Ask for Magic

Chapter 652 The Man of Daye Xianzong!

Su Ming left.

No one can stop his arrival, and no one can stop his departure. The woman in white can kill him if she wants, and no one can resist.

This woman is beautiful and has a feeling of pity, but in Su Ming's eyes, whether the enemy is a man or a woman, there is no difference! Su Ming doesn't care about this woman's life and death, but this woman can't die now, because once she dies, there may be other changes in Xianzong, which can't reach Su Ming's idea of letting both sides wear out to death.

When he came this time, what he wanted to destroy was the lock of the woman in white, such as destroying people's eyes, so that the other party could no longer feel himself, so that Su Ming could be immersed in the darkness again and could not be noticed.

The woman in white trembled slightly and watched Su Ming's virtual shadow disappear in front of her. In her place, the lock on Su Ming also disappeared and could no longer be found.

The other two old men around her looked extremely ugly at this moment, but there was no fierce move at all. The strength of the opponent had completely shocked them.

It was not until this time that the immortal disciples who protected them layer by layer noticed the scene here. One by one, their hearts were shaken, and there was a sense of horror in their look.

Another breeze blew, and the wind could not disperse the fog, but it could spread out with the bloody smell. The two headless corpses on the ground made people feel cold at this moment.

The woman in white was silent for a while. When she closed her eyes and opened it again, her eyes regained calm and continued to start the seal of jade slips, which spread all over, but there was no action against Su Ming at all.

For her, the death of the two elders of the sect. It was a warning. Su Ming's silent words when he left turned the warning into a bloody feeling.

If she continues to provoke, she and the other two old men will die.

She is not from the three sects, but was invited to preside over the fight. There is no need for her to do it. Pay the price of life.

As Su Ming retreated, the sound of fighting on the battlefield kept spinning and became more and more violent. Su Ming's behavior is haunted in this fog, and few people can see it, even if they are aware of it. But as Su Ming hid in the fog again, those followers couldn't help losing Su Ming's breath.

At this moment, Su Ming was standing in a corner of the battlefield. There was fog around him. He looked indifferently in the scattered consciousness and paid attention to the changes of the battlefield. The green seal on his left hand was absorbing the rapid death from all directions.

On this whole battlefield, screams and roars echoed, and the war between the two sides was fierce. As if there is no end, from the initial impact of the evil sect, coupled with Su Ming's action, Xianzong has been passive here, which has caused a great price.

In those who died. Most of them are disciples from the Immortal Sect.

However, after the short silence of the woman in white, when he unfolded his seal again, Su Ming noticed the difference in the corner of the battlefield. He saw that the camps of Xianzong suddenly changed from each other, and it was no longer a thousand people for a while. Instead, it became 3,000 people for a while. Under the integration of each other, it seemed to be a new combination, so that the momentum of the battlefield suddenly changed, integrating those teams that had lost the head of the camp, forming a fan to retreat.

The behavior of tens of thousands of people was extremely magnificent to Su Ming, and the earth trembled under the constant roar. When Su Ming saw this, his eyes immediately flashed.

"A lot of immortals have died, and then... it's the turn of the evil sect!" Su Ming did not want either party to achieve decisive killing, otherwise there seemed to be a lot of killings, but in fact, there were not too many people who died in the end. What he wanted was the defeat of both sides and the complete destruction of the evil immortals.

A sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth. Su Ming shook his body and immediately swam in the fog. There were a few evil dust disciples not far in front of him. His whole body was filled with sand like a storm, and he was attacking the Xianzong camp in the distance with a roar. But as Su Ming approached, after a roar, the Zi, they opened their eyes wide one by one. At this moment, there was an extra blood hole in their eyebrows, and there was a cold figure in their eyes that quickly disappeared into the fog in the distance.

Stop the killing of the evil sect and leave an opportunity for the immortals to change from passive to active. Su Ming believes that in the case of a lot of deaths and injuries, even if the immortals are hesitant, they will definitely follow his ideas.

At this moment, Su Ming was extremely fast and swamished. His right hand was raised, and he caught an evil disciple who was at a loss from his side and roared with bloodthirsty. In his daze, Su Ming's right hand had already pressed on the man's heavenly spirit without killing, but this evil disciple was violent. Trembling, a dead breath appeared in his eyes. At the same time, the blue veins on his face bulged, as if he were suffering unimaginable pain.

But he couldn't make a sound, and his skin color seemed to be a layer of black gas, which was constantly spreading towards his body. He grabbed the person's body, and Su Ming walked like the wind.

