Ask for Magic

Chapter 711 Extermination!

Donghuang Pagoda, Su Ming did not break into it again. What is after the ninth floor? Su Ming left this answer after that, there are too many things to do at this moment. He has no time to stay in Donghuang Pagoda for a long time. According to his prediction, if you want to understand everything in this Donghuang Pagoda The best time.

Su Ming is now full of evil spirit. He wants to make the sky turn red, see the face of autumn, and confirm his feelings, so that his cultivation can enter the middle of his life.

In the roar of 500,000 barbarians on the fourth Thursday, Su Ming looked at the earth in the distance. His soul was pervasive. There was only one thing he saw, that is... the statue of the eldest brother in the land where the immortals came.

The statue completely exists in place, with the guardian secretly left by Su Ming when he fled under the sword. Su Ming did not believe that the eldest brother would die like this, and he would never believe it.

In silence, Su Ming withdrew his eyes. He did not dare to take the eldest brother away, because he cared that he did not know whether his behavior would cause more harm to the eldest brother.

"Big brother, I'll wake you up..."

Su Ming raised his head, glanced past the people of the Ming clan, and nodded. Then he looked at the heaven and earth in the distance. His soul dispersed. In that position, there was a clan of the immortal clan, Tianlan Sect!

There is the largest mountain gate of the Tianlan clan in the barbarians, and it is also the foundation of the barbarians. Now the mountain gate there is closed, the array is opened, and it surrounds tens of thousands of miles, forming a strong protection. In this array area, the barbarians will be difficult to walk, but in the same way

"Let me... go and destroy the clans of the barbarian land one by one. The first goal is this Tianlan Sect!" Su Ming shook his big sleeves, and his voice rolled around. All the barbarians who heard this word were boiling one by one. His eyes were red, and he let out a hoarse roar.

They have been waiting for this day for too long, finally. When this day comes, under the leadership of the barbarian god Su Ming, they will sweep the fairy clan of the whole barbarian land, so that the barbarians will become the forbidden area of the immortals from now on!

Apocalypse, Xue Sha, Chi Lei Tian and others, they are the most profound people in addition to Su Ming. They saw the battle between Su Ming and Di Tian, and the collapse of the fairy formation. At this moment, they saw Su Ming coming out of the eastern barren tower and heard Su Ming's words to destroy the barbarian immortals. They did not hesitate to fly up and worship in front of Su Ming.

"Wait, I am willing to obey the will of the barbarian gods, follow the barbarian gods, and destroy the immortals!"

"Follow the barbarian gods and destroy the immortals!!" The same voice roared crazily from every barbarian population. Long rainbows roared up and went straight to the sky, where four or five million people flew out together. This scene is enough to shock the hearts of all those who see it.

Su Ming took a look at the apocalypse and others, took a step towards the distant sky, turning into a long rainbow and roaring in the front, followed by the apocalypse and others, followed by Su Ming's life clan, led by the South Gonghen, and they followed Su Ming closely.

In the end, there are four to half million barbarians to cover up the momentum of the sky. It turned into a rainbow, which made the earth form a huge shadow. During the roar, Su Ming went straight to Tianlan Sect.

The rapid passage of time and the flight of four to half million people set off a strong wind across the world. Countless sand and stones on the ground were rolled up, and the clouds in the sky were smashed directly before they approached. The wind whimpered all day later, it fell to Lanzong on that day.

Tianlan Sect, one of the immortal sects of the Donghuang Continent, as a mountain gate in the Donghuang Continent, it covers an area of tens of thousands of miles, with 18 peaks. There are countless exquisite attices on each peak, which can accommodate tens of thousands of disciples to practice, and based on these 18 peaks, there is This array can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so that the practice of the immortals can continue.

Especially at this moment, after all the arrays of the whole Tianlan Sect are turned on, a thick cloud and fog permeated outside the Tianlan Sect. Under the fog, there is an electric arc inside, and there is also a low roar and swirling, giving people a sense that creatures should not enter.

This fog has permeated tens of thousands of miles. In addition to the electric light and low roar, there is also a bright light flashing. It is the second floor of Tianlan Zong's mountain protection array, the defense of the barrier!

In addition to the disciples of Tianlan Sect, the operation of this desperate guard needs to be presided over by the disciples of Tianlan Sect, but also the aura of heaven and earth absorbed by the earth formation is constantly welcoming all the spiritual power needed for this formation.

The Tianlan barrier in the land of Nanchen in those years was the reduced version of this barrier guard. Especially in this barrier guard, there are also Tianlan Xianwei. These immortal guards are puppets one by one, and they will obey even the order of self-exploding

And after the defense of the barrier, Tianlan Sect also has a third-layer array, which is called the Four Holy Heavens. These four holy heavens belong to one of the cores of Tianlan Sect's mountain protection array. The four ** in the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, kill all the sengage.

