Ask for Magic

Chapter 667 The Power of the Barbarian Soul!

At this moment, Su Ming can be said to be a remarkable existence. The arms stretched out in the distortion of the sky are hundreds of feet long, and all the witnesses in the magnificent momentum have caused a kind of oppression and shock.

And Su Ming stood on the palm of the arm, his long hair floated in the wind, his eyes were like stars, and the rainbow behind him was filled, and his body exuded a pure atmosphere of barbarian soul.

At this moment, he has a kind of dazzling demonicness.

The indifference of words, the fusion of its sense of strangeness, seems to constitute a picture scroll handed down from generation to generation. If there is a painter in the world to draw this, then the painting must shake nine days.

Only the palm of the arm, no palm print...

Tens of thousands of immortals around, they looked at Su Ming, and the complexity and vibration in their look could not be concealed. Su Ming's existence, the identity of the barbarians, the powerful fluctuations and the vision of heaven and earth, all of which outlined a rising barbarian peak.

"Su Ming..." The golden robe emperor looked at Su Ming and slowly opened his mouth. This was the first time on the battlefield that he said Su Ming's name in front of everyone.

At the moment when the name was said by the golden robe emperor, the name was destined. No matter what the battle was, it would spread all over the immortals and even all over the eastern wilderness.

The name

will be remembered by everyone and will be indelible in this life.

In particular, the strangeness of Su Ming's image is enough to make all those who see it have endless fluctuations and embarrassment in their hearts. Such a huge momentum condenses only one arm.

If the vision of the sky disappears, it is good to say that Su Ming's image is a right hand, but the vision of the sky is still there, and the rainbow has not disappeared. Instead, more and more appear, all this is enough to prove one thing.

Su Ming's barbarian soul is not over yet!

Su Ming's barbarian soul, this is just... just the beginning!

As Su Ming stood in the hand of his right arm. Looking down at the world, the moment when he sent such a high challenge to Di Tian for the first time in his life, the focus of this war seemed to be no longer a choice about the Eastern Waste Tower. It's... the rise of Su Ming and the decline of the emperor!

Perhaps, the rise of a strong man should have stepped on the corpse of another strong man in the past. Only in this way can it give everyone who sees it an impact from the heart. This impact will be like a brand, and it will be profound for a lifetime!

Tens of thousands of people around are short of breath. There is no excitement in their eyes, no excitement, and some are just complex. That is to see the complexity of the alien strong, in addition. It is a kind of silent respect.

It is almost that Su Ming broke through the great perfection of the sacrifice of bones and stepped into the early stage of the barbarian soul, in addition to causing the shock of tens of thousands of people here. More importantly, he caused more drastic changes in the burning of the whole barbarian bloodline.

If the previous burning of the barbarian blood is compared to boiling, then at this moment with Su Ming's cultivation into the barbarian soul, then the blood of all the barbarian people can no longer be described as boiling, but an outbreak, as if the blood of the whole body is uncontrollably leaving the body and ignited.

The sky is far away from here. Nearly ten thousand people from the sect of sentient beings, led by the old man, at this moment, involuntarily let out a shocking roar. The excitement contained in the roar is indescribable, such an excited voice. In this barbarian land, it has not appeared for a long time.

The barbarian soul of all sentient beings was a perfect old man. His body trembled, and he suddenly laughed as he moved forward. His laughter revealed the vicissitudes of life, and he was even more excited from the bottom of his heart.

With tears in the laughter and his passionate mood, he knew that his choice was not wrong, and he knew that the legend of the barbarians was not wrong.

He knew that the four generations of barbarian gods really showed signs, which were exploding crazily, and it would not be long before they would be fully revealed.

"The future of our barbarian, following the burning of our bloodline, is ahead! On this day, the whole barbarian will remember that this day is the most glorious day for our barbarian years!

Immortals... It's not far from being driven out of our land!!

People, unfold all your speed and show your most sunny momentum. We... cut through the sky and go to worship the barbarian gods!" With the old man's words, the disciples of nearly ten thousand sentient beings behind him roared with excitement.

"Cut through the sky and pay homage to the barbarian gods!" The roar was earth-shaking, making the sky seem to be shaking, and even more on the ground, which was originally decaying, there was greenness, as if the grass had spread and swayed excitedly.

In the other direction of the Donghuang Continent, there are also ten thousand rainbows roaring and galloping in the sky. Although these people are all barbarians, most of them are skinny, but the heat in their eyes is no less than that of all sentient beings. They don't say a word, but the excitement contained in their bodies and the The outbreak is enough for anyone to have a sense of shock after seeing their figure in the sky on the earth.