Wherever he passed, whenever he met the disciples of the evil sect, Su Ming would not hesitate to point out. Every evil person touched by his fingertips was shocked by his whole body, and his body immediately lost his vitality and died of anger.

The suppression of cultivation makes the people killed by Su Ming have no possibility of resistance.

It's just that there are too many fighters here. Even if Su Ming has a profound cultivation, it is difficult to bombard all with the power of one person. But wandering in this fog, killing like a fish in troubled water, can make his existence a nightmare on this battlefield!

The nightmare continued, and Su Ming's figure was flowing. The route he chose was the front direction of the evil sect's killing team. The place where he passed was filled with blood, and the sad screams and roar immediately echoed.

Especially when Su Ming rushed into the middle of the evil team, his left hand was withdrawn from the blank pair of an evil disciple. At the moment when the evil disciple fell, the evil disciple who had always been held by Su Ming's right hand was now dark, and his hair fell off, even his teeth. The same is true of the teeth. The bones in the [body] are softer, and the whole person withers and shrinks into a ball.

The darkness reveals a strangeness and strangeness, which makes people tremble involuntarily after looking at it, and a faint fragrance spreads from the people's body. This fragrance can make people feel relaxed and happy, but if you smell it for a long time, there will be a kind of nausea to vomit out the internal organs.

This strange taste, this strange feeling, is exactly... curse!

With the improvement of Su Ming's cultivation, the use of his curse skill is much higher than before. What he is now is another use of the curse skill. This is a cursed person formed after combining the witch's magic. This person is between life and death, if the dead are alive, if alive and dead!

Under the continuous integration of the power of the curse, this person's body will become a cursed body. The more the power of the curse it holds, the more it will self-detonate, and it will form a catastrophe around!

This is also the first time that Su Ming has used such a method. At this moment, he grabbed the cursed man with his right hand. When nearly a hundred evil figures faintly appeared in front of him, Su Ming did not hesitate to throw the evil disciple in his hand fiercely at the earth when he jumped up.

Under this throw, the evil disciple's eyes showed a strange light in his eyes. At the moment of landing, his body burst out, and a breath of the same black fog suddenly rolled up and rolled up in all directions. Wherever he passed, all the evil disciples who were touched by the fog were immediately shocked and on their skin. Visible to the naked eye, there are a large number of dark spots.

Su Ming was in the air. When he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly moved his heart. He clenched his fist in his right hand and suddenly punched the void on the left. Under a loud shock, the fog on Su Ming's left immediately collapsed, but he saw a figure exposed there, spraying blood, and his body rolled upside Recognize that this person is just looking figuring with an astonish and unbelievable look.

Su Ming turned his head and looked at Sikong indifferently.

"Who are you!!" Sikong's voice was slightly sharp. Almost at the same time as he said this sentence, the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood again. There was severe pain in his internal organs, and even his cultivation was unstable. A piece of jade pendant on his chest broke apart under the click.

On his skin, at this moment, he was invaded by the spread of the power of the curse, and a small black spot appeared, which was constantly expanding, emitting a breath and panic that made Sikong's scalp numb.

"What kind of magic power is this!! Beyond the power of great perfection!! This..." Sikong took a breath. His jade pendant could resist the full-out blow of the Great Perfection, but now it is broken, which shows that the previous punch of the other party has surpassed the Great Perfection.

In horror, coupled with the black spot on his body, it was the size of a fist at this moment, and there was no severe pain. However, when Sikong's remaining light swept over the black spot, there was a strong crisis, which made his nervous body retreat violently. In his heart was beating, the speed of retreating almost reached the extreme. Su In Xiangli, there was a strong man of the evil sect fighting with the people of the immortal sect. Su Ming pondered slightly. There was no pursuit in the cold snort. It was a small matter to kill the sky. Now it is the point to make the battlefield chaotic.

"This kind of cultivation also dares to sneak up on the people of my Daye Xianzong." Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, turned around and disappeared in place.

"Daye Xianzong!! He is a member of the Great Ye Xianzong!!" Sikong's body couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood again. When he retreated hurriedly, until he saw that the other party did not chase him, he clenched his fist, showing resentment and madness in his eyes.

Fen said, "Of course not! After you tricked to escape, I had a battle with Maldenad. His ship was almost five times mine, and I managed to escape back. Well, when I went back to Venezuela, I saw that it had been captured by Clifford. I was caught and locked up by him on the spot, and then Simon saved me. But Herhell was not as lucky as I was killed by Mardernad!"

Fen said, "I was just about to ask why you didn't die?" Mr. Escont will not suddenly let you go!"