Ask for Magic

Chapter 611 Hair knot!

Su Ming chose the location, although it was close to the foreign place, but behind the mountain, it was relatively remote. There were not many people coming on weekdays. It was a simple house, surrounded by weeds. Obviously, no one cleaned it up for a long time.

The power of heaven and earth here is not strong. It can't be compared with the yard where the foreigner Su Ming lived before, and it can't be compared with the second floor that made Su Ming quite moved.

But it is better to be quiet, closer to the second floor, and even stand outside the house. Looking up, you can faintly see the blurred shadow of the second floor at the peak at the end of the mountain.

Looking around, Su Ming was quite satisfied with here (Bookstore, the fastest update Qian Chen, the weeds around him, wanted to be cleaned up, but was stopped by Su Ming. It's good to keep it as it is. In this way, it's more It's much more remote.

When the sun went down, Qian Chen always followed Su Ming Zuo with that bright smile. It could be said that he asked for warmth, and even asked if he needed a handyman. After being rejected by Su Ming, he kept smiling until dusk when Su Ming showed his fatigue and left with his fist.

Not to mention Qian Chen's departure with his mind, at the end of the dusk, when the sky slowly darkened, Su Ming was not in his room, but leaned against the wall of the house outside, sitting there and looking at the sky.

It's winter at this moment, and the weeds around were filled with white snow. Even in the sky after dusk, there were a small amount of snowflakes falling at this moment, falling from Su Ming's eyes. He raised his hand and took the snowflake. The palm of his hand was cold, and he watched the snowflakes melt

"If the snowflake appears in order to melt on the earth, is this the fate of the snowflake..." Su Ming's cultivation has now recovered nearly 60%, but there is still a long way to go before he is fully recovered. According to his prediction, unless it is in the two-story building. Otherwise, even in the foreign yard, it will take at least ten years to recover to the peak.

After all, the recovery of cultivation will be very fast in the early stage, but the later it is, the more difficult it is to continue. The speed of the recovery of the latter 40% is far from the first 60%.

"That two-story building must go..." Su Ming's eyes flashed. When his palm stretched out, there was an extra white hair in the palm of his hand.

There is a knot on the hair, and Su Ming's right hand is on the knot. Close your eyes slightly and follow the words of the clown's father. Feel it silently.

Time passed slowly, and it was soon completely late at night. There is more snow in the sky, and falling together, so that the road ahead is not only covered by darkness, but also fragmented by the snowflakes.

Su Ming has been leaning against the house and sitting outside, always holding the long white hair in his hand. There is also a faint fragrance on this long hair. In the middle of the night, in Su Ming's touch, it seems that you can touch the fragrance.

Nothing to say all night... Su Ming sat down all night, immersed in the feeling of what the clown's father said, looking for the essence of the grass rope memory.

What Su Ming wants is not a curse or a blessing, but a kind of conscious manipulation, through which there are more and more knots of hair. After finally becoming a doll, use the power of the doll to control the old girl's consciousness.

This kind of control of consciousness will make this person become a puppet-like existence. In this way, Su Ming can enter the second floor and practice for a long time without being noticed by outsiders.

He also considered taking action with cultivation in the past, but his cultivation has not been fully restored after all. There are many changes in this matter, and he is still ready to attack the barbarian soul in the small building and needs a person to protect his law.

If you can control this old girl, then you can count it in one fell swoop!

In the morning, Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened, and there was a trace of understanding in his eyes. Without hesitation, his hands made a knot on the hair again!

At this moment, two knots appeared on this white hair!

At the moment when the second knot appeared, far away on the second floor of the small dew, the old woman who was meditating cross-legged. Her body suddenly trembled. Her eyes suddenly opened, and she looked surprised. Her consciousness spread even more, wrapped around, and her expression was extremely solemn.

Just no matter how she looked around here, there was no clue or clue, as if nothing had happened, but she felt a chill at that moment, as if someone had stabbed herself with a needle. It was not very painful, but it felt like piercing the soul.

The old girl frowned, thought about it carefully for a long time, and even checked the inside and outside of her body without noticing any inappropriateness, which made her hesitate and gradually remembered the matter in her heart.

