Ask for Magic

Chapter 570 Opportunity!

Volume III Famous East Wasteland Chapter 570 Opportunity!

For a long time, Su Ming closed his eyes again and covered the strange fall in his eyes. In that loneliness, he felt the warmth of the left hand from the second generation of barbarian gods, just like the rough hand stroke from his forehead in his memory.

If you return to the palace many years ago, in the dark world, there is not much warmth.

Maybe there is really fate in this world...

Su Ming muttered, the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods, the touch of those years, the touch of today, all kinds of things, such as a circle, find the head, and then find the tail.

"Memory, maybe the same... If you find the end, you will find the head... Is this fate?" Su Ming closed his eyes, and bitterness appeared on his face.

In his body, there is no need to absorb the power from the left hand of the barbarian god at this moment, but the left hand of the barbarian god poured into Su Ming's body after the memory of many years ago in Su Ming's mind.

There is a huge gap between this active absorption and the spontaneous integration of vitality!

One is a forced shout, and the other is to give it out with all your strength after being recognized.

Time slowly passed, and the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods gradually withered and slowly shrank, and all the power in it was sent into Su Ming's body without reservation, making Su Ming's whole body bone spread to perfection after reaching 90%!

It seems that this left hand belongs to the second generation of barbarian god. He has been waiting for the arrival of someone, waiting for the arrival of the baby who stroked his forehead and looked complicated before he left.

On the way, he may have mistakenly recognized Sima Xin as the baby of that year, but the death of Sima Xin and the arrival of Su Ming made everything return to the trajectory that should have existed.

The fan taken away by Su Ming from Sima Xin... belongs to Su Ming!

"Fate, Su Ming... What on earth is my fate..." Su Ming closed his eyes in bitterness, and the magnificent vitality in his body was like the sea, which made his flesh and bones of his body change rapidly in the absorption, towards the true sense, the unprecedented sacrifice of bones, constantly Forward!

Once his whole body is full of flesh and blood, then his Su Ming's body can be equivalent to returning to his ancestors, and his degree of strength will surpass his current combat strength.

Time passed slowly, and the left hand of the second generation of barbarian god withered and smaller. In the end, he became faintly transparent. In Su Ming's place, his hair flew and his whole body rose, but... his expression was still bitter.

After years of meeting again, the warmth has become a touch, and the points of memory wake up, making people feel bitter and immersed in confusion.

Su Ming was at a loss. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to know what fate was.

In this confusion, there was a loud noise from Su Ming's body, but he saw that his body suddenly became golden. This golden color actually surpassed the light of the five-square seal. (Bookstore the fastest update from the gradually transparent second generation The barbarian god penetrated and emitted from his left hand.

This light comes from Su Ming's body, from every bone in his body, every inch of skin, every trace of flesh and blood... from all of his body.

With the echo of the roar, Su Ming's golden light all over his body became more and more intense. He clearly felt that in his body, almost all the bones had become barbarian bones at this moment. Only the skull here has not been completely barbaric, but it is spreading rapidly.

This spread of barbarism was extremely fast. After a long time, Su Ming's eyebrows flashed violently. When a slight click came out, his body suddenly shook, and his breath suddenly broke out at this moment and soared at a very fast speed. After a moment, he had reached the extreme!

This extreme, with the sound in Su Ming's body, all the bones, all flesh and blood, and all the meridians in his body are completely barbaric at this moment!

At the same time, the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods under Su Ming dissipated in constant transparency, such as completing his mission and his waiting. At this moment, he returned to the virtual dust.

As it dissipated, as Su Ming opened his eyes, he saw the scene where the left hand of the second generation of the barbarian god dispersed, until the left hand of the barbarian god turned into a little crystal light. When it rolled, it floated up from around Su Ming. Some of the crystal dots touched Su Ming's eyebrows, The figure, with complexity, felt like touching his forehead.

Su Ming silently watched the little crystal light float up, watched them penetrate the five seals and dissipate in nothingness. A feeling of loneliness emerged in his heart.

For a long time, Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened it again, his eyes were calm. The confusion, the loneliness, and the bitterness were hidden by him. Outsiders could not see it. Only when he was in his heart could he feel it slowly.

