Ask for Magic

Chapter 478 Immortal--Open!

When the word fate was said, Su Ming stood up. What was the world he saw in his empty eyes at this moment? Except for him, no one else knew.

He stood there and took a deep breath. He has stayed here for countless years, and he still has more things to do. He wants to use his own awakening in exchange for the complete dissipation of the will of Candle Jiuyin, in exchange for the creation of the little snake and its race!

He was silent for a moment, raised his feet, and walked forward. Along the way, he met countless immortal souls, but these immortal souls were like they couldn't see him. He was at a loss when he walked beside him.

Whether it is the fight and devouring between hundreds of groups of immortal souls, whether it is thousands or even tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of immortal souls, the earth-shaking killing.

Su Ming passed by countless immortal souls, and the two sides did not touch at all, as if everything was the cause of the outside world. Su Ming's heart did not move, and nothing existed.

The direction he is moving forward has not changed by anything. The direction refers to is the place where he finally dispersed in countless reincarnations, the towering mountains, and the huge snake dragon statue.

Su Ming walked, walking. On the way, a numb old man in white robe flew through the sky, and a big man who mastered the skill of light and weight galloped on the earth.

More immortal souls appeared on his way, but he couldn't see it, and they couldn't see it either.

I don't know how much time has passed. Until Su Ming's front, a towering mountain finally appeared. The huge snake and dragon statue on the mountain, reflected in this gray sky, showed a sense of gray.

This is Su Ming, the first time he came here after recovering all his memory.

He looked at the mountain as if he could see it.

"I'm leaving..." Su Ming whispered softly. At the moment he was about to walk, his footsteps suddenly stopped and he slowly turned his head. His empty eyes did not disperse, but where his eyes pointed, there was a numb look, and the tired old man was walking towards the peak step by step.

The old man, dressed in a black robe and had a vicissitudes of life, like a pilgrimage, walked towards the peak. Perhaps with him, he didn't know how many times he had come back here, and fell back into another reincarnation without stopping, no end.

This old man, it was in the body [body] of Candle Jiuyin at the beginning, with a small snake trying to coerce the remaining will of Candle Jiuyin, so that he could expand the immortal world, the servant of the emperor, to monitor the existence of Su Ming in this barbaric land!

Unfortunately, he miscalculated the arrogance of Zhu Jiuyin, so that the wisp of consciousness was forcibly sucked into this immortal world to bear the pain of endless reincarnation.

is also involved in its ontology, making its ontology bear the corrosion of the curse!

As if he could see, Su Ming looked at the old man. After a long time, he raised his feet and walked towards the old man. When he approached, the old man was at a loss and still drifting towards the mountain that summoned him.

Walking to the old man in black, Su Ming looked calm. He raised his right hand and reached into the old man's soul [body]. The man trembled and his expression showed pain. At the moment he wanted to struggle, Su Ming's right hand took it back, and there was a wisp of cyan fog in his hand.

The old man Su Ming will not kill, because here, he suffers endless reincarnation, which is countless times more painful than killing him. On the contrary, if he kills him, it is a kind of happiness for him.

What he wants to kill is the old man's body in the outside world. Only by killing him can he relieve Su Ming's hatred.

When Su Ming came to the mountain peak and stepped on the many scales of the snake dragon's body, he felt the lines of familiar handwriting on those scales, which represented his reincarnation and his persistence.

Stepping on the scales, Su Ming walked towards the head of the snake dragon step by step, until he stood above the head of the snake dragon, and he looked up to the sky.

"Zhu Jiuyin, although you want to devour the strange snake, this is the fate of your family, it has nothing to do with right or wrong... I respect you! According to your curse, I have woken up. Now, I want to get out of here!" Su Ming opened his mouth softly. At the moment he said this, the calm gray canopy suddenly surged, and a shocking thunderbolt came.

The sound of thunder echoed, like the sky roaring, so that the old man in black robe not far away, trembled and knelt down directly on the ground, so that in the endless range of all the immortal souls who were fighting and swallowing up at this moment, one by one, they also trembled and knelt down to worship.

And those powerful undead war souls also showed panic and worshipped the sky one after another.

