Ask for Magic

Chapter 656 Drink!

In the fog of the earth, the killing is developing rapidly towards a more violent height. Most of the sounds of fighting are hidden in the fog, but there are also many spreads, so that those who hear it can feel the thrill from the fog in the sultry roar.

With the roar of the Qianzhang dragon of the Tibetan Dragon Sect, when Su Ming looked down, the uncheckable cold light flashed. The moment he saw the thousand-foot dragon roaring forward, the evil spirit sect finally sacrificed out the nine huge boxes brought along the way.

At this moment, the nine boxes of cars made a click in the fog. Under the tricks and spells of many evil disciples around them, they immediately broke up one by one, revealing what was inside!

That was... ten huge stones, whose appearance was uneven, and the color was purple, but the light and dark changed, emitting a sense of pressure. At the moment, the ten boulders flew up by themselves and went straight to the dragon with a sharp roar.

The appearance of these ten boulders suddenly caused some subtle changes in the atmosphere on the battlefield. In Su Ming's consciousness, there was some uproar.

"The truth of the hidden dragon! This is the real dragon of the Tibetan Dragon Sect... I didn't expect them to come to a real dragon. It is rumored that there are five real dragons in the Tibetan Dragon Sect, each of which has indescribably powerful power. This one seems weak, but it actually suppresses most of its cultivation, but with its exposure, it will become stronger and

"Sure enough, it's a real dragon, but the evil spirit sect is..."

"This is the sacred object of the Stone Soul Star Domain, Tai Tianshi! It must be what the Stone Soul Star Domain got after it was occupied by the Evil Spirit Sect!"

"That's right, it's indeed a Taitian stone. It is said that this stone is a unique treasure of the Stone Soul Star Domain, with unpredictable power..."

In the uproar of the follower, Su Ming narrowed his eyes. He saw the ten boulders going straight to the dragon. After touching each other quickly, a loud noise echoed with the roar of the dragon. The ten boulders were connected to each other, and suddenly formed a huge giant on this earth!

This giant's whole body is purple stone, which looks powerful. It was as high as a hundred feet, and the dragon was constantly bombarded. With his own strength, he could not get rid of the real dragon of the Tibetan Dragon Sect.

"The immortal clans... have a profound background, so in the endless years, this powerful magic weapon has been accumulated... If it hadn't been the limit of the barbarian land. In their world, I'm afraid that these magic weapons will show stronger and real power that belongs to them. Su Ming looked at the fight between the stone man and the dragon, and there was a trace of yearning in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the strange feeling in his heart. He told himself that sooner or later he would rush into the fairy clan to see... the fairy world. What does it look like again!

Squinting his eyes, Su Ming shook his body down and sank into the battlefield. After the fight, there is no regularity in his fight. There are all the people killed by the evil sect of the Xianzong, but in terms of choice, it is impossible to let either party get a decisive advantage.

He even restrained all his breath, making it difficult for the strong here to find his figure. Like a ghost, where Su Ming passed on this battlefield, there was a river of blood.

The green seal of his left hand. Death is stronger, and the curse of the right hand is also much more powerful than at the earliest time, especially on this battlefield, under the pervasion of Su Ming's curse, many people have been cursed. But I didn't notice much.

There are already many such people. In addition, when Su Ming moved forward, he continued to spread the smell of the curse, which made more and more monks affected by the curse.

Su Ming's blood is burning, and the intention of killing is increasing crazily, but he has been suppressed all the time, which makes him look silent most of the time. From the beginning of the war to now, Su Ming has been watching the development of the battlefield coldly, but his heart is almost unable to suppress the impulse to kill the emperor. .

Especially when he saw Di Tian wiping the corners of his mouth, it took him a long time to suppress his inner murder again. This time, not only did not weaken his murderous intention, but also became stronger and stronger in the suppression.

No more explosion in silence, it is death in silence!

This sentence is Su Ming's heart at this moment.

Just when Su Ming wandered around the battlefield, making the war gradually more and more chaotic and could hardly be manipulated by others, from the direction of evil sals, there was a sound echoing throughout the battlefield, with majesty, in all directions.

"All the disciples of the evil sect, I, take action for the time being and immediately retreat back to their respective sects!"

Almost at the same time as the sound came out, in the direction of Xianzong, there was also such a majestic voice, echoing in all directions.

"The disciples of the Xian Sect obey the order and retreat to the places of each sect!" Su Ming, the owner of this voice, does not know who it is, but the voice from the evil sect and the immortal sect has the will to temporarily suspend the battlefield.

