creation.

"When a man is alive, he has a clear conscience... I, Su Ming, long for strength, and desire to get the hands of fate, but... If I can give up the little snake today to get these, then tomorrow, I will also give up others for a stronger desire. After giving up again and again, I want to get Well, maybe the next one to give up is Wushan, the next one is my ideal, and the next one is my memory...

Until I gave up everything, at that time, I... was still me... I longed for power, I longed for strength, but the root of these is that I don't give up anything!

In my heart, even if my back becomes fierce, even if the hands in front of me are bloody, I have a clear conscience!!" In Su Ming's heart, there was his own voice, muttering.

He searched for Wushan all the way, but if even Wushan was abandoned by him in the process of searching, then he lost his soul.

His memory has some awakening. The woman's weak call sometimes exists. If he finally gives up the call in order to get something, what should he do...

Some things, once there is the first time, there is a second time, the third time...

His movements did not stop at all. The roaring punch went straight to the woman's head. At the moment of approaching, the seemingly beautiful head suddenly appeared an illusory ripple around, followed by a smile from the huge meat mass and echoed from all directions.

At the same time, the punch that Su Ming punched, at the moment he fell into the head, with the ripples around him, was transparent in a blink of an eye, disappeared, and disappeared in Su Ming's eyes.

This head is obviously not its real body, but an illusion. The purpose is to attract Su Ming's attention, so as to gain more time for it to devour the snake.

It's just that the remaining will of Zhu Jiuyin obviously didn't expect Su Ming to be so decisive and neat here. Without too much hesitation, the time it won was far from enough.

Su Ming looked as usual and did not look a little surprised by the sudden disappearance of the head. In fact, he had already seen that the appearance of the head was a little strange.

After all, this head is hidden in this meat ball. There is no need to reveal it by itself when Su Ming just arrived. The purpose is obviously to attract all Su Ming's attention!

Therefore, at the moment when Su Ming punched, his divine consciousness suddenly spread out, and then the thunderous bones on Su Ming's spine flashed a strong arc. When he swam along Su Ming's whole body, he suddenly dispersed out.

Under this scattering, endless lightning broke out in Su Ming's body. With Su Ming's consciousness, these lightning rushed into the huge meatballs around him, and swept inside like a huge wave to find the residual will of the candle Jiuyin.

His brute force also burst out the power of the wind at this moment, making Su Ming set off a whirlwind out of thin air. The whirlwind became stronger and stronger. Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the snake dragon and Jiuying fought to the extreme in the distance. This whirlwind, with Su Ming as the center, roared Go.

If there were so many big hands, at this moment, they were suddenly pushed towards the meat ball. The thunder roared, and the wind sobbed. The meat ball around Su Ming was immediately blown out like tobacco and split by lightning.

It was at this moment that the color of this huge meat ball, somehow, is rapidly turning black while splitting and scattering, as if it had been quickly dyed by ink.

Su Ming had no time to pay attention to this matter. Therefore, it was engraved in the spread of his consciousness and thunder whirlwind. He immediately saw the breath of the strange little snake in a certain position of the meat ball!

Su Ming did not hesitate and immediately galloped to the place where the smell of the little snake came. In a blink of an eye, it was approaching, but at the moment when he was approaching, a sharp roar suddenly rushed into Su Ming's mind.

This sharp roar came from the position where Su Ming felt the smell of the little snake, and the head of the beautiful woman floating next to the little snake came out.

This head always closed her eyes and did not open it at this moment, but from her open mouth, the sharp roar was like an impact, which made Su Ming's mind tremble, and a hallucination appeared in front of her.

In that illusion, his body was extremely small. In front of him, there was a huge candle indescribable body that looked like a city.

The candle opened its mouth and roared at him with a huge evil spirit and bloodthirsty. This scene was like the pressure of the sky, destroying all sentient beings.

Su Ming's heart was shaking, and he suddenly bit the tip of his tongue. When the severe pain came, some broken illusions appeared in the huge body in front of him.

In that illusion, the woman's beautiful head was hidden inside, with her eyes closed, but sharp fangs appeared in her open mouth, and the core swallowed and went straight to Su Ming.

After all, this candle Jiuyin is a residual will, and it has been lost a lot over the years. Now most of the will is on the snake dragon fighting with Jiuying. Therefore, when Su Ming was awake here, he saw some fluctusions and saw the hidden head under the illusion.

