Ask for Magic

Chapter 480 The Blessing of Candle Nine Yin!

In the tenth month of the sky, the cracks in it were completely opened. In the tenth month, he opened his eyes and looked at the earth with a clear eye.

"This is his eyes, he... he came out..." In the valley, the old man in black muttered, showing bitterness and despair.

On the other side of the valley, the place filled with the jungle, the yin spirit man who looked up at the sky sighed at this moment and closed his eyes.

In a hall in the palace group behind him, the old man of the Yinling clan also closed his eyes at this moment.

In the other direction, in the area filled with many illusory figures, there is a vague figure. It can be seen that it is a woman. She floats on the ground blankly and looks at the moon in the sky.

Her appearance should be very beautiful, but now the confusion and shape change make it difficult to figure out what kind of changes she has encountered.

In the head of this candle, the head of the beautiful woman who exists in the huge area is the only one that is not petrified, but at this moment, there are black spots and begin to rot.

Opposite her, there is a stone sculpture, which is Su Ming!

Now this stone sculpture has slowly regained its luster from its head. Slowly, the petrified fossilization is like a low tide, gradually dissipating, and a magnificent vitality, from the stone sculpture transformed by Su Ming, is rapidly breeding, gradually getting stronger and stronger.

There is silence around, and the decay of the beautiful woman's head represents the ecnation of vitality and the coming of death, which is a strong contrast with Su Ming's body.

After a long time, the extinct woman's head trembled in the rot, and her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. It was a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes and years, containing wisdom.

She looked at Su Ming's eyebrows like this, and a whirlpool gradually appeared, which slowly rotated.

"You came out of the immortal world... You have found your own integration, and you have won my respect... This is my fate...

I will abide by the agreement and be willing to be swallowed up by my peers. With my remaining will and body, I wish him... a new life... I also wish you... a new life...

With the blessing of my candle yin, may you and my same people go further...

The other side of the curse is the blessing. I will bless you with the body that is about to disperse at this moment, and with the ninety-seven realms I have swallowed up..." The beautiful woman murmured softly. There was no resentment in her eyes. With her words, she opened her mouth and exhaled to Su Ming,

The color of this gas is white, like fog, slowly blowing on Su Ming's face. When he drilled in from his seven orifices, at the moment when the white fog penetrated into Su Ming's seven orifices, the huge body of the candle rotted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. With its decay, a large number Su Ming came, for example, Su Ming became a whirlpool, attracting the rapid integration of these vitality.

"My will and inheritance will be given to my same race. My remaining power and structure of immortality consume the power of the remaining world after the ninety-six world. It will be given to you... How much you can absorb depends on your creation." After saying this, the beautiful woman's eyes closed, and the vortex in the center of her eyebrows turned faster and faster. It could be faintly seen that there seemed to be a black line in the vortex in the center of her eyebrows, which appeared because of the rotation of the black line!

Su Ming's body recovered from petrochemical in an instant under the continuous integration of vitality and white fog generated by the ashes and smoke of the huge body of the candle, and he felt deeply that a huge breath was rushing into his body from all directions.

The breath and vitality came so fast that Su Ming's reaction was a little slower, and he immediately had a feeling that his body was about to collapse and burst.

"This is the power of Zhu Jiuyin's life!! Although it is dead, and although this power is less than one-tenth of its life, at the moment when its body is scattered, it is completely burst out... This is... My once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!!" Su Ming did not hesitate and could not hesitate. If he did not absorb it at this moment, his body would collapse immediately.

This kind of forced infusion was too fierce, so that Su Ming didn't have time to think more, and the bones in his body suddenly began to absorb crazily.

In Su Ming's body, there are seven barbarian bones, of which the crystal of the wind barbarian inheritance turned into one piece, and the thunder barbarian inheritance also turned into one piece. But at this moment, under this powerful breath and vitality, almost in an instant, the eighth bone in the inner spine of Su Ming's body suddenly emitted a

At the moment when the golden light came out of Su Ming's body, the eighth bone formed in his body!!