The winter season seems to be very long. Over the past month, the snow has fallen from time to time, and it has become bigger and bigger. Until now, the snowflake in the sky seems to have a huge hole in the sky. It was crying that day, but when its tears fell, it seemed that it did not want to be seen, so it turned It seems to be soft and soft.

But... once it accumulates to a certain extent, it can crush the peaks, make everything cold, and destroy... all sentient beings!

The falling of snowflakes covered the sky and the earth, and outside the house where Su Ming was located. Even at the place where he sat cross-legged, thick snow was piled up.

Su Ming has been holding a white hair in his hand. In the past month, he has not restored his cultivation, but immersed himself in the feeling, immersed in the grass rope memory. On the hair, there have now been six knots!

On these six knots, Su Ming did not leave much will. He just left his feelings on it. At this moment, he touched it with his hand, as if he had touched his own thoughts.

Qian Chen also came here from time to time in this month, as if Su Ming was his brother, and he was just a junior or junior.

On this day, in the snow, he came here again, followed by dozens of awe-inspiring handymen. Under the command of Qian Chen, these handymen immediately began to clean up the snow.

Su Ming closed his eyes and didn't pay much attention to it. If Qian Chen had always been so interesting, he would not give him a creation in the future. The road was at his feet. Let's see how he understood and walked.

On the third day after Su Ming was here, he looked hesitant. Looking at the white hair in his hand, there were still only six knots on it. He should have done the seventh knot now, but Su Ming was not sure.

He stared at his hair in silence. In the past month, he has been immersed in that feeling and felt much more about the art of grass knots than before.

The first six knots are played by Su Ming's feelings, but now the seventh one, he vaguely feels that he needs to add will. The addition of this will will make this seventh knot a key!

The key point is that if this knot is a failure, the hair will become flying ash, but once it succeeds, then under this will, it is equivalent to Su Ming taking the first step towards the ultimate success!

"There is only one hair. If it doesn't work, everything needs to be prepared again..." Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his hands suddenly moved. On the white hair, he made the seventh knot!

While the seventh knot was played, Su Ming's whole body shook violently, and his mind had been forcing himself to echo a sound.

"I am your master, all my will is your will, all my voice, you must obey!" The sound was constantly echoed by him in Su Ming's mind, turned into a will, and was written by him on the knot of the hair.

But the integration of this will is by no means simple for Su Ming. After all, he has just come into contact with sketches, and he is not as natural as the clown's father who naturally touches the essence of his talent.

And most importantly, because the clown's father is a mortal, the dolls made are also for mortals, so there is no problem of too much consumption and bearing, but it will make him feel very tired after making a few dolls.

But Su Ming is not here. This white hair belongs to the old girl. This old girl's cultivation is not bad. This kind of behavior of controlling a strong man with this skill naturally consumes and bears much more.

Even Su Ming is still under the vibration of his body at this moment, and two lines of blood and tears gradually flowed from the corners of his eyes, and the same is true in his ears.

His breathing stopped at this moment...

Until more than ten breaths passed, Su Ming exhaled a long breath. His eyes were bright, wiped away the blood from his eyes and ears, looked down at the seventh knot on the white hair, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"This kind of magic is really amazing. If it can be understood to the extreme... Then killing is invisible, and it is not difficult to manipulate others, but unfortunately, the counterattack is also great..." Su Ming closed his eyes.

Almost the moment when she hit the seventh knot before Su Ming, the old woman who meditated on the second floor trembled violently. When a mouthful of blood spewed out, her face was pale. When her eyes were opened, she stood up suddenly, and her consciousness scattered, but she still got nothing.

She had a gloomy face. At that moment, she vaguely heard a voice that seemed to say something in her mind, but she couldn't hear it clearly when she listened carefully, but she had a strong feeling that the words said by the voice should be engraved on her soul in a special way.

"Carving insects, since you don't want to come out, let's fight once to see if it's your fierce skill, or my lotus platform soul is stronger!" The old woman sneered, walked to the second floor, and came to the statue of the lotus platform woman on that floor. After reading the holy woman's words, the old woman sat down cross-legged. Suddenly, the eyes of the statue, as if they woke up, emitted a bright light and enveloped the old woman.

"Next time you come, I will have a good fight with you!" This old man is like a big enemy. She closes her eyes... The second update!!! ( To be continued) RQ