His body floated in the air, still in the five-layer light curtain of the five-square seal. At this moment, Su Ming stood up slowly, but at the moment he stood up, Su Ming suddenly frowned.

He felt as if something was missing. In the meditation, Su Ming looked at his hands and felt some of the magnificent power in his body at this moment.

This power is much stronger than he had before, but this power is only a little more than that, and it does not have the same repressive power after the whole body as Su Ming imagined.

You should know that Su Ming's whole body is full of barbaric bones, including the inheritance of wind and barbarism, the inheritance of thunder and barbarism, the blessing of candles, the blood creation of the blood clan, and the legacy of the second generation of barbarian gods today. All of these kinds of things have formed Su Ming's

But the feeling of this state to Su Ming at this moment is not much stronger than before, which makes him always feel that something is wrong.

In particular, he can feel that in his whole body, he obviously contains more potential, but he can't condense it...

"Maybe there is an opportunity to quickly and fully stimulate my full potential! Unless it is a long-term grinding and integration, then after some years, I will fully grasp the full potential... But it's too late!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and he figured out what he was missing!

But this is just his guess. After all, his current state of cultivation has never appeared in the barbarians, and he needs to constantly explore and find his own way.

After a moment of silence, Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the power of cultivation in his body ran wildly, and his hair was windless and automatic. With the continuous circulation of cultivation in his body, a feeling of rage permeated around.

"Since this potential does not come out, then force it out!" Su Ming's internal cultivation rotated faster and faster, but when he dispersed outside his body, he took it back again, which made him form two different pressures inside and outside his body!

A breath of inner, outward, outward, continuous squeezing inward. In this way, Su Ming's body became the center. In this internal and external pressure, he looked more and more solemn.

This kind of pressure, if it is unfolded by ordinary people, it is... the self-detonation of the body!

The so-called self-explosion is a collapse after the pressure in the body and the squeeze of the outside world reach the critical point. The greater the pressure, the more amazing the power will be after the explosion.

And when self-exploding, all the potential in the body will naturally explode. This is the method Su Ming thought of, and it is also a crazy way.

Because he has no time to hone silently and gradually integrate those potentials, he can only use this extreme method to achieve the same effect.

Only Su Ming can do this, because his body's strength today has reached an extremely horrible level. The disadvantage of this tenacity is that if Su Ming wants to blow himself up, it will be much more difficult than others.

At this moment, under the internal and external squeeze, Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the speed of cultivation doubled faster. In this way, the force of pressure was much stronger. In this squeeze, Su Ming realized the potential in his body, and a trace was finally forced out and integrated into the cultivation.

"Sure enough!" Su Ming gritted his teeth, and the cultivation in his body increased again. This increase almost reached his limit. The roaring sound swirled, Su Ming's body trembled, and the internal and external pressure made his eyes congested, but this move made his potential separate again and integrate into his cultivation.

As its cultivation runs faster and faster, it's just... the squeezed potential is still not much.

"A lack of an opportunity..." Su Ming looked decisive. He suddenly raised his right hand, turned his fingers into a sword, and stared at his fingertips. Su Ming did not hesitate, and his right finger sword suddenly touched the middle of his eyebrows.

At the moment when his fingertips touched the center of his eyebrows, a sharp pain suddenly rose in the center of his eyebrows. The severe pain suddenly reached the extreme, like a swollen balloon being pierced through a gap. Under the squeezing of Su Ming's body, a catharsis appeared. At this moment, his cultivation exploded. Send!

The intensity of this outbreak far exceeded the operation of Su Ming's previous cultivation. In that outbreak, all the potential in his body was released, and his body came with severe pain, as if it was about to be torn and collapse, but in this severe pain, Su Ming really felt... powerful!!

exceeds too much power before, a kind of power that really belongs to the whole body!

Su Ming looked up to the sky and let out a roar. This roar contained Su Ming's pain, the strength of his cultivation, and the will of his cultivation at this moment!

The sound roared out, which made the five-square seal vibrate, so that the sound penetrated and spread to the whole seabed, making the sea roar and shake, setting off a rolling wave. The people on the ninth peak were all shocked and heard the Su Ming from the depths of the seabed. Roar!!