Ask for Magic

Chapter 708 My Autumn!

Half a month later, Su Ming opened his eyes, and there was a trace of fatigue in his eyes. He looked at the high mountain, the river, and the desert of the earth. He... couldn't understand the meaning of the ray of life between the mountains and rivers and the yellow sand.

Su Ming stood up silently and walked slowly in the direction of coming. When he returned, everything was as usual. He walked across the mountain and walked to the place he had stepped out before, which was the center of the ninth floor and where he left here.

Time is very tight, and the arrival of the immortals may appear again at any time.

In the dark sigh, Su Ming stood in the center of the ninth floor. When his soul dispersed and merged into the surroundings, there was a golden light under his feet. The light surrounded him, gradually getting stronger and stronger, until he was about to take Su Ming away. When he returned to the first floor, Su Ming reluctantly turned his head and glanced at the

His body gradually blurred, and the moment he was about to dissipate, Su Ming looked back at the moment, maybe because of the pervasion of golden light, because of the transmission of the away formation, the line of sight was distorted, so Su Ming's eyes, there was a scene that made his mind roar, like thunder across his mind, a scene

The first time he looked back was the towering mountain, and the second time he saw it, the peak was never blurred in Su Ming's eyes because of the pervasion of golden light. When he looked again for the third time, because of the beginning of the array transmission, the peak was distorted in Su Ming's eyes.

And the fourth eye, that is, the last time he saw before he left, the peak... is actually... gone!!

disappeared. It seemed that there was no peak there at all. Su Ming's eyes penetrated the mountain. After seeing the mountain, he couldn't see the complete Tianhe in place before!

This can't be wrong. Su Ming clearly remembers that he stood here before, and the Tianhe River he could see was covered by the high mountain, which was by no means complete, and now... the river was complete. The high mountain disappeared in Su Ming's eyes.

His mind roared, and there was a faint understanding in Su Ming's heart. At this moment, his body had begun to disappear with the transmission. But at the moment of disappearance, Su Ming suddenly raised his right hand and pressed it fiercely against the earth. Under this press, the earth shook, and the transmission couldn't help but stop.

At the moment of his meal, Su Ming's body rushed out, and his whole body galloped from the dissipation, stepping out of the transmission range. His body solidified and stood on the desert.

He gave up leaving. Outside the transmission array, he stared at the Tianhe without a high mountain. In his eyes, the operation of the Tianhe became clearer and clearer until it was endless. Su Ming's mind roared, and the river... also disappeared in his eyes.

In the sky, there are no mountains, no rivers!!

A burst of enlightenment appeared in Su Ming's mind, and his vigorous operation of his cultivation immediately reached the peak of the early stage of his fate, even not far from the middle of his life.

"I see... The mountain is still there, and the river is also there. In my eyes, not in my heart!

If there is a mountain in my heart, then this mountain is there. If there is a river in my heart, then the river is... So the mountain has no roof, the river is boundless... It is my heart. Affect my eyes!"

"My destiny is from death to life, from winter to spring, and so is my heart, because I am in death, because I am in winter, my heart is silent.

The heart affected the soul, affected the eyes, or they were affecting each other, so I couldn't see through all this before, because my heart was dead, but... the moment I just left, the distortion of the formation and the coverage of golden light made me see a scene that I couldn't see before.

I understand that from death to life, from winter to spring, the first step is that my heart will contain inspiration and wake up from the silence of death. Only in this way can I see autumn!"

"The heart can affect the eyes, then... the eyes must also affect the heart. If you want my heart and soul to appear flexible from the dead silence, then the eyes can do it.

From winter to autumn, this is a process. The color of autumn is red... The color of blood is also red... Let the world become red, let the world be stained with blood. When everything I see is red, my eyes can affect my heart and make my heart and soul move. This is the autumn in my life!" Su Ming suddenly lowered his head, and his eyes looked at the barren sand of the earth. When the sand existed in pieces and fell into Su Ming's eyes, he laughed.