A hundred breaths have passed again. In the low roar of Su Ming's clenched teeth, his body trembled. The powerful breath and vitality were poured in too fast, as if to rush into Su Ming's body at once. It was too late for him to absorb the speed. When the severe pain came from his body, the tenth barbarian bone !

If this kind of improvement of cultivation is said, it must have caused a shock and an uproar. You should know that the barbarian's bone sacrifice is difficult to practice. After all, the barbarian's realm ends in the barbarian soul. The bone sacrifice can be regarded as a strong man, the backbone of a sect, and the strongest The power!

But at this moment, with the blessing of his own body before the end of Zhujiuyin's will, it made this impossible thing possible and gave Su Ming a game. I'm afraid even the emperor's great opportunity to miscalculate!

The root of all this is still because of Hong Luo! Because of the sudden appearance of Hongluo, Di Tian's plan on Su Ming got out of control. Because of the demise of his split, Su Ming temporarily stepped out of the arrangement of fate, which made everything shift in this process!

Su Ming's forehead secreted a lot of sweat, and the feeling that his body was about to explode became stronger and stronger. Under the crazy absorption of ten barbarian bones in his body, he condensed the power of ten barbarian bones and launched a strong impact on the eleventh barbarian bone.

Like the angry sea rushing to the fragile barrier, under this rush, his body is more golden, and his eleventh bone appears directly!

But this is only the beginning. The vitality and breath forcibly poured into Su Ming's body were constantly absorbed in Su Ming's backbone mountain. After the time of half a column of incense, the twelfth barbarian bone suddenly burst into golden light!

"This is a chance, so I will simply let go and absorb it to see how much I can achieve under this opportunity!" Su Ming pinched the formula with both hands and let go of everything to absorb the vitality and breath. Suddenly, his thirteenth bone condensed out.

The power of thirteen barbarian bones made Su Ming's absorption much faster. With the passage of time, as Su Ming's body trembled more and more violently, his backbone belonging to the barbarians appeared the fourteenth barbarian bone!

Fourteen bones, twice as many as before!

But even so, the vitality and breath that rushed into Su Ming's body were still extremely fierce, not reduced at all, but more and more.

Until the fifteenth barbarian bone, the sixteenth barbarian bone, and the seventeenth barbarian bone emitted a strong golden light one after another. This improvement of cultivation was very shocking to Su Ming himself, but at this moment, he couldn't think too much about all this. If he didn't improve, the collapse of his body would burst.

Under his teeth, 17 barbarian bones in his body were absorbed crazily. At this moment, he can't care too much. He has to suck it. He must use the new barbarian bones to accommodate this powerful vitality.

The eighteenth barbarian bone appeared after a moment. The appearance of this barbarian bone absorbs more power than the sum of several barbarian bones he opened before. If it is a normal practice, it will be extremely difficult to open the eighteenth barbarian bone.

After the appearance of the eighteenth barbarian bone, the nineteen barbarian bone was almost opened together. At this moment, the golden light emitted from Su Ming's body reflected almost all the surroundings, and even his hair looked almost golden.

The blue veins on his face bulged, and his body trembled more violently. On his skin, a large number of black ** were forced out. With these ** forced out, his body obviously felt much lighter.

At the same time, the twentieth barbarian bone suddenly appeared!

The twenty-first piece appeared after a long time!

Twenty-second yuan, twenty-third yuan!!

The strong man of the barbarian sacrificial bone realm can refine up to 26 barbarian bones, and at the moment when these 26 barbarian bones appear, you must break into the barbarian soul. There is only one chance, and life and death are in an instant, or you can successfully step into the barbarian soul, become a strong

Or... the impact of the barbarian soul failed, all the bones in the body burst out, the vitality was ecstatic, and the body and even everything died with it!

Su Ming's heart gradually raised a sense of fear, because he realized that at this speed of improvement, I'm afraid it won't take long for his bones to reach 26 pieces!

He is not ready yet. He hasn't found Jiu Minghua yet!