Ask for Magic

Chapter 580 usurp the life!

Volume 3 Zhendonghuang Chapter 580 usurpation!

"True or false... heavy..." Su Ming looked at the sea and sky in the distance and whispered to himself.

Heavy or... How can it not matter, that's his best memory, that's his Wushan... That's the yellow scroll raised by the incomprehension breeze...

"It doesn't matter." Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened it after a long time, he felt a little tired. This fatigue was not the body, but the heart.

If you bury a whole city and blow out all the lights, what you touch is first release~~ darkness, but the strangeness that can't be seen, and there is an unknown sunset, whose face, whose childhood for more than ten years...

From the scenes of memory after leaving Wushan, it came to his mind and finally turned into a huge thread, which made people unable to see through, unclear and unreasonable.

This feeling of fatigue sprouted in Su Ming's heart. With the passage of time, it will get deeper and deeper until it occupies all of him and turns into the lonely Moluo in his look.

The wind blows on the sea. In the bragging waves, it reflects the gradually fading clouds in the sky. It is the sunset outside the clouds. Looking at the sunset through the clouds and fog, Su Mingru holds a raft called loneliness tightly, but he can't swim in the sea of memories. He can't let go of his hands...

He stood there, the hair blown up by the wind, like a dance swaying in life. The wind blowing through the gap between the hair, brought up the sound, became the saddest piece of music in the years.

When Bai Su and Chen Xin left Beiling, she woke up from the fantasy territory. Her world was in a clear moment. What she saw was Su Ming looking at the Haitian figure.

It was very quiet around. The old man in white robe, the Lord of Tianmen, and the people who had chosen to stand on the left before, were silent at this moment.

The fatigue in Su Ming's heart is like a soft song. The song spreads away, making people immersed in this silence, unwilling to make any sound, unwilling to interrupt.

It's just... This song about Wushan... I don't know who the years have given the ending to...

Su Ming hasn't shed tears for a long time. At this moment, tears in his eyes gradually flowed down, but the tears flowed out. He didn't know it and seemed to have forgotten its existence.

The color of the tears was transparent, but when it crossed Su Ming's cheek, it seemed to be stained with his loneliness, making it astringent bitter when it fell on the corners of Su Ming's mouth.

Perhaps everyone's tears are tasteless when they just flow out, such as the newborn rain. In the process of their life, in the color of their cheeks, they are gradually changed and gradually become bitter.

Bai Su didn't know when she came to Su Ming's side. Her face was a little pale. She looked at Su Ming, gently raised her hand, and stained her fingertips with Su Ming's tears.

"Thank you." Su Ming opened his mouth softly, and his fingertips touched the temperature of his face, making him open his eyes.

The sunset shines through the clouds, slightly red, sprinkled on the sea, like a dirty and bright... This scene is very beautiful, slender Su Ming, beautiful Bai Su, the hair blown away by the wind together, and the giant heads emerging one by one around the sea.

It was just the roar of those sea giants, but it broke the beautiful picture and scattered the silent atmosphere. The low roar did not disperse because of the departure of Beiling.

Almost at the moment when the sea giants roared, Su Ming raised his hand and gently grabbed the sky. Under this grasp, what moved was not the sky, but the sea. The sea swirled around, forming a huge whirlpool. The whirlpool rotated, making it Those sea giants were struggling one by one, and even the roar was submerged by the sound of the waves.

Gradually, the people around looked at Su Ming's eyes, with a strong awe and a trace of fear, because the whirlpool on the sea turned faster and faster. In the end, at this extreme speed, the wind and the water driven by it became a knife that could cut flesh and blood and separate broken bones!

A sad scream, struggling again and again to escape, all under the rotation of the whirlpool, can not play the slightest effect, can only turn into a piece of blood red, and the flesh and blood that are separated from the bones.

Until... When there was no complete sea giant on the sea, and there was only a red ocean in a broken bone, Su Ming's right hand slowly grasped it.

At the moment he clenched his fist, the rotating sea floated except for a drop of blood, which condensed into a huge blood cell in front of Su Ming.

With the appearance of blood cells, the sea water returned to its original color. The blood mass floating in front of Su Ming flashed the soul shadow of nearly a hundred sea giants, and sometimes there was a sad wailing that only the mind could feel.

The blood was boiling, shrinking under continuous condensation, and slowly shrinking. In the end, it turned into a strange red like a nail cover and floated towards Su Ming.