However, this battlefield is already extremely chaotic. Although such a drink can play some role, it is impossible to stop the battlefield immediately.

Especially the Tibetan Dragon Sect, who has lost a great elder, how can he simply stop?

Su Ming paused on the battlefield and looked gloomy when he looked up. If the battle really stopped, his plan would not be achieved, which he did not allow. He snorted coldly and suddenly shook his body and disappeared into the fog.

On both sides of the battlefield, the disciples gradually hesitated at this moment. When they were about to slowly try to stop fighting with each other, suddenly a large number of screams came out on the battlefield. The appearance of this voice made the disciples who wanted to stop fighting be cautious one by one.

At the same time, the three starry sky war immortals who were fighting with the nine yin dragons were exhausted at this moment. The nine yin dragons were also shattered, but suddenly, the bodies of the three starry sky war immortals suddenly shook, and a ripple shadow appeared behind them. Under the shadow, the three war immortal The crash exploded.

With their death, the remaining seven yin dragons roared directly into the crowd of the Xian Sect. Even if the people of the evil spirit sect immediately wanted to control it, they hesitated for a moment in the screams from all around.

Then, the nine boys and the three mysterious turtles who were fighting with nearly a hundred witch souls, in a sad roar, saw one of the three mysterious turtles, whose body exploded and turned into a large amount of soil scattered. When the nine boys fighting with nearly a hundred souls flashed from their side, there were immediately three A boy's body was torn to pieces.

The death of a mysterious turtle and the destruction of three children caused a gap in the encirclement, so that the immortal witch soul rushed out a lot and broke into the crowd of disciples of the evil sect.

At this moment, an angry roar came quickly.

"Who is hidden in both of us!!" With the sound, there was a long rainbow from the evil sect, which went straight to the place where the black turtle died in the fog.

Then, in Xianzong, there was also a sound of anger echoing, and the long rainbow came quickly in the air.

In the center of these two long rainbows, it was Su Ming in the fog. His eyes suddenly flashed, and his divine consciousness suddenly dispersed. His divine consciousness was stronger than the crown, otherwise he would not hide in front of the crown monk.

At this moment, as his consciousness dispersed, it disturbed the fluctuations around him, making the coming two people's consciousness unable to check it carefully. Coupled with the cover of the fog, it was difficult for people to see the details. With this premise, almost at the moment of the arrival of the two, Su Ming went straight to the evil people on the left

When the evil sect came, it was Bi Yu, who was addicted to the evil sect. His body came quickly, and his expression was gloomy. When his consciousness dispersed, there was chaos in front of him, and it could not be seen, and there was fog around him. He could not see the details clearly. He only felt a murderous attack in front

In the cold snorting, Bi Yu raised his right hand, grabbed forward under the formula, and immediately five black blue veins appeared on the back of his right hand. The five blue veins twisted each other, forming a ferocious grimace.

This is the magic power of the evil sect, the five ghost incarnation. After practicing to the extreme, there are five ghosts in the underworld, making their magic power stronger.

At the moment when the murderous chance on his face was approaching, Bi Yu's right hand had been pressed forward. In front of him, in the fog rolling, Su Ming's figure stepped out. He looked calm, speechless, and his mind was clear. What emerged was the battle between Hongluo and Ditian in those years. He deeply remembered the battle, It's not deep, but now with the improvement of his cultivation, the perception of the war has turned into a creation, which makes him understand a lot.

For example, now, Su Ming's left hand was raised, and he suddenly touched the Bi Yan's right hand. There was no roar, no fluctuation, and even the fog around him did not roll up at all, as if Su Ming's body had completely endured this blow.

Su Ming's eyes closed, and the moment his left hand touched Bi Yu's right hand, his left arm was slightly bent, and five purple and black breaths rushed into his [body], with a destructive power. At the moment when it seemed to explode, Su Ming's body seemed to have become a turn. His right hand was raised, but he saw Five blue veins appeared, but the five breaths condensed on his right hand after wandering in his [body].

This scene was performed by Hong Luo in those years!

After being used by Su Ming at this moment, his right hand immediately exuded the same breath as Bi Yu before, pressing into the fog!

and the people of the Xianzong who are about to appear in the fog suddenly touched each other in the air.

When a violent roar roared in the fog, the strong man from the Xianzong looked extremely gloomy. The surroundings fluctuated violently, and the divine consciousness could not be seen clearly, but he would never admit his mistake in the blow just now. It was the art of evil cult! ( To be continued...)