Ask for Magic

Chapter 575 The Pride of the Immortals!

"This is one of the three broken islands of Nanchen formed after the impact of the Eastern Wasteland." On the warship, the ruthless and arrogant man raised his right hand and immediately saw a jade slip in his hand.

The jade light flashed, and an illusory map was reflected in front of the man and the woman next to him.

On this map, there is a complete eastern wilderness continent, as well as Nanchen, which is now broken into islands, and where they are now.

It can be clearly seen that there are three words on the island mark in front of the two of them on the map.

Tian Hanzong.

"The three islands of Nanchen are the strongest force in the remnants of the barbarians here today. This should be the place of the Daye Xianzong's surrender of the immortals, but according to the suzerain's recommendation, the Daye Xianzong has suffered great damage to the barbarians this time!

The emperor's projection split died, and the elders of Daye Xianzong here also had no news. I thought that something unexpected happened... When the eldest brother of Beiling came here, he would not encounter too many resistance, and this trip would not be difficult. The woman looked at the protective light curtain not far away and said softly.

"There is not much resistance, but it also means that this place may not be the place to seal the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods." The man named Beiling became more and more indifferent and said slowly.

"There are 30% of the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods in this place. This matter needs opportunities. Moreover, compared with the Haitian Sect Island in the land of Tianlan Road and the third island of Nanchen controlled by the Tibetan Dragon Sect, I think this place is the most likely." The woman thought for a moment and said softly.

Beiling snorted coldly and did not say anything. He recognized the woman's words. He raised his right hand and pointed to the approaching Tianhanzong Island, and immediately roared at the Dead Sea. The hundreds of sea giants in the front of him suddenly opened their mouths one by one, roared in a low voice, and suddenly emerged from Go, outside the light curtain of Hanzong Island. Hundreds of giants strode and suddenly approached.

As they approached, the waves of the sea roared, turning into a vortex centered on this island, rumbling around.

"Don't worry, Brother Beiling. The person who went to Haitianzong Island in the land of Tianlan Road to find the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods is Sikong. Although this person's cultivation is not bad, he is arrogant. The resistance must be not small. Whether you can successfully occupy it or not is still a matter of two things. This time, your predecessors are ranked according to your achievements, and the eldest brother of Beiling should be among the best. The woman looked at Beiling. There is tenderness in the look.

"Sikong is not a person to worry about. What doesn't go to the third island of the Tibetan Dragon Sect is... Chen Chong, this person is the enemy I care about!" Beiling said calmly. At the moment when he said the word Chen Chong, his expression showed a trace of fear.

"Sikong, Chen Chong... and Bi Su of the Eastern Wilderness Evil Sect and... Ye Wang of Zhengtian Road." Beiling narrowed his eyes, especially the last name, which made him look gloomy.

"Ye Wang..." The woman also frowned. Obviously, she was extremely profound about the name.

"All sects of the immortal clan are recognized... The first person in this generation of disciples, Ye Wang! The five immortals are born to protect themselves, and the five immortals open the way. A person with immortal fate... It is said that when he was born, there were ten deceased immortals in the underworld who woke up again and were given by heaven to guard his life. The woman hesitated for a moment and whispered.

Beiling was silent, but there was a trace of war in his eyes. Although he looked at the protective light curtain bombarded by hundreds of sea giants. But his heart did not care too much about this. What he really cares about is the arrival of the barbarians, the pride of each clan, and the trial!

"This protective light curtain. It's up to you, Sister Chen Xin. Beiling closed his eyes. Sitting cross-legged at the head of the warship, the woman next to her nodded gently and looked at Beiling, a figure that had existed in her heart since she was a child. For him, she could give everything.

It's just... The indifference of Beiling made her dark again and again. She sighed in her heart. Chen Xinyu raised her hand and there was a jade ring on her wrist. At this moment, the jade ring emitted a soft light, covering Chen Xin's whole body, and even spread a trace. After crossing the Dead Sea and connecting with the protective The rune mark of passing through arrays.

Time is passing slowly. On the day after the warship outside the protective light curtain and the hundreds of sea giants appeared, several long rainbows roared outside the ninth peak. The people inside the long rainbow were the previous departures. At this moment, these people looked panicked and flew to the ninth peak and brought to the people who now exist on the ninth peak. A shocking message.

Outside the light curtain of the island here, there is a big enemy approaching, trying to open the protective light curtain!

Hundreds of sea giants, strong sea dragons, and the ship of ten thousand feet, the news of this scene made the people of the ninth peak wake up from meditation.

Especially the white-robed old man, the owner of the gate, looked solemn and immediately issued a few orders. More than a dozen long rainbows flew out and left the ninth peak. When they returned that night, not far from the ninth peak Su Ming's retreat, Bai Su, Huzi, and the lord of the gate and several other strongmen who existed here One by one, he looked at the illusory picture in front of him silently.

In that picture, there are hundreds of sea giants and dragons, as well as the horrible huge boat and a black-haired man sitting cross-legged on it.