Su Ming suddenly raised his head, and the loneliness of his eyes was buried in the bottom of his heart. What was revealed was the calmness of the past. His right hand suddenly raised, and his index finger wiped on the blood. At the same time, he hooked the drop of blood, like his fingertips became a pen, scratching in the air, stroke,

Su Ming didn't know how many strokes he had drawn. A complex rune appeared in front of him. The rune emitted blood, which showed a full of vitality, which was the condensation of the lives of all sea giants.

usurpation, a usurpation word, can represent all!

Su Ming would not tamper with his life, but in the feeling of the black wood, under the continuous exploration, although he woke up on the way and did not fully understand it, he slightly touched a layer of veins that he did not know before.


Everyone has a different life! That is the pattern of vitality. It is the most brilliant light in the body of a creature. This light is not visible to everyone, but if it is extinguished, life will be extinct. If it is changed, fate will change dramatically!

This is the numerology!

Huzi's smiling face appeared in his mind, Huzi's honest appearance, and the figure who finally stood in front of him and guarded like a mountain.

"Although I have a little exploration of life, I still don't know what life is... I won't tamper with the numerology, and I won't let the dead resurrect... However, since my blood and hair can make Sima Xin's puppets have vitality, my life is so strange in this dark place of death, so Life, go and let my brother... recover!" Su Ming muttered in his heart that the rune he drew was in his perception of the black wood block. At the last moment, before the moment of awakening, the only thing that came to his mind!

The appearance of this rune is obtained by Su Ming's perception. At the same time as its appearance, he has a kind of familiarity with it, which is familiarity, such as this rune is himself!

This is the mark of his numerology. Su Ming can feel that the rune of this mark is incomplete, but even so, it still contains his life.

Under the painting of this rune mark, the clouds in the sky suddenly feel as if they are still and motionless, and the surrounding sea surface is even more strange that there are no waves. For example, the waves just now have life and dare not reveal it at this moment.

Su Ming's body, at this moment, exuded a very strong breath of cultivation. The breath circled in all directions and went straight to the sky. At the moment, the thick clouds in the sky suddenly faded, and gradually, it was much thinner, making Su Ming sit there, with the light of the sunset, which was stronger than the surroundings. Reflected through the clouds.

Bai Su looked at Su Ming in a stun. In her pupils, Su Ming's hair was suddenly at this moment, and gradually had vicissitudes...

The color of the vicissitudes of life is gray, white, and a piece of snow.

While drawing the last stroke, Su Ming bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood fell on the blood-colored rune, making the rune suddenly flexible and emitting a dazzling light. When Su Ming raised his right hand, he was hooked to the tiger lying there and took a step.

After this step, Su Ming had already stood in front of Huzi, with the bloody rune mark on his right index finger, and Su Ming's own life. Suddenly, he clicked on Huzi's eyebrows.

The moment his fingers touched the center of Huzi's eyebrows, Su Ming's hair, at a speed visible to the naked eye, suddenly had a lot of hair, white!

Huzi's whole body was shocked, and the rune was suddenly printed on his eyebrows. When the rune flashed, it was like being branded on Huzi's body and his soul.

A touch of blood flashed from the Huzi's eyebrows and covered his whole body. When the blood spread to his chest, the ferocious tear of Huzi's chest was erased. With the flow of blood, until the whole body spread, Huzi's arms recovered from the blood and flesh.

The sound of snoring came from the mouth of the tiger. The sound was like thunder, earth-shaking...

Huzi is not Shouyuan's cut off. He has suffered a heavy blow that is difficult to heal and has lost all his vitality. This kind of repair is much simpler than the life of seizing the sky, but it can never be done by a very person. Only those who cultivate their lives can make such injured people recover as usual!

Su Ming does not have the ability to change the fate of the tiger, but he can let his own fate to nourish the other party and wake up the tiger!

However, after all, Su Ming has not really embarked on the road of cultivation. He just wandered on the threshold. In this way, the act of healing the tiger will pay a great price for him.

But no matter how costly it is, Su Ming will not hesitate at all, because... this is Huzi, this is his third brother of Su Ming!

After hearing the snoring of the tiger, Su Ming smiled on his pale face. At this moment, the clouds in the sky were constantly thin, with a wisp of golden red light reflected in the thin cracks in the clouds, fell on Su Ming's body and shone on his hair.

It's black, white and mixed. It's the vicissitudes of life that look like gray and not gray. It's the candlelight in the clouds, homeless, or the sadness of not finding the hometown...

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