Ask for Magic

Chapter 482 Why do all sentient beings practice? Why is it strong?

Break and stand, ancient and unchanging rules!

This now exists in many times, and it is gradually summarized by people, which leads to these four words.

Here, Su Ming, with the blessing of Zhu Jiuyin, he has experienced a strange change that can be said to have not been experienced by anyone in the world. This change is the immortality of the sacrificial bone world after reaching the peak of the failure of the barbarian soul!

In the history of barbarians, although such things have happened several times, every time they appear, they have lost too much vitality and become mortals.

But Su Ming here is because of the blessing of Zhu Jiuyin. Although his barbarian bones are broken, his cultivation is still there. For example, his barbarian bones are no longer limited to his spine, but expand to all parts of his body with the dissipation of the spine. In this way, his cultivation is still strong.

This kind of thing has never happened before. Even a generation of barbarian gods who scraped the barbarian practice system did not expect such a situation!

The backbone just burst, and twenty-six barbarian bones were crushed. In Su Ming's body, the barbarian power formed by these smashed barbarian bones was integrated into almost all the bones of Su Ming's body, such as ribs, such as skulls, such as arms and pelvis bones.

There is also a part that is integrated into Su Ming's flesh and blood, scattered all over his body.

At this moment, under the rapid influx of the power of the candle nine yin, Su Ming clearly felt that in addition to the golden light appeared again in the first barbarian bone of his new backbone, while absorbing the power of the candle nine yin, the other bones in his body were actually absorbing, even his flesh and blood!

Sacrifice to the bone realm, others and even Su Ming's previous cultivation is only a backbone, but at this moment... Su Ming was shocked to find that if he continues, then what he cultivates is not only a backbone, but... all the bones of the whole body, including flesh and blood!

The sacrifice bone realm is refined by 26 first barbarian bones, just like returning to the ancestors. This barbarian bone uses it to gain powerful power, but here, Su Ming, if all the bones of the whole body are refined into barbarian bones, then his powerful process? ...

Su Ming took a breath, and the bones of his whole body became the horror of barbarian bones. If coupled with the fusion of flesh and blood, the power of barbarian bones becomes tougher, then what kind of existence will his body become?

Su Ming has no answer to this point. Even a generation of barbarian gods still have no answer when they created the bone sacrifice system!

"But in the same way, if I really go on this horrible road, it will be difficult for me to become a barbarian soul, which will reach an unimaginable level, which is almost impossible to complete it..." Su Ming realized in his heart that it is so difficult for twenty-six barbarian bones to condense the barbarian soul statue. The degree of difficulty when attacking the barbarian soul can be imagined!

But the development of things, Su Ming can't be allowed to hesitate at this moment. He either continues to try to attack the barbarian soul. After failure, his body collapses and takes the yuan spirit to re-cultivation.

Or simply take this road that no one has walked. As for the matter of the barbarian soul, we will think about it later.

In addition to these two roads, the next one is the success of the barbarian soul! But this possibility, Su Ming knew that because his cultivation had not been consolidated, there was a lot of instability in this kind of forced infusion, and it was almost impossible for him to succeed at once, unless he was given some time to slowly integrate and achieve the true meaning of sacrifice.

Su Ming's eyes gradually calmed down. He took a deep breath and let go of all his mind to bear the coming power, so that it was absorbed by all the bones in his body and by flesh and blood.

Soon, a faint golden light appeared in the position of the bones of Su Ming's whole body, and his spine was already golden in the first ten pieces. A powerful, Su Ming's unprecedented feeling appeared in his heart. This is completely beyond the boundary of sacrifice, but it can also be called the strength of the realm of sacrifice!

With the absorption, with the golden light shining in all parts of his body, suddenly, the vitality and breath that were forcibly poured into Su Ming's body. After this meal, a force that shocked Su Ming's mind came to the sky.

Time, it's a good incense at this moment!

This power is visible to the naked eye. It is a diamond-shaped crystal piece condensed with the dissipation of Zhu Jiuyin's body. This object emits bright light and goes straight to Su Ming's body. With an indescribable speed and momentum, like the years of flowing light, it is directly imprinted on Su Ming's

At the moment it touched Su Ming's eyebrows, Su Ming's body shook. Under the tingling of his eyebrows, the crystal directly penetrated Su Ming's forehead and was deeply imprinted on his body.