The sound of thunder was like responding to Su Ming's words. Su Ming looked calm. After saying this, he stood on the top of the snake's head and slowly raised his hands.

"The palm represents the past, and the back of the hand represents the future..." Su Ming's right hand was too high, his palm was down, and the back of his hand rushed up, and his left hand moved in reverse.

"The fusion of the past and the future is like the touch of two palms, blooming a power from the past and the future!" Su Ming's right hand slowly fell towards his left hand.

"I call this power of blending the past with... fate!" Su Ming's right hand and his left hand touched each other at this moment.

At the moment when his hands touched, Su Ming's body trembled violently, the blue veins on his face bulged, his long hair was windless and automatic, and his clothes fluttered rapidly. Behind him, a baby's virtual shadow appeared. The baby did not cry, opened his eyes, and his eyes were gloomy, as if

In front of him, the sky and the earth were twisted at this moment, and a purple-haired man slowly revealed. The man looked sad and looked up at the sky. At the moment he appeared, the immortal world immediately changed amazingly.

The gray of the sky is like fog, rotating layer by layer, and the white of the earth, like being dyed with ink, turned black in an instant, shaking strongly.

"The fate of fusion, the first fusion!" At the moment when Su Ming murmured, the illusory purple-haired man in front of him walked towards Su Ming. At the same time, the baby behind Su Ming also flashed with gray eyes and went straight to Su Ming.

At this moment, the future and the past turned into a huge whirlpool. The whirlpool turned faster and faster. Finally, Su Ming's figure was also sucked into it and disappeared. At the same time, there was only a huge whirlpool in this world, at the top of the peak, and on the head of the snake dragon.


Under the rapid rotation, the whirlpool stretched out a hand from it. It was a pale hand, which seemed to be weak, but at the moment when the hand was stretched out, with its slow clenching fist, the rapidly rotating whirlpool stopped in an instant and went straight to the hand. It looked like being clenched by this hand. The process is completely condensed.

When the whirlpool dissipated, in this heaven and earth, on the top of the snake's head, a figure appeared. This is a young man with half purple hair and half white hair. He looks only eight or nine years old. His skin looks gray, but his eyes are full of endless years.

He raised his head and stared coldly at the gray sky without saying a word. He suddenly went straight to the gray sky. At the moment near the sky, he raised his right hand and pressed it towards the sky like a support.

Under this press, the gray fog-like sky rolled out a loud noise. Under this loud noise, the whole sky trembled, and the fog rolled upside down around, as if it had been scraped out layer after layer, as if the sky had become a huge wooden board, and it was rapidly thinning at this moment.

At this moment, a thunder roared from all directions, and then all the immortal souls in the immortal world burst out one by one, turned into a large amount of white fog and went straight to the sky. The boundless white fog filled the whole sky in a blink of an eye, condensing towards Su Ming.

In front of Su Ming, the white fog condensed into a huge body with no end in sight. The appearance of this body is exactly Zhu Jiuyin!

In its roar, it opened its mouth to Su Ming. Compared with it, Su Ming looked like an ant, but his expression did not change at all. It was almost the moment when the huge candle was swallowed up. His left hand was raised and pressed towards the earth.

At this moment, his right hand supported the sky and his left hand pressed the ground. With the force of his hands, the sky and the earth roared violently. The sky appeared a large number of fragments in a way visible to the naked eye, and the earth trembled, and there were deep ravines.

At the moment he said this sentence, Su Ming's hands went up again!

At this moment, in the sky of the Jiuyin Realm, in the tenth month, in the center of this month, a crack suddenly appeared. If a great force wants to tear it apart, this strange change has caused the vibration and attention of all creatures in the Jiuyin Realm.

Similarly, in the place where the fossils are carved by the candle Jiuyin, at this moment, the petrified candle Jiuyin, its huge head, the third eye of the eyebrows, like the tenth month of the sky, there is a crack in the middle, as if someone inside, wants to close its eyes and forcibly open it!

The reason why there has been no update in the past few days is that the immortal world is very important. It is very slow and difficult to write.

But this is a very critical point in seeking demons. You must write it carefully. Fortunately, it will be over soon, and there will be updates!

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