Ask for Magic

Chapter 631 xing

The roar was like a thunder wave of heaven and earth. At the moment of transmission, Shen Dong's fist was a few feet away in front of Su Ming's body and immediately slowed down, and his body was shaking, as if it was about to dissipate.

At this moment, what Su Ming shows is 80% of the power in his [body]!

This 80% of the power is the peak of his year. After unfolding at this moment, although the fist is slow, although it seems to dissipate, it is still moving forward. Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to Su Ming, the power of destruction from that fist seems to fall on Su Ming, it can destroy him!

Shen Dong, who was hidden in the figure of the giant, bulged with blue veins on his face at this moment, and his whole body's cultivation broke out in an all-round way, turning into the strongest power of the giant, which was the power that could fight against the barbarians, so that the fist, suddenly accelerated the speed, seemed to

But 80% of his cultivation is just the peak of Su Ming in those years. At this moment, although he did not recover 90% of himself, he was also close to 90%. The nearly one-tenth of the extra power was unfolded by him for the first time at this moment.

An explosive force suddenly spread from Su Ming's [body] and integrated into his roar of the barbarian god, making the sound wave suppress the sound of everything in heaven and earth for a moment, which seemed to replace the operation of heaven and earth, and completely burst out at this moment.

At the moment when the roar echoed, the huge fist in front of Su Ming suddenly collapsed. Under the inch of fragmentation, it was directly rolled upside down. Together with this huge figure, it completely collapsed and cracked at this moment. With the destruction of the fog figure, Shen Dong in it spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body rolled up After exiting ten steps in a row, every step falls, which makes the nothingness shake, and every step falls, it is ten feet!

After ten steps, he withdrew ten feet!

Su Ming's face was pale, and the roar ended. While the fog giant transformed by Shen Dong collapsed, he also spewed out a mouthful of blood and retreated backwards, which was the same. After ten steps out, he stabilized his body.

He was short of breath. He looked up and looked at Shen Dong, who had blood on the corners of his mouth.

The two of them looked at each other like this. In the first war, they obviously had reservations about each other, so Shen Dong was slightly inferior. However, in the second war, all the cultivation broke out in Shen Dong. The strength of this cultivation, even if Su Ming did not have the peak power before the injury, could not fight against it. If it hadn't been for his hidden power, he would have been defeated in this battle.

When he revealed the ninth strength that was recovering. Under the huge roar, both of them spewed out a mouthful of blood and withdrew ten steps. It's evenly matched!!

Only the even battle is the most enjoyable. The two looked at each other more than 20 feet apart. No one spoke first, but only the touch of their eyes.

After a long time, the corners of Shen Dong's mouth gradually smiled. Su Ming also had a smile on his face, and there were more and more smiles. In the end, it turned into a loud laugh.

Shen Dong is laughing, Su Ming is laughing. On this empty battlefield, the two people who are still fighting just now are laughing loudly at this moment. There is no incongruity at all. On the contrary, there is a kind of perfect harmony. It is a kind of pity, a kind of respect for each other, and a kind of affirmation and recognition of each other.

"This battle, have a good time!" Shen Dong laughed, raised his right hand and patted the storage bag, and immediately flew a gourd out of it. After being held by him, he patted off the plug on it, revealing a strong smell of wine, and looked up and took a big sip.

"Yellow finch Taoist friend, do you want it?" Shen Dong took a sip of wine with blood and looked at Su Ming with a smile. There was a trace of respect in his eyes. This respect has never appeared since he came to the barbarian world. Even in the face of the evil sect, it is just awe, which is not the same meaning as respect.

"I'm a barbarian." Su Ming was still smiling, but there was a little complexity in that smile.

What's complicated is that although he doesn't have much contact with this person, the words and actions of the other party in this war have won the respect of Su Ming. The feeling of mutual pity not only breeds in the other party's heart, but also appears here.

The different races are doomed to the end of the two.

"So what? You are the one I saw in the barbarians, the second person who won my respect and admiration. The yellow finch Taoist friend is bold and careful, and does things decisively. You obviously have many magic weapons, and you have the power to bury evil guns, but you don't have to use it...

Even more, when the power of a roar retreated me, you had the opportunity to hit me even harder, but you gave up... Although you and I are different races, I only know that this battle is very happy!

Yellow finch Taoist friend, this wine is only given to the person Shen agrees with. Ask again, do you want it?" Shen Dong looked at Su Ming, the laughter echoed, and the sense of openness and light was immediately dispelled all the gloom on him, revealing it.

Although he was born in an evil sect, there are also real men in the evil sect!