In addition, the constantly dim protective light curtain and the delicate shadow with open arms around the man, which obviously made this protection workless.

"Who will be the person who can control the creatures in the Dead Sea..."

"Do you come from the eastern wilderness continent?"

"His grandma's, no matter who he is, as long as he dares to touch the ninth peak, I will let him know how many eyes Grandpa Tiger has grown!" Huzi stared at his eyes and roared.

The bald crane beside him glanced at Huzi with contempt, thinking in his heart, how he would escape if the ninth peak was not his opponent.

"Miss Bai Su... Lord Su Ming, do you know when you will wake up?" The old man in white robe, the Lord of Heaven, hesitated for a moment and looked at Bai Su.

Bai Su looked at the place where Su Ming's knees were, looked at his figure, and shook his head gently.

At the moment when Bai Su shook his head, suddenly, there was a muffled roar from the distance. Suddenly, the sound could not be heard from which direction, but came from all directions at the same time, just like the sound roared around at the same time.

The sound was abrupt. Almost at the moment it rolled, the sky was visible to the naked eye, and there was a trace of fragmentation, which was like a broken sky curtain. But if you look carefully, you can find that the broken is a layer of invisible light curtain covering here.

With the roar and fragmentation, the old man in white robe, the master of the door, changed his expression, and several people around him immediately stood up, looking extremely solemn.

A whistling and sobbing of the wind, around at this moment, there is also a sea of ice that does not belong here. It's a fishy wind from the Dead Sea. Come with this wind!

Protective light curtain, crashed!

The strength of this protective light curtain made Su Ming frown at the beginning. It can resist the famine, but at this time... it collapses in a day. At this time, all the people who are sober at the ninth peak at this moment have an estimate of the strength of the enemy.

But this estimate eventually turned into bitterness.

Outside the island, after the protective light curtain broke and dissipated, the corners of Chen Xin's mouth overflowed with blood. Her face was pale and her expression was even more gloomy. Step back a few steps in a stagger.

"Brother Beiling, I can only interrupt the protection here for three days, and it will reappear after three days, so your time... only three days."

Beiling, who was next to him, had already stood up at this moment, and a cold breath swirled around him, and his eyes were cold. Instead of looking at Chen Xin, he raised his right hand and pointed forward.

Under this finger, the hundreds of sea giants immediately roared into the island and headed for the place where Tianhan Sect was. With a big stride, the Dead Sea is even more ups and downs. Flooding the edge of the island, thousands of feet of dragons soared into the sky, their dark bodies were sometimes exposed in the clouds of the sky, and there was a dragon roar swirling all over the world.

Those are nine dragons. At this moment, they rolled through the clouds and went straight to Tianhanzong.

As for Beiling, he stood at the head of the boat. Under him, the boat broke through the sea. At the moment of approaching the island, he rushed out of the sea and roared in mid-air!

For a moment, the island of Hanzong was filled with a wave of Xiao's killing and roaring!

"The immortal Beiling came with the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods. You and other barbarian people knelt down to worship. After accepting the soul search, they can live. If there are rebels... kill without mercy!" The sound rolled around like thunder. As the sound spread, the people at the ninth peak were also buzzing!

Almost at the same time as the sound of Beiling came out, a great divine consciousness from Beiling suddenly dispersed. This divine consciousness did not directly spread to a wide range around, but was absorbed by the boat under the Beiling, with the boat as the boat as the center, and suddenly spread around.

After the change of the ship (bookstore, the fastest update, it was extremely powerful at this moment, covering the whole island almost instantly.

Suddenly in front of the Beiling, in the void above the boat, a scene appeared, which was a map of the whole island of Tianhanzong, which was reduced a lot!

Whether it is on land or the ice sea in the middle, it is extremely clear.

On this illusory map, there are more than 100 light spots flashing, each of which represents the life of a barbarian, especially the ninth peak on the map, which has the most white dots at this moment!

There were also some scattered around. With the wave of Beiling's right hand, dozens of sea giants immediately scattered below, as if they knew the location of the white dots on the edges, roaring away.

Beiling's eyes passed the ninth peak on the map, with a cold look and a trace of impatience. For him, here... it's just wilderness.


I didn't get home until almost 12 o'clock last night. It was snowing on the road, but I was very anxious. My friend got married, and many authors in the circle went there. If it was farther away, it would be fine. In Harbin, I was about 5 hours' drive away. Others can't go, but I belong to the

When I can't break out, others will break out. This is a strategy, which is understandable, but I can only smile bitterly.

I went home. It was not easy to walk on the road, and there was snow at night. I just said that last night, I drove very fast and encountered a danger. A truck stopped there without turning on the lights... At that time, my mind was blank, and I didn't tell my wife when I went home, but I was very afraid.

It's not to win everyone's sympathy, but to tell everyone that I'm worried these days! You can blame me, you can't understand me, and I can only listen and smile bitterly.

What can I do? It broke out today!!