Ask for Magic

Chapter 713 There are always sacrifices, there is always greed

The third-layer array of Tianlan Sect, the roar of the four holy heavens, continues violently. Although this array is extremely powerful, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning in it are in the change, the power of infinite destruction.

But no matter how infinite the power of destruction is, it can't suppress the madness and impact of the four or five million people. It is a desperate fight, and it is a rising counterattack caused by the hatred of the immortals.

This array persisted for a moment. The so-called infinite destruction could not last long. Many barbarians died, but these deaths were willing to die for the nation and for the rise of the barbarians. They died without regret.

Even Su Ming can't stop the casualties of the barbarians fighting with the immortals in order to rise. If he forcibly stops the barbarians' attacks, but fight against the formation of Tianlan Sect alone, then perhaps with his own strength, he may break through the Tianlan Mountain Gate.

But if it is really like that, this war is not the battle between the barbarians and the immortals, but... Su Ming and the immortals, if it is really like that, then the barbarians will not rise. Even if it is true, it is the rise of Su Ming, not the barbarians.

The rise of a nation requires blood, sacrifice and a will.

Su Ming looked at the red-eyed madness of the barbarians around him. The only thing he could do was to lead them to blow up the array together. Su Ming shook his body forward. Under the operation of his life and cultivation, he raised his feet fiercely. Suddenly, the world roared, and a big foot appeared in the sky.

This is the seven steps of the barbarian god. The big foot slammed on the four holy heavenly array of Tianlan Sect, seven times in a row, shaking the array and trembling. At the same time, countless barbarian people rushed madly, with their bodies, flesh and blood, cultivation, and everything they could use. Go to this array.

At this moment, the roar broke out. Under the outbreak, tens of thousands of barbarians died. But in the same way, the four holy heavens suddenly collapsed.

With the collapse of the Four Holy Heavens, it now exists between the immortals and the barbarians. Only the last guard array will be destroyed in all seasons!

This battle is extremely horrible, and he has no real attack. Without soul destruction, it exists a force from spring to winter, which can make a person like the changes of the four seasons, from birth to death... with the same longevity to destroy the fire of a person's life.

"Disciples of Tianlan Sect, we are the immortals, and we... even if we die, we will die in the destruction of the barbarians. With such death, our souls will return to our hometown!

If we die of humiliation, if the barbarian breaks through the formation. We are not worth dying!!" At the moment when the Four Holy Heavens array collapsed, in the Tianlan Sect, the suzerain of the barbarian land, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, stood in the air and looked at all the disciples of the Tianlan Sect on the eighteen peaks.

His eyes gradually softened, showing a trace of reluctance.

"I don't want to die, but... Lanzong is about to be destroyed that day. When this formation collapses and we have to face death without exception, I hope... my death. I can die in my place. I hope my death can make those savages in the land of death pay a painful price.

I hope that my death can make the army of our immortals kill the barbarians to avenge us. You can sacrifice a few people...

I'm not selfless, but at this moment, I hope my death is worth it!!

You, who would like to die with me!!" The middle-aged man's voice was excited. At the moment he said this, he suddenly looked up and stepped towards the last layer of formation above, the four seasons of Tianlan Sect.

At the moment he stepped, his body withered rapidly. At the moment he approached this array, his body suddenly became a dead bone and dissipated, but the body of the yuan god, which condensed all flesh and blood and cultivation, suddenly flew out of the dead bones and merged into the four sets of destruction arrays.

"The reason why the last layer of Tianlan Sect is the extinction of the four seasons is that as long as someone sacrifices their lives and exchanges their lives, it will be difficult to break through. Tianlan Sect only has the soul of death, and there are no living people waiting for your barbarians to come!"

"I still have more than 4,800 years of life. Who will change my life with me!" The voice of the Tianlan Sect in the barbarian land sect echoed and spread inside and outside the array. Even the barbarians outside stopped one after another.

Su Ming was at the front. When he looked at it, he felt the determination of the immortals to die more than crazy. Even if he hated this nation, he had to admit that any nation had something worthy of respect.

"I still have more than 700 years of life. Who will change my life with me!" In the eighteen peaks of Tianlanzong, a figure suddenly flew out and went straight to the array of the destruction of the four seasons.

"I still have more than a hundred years of life..."

"I still have more than 2,200 years of life..."

"I still have more than four hundred yuan..."

"I still have more than six hundred years of life..." The voices continued to echo on the eighteen peaks of Tianlan Sect. Suddenly, figures roared straight to the four seasons and disappeared. In a blink of an eye, these voices became more and more frequent, and finally merged together, forming the cry of Tianlan Sect.

