Ask for Magic

Chapter 572 The Life of Tianhe Falling Stone

"See you, Lord Su Ming!"

"I've seen Su Ming... Your Excellency!"

In front of Su Ming, the people who attacked the light curtain because of his request. At this moment, they looked at Su Ming one by one with a look of awe. There are some people who had seen Su Ming before, and now their hearts are complicated, but they dare not show anything, but they are extremely respectful.

No matter which nation, the strong will be respected. This respect is either sincere, or because of fear, and the strong are respected. This is the eternal way of heaven.

This is the case with the current group of people.

The collapse of Tianmen, they were the people for the rest of their lives after the robbery. They saw Su Ming's killing in Tianmen with their own eyes. With the spread of their words, when Su Ming's eyes fell on them, these people bowed their heads one by one and did not dare to look at them.

In their eyes, Su Ming's eyes did not have too much sharpness, but a deep feeling in the clear, but this ordinary look made these people see it one by one, as if they had been seen through everything in their hearts at a glance, and there was no secret feeling in front of Su Ming.

The shock at the bottom of his heart permeated the minds of these people at this moment. As they bowed his head, Su Ming looked at them. Among them, there were a few people. Su Ming had some vague memories, but he couldn't remember the name. It was the person he occasionally met at the ninth peak.

After all, for those who know Su Ming, the passage of time is more than 20 years, and 20 years may change a lot, but for those with cultivation, the memory is not too vague.

But here, Su Ming has experienced countless reincarnations in the immortal world of Zhu Jiuyin. Although his will is getting stronger and stronger, his memory of the past, except for some special people, special things. Everything else has been blurred, just like another world.

Even the love of that year. It has also faded a lot, just like in the air at this moment, the eyes swept over the crowd, fell on the ninth peak, and fell on the white clothes (bookstore the fastest update, just like the beautiful figure in those years.

The snoring of the tiger was still high from time to time, and the sound broke the silence that Su Ming had fallen into at this moment because of Su Ming's coming out.

Su Ming raised his steps and took a step towards the ninth peak. When this step falls. His whole figure disappeared and appeared in the sky on the ninth peak. As he stepped, he stood on the top of the peak.

On the top of the mountain, except for Bai Su and his father. There are also some people who escaped from Tianmen. Among them, there is an old man in white, who was the lord of Tianmen who dissipated his life and fell into a coma at the beginning.

After the death of Sima Xin, the silk in the old man's body did not disappear, but deeply penetrated into his body, silent, as if he had lost his life.

Then the old man gradually woke up, although he was seriously injured. And the vitality dissipated, but since he dares to take such a risk, there is naturally a way to restore his vitality, and it is very likely that everything before is just an illusion.

The old man in white robe who woke up at this moment looked excited when he saw Su Ming coming. Go forward and hold your fist and bow deeply.

"Old rotten Lin Haizi, pay homage to the Lord of the cold earth."

After the old man said this, everyone else on the ninth peak, except for Bai Su and his daughter, all held their fists at Su Ming.

"Worship the Lord of the cold earth!"

The sound came from many people, forming a sound wave. On the sea, it echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

After everyone, Bai Su's father, the complex old man, also lowered his head and held his fist at Su Ming.

At this moment, all the people, with respectful voices, conveyed the awe of Su Ming. Although they did not know what had happened in the sea, with the silence of the barbarian silk in their bodies like the loss of life, they felt the death of Sima Xin and felt that they had been manipulated for many years. The line of fate was suddenly broken.

As Su Ming came out of the sea, everyone here understood that the battle between Su Ming and Sima Xin, no matter what the process was, the result was... Sima Xin died!

"Lord of the cold earth, Lord Su Ming, I don't know that Sima Xin..." The old man in white robe hesitated for a moment and asked. Although he felt that Sima Xin should die, he did not hear Su Ming tell him personally, and he was still a little afraid.

"Sima Xin is dead!" Su Ming slowly opened his mouth. He didn't go to the name of the Lord of the cold earth, and he cared too much.

At the moment of hearing Su Ming's words, the old man took a deep breath and a flash of excitement. He looked at Su Ming and bowed again.

With the return of Su Ming and the death of Sima Xin, these remnants of Tianmen on the ninth peak were also at a loss in excitement. They were at a loss about where to go and where fate was at a loss.