In addition to these four holy heavens, the last formation of Tianlan Sect is the destruction of the four seasons! That array contains the years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, based on the longevity of all the disciples of Tianlan Sect to reverse the lives of those who fell into this array.

You should know that even if it is only ten thousand Tianlan disciples, everyone sacrifices a year of longevity, then it is ten thousand years. For many people, once they step into the four seasons, they will immediately grow old and become bones.

Now, with the roar of the forty-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand

At the moment when both of them touched, the roar was shocking. In Tianlan Sect, the rapid bells immediately spread. Eighteen peaks, the disciples of Tianlan Sect in each peak, were listening to the bell. No matter what they were doing, their look changed.

At the moment when their faces changed, the earth trembled under the roar, and the eighteen peaks also trembled. Long rainbows flew out of the eighteen peaks and turned into dozens of people in mid-air. These people were not weak, but at this moment they were pale and staring at the sky.

"The barbarians invaded, and the formation was maintained with all their strength. At all costs, we can't let the barbarians bombard our Tianlanzong array!!"

"Listen to the people of Tianlan Sect. If you fall into the hands of the barbarians, you will definitely die. Instead of this, it is better to coexist with Tianlan Sect, and they may not be able to break our formation. We... still have hope!!"

"I have contacted the fairy clan again. If we stick to it, we will have vitality!" A soft and hard low shout echoed Tianlan Sect, trying to suppress the panic from the disciples of the sect, but at that time, a violent roar seemed to be in his ear, and Murong roared from outside Tianlan Sect.

The shaking of the eighteen peaks rolled down the rubble, and the vibrating disciples of Tianlan Sect had a lot of bloodshed.

"The first layer of formation...broken..." A scream came from the disciples of Tianlan Sect. At the moment when everyone looked at the sky, they saw...

A young man with black spirit and armor, with long black hair in purple, was cut down with a sword in the sky, and the infinite thick fog rolled up like the roar of the sea, and collapsed together.

Su Ming held a killing sword and pointed to Tianlanzong, who had dispersed the thick fog.

"Kill!" With his roar, the barbarians who came one after another behind him rushed to the second protective array of Tianlan Sect crazily. With the tearing of the fog, they kept rolling upside down and constantly revealing the Tianlan Sect under the fog. All the disciples in this sect not only saw Su Ming, but also saw the more than 100,000 barbarians behind Su There are more than 100,000 barbarians behind the overwhelming and boundless barbarians.

The eyes of every barbarian are red, revealing the unforgettable hatred and madness of the immortals.

Uramen stood pale on the second peak and looked at Su Ming and those barbarians outside the sky array. Her expression gradually changed without complexity, but sighed. In this sigh, she held a pair of bells in her hand.

On another mountain peak, Tianlan's pale face showed endless coldness, staring at Su Ming on the sky. Next to her, there was a woman standing there silently. She was Tianlan's dream.

She looked at Su Ming outside the canopy, and the memories of the past came to her mind one by one. The encounter in those years, the slightly favorable peers, due to the separation of the Wuman War, made this period of beauty that may exist, and from then on fell to dust.

The reunion of the Jiuyin world, her own hesitation, she will not forget Su Ming at that time, the sadness and enlightenment of her expression.

"Is it doomed..." Tianlan Meng bit her lower lip, and tears flowed from her eyes.

Outside Tianlan Sect, with the impact of 4 to 500,000 people, Su Ming held the killing sword and stepped to the second layer of protection of Tianlan Sect. At the same time, it was quite far away from here. In the jungle near the Evil Spirit Sect, Qian Chen was falling to the ground and continued to pretend to be dead. There was an The girl blinked, holding the melon seeds in her hand, eating the melon seeds while still putting the melon seeds on the ground.

There is a big khaki dog under its feet. The big dog lazily sticks out its tongue and keeps swallowing the peels of the melon seeds.

The old man who turned into a bald crane is wearing the temperament of a master, with an unpredictable face that he is afraid that others will not know that he is a master. He is talking to the girl there.

"Do you mean that Su Ming, the barbarian god of this generation, is your disciple?" The girl opened her eyes wide, showing her innocence, and a more worshipful expression appeared on her beautiful face.

"I have to correct it, little girl, then Su Ming is not my disciple, and his father is my named disciple, so in general, this Su Ming's little doll can be called my master.

There is nothing I don't know about him. I can tell you what you want to know. The old man coughed and opened his mouth faintly... Is there a monthly ticket? One has been lost... (To be continued) RQ