Su Ming's double 98 shrank, and his right hand was suddenly raised. In the process of lifting, a large number of thunder bones of the lightning backbone broke out, such as Su Ming waving a piece of lightning. At the same time, the thunder that had just dispersed around also condensed rapidly at this moment, making Su Ming's right hand covered

"The first move of Lei Man!" Su Ming roared in a low voice, which was the exclusive magic power that belonged to Lei Man that he felt when he forcibly absorbed the crystal of Lei Man's inheritance before!

As his words echoed, the thunder covered by Su Ming's right hand suddenly surged and turned into half a thunder and lightning knife. The shape of this knife was composed of lightning, about several feet long, and the edge of the void twisted. In the echo of the sound of thunder, it suddenly cut off the woman's head.

At this moment, Su Ming's expression suddenly changed, and the same change was the head of the beautiful woman, and his expression also changed greatly!

Because in the place where Su Ming felt the strange smell of the little snake, in the most important position behind his head, a wisp of black appeared out of thin air at this moment, turning into a huge palm, grabbing the sleeping snake floating there.

All this happened too quickly. When Su Ming's thunderous movements and the woman's head had already touched the sound of shouting, a long smile immediately dispersed here. With the laughter, it was an old man in a black robe. At this moment, the old man was holding the sleeping little Snake, eyes flashing.

"Who dares to move, you two? I pinch this little snake to death!" During the words of the old man in black robe, his right hand suddenly twisted and trembled.

At the moment when the old man in black robe pinched hard, the color-changing meat balls around him, with a sudden pause and a sharp roar, immediately came out of the mouth of the beautiful woman.

Su Ming's eyes flashed murderous and stared at the old man. The appearance of this person was extremely abrupt. While he was fighting with Zhu Jiuyin, he suddenly appeared. And in this person, Su Ming somehow had a strange feeling that he hated to kill.

"I'm just a wisp of consciousness. Even if I die here, it doesn't have much impact on the ontology.

Fate, you are very fast. I advise you not to act rashly. Zhu Jiuyin, you don't have much will left, but I'm sure to kill this snake before you take action! Believe it or not!"

Hearing the word fate, Su Ming's eyes shrank.

"Say what you want!" The head of the beautiful woman, after the sharp roar, Sensen opened "Candle Jiuyin, I don't want to be your enemy. I want you to use the immortal world on him and seal it! Then I will return this little snake that is very important to you immediately!" The old man in black smiled gloomily, and his right hand was a little harder, making the little snake in a coma. His body was more distorted due to pain, and a large amount of white air spread from its body and floated around.

The beautiful woman's head flashed. With its remaining will, if it exerts the immortal world, it will fall into a deep sleep. It will take many years before the will to wake up again.

Unless to do so, it will not carry out this technique, and in this deep sleep, it can't absorb the little snake. It can only continue until it wakes up.

"You insist on this, you don't have to interfere in this matter... Then, let the immortal world decide your life and death, and curse here with all my remaining will..." The beautiful head suddenly looked at Su Ming, closed eyes, opened for the first time, revealing gray eyes, and the nine in the eyes formed some kind of charm. The pupil of the text!!

The eyes of nine pupils!

"I curse your souls and bodies..."

"I curse your souls into my world..."

"I curse you for sinking and immortality, and eternal reincarnation..."

"I curse you for endless years to lose yourself and become my new soul of war..."

"If you sink, I will devoured the resurrection successfully. If you wake up, I am willing to be swallowed up by my peers. I wish it a new life!!"

"Immortal, immortal, billion unjust spirits... open!!"

At the moment when the sharp sound came out, the whole body of Zhu Jiuyin suddenly shook. Its vibration made the fog in the range of tens of thousands of miles where it was located suddenly thicker than several times. At the same time, its huge body began to petrify at a speed visible to the naked eye...

In a blink of an eye, his huge body, in the stunned eyes of the red dragon and the yin spirit old man outside, completely became a huge stone statue!!

Then, in the sky, there was a curved crescent shadow, which appeared out of thin air. The shadow gradually emitted a strange light. In this dark night, it hung high in the sky. Compared with the nine moons around it, it suddenly became the tenth remaining moon in the sky!

This remnant moon, at this moment by the witch city, by the yin spirit clan, within the range of millions, outside the range of millions, all the creatures in this nine yin world have been seen!!

"Candle shadow fossil... The tenth month... This is a sign that opens the immortal world of Jiuyin saints!!! If this month does not break, the world will last forever!" The old man muttered.