When another late night came, Su Ming sat outside the sleeping cave of the ninth peak of the tiger. There was no one else around him except a white figure. It was very quiet around him, only the sound of the rolling waves of the sea came faintly, and then the snoring of the tiger from time to time.

Those remnants of Tianmen are scattered on this mountain and are not close to here, but sometimes when someone looks up, they will naturally look at the figure under the moonlight of the top of the mountain. When they look at it, there is gratitude and respect in their eyes.

Bai Su sat next to Su Ming. The two of them were here for almost an hour. Looking at the darkening of the sky and the gloom of the sea and sky, they didn't say anything.

In fact, it is not just the two of them here. There is also a bald crane lying on the edge of the cliff not far away. It lay there lazily, grabbing a shiny stone in its claws, constantly watching, and sometimes with a proud smile at the corners of its mouth, making a giggle.

"Will you still leave?" After a long time, the bald crane's eyes moved away from the crystal and looked at Su Ming and Bai Su, Bai Su broke the silence.

"I will go to Donghuang." Su Ming looked at the black sea and said slowly.

"I wish you happiness..." Bai Su lowered his head, looked at the sea water, and said softly.

Su Mingmo didn't say anything. He turned his head and looked at Bai Su. Bai Su's hair was very long, covering her face, covering Su Ming's eyes, and covering the ferocious scar on her face.

"I was ignorant before. Thank you for your tolerance. I'm very happy to see you this time..." Bai Su whispered. Instead of going to see Su Ming, she lowered her head and looked at the sea with a soft smile on her face. There was a trace of freedom and a trace of memory in the smile. Until a long time, she stood up and Ming passed by.

"The ninth peak is your home. You can leave at ease. I will stay here and take care of here... If one day I'm not here, my bones will also be here, for the harm to you in those years... atone for your sins." Bai Su opened his mouth softly. The moment she walked past Su Ming, Su Ming suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Bai Su's arm.

At the moment when his hand touched Bai Su, Bai Su's body obviously trembled slightly. She did not break free, allowing Su Ming to grab her arm, but always lowered her head.

Su Ming stood up and looked at Bai Su. He raised his right hand and rolled up the blue silk on Bai Su's face. Bai Su obviously dodged, but Su Ming still saw the ferocious scar on her face.

Bai Su closed her eyes, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She lowered her head, as if she didn't want Su Ming to see the ugly scar.

"You don't have to atone for your sins. What happened in those years has passed. What I want to see is the lovely girl in the past, the woman with wild beauty." Su Ming looked at Bai Su and said softly.

"People will grow up, won't they... I'm not who I used to be, and neither are you." Bai Su opened his eyes and looked at Su Ming. There was no wildness in Su Ming's memory in his eyes, but became traces of vicissitudes and years.

There is also a deep fatigue and powerless resistance to fate.

"My father said that I was the fate of the falling stone in the Tianhe River. The wave caused by the stone falling into the river turned into me. My life was destined to be accompanied by tears, and I was destined to be just a splashed river..." Bai Su looked at Su Ming and struggled hard with his right hand, as if to break free from

"When I come back, I will find a way to return to the Western League. If I find it, you... go to the Western League with me." Su Ming didn't let go of his hand. He looked at Bai Su, looked at the woman, and spoke slowly.

"The falling stone of the Tianhe River is destined to be lonely because of the falling stones. Even if it falls into the river again, it will not be found by anyone, because there is a lot of water in the river that day, and I... are just a few drops of it.

Su Ming, I will stay here. I will help you take care of the ninth peak, but I won't... leave with you. Bai Su turned her head and broke away from Su Ming's hand. When she turned back, her green silk flew and cut a few drops of tears she fell, making those tears shatter and turn into flying. When she floated in front of Su Ming's eyes, Bai Su went away.

Su Ming silently watched Bai Su's figure disappear in his eyes. The white spirit of Wushan appeared in front of him, and the old girl of the Jiuyin world appeared. The figures of the three women seemed to overlap at this moment.

"The fate of Tianhe falling rocks... appears because of falling rocks, special because of falling rocks, and lonely because of falling rocks. Finally, it is integrated into the river, which makes people unable to find it." An old voice came from the other side of the mountain. With the sound, it was an old man with a pale face and a complex look. The old man's life was dim, and there seemed that there was not much left, as if the traces of life could be erased at any time. He walked towards Su Ming. He was Bai Su's father, who was Middle-aged people.

Twenty years later, the years have left too many traces on him.

"This is her life. If it can't be broken, it is destined to be so."


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