"I still have a five-year-old life." Ula spoke softly, her body shook, and the woman integrated into the formation.

In the silence of Tianlan, she raised her head, took a step and walked towards the formation. Tianlan Meng behind her bit her lower lip and was about to step in bitterness. Suddenly, the departing Tian Lanyou turned around. When Tianlan Meng did not wait to react, Tianlanyou raised his right hand and waved at Tian Lanmeng.

A white fog spread. In the fog, Tianlan Meng gradually closed her eyes and fell aside.

"Live well..." Tianlan whispered and turned around and walked to the sky.

In the face of the sacrifice of almost everyone in the whole Tianlan Sect, the formation of the four seasons burst into a dazzling light, which revolved around all directions and existed in front of the barbarians.

That low roar, one change of life, represented the counterattack of their immortals, and also silenced all the barbarians in this war for a moment.

But only for a moment, all the people of the barbarians took a step forward, and an overwhelming momentum suddenly turned around, and the barbarians rushed into the aura of life-changing.

Su Ming did not step back. He stepped into the halo with the barbarians at the same time. This was a fight without conspiracy, no yang scheme, and no calculation.

This is a madness of exchanging life for life. The immortals can, and the barbarians also responded. Between the confrontation and roar of the two sides Shouyuan in this array, the disciples of Tianlan Sect sacrificed all the Shouyuan one by one, and their bodies withered one after another, but their primordial Open up and exchange the power of self-explosion in exchange for greater effort.

And here, the same is true of the barbarians. In this war that is not right or wrong and unreasonable, a madness of changing lives for each other, with more and more deaths, gradually came to an end.

Tens of thousands of immortals died one by one and collapsed one by one, until the suzerain disappeared, until Ula flew away with a bitter soul, until all the immortals paid everything to kill more barbarians...

This life-changing is over.

With the death of the last immortal in the array, the light of the four seasons gradually dissipated and finally disappeared between heaven and earth. Su Ming stood in the air. The barbarian people behind him have now died nearly 70,000 people.

Half of these people, half of them, died in this life exchange.

There was silence on the whole battlefield.

"They are warriors, even if we hate them, but... they are warriors, and they deserve respect." Su Ming slowly opened his mouth, and his voice echoed on the battlefield and fell into the ears of every barbarian.

Tianlan Sect has been destroyed, but any nation, any sect, there are dared to sacrifices, and naturally there are also timid and cowardly people. At this moment, there are hundreds of people on the eighteen peaks of Tianlan Sect, who have not given their lives. After the four seasons of destruction and dissipated, when These hundreds of people came out tremblingly and knelt down to the barbarians and Su Ming.

"We are willing to change our bloodline, and from then on, we will worship the barbarian gods and become barbarians..." These hundreds of people knelt down tremblingly, and their voices for survival came out.

Su Ming ignored these people. Naturally, some people would enslave them and become subordinates of the barbarians. From then on, they became slaves. Su Ming's eyes fell on the eighteen peaks, and one fell there.

He walked over in silence and came to the unconscious Tianlan Meng's side. He looked at the woman silently, and Su Ming's expression showed a trace of memory and complexity.

"Red Thunder!" Su Ming closed his eyes, and when he opened it a moment later, he opened his mouth faintly.

Immediately, a long rainbow galloped in the sky behind him and fell behind Su Ming. It was the red thunder sky. His heart trembled a little, but his expression was not seen at all. It was a fanatical reverence, kneeling on one knee to Su Ming.

"The red thunder is here."

"I took half of your thunder crystals back then..." Su Ming said slowly. When he said this, Chi Leitian's heart thumped, with embarrassment and a wry smile on his face.

"Today, the Tianlanzong site will send you the tribe to grow the root of your tribe." Su Ming turned around and looked at Chi Leitian.

Chi Leitian was stunned, and his whole body suddenly became excited and bowed to Su Ming again.

"Thank you for the reward!!"

"You stay here first. The rest of my barbarians, follow me... to enter the Tibetan Dragon Sect!" Su Ming shook his body and walked to the sky. Hundreds of thousands of barbarians roared around, assimilated with Su Ming as a long rainbow, and went straight to the distance.

"This woman has a reason with me. Stay here and don't hurt her." Chi Leitian looked up and looked at the barbarian army that was far away from the sky, and Su Ming in the front. When Su Ming left, his ears echoed the words to him... Remember to recommend the ticket~~(to be continued) RQ