"Mountains and rivers are in the heart, as for this desert... It is composed of countless sands. Every grain of sand represents a life, and every life represents a spring, summer, autumn and winter... So my idea is right. Birth represents spring, growth represents summer, blood represents the autumn before death, and death is birth. The middle of winter!"

"The ninth floor, open it for me!" Su Ming smiled and shook his big sleeve. In the shaking of the whole ninth floor, he no longer looked at the mountains and desert. He turned around and stepped into the center of the ninth floor. Under the golden light flashed, in the array transmission, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Until Su Ming disappeared, the mountains and rivers on the ninth floor, as well as the desert, in this violent vibration, did not break up as immediately after Su Ming's enlightenment as the previous eight layers, but as if he was hesitant about something. It seemed that Su Ming's enlightenment was not... the meaning of the ninth layer.

In this scene, even the barbarian mountain cultivation of the generation who created the Eastern Desert Tower did not expect it. The reason why the ninth floor of the Eastern Desert Pagoda he created was arranged with a mountain, a river and a desert is that after his understanding of the artistic conception of the immortals, he never reprinted it for the descendants of his clan.

In the view of Lie Shanxiu, there is only one real [answer] case of this mountain, river and desert.

Looking at the mountain is a mountain, looking at the mountain is not a mountain, looking at the mountain is still a mountain.

Look at whether the river is a river, see if the river is not a river, look at the river or the river.

This [answer] case is a general outline of artistic conception in the immortal practice system. It is the law of human consciousness change. Even Lieshan practice is very agreeable. After understanding in those years, the perception is very profound.

As for the desert, the barren yarn composed of countless sand grains, what Lie Shan Xiu wants to make the back understand is a sand and a world, and the whole world is such a clear understanding.

It's just... The [answer] case and enlightenment obtained by Su Ming on this ninth floor are completely different from what Lieshan Xiu wants to make people understand. Although it is not the opposite, it is also a source, two completely different understandings.

Therefore, there was a hesitation in the ninth layer. This hesitation represents the impact of two understandings. One is the immortal race, the intention of Lieshan cultivation, and the other is born from Su Ming, which belongs to his enlightenment. If these two enlightenments are Su Ming's failure, then the ninth layer, he does not After breaking through, the ninth floor will not break, and it will recover as usual.

And if Su Ming's enlightenment wins, the ninth layer will be broken.

This ninth halo is... bloody!!

Its original color should be white, which represents the purification and enlightenment of the mind, and represents the indifference and detachment of seeing through everything. But now, the bloody color of this light is echoing the instantane of the whole eastern wilderness sky. All the barbarians who see this ninth halo, the killing in the bloodline is straight. Connect and ignite.

Countless Taoist rainbows roared in the sky and the sky and galloped towards the East Desert Tower. There were many people who were closer before. Now they have arrived. They knelt down outside the blood light of the East Desert Tower, showing enthusiasm and reverence, waiting for their barbarian gods to walk out of the East Desert Tower and lead

In particular, the people of the Ming clan have long been approaching. They knelt down on the ground one by one on one side of the East Desert Tower. The fanaticism in their look is far beyond the barbarian people. The other barbarians are crazy because of their blood, because of the barbarian gods, and they... are because of Mo

That's different, by no means!

Nangonghen was in the front. He looked at the East Desert Tower. His eyes were calm, but under that calmness, it was hidden the eruption of the volcano. He was waiting, waiting for Su Ming to come out, waiting for Su Ming to take his life, and shake the starry sky from then on.

When the barbarians roared, the immortals on the eastern wilderness continent were closed one by one, and the immortals in them could also feel the ripple aura of the sky, especially the ninth bloody aura. The evil spirit and madness inside were enough to make any immortal tremble.

With the spread of the nine auras of the Eastern Wasteland Tower, they covered the eastern wasteland, the Dead Sea, and towards the Western League and the North State.

And the sect of the immortals is not only in the eastern wilderness. In the western alliance area, in the land of Beizhou, where the evil is worshipped, there is also the clan of the clan of the immortal clan. While the nine auras spread throughout the barbarians, whether it is the Western League or the northern state, all the immortals on it In the blood-colored halo, the madness of the world is to be stained with blood.
