Ask for Magic

Chapter 491 Wanli Mountain!

Bright as blood, burning like fire!

At the moment when the blood and fire was unfolded by Su Ming, a thick flame burst out from Su Ming's body. The flame did not have the momentum of the huge sea of fire in the sky, but it permeated Su Ming's whole body, making Su Ming's hair flutter, which made him stand there. When he looked up, it A sense of perseverance in the face of the collapse of the sky and the earth.

"I am the inheritance of fire, the art of moon worship, and so can I!" Su Ming stood there, raised his hands, and clasped his fist to the sky in the ninth month, and suddenly bowed.

Under this worship, the ninth month in the sky was distorted, and there seemed to be overlapping shadows beside it!

The palm of the sea of fire roaring towards Su Ming trembled even more, as if it could not bear Su Ming's worship, but in the process of coming, there was a sign of extinction.

The golden thread people of the Bat Holy Clan not far away are already stunned at this moment, and their minds are roaring, revealing an unbelievable embarrassment. He knows Su Ming's strength. According to reason, no matter what magic power Su Ming has to fight against, he will not have such a continuous change in his look, but he What is used to fight against this sea of fire is actually the same moon worship as him!!

This is something he can't expect in any case, which almost subverts his thoughts. This moon worship is the direct method of their bat saint, and only the golden thread talents may be difficult to master the foreign people at all.

This is the moon ancestor worshipped by their bat saint. The method passed down in person is the sacred art of their bat saint!!

At this moment, he saw Su Ming perform it with his own eyes in front of him, and even when Su Ming performed this technique, it gave the golden thread people of the bat saint a sense of the bat clan, as if the skill of moon worship was performed by Su Ming, which was more orthodox than himself!!

You should know that he needs to use the power of the ancestor of the moon to perform this technique. He can't do it without any effort, and most importantly, he can only worship the moon and will not burn with blood and fire!!

Only the elders and patriarchs can be given the method of practice by the moon ancestor, which is the most powerful skill of their bat saint.

If that's all the case, it makes the bat holy golden thread people feel that their will is going to collapse. It is Su Ming's the breath and feeling emanating from his body after unfolding the blood fire and worshipping the sky in the ninth month, which actually makes the golden thread people seem to face the statue of the holy ancestor on Wanli Mountain in Deep in the depths, awe and fear are born.

"Who are you? Who the hell are you? Why do you know the art handed down by my bat saint's ancestors!!" The golden thread of the bat holy clan roared almost collapsed and quickly retreated back.

"Who are you talking about the art of worshipping the moon, which is the direct power of the fireman clan?" Su Ming looked cold and took a step forward. His consciousness suddenly dispersed, forming a pressure. With the momentum of his own blood and fire, he went directly to the oppression of the golden line people.

"I'm afu saint..." The golden thread was about to speak when he was immediately interrupted by Su Ming's words.

"The art of worshipping the moon, I am the direct descendant, and I am the only fireman in the world. Will you ask me?" Su Ming sneered, and his words came out with the pressure.

"The appearance of the bat saint is very similar to the moon wing. I really want to know, what do you have to do with the moon wing?" Su Ming took a step.

"Who are you talking about, and how do you know this technique?" Su Ming's words were one after another, and he did not give too much time for the Golden Line people to think about it at all. With the pressure of his powerful consciousness, the Golden Line people were in chaos at this moment, and they asked questions continuously!

"How did your bat saint worship this so-called moon ancestor?"

"When you practice the art of fire and barbarism, you dare to use it in front of me. Not to mention that you can't overdo it, who let you make such a big move?" After Su Ming asked several different words in a row, his voice suddenly became louder, almost like thunder, and asked a question!

"Who let you come!!" Su Ming's words, like the roar of thunder, made the bat saint golden line clan, who had been repeatedly questioned and oppressed by Su Ming before, finally collapsed in consciousness.

"It's Yuezu..." He staggered back and buzzed in his mind. Su Ming's thunderous words made him feel that he had to answer, as if there was a will coming to him, which made him unable to resist.

"Where is the ancestor of the moon!" Su Ming came forward again, and his voice was even louder.

"Wanli Mountain..."

"When will you be worshipped by your family!" Su Ming kept approaching, and his voice became louder and louder, which made the golden thread people's will collapse and the seven orifices were bleeding.