Su Ming's head suddenly leaned back. As if he was hit by a strong force, his mind was bombarded. At this moment, he forgot the crisis of his body and everything. What existed in his mind was a huge roar. The roar seemed to be made by countless creatures at the same time, and in Su Ming's blur, he vaguely It seemed that I saw a piece of heaven and earth, and it collapsed on a large scale under the open mouth of a huge candle Jiuyin floating in the air.

The collapsed heaven and earth did not dissipate, but constantly condensed together in the collapse, including all the creatures in it. No matter how they struggled, in the end, they were useless. They only stabbed the crazy roar in despair and echoed. Gradually, the world of heaven and earth turned into a diamond-shaped crystal, which was Swallow it in one bite.

" this the power of the world!"

"This is exactly the power of the only engraved world after I have built immortality... Everything in this world, any kind of cultivation system, even if the name is different, but in the end, it is the power of the world..." The voice of Candle Jiuyin echoed in all directions with its unique vicissitudes.

The sound contains the precipitation of his life's experience and feelings.

"The power of this world cannot be mastered and understood by you, nor will it multiply your cultivation, but its existence is my real blessing... Have it, understand it, and control it. If you can do it, then on the day you can do it, you will find that the wonder of the universe, you will find that you can control what Yes!" The sound of Zhu Jiuyin spread and swirled in Su Ming's mind, so that Su Ming could still hear clearly in the blur of consciousness, as deep as a brand.

"Do you know why creatures practice? Why is it powerful? The light question of the vicissitudes of the candle.

Su Ming can't answer this question. In fact, Zhu Jiuyin didn't want Su Ming to return.

"That's because of its own deficiency. This deficiency is different for each race. The root of practice is to make up for its own shortcomings... But to make up for its own shortcomings, it is not simple. Often in countless years, only one or two of life can a race do this."

"Each race itself has a different way from discovering to filling defects. In the final analysis, it needs to use the power of the position... For example, in my long life, I have had some contact with the immortals. The cultivation system of the immortals is divided into three steps, and the first step does not involve the position. Force, but at the beginning of the second step, the so-called nirvana itself is a patch of its own defects and a new life. At this time, what is cultivated is the power of the realm.

As for the third step, it is the key to the impact towards perfection when there are fewer and fewer defects. If you can achieve the final completeness and take the fourth step, you will no longer have any defects... What you want to pursue at this time is the power of the disaster!" Zhu Jiuyin's voice is getting weaker and weaker, and these feelings are the preciousness of its life.

"Any ethnic group is like this, such as the lineage of immortals similar to immortals, combination, Mahayana, Feisheng and even Daluo Jinxian, etc., which is ultimately just to make up for their own shortcomings.

Your barbarian, the pursuit after the barbarian soul, although the name is different, in fact, it is to use the power of the position to make up for its own defects. As the defects become less and less, the strength becomes stronger and stronger, and finally achieve perfection.

After Su Ming heard this, his consciousness gradually cleared up, and his mind shook like a storm. These theories were something he had never heard before, and it was a kind of words that made his mind as open as lightning and thunder!

"I have to be born with creation, and there are also defects. There is no systematic cultivation of this defect. The only way to make up for it is to devour...

Because I don't know where the defect of my vein is. It may be immortal and immortal, and it may be nine babies, so I can only constantly devour the position world, hoping to make up for it.

Su Ming looked at the head of the beautiful woman in front of him, and he thought of the fusion of the immortal world.

"I have been to many places before I was alive. The starry sky is endless, and I have even been to two of the four real worlds... I have met only five villains, and I have mastered the power of disaster.

They are the starry sky, these four true worlds, the strong without puppets...

In fact, in the four true worlds, there is a big and unified name for the powerful existence of practice that has reached this point, called palm fate, control the reincarnation of the sky, think of birth, think of fate, think of fate...

Under this state, different races have different names, and what they want is nothing more than... perfection.

Above this realm, there are actually several realms, which is a legend.

"The whispered words of the extinct woman became weaker and weaker, echoing Su Ming's mind.

"I have gained the power of my world, let me be recognized by the descendants of Zhuyin, and my will will dissipate... bear the last wisp of vitality of my body, spend your life, failure with me..." The head of the beautiful woman, at the moment of saying this, completely decomposed into flying ash, the heart of his eyebrows In the whirlpool, the little snake suddenly came out and let out a roar.

At the same time, around Su Ming, the head of the huge body of the candle Jiuyin dissipated endless fog and went straight to Su Ming's body.

Above, with the dissipation of the candle's yin head, the starry sky is exposed, revealing the moon outside the nine bright moon on the curtain, and the tenth round is rapidly dissipating!

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