Su Ming looked at Shen Dong. He suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed the gourd in the air. Immediately, the gourd flew out of Shen Dong and went straight to Su Ming. After being caught by Su Ming, he looked at Shen Dong, put it in his mouth and took a big sip.

"This battle is really good! This wine is even more happy!" The wine in Su Ming's mouth turned into a fire, such as pulling out a line of fire, and when it dispersed in his [body], it actually restored his cultivation.

Although it is only a trace, you can also see the preciousness of this wine!

"Since you like this wine, Shen will give you this pot in your hand!" Shen Dong laughed and looked very happy, which was rare on his face, which always looked gloomy.

However, the sincerity shown in it can be seen from Su Ming's experience that there is no falsehood in it.

"Shen came to the barbarians in order to find the opportunity to break through and enter the second step. Huangque Taoist friends, I think your barbarian cultivation is very special. I think it's also a critical time. If you and I can break through, we have to fight again!" Shen Dong looked at Su Ming, took out a gourd from the storage bag and drank it.

"You and I still have a third move. Do you want to fight?" Putting down the wine jug, Shen Dong burst into laughter.

"Naturally to fight!" Su Ming also laughed. The two looked at each other. In each other's eyes, they could not see hatred, but there was an unyielding light, shining at the same time.

"What I want to use is the same magic skill that I accidentally got when I was in the fairy clan. This skill should be a legacy of the ancient fairy clan. I have practiced it for many years, but I can't fully master it. This skill... is called... Seven Mingyin Death Seal!

With my current cultivation, I can expand the power of a seal, yellow finch Taoist friend, you are optimistic!" Shen Dong said that he suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a blood arrow. The blood arrow suddenly exploded. When it was scattered, there were seven vague shadows. As soon as these seven shadows came out, a thick and magnificent death suddenly rolled from all directions. After being completely absorbed by these seven virtual shadows, the seven shadows were amazing. In the meantime, it shows a clearer appearance.

Those were seven people with imperial crowns and green robes. They couldn't see their appearance clearly, but there was a pressure that shocked Su Ming's heart, which was revealed from these seven virtual shadows.

Then, each of the seven shadows of the green underworld robes raised his right hand. With a wave, the color of heaven and earth changed. The whole world suddenly changed, and the sky was not seen, and it was shrouded in a blue breath.

At the same time, the seven shadows also disappeared, but at the moment they disappeared, a great crisis suddenly came at Su Ming's feet.

When Su Ming suddenly lowered his head, his eyes contracted. He saw that the earth, which was replaced by cyan fog, turned into a huge mark at this moment.

This mark is cyan, emitting the pressure that shocked Su Ming's heart. It seems that it can run at any time and burst out the power of the destruction of heaven and earth.

However, this great mark is not centered on Su Ming. His position is the edge of this mark. At this moment, at the moment he looked at it, Shen Dong shouted in a low voice.

Surely, the blue fog mark burst out with a dazzling blue light. The light covered everything around, without loud roars or shocking fluctuations. When the light dissipated, Su Ming was still standing on the ground. Shen Dong's face was pale and in the distance.

The blue fog disappeared, and the seven dead seals disappeared.

But... The earth hundreds of feet away from here is nothingness at this moment. The scope of nothingness is a hundred miles away. From afar, there seems to be a huge deep pit there, because the earth has disappeared, and the sky there is also blurred. Even at the top of the sky, there is a huge cave. The sinus is slowly healing.

Su Ming was silent.

Shen Dong was short of breath. After a long time, he looked at Su Ming with a smile on his face.

"Yellow finch Taoist friend, although this technique is only a seal, how powerful is it?"

Su Ming closed his eyes and opened it after a few breaths. After bowing to Shen Dong, he did not answer Shen Dong's question, but raised his right hand, with the back of his hand facing the sky and the palm of his hand facing the ground.

"If my palm is the year, if one side represents the past, if the other side represents the future..." Su Ming muttered softly. He was dyed black by the clown's family. At this moment, for the first time, it faded, revealing the blend of white and purple, revealing the shocking hair!

At the same time, everything in these four weeks was in Su Ming's words. In the wave of his hand, there was an amazing scene of time going backwards.

Shen Dong opened his eyes wide, showing unbelievable shock and shock. He stared at the earth and the sky around him. Time rolled back quickly. He watched the deep pit of the earth in the distance disappear, and the hole in the sky was no longer there. He saw a huge green mark between the restored ground and the sky. Look With all this, Shen Dong took a breath.

"What kind of magic power is this!!" Shen Dong's heart trembled, and he was suddenly glad that he had not raised the idea of killing the other party under this seal, otherwise...

Su Ming looked at the blue underworld seal in the restored heaven and earth, with a strange light in his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

The heart is the drawing board, the soul is the pen, as if copying... (to be continued)