Ask for Magic

Chapter 471 Awakening

The pale sky looks like a gray cloth. With folds, it was spread at the end of the eyes. There was no sun, no moon, no stars, only the gray that made people feel depressed.

Its color reveals the smell of death, which makes people get lost in the gray, and their hearts will be confused.

The white earth, looking up and down to the distance, there are no plants, no other colors, only a piece of white soil, spreading to infinity, becoming boundless.

After watching it for a long time, it is even more confusing against the gray of the sky.

Su Ming opened his eyes. This was all he saw. After a long time, he lowered his head and saw his body. He clearly saw that his body was illusory, composed of a white fog errted from the earth. The fog was still very weak at the beginning, but soon it slowly condensed into a figure.

Around him, there were many fogs on the white earth. Under the mutual condensation, more figures slowly appeared.

Perhaps, death is not terrible at some times. The terrible thing is that it is endless. Until now, even the soul is numb, until it loses consciousness, loses everything, and becomes... the immortal soul, the immortal walking dead..."

Where Su Ming woke up, I don't know how long ago, there was a war between thousands of immortal souls. This war may have happened a few breaths ago, a few days ago, a few months ago, Su Ming didn't know how long it was.

He only knew that when he woke up, what he saw was what was in front of him.

Although Su Ming woke up, his heart was still a little confused. His eyes were still gray, and he didn't have much mind. He didn't know who he was or why he appeared here. He didn't even think about all this, and his mind was blank.

He stared at the gray sky and looked at... until his body was gradually completely condensed by the fog, until all the immortal souls around him were condensed one by one, these immortal souls, like Su Ming, stood there, looked up at the sky, in a daze.

I don't know how long it took. Finally, one day, a distant sound of horn from nowhere swirling between the vast world. The sound was very weak, and I don't know how many ranges it has spread.

At the moment when the horn sounded, the thousands of immortal souls immediately shivered, raised their heads one by one, looked at the endless front in the distance, in the same direction, slowly raised their feet, floated, and moved forward slowly.

In these immortal souls, Su Ming also heard the sound of the horn, which fell into his mind and turned into a call, a call that made his soul fluctuate.

He also stopped looking at the sky, but looked at the sound of the horn. He didn't know how far away he was from here, and slowly drifted away with the immortal souls around him.

I don't know how long it has been floating. There is no concept of time in Su Ming's consciousness. There is only the sound of the calling horn. Their group of immortal souls are constantly floating away on this white earth, as if there is no end.

Gradually, some of them had some immortal souls, which made a sad low roar in their mouths when they floated. With the sound of the low roaring more and more frequently, finally on this day, one of the immortal souls suddenly turned around and rushed to the other companion whose eyes were always confused. Go up.

Biting, devouring, merging, after a moment, with the dissipation of a small immortal soul, the body of another immortal soul solidified a lot, and there was a faint mind in the gray in his eyes.

Almost at the moment when he devoured his companions, there were many such immortal souls around him, one after another. Around Su Ming, there was such an immortal soul.

This soul looked like an old man. He roared and rushed to Su Ming like a beast. After approaching, his body rushed under him and opened his mouth to bite and devoured Su Ming.

Su Ming did not resist. He was confused in his eyes and let the immortal soul bite and swallow on his body. The severe pain from the soul made Su Ming tremble. The feeling that his body was going to be torn open suddenly reminded him that he seemed to have experienced such pain before waking up.

"It turned out that I have died once..." Su Ming muttered. His body had been half bitten and swallowed by the old man at this moment. It seemed that it would not be long before his body would be swallowed up clean.

At that time, everything about Su Ming will disappear, but he will not die, but after some time, in this immortal land, he will come out of the fog again to experience the same death again, constantly experience, and... boundless...

"This feeling, I've experienced it before... I don't want to experience it!" Su Ming's consciousness gradually blurred, but there was a ferocity in his eyes. He suddenly turned around and devoured the old man.

The devouring of these two immortal souls is all for them, but for the thousands of immortal souls around them, it has not attracted their attention at all.

Time passed slowly, and there was a trace of immortal soul in those obvious looks. After devouring a few companions separately, it seemed to have reached saturation. Each body obviously condensed a lot, and looked up to the sky and let out a sad roar.

In their roar, the other immortal souls around trembled one by one, showing fear in their look. For example, these twenty-seven souls have surpassed them at a level, so that even if they are numb, they will have soul suppression and fear.

As for the old man who devoured each other with Su Ming, he roared crazily at this moment and fiercely began this devouring battle with Su Ming. Gradually, with Su Ming's devouring, the old man slowly weakened. In the end, all his souls became nutrients that made Su Ming strong.

After devouring the first immortal soul, Su Ming's body trembled faintly. He felt a force expanding in his body. This force hit his body until it rushed into his mind, causing Su Ming's eyes to struggle, and a kind of torn pain echoed in his mind.

With the strong sense of tearing, Su Ming had a feeling of mental breakdown. In his collapse, his empty memory gradually remembered something.

"My name, what is it..." Su Ming suddenly looked up and let out a roar to the sky. This roar was the twenty-eighth roar of the new life here!

His roar and the twenty-seven souls reflected each other and gradually merged together. It was earth-shaking in this small area, making the other immortal souls around him kneel on the ground trembling one by one. Only the twenty-eight souls, including Su Ming, stood in this range!

At first glance, these twenty-eight souls are very similar, but as they continue to devour, they will slowly change, appear different, and slowly think of all their memories...

At this moment, the sound of the horn between heaven and earth came from afar again. With the echo of the sobbing sound, Su Ming's roar gradually stopped, and the remaining twenty-seven souls slowly calmed down, and his body floated forward much faster than ordinary souls.

Su Ming's eyes were gray. With his calmness, he also flew forward, with the twenty-seven souls, with thousands of immortal souls behind him, as if for some kind of mission.

Time passed slowly. Su Ming didn't know how long it had passed. At this moment, except for thinking about his name, everything else in his mind was empty. Only the horn, as a guide and call, let him walk slowly in the direction of the horn.

In the process, he devoured seven or eight immortal souls one after another. Similarly, in the process, some of those immortal souls seemed to have appeared and devoured each other.

Every time Su Ming's devouring will make his body more solid, until after devouring seven or eight immortal souls, except for the position of his feet, his upper body is no longer translucent, but like flesh and blood.

A long black hair floated behind his head. Although his eyes were still gray, in addition to his mind, there was a touch of indifference.

In these thousands of teams, immortal souls like him have reached nearly fifty at this moment, and they are constantly floating towards the place where the sound of the horn comes...

Until this day, until this world, day and night, on the land in front of him, Su Ming saw a group of other immortal souls. Until the two groups of immortal souls saw each other, those figures who were obviously much stronger than ordinary souls roared sadly!

Su Ming watched the group of immortal souls rushing crazily, and the sense of tearing in his head gradually ached sharply. He suddenly remembered that he had experienced such a scene...

He remembered that in the last experience, he died in the war and was swallowed up until... he woke up again.

Su Ming's eyes showed murderous intent. He didn't want to die. In his heart, he had a vague feeling that every time he died, he would lose something. Although he didn't know how to rest, his instinct told himself that he couldn't die!

The roar swirled here, two groups of thousands of undead souls are approaching each other crazily, five hundred feet, three hundred feet, two hundred feet... to fifty feet, twenty feet...