This group of people, like a group of crazy wolves, are not looking for prey, but to worship their king!

The thin old man at the head was even more red-eyed. His blood burned and erupted, and his cultivation increased again, which made him feel that his choice was never wrong.

"Come on, give me a hurry up. Our Taoyun Department will be the first tribe to appear in front of the fourth generation of barbarian gods. The first thing we want the fourth generation of barbarian gods to see is the son of our Taoyun Department!"

The nearly 10,000 people roared in unison, and the sound was enough to sensationize the galaxy, making the earth shake, and their speed... faster!

In addition to them, there are countless scattered figures roaring in the sky of the eastern wilderness continent. These people are all following the burning of blood and going straight to the place where it is getting more and more exciting.

They clearly felt that the bloodline burst out at that moment, which was an explosion in the burning. This outbreak not only increased their cultivation, but also made the sense of call in their hearts stronger and stronger, strong enough to make them crazy.

The hope of the barbarians, the future of the barbarians, whether the barbarians still belong to the barbarians, all of this, at this moment, there has been a [answer] case!

And those people of the life clan, now have endless potential in their lives, allowing them to gallop to their demons and gallop desperately.

The whole eastern wilderness continent was shaken by it. The people of countless small tribes, in the confusion, in the burning of the blood, in the call of the underworld, also rose into the air one after another, flying crazily to the place where the blood called.

The barbarians hidden in the mountains, the impulse that had just been finally suppressed, fluctuated again at this moment, and it was more violent than before, but after a long time, they calmed down again, but there were thousands of young adults, with persistence and excitement. However, they flew out of the mountains. They are not many people in this tribe. The road they choose is different from the older generation of the clan. They don't want to hide anymore, and they don't want to survive in the shadow of the fairy clan. They want to... fight for a future.

Therefore, they flew out by themselves, following the guidance of the bloodline, and galloped towards Su Ming's place.

Their tribe did not stop them, but looked at them silently.

And the tribe where the red thunder sky is located. At this moment, in the uproar of the blood again, the red thunder sky gritted his teeth and waved nearly ten thousand people in his sleeves. They flew up together and roared away in the excitement.

"It doesn't matter whether it's life or death, I'm Chi Leitian. It doesn't matter if you believe in a legend. People, let me go and see this barbarian god!"

The heaven and earth roared, but the barbarian tribe hidden in the jungle still did not change much, but in the open space deep in the jungle, behind the old man in animal skin, there were no longer seven or eight people kneeling, but nearly thirty people. They knelt there silently, with a stubborn look and made their inner thoughts clear. Expression.

Countless long rainbows galloped on the canopy of the Donghuang Continent. When they came to the place where Su Ming was, the golden robe emperor suddenly laughed. In the laughter, his expression was gradually no longer gloomy, but calmly took a step towards Su Ming.

"You... the dying man, what right do you have to talk to me like this?" At this time, although the golden robe emperor was wrapped in the black gas of the curse, with the flash of golden light all his body, with the majesty of his expression, and with the step he took that step, he suddenly burst out a roaring momentum from his body. This momentum became stronger and stronger with the golden light of his whole body.

In him, there is an inviolability from the three emperors and five emperors that is familiar to tens of thousands of immortal monks around him.

"It's just... Many years ago, outside the holy mountain of the Nanchen witch clan, I killed you! A moment ago, between heaven and earth, I will destroy you again!" Su Ming's words were calm. When the emperor took the same step, he took the same step. Although there was still a hundred feet away from the two, with the simultaneous steps of the two, there was an invisible impact. Suddenly, it broke out from the two, and they fought against each other.

From afar, this scene seemed to be illusory, but under the golden light of the emperor's place, it seemed to dye half of the world into gold. In that gold, there was a five-clawed golden dragon illusory illusion, roaring at Su Ming and went with the golden light. Su Ming's place, with his big sleeve Like, the right hand exuded a huge black gas at this moment. The black gas was like a curse, wrapped around in all directions, like the right hand suddenly raised after Su Ming left, clenched his fist, and punched the golden dragon with a sense of barbaric.

The two sides touched each other in an instant, and a huge roar echoed in all directions. Su Ming took another step forward.

"I, Su Ming, can destroy your two splits of the emperor and the sky..." Su Ming's voice came out. While saying this sentence, the step he took made the void roar. The emperor clearly felt that with Su Ming's step, the power of heaven and earth around him suddenly rolled. Moved, as if the world was controlled by Su Ming.

This is the power of the barbarian soul, which can control the power of heaven and earth.