"For a long time... I don't know...? ..." The golden thread finally couldn't stand it. They let out a sad scream, pressed their heads with both hands, and the whole person galloped back and screamed. His eyes were blurred, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood. At this moment, Su Ming's voice echoed in his mind, getting louder and louder, as if to

Su Ming stopped, looked at the staggering bat saint, withdrew the breath of fire after the collision of consciousness and blood fire, and waved his right hand to the golden thread. Under this wave, a huge virtual shadow suddenly appeared behind the golden thread person whose consciousness collapsed. This virtual shadow was exactly a candle. The beast!

It opened its mouth and swallowed it suddenly. It swallowed the golden thread people into its mouth. The virtual shadow dissipated and turned into a small snake. It went straight to Su Ming, coiled it on his shoulder, and sometimes spit out the core.

Su Ming frowned and stood in the air meditating for a moment.

"It's not the wind... According to the bat saint, the so-called moon ancestor has been worshipped for a long time, and the time is a little unmatched, but it depends on my time in the immortality, and how many years have passed in the outside world.

Wanli Mountain..." Su Ming felt that the name seemed to be a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he was familiar. While thinking about it, Su Ming turned around and walked towards the valley where the witch was located.

Until he saw the valley inhabited by the witch in the distant land, he never thought of how familiar the Wanli Mountain was, but he was sure that he should have never heard the name of this mountain.

When Su Ming returned to the valley, he received a grand welcome. All the remaining witches came out of the cave. After seeing Su Ming, everyone knelt down to the ground.

"We are the abandoned people who claim to be the Ming clan. See Lord Mosu!"

Hundreds of people kneel down, and hundreds of voices are fused together to form a sound wave. This voice reveals a sense of sincerity and gratitude, and more fanatical reverence.

For them, Su Ming's appearance is like a beacon in the dark, like a glimmer of hope in despair.

Su Ming's body slowly fell from the air and stood in front of the group of people who claimed to be a family, looking at the group of ragged and most skinny people, looking at the excitement and respect in their eyes.

"Why do you call yourself a life race?" Su Ming asked calmly.

"Abandoned by the witch clan, there is no future, no hope, it is better to create the future by yourself, master the hope by yourself, just like mastering your own destiny, so... call yourself a life clan!" Nangonghen also half knelt there. At this moment, he looked up and opened his mouth firmly.

Su Ming was silent, and his eyes looked at this person again. In the eyes he saw, in addition to fanaticism and respect, there was also a kind of flame-like persistence. This persistence is the desire to control his own destiny, the desire to become the strong man who determines his fate, and let the witches who abandoned them know that they... will no Who is merciful and rescuer? They are the people of life!

There are very few elderly people in these people. In addition to their prime, there are more young children. These children were born here. In their minds, the witch clan is just a name. They have witnessed the death of the clan since childhood. Although they are still children, they look at Su Ming's eyes with the same fanatical reverence. It's full of persistence!

This is a small population forced out by fate. This is a population that has nothing to do with the witches since then, and has its own will that the witches do not have!

This will is still weak now, but if the fate clan is given enough time to grow, once this will finally grows up, then this group of gods will become extremely terrible!

"We are willing to follow Mo Zun, and from now on, we will obey Mo Zun's order!" When Nangonghen gritted his teeth and opened his mouth in a low voice, all the people behind him who knelt down there made the same sound.

"We are willing to live in Mo Zun, and we are only ordered to obey!"

The sound is like a turbulent sea, echoing in all directions for a long time.

"If the life clan has a master, can it still be called the life clan?" Su Ming was silent, and after a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

"We are willing to worship Mo Zun as the Holy Spirit, and we would like to worship the icon of Mo Zun, eternal life, for generations!" Nangong was stunned, and then he spoke again.

"How many years have you spent since I disappeared?" Su Ming avoided Nangonghen's request and asked him what he wanted to know.

"Zi Mo Zun disappeared in those years, and now it has been 15 years..." Nangong Hen said in a low voice.

Nangong Hen looked bitter. After a moment of silence, he slowly opened his mouth.

"Fifteen years ago, three months after Mo Zun disappeared..." Nangong Hen just said here. Suddenly, the snake on Su Ming's shoulder suddenly raised its head, and his closed eyes suddenly opened. While revealing the cold light, he let out a sharp roar. His eyes were ferocious. What he saw was in this valley, a The closed cave!