Ask for Magic

Chapter 716 The Sword in the Hand

In the Hongluo inheritance obtained by Su Ming, there is a clear difference between the use of the sword and the flying sword skill launched by the immortals. This way of using the sword is more ancient, almost clumsy, and not as flexible as the flying sword. Therefore, after Hongluo accidentally obtained it, there was no in-depth research.

But Su Ming is very interested in this method of using the sword. This ancient swordsmanship is to hold the sword in his hand. Only the sword in his hand is the real weapon of the swordsman.

Holding the golden flashing sword, Su Ming stabbed forward casually. At the moment when the sword cut through the void and moved forward, a huge suction force suddenly burst out of the sword.

This is not the power of the sword itself, but Su Ming's thorn, which is faintly in line with some laws between heaven and earth, causing some strange changes, making the place where the sword passed become the center of the surroundings, so that all existence, even divine consciousness and breath, will be swept upside down by this thorn.

At this moment, the hundreds of thousands of swords around were suddenly distorted, and the direction was changed. They were sucked straight to the sword body. For example, the line crossed by the sword body became an unfolded black hole that could devour everything.

But the nine swords that flew out of the cracks of the earth were almost real, and turned into a shape were slightly lax. After the change between illusion and substance, there was a harsh sword song, which did not change its direction and went straight to Su Ming. In an instant, it was less than ten feet close to Su Ming. These nine swords were Pressure seems to destroy everything.

After a stab, Su Ming looked calm, and his right hand holding the sword relaxed slightly. He did not clench it tightly, but at the moment when the nine swords approached, his wrist shook, took his wrist as the axis, and waved the sword from left to right in front of him, from top to bottom. Turn around for a week!

When he looked at it, as the sword in Su Ming's hand turned flat in front of him, a sword circle composed of countless shadows of swords stood out with Su Ming's dance.

It looks like a sword circle. Looking at it again, it is the swordsmanship of the sword array. If a sword shield is formed, it is guarded in front of Su Ming, and the nine flying swords that are coming, and they are suddenly touched.

The sound of sword body collision rose at this moment, and finally formed a roar. At the same time, the nine swords that turned into substance suddenly collapsed and rolled upside down. As the smoke dissipated, Su Ming stood still with an indifferent look. The sword in his hand drew a beautiful arc, tilted to the lower left of his body. His eyes flashed cold, and a evil spirit suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The appearance of this evil spirit and Su Ming's move to tilt the sword to the lower left of his body. Unexpectedly, Su Ming had a sense of momentum at this moment.

Like the eve of a storm, like the sinking before the roar of the volcano. Like an ancient fierce beast, the fierce flames scattered before the moment of devouring heaven and earth.

At this moment, all the heaven and earth around him were running, and there was a sign of stillness, and an indescribable depression enveloped the surroundings silently. The root of all this was Su Ming's move to sit down with the sword.

"The sword has thirteen styles, and I only understood the four styles, namely, bullet, thorn, cloud, cutting... But break this array. It's enough!" The moment Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, he leaned his sword at the bottom left and waved directly to the upper right.

From the bottom left of his body to the upper right, a clear sword mark is revealed in this world, which is a cut. With the advantage of the sword, cut all the barriers in front of you.

This sword roared at the moment of swinging. It contained a certain change of law in the world. At the moment of cutting, a passionate sword sound came from the killing sword, and there was a sense of excitement and excitement in the sound of the sword. That was all the recognition of this sword, because such a use can the sword burst into earth-shaking. The most correct way of power!

If it is a flying sword, it is impossible to show the use of this cutting without anyone holding it. Except for stabbing, cutting, etc., there is no other flexibility.

There is a spirit to kill the sword. It was suppressed by Su Ming before and had to give in, but it was obvious that this yield was counterattacked. But until now, with the sound of the sword, the spirit of the sword really agreed with Su Ming, because it felt that the self held in Su Ming's hand was just now, the thorn Nowadays, under these three actions, it has burst out to be complete, even beyond its own strength.

This force makes it tremble and make it excited. This force makes it feel a kind of washing, a kind of understanding that seems to be in the dark. As a sword, it should be such a blooming enlightenment.

Heaven and earth roared. In front of Su Ming, with his cutting, a slanting sword mark suddenly tore out of the nothingness in front of him. The tear went forward. Wherever he passed all the way, the heaven and earth tore open, and the void broke. The crack became bigger and bigger. After sweeping thousands of miles On the peak, after a stronger roar, Su Ming's sword mark penetrated the peak of the Great Leaf Fairy Sect.

Penetrating the sword-shaped peak and went straight to it. Under the continuous diffusion, it finally turned into a thousand-foot-long crack in heaven and earth, which directly penetrated the sword array around Daye Xianzong and opened a huge gap.

With the appearance of the gap, the mountain protection sword array of the Daye Xianzong around Su Ming suddenly collapsed. The array fragmented, forming countless fragments of sword gas, rolled upside down in all directions, and the strong wind swept nine days, and there was a violent roar that shook all directions.

At the same time, at the moment when the sword array of Daye Xianzong collapsed, the peak of Daye Xianzong in the shape of the sword body was shocked. From the middle of the mountain, the peak slowly tilted under the roar, until half of the peak fell to the left and fell to the earth, causing a huge noise in the earthquake.

The dust rolled up and spread around. Su Ming's hair and clothes were blown by the wind raised by the fall of the mountain, but his look did not change at all. He held the sword and looked indifferently.

At this moment, the mountain of Daye Xianzong has been cut in half, and the section is extremely smooth. It is exactly where Su Ming's sword marks have just penetrated the mountain!

Jianshan, broken!

The sword in Su Ming's hand was trembling, and in the excited hiss, the murderous air from the tip of the sword seemed to be longing for blood, eager to drink the blood of his life in this way of using the sword.

"Sword, the main killing weapon." Su Ming raised his head, looked at the broken Daye Xianzong, and slowly walked forward. Today, he was alone to destroy one sect and save the second brother in Daye Xianzong.

After Su Ming, the people of the Ming clan looked at their Mo Zun with excitement. The power of the sword just now shook the sky and the earth, which was enough to shake the hearts of all those who witnessed it.

Su Ming's pace seems to be slow, but in fact, every step he takes, his body will be a little illusory. When it is clear, he is already a hundred feet away. If you look at his back, it won't cause too much discomfort. But if someone looks at him in front of him, he will immediately feel dizzy.

Because it was clearly thousands of feet away, but in a blink of an eye, it was like the eyes deceived themselves. In the case of the things around him, Su Ming's figure was suddenly illusory and suddenly clear, which immediately made the Daye Xianzong stare at Su Ming's many immortals people at this moment and feel dizzy.

This feeling of dizziness almost appeared. Su Ming had already stood under the half of the peak of Daye Xianzong. He raised his head, looked at the broken sword peak, and exhaled deeply.

With Su Ming's breathing, suddenly there were pieces of flying snow falling in the sky of the Daye Xianzong, and each piece of flying snow emitted endless cold air. In a blink of an eye, it was full of flying snow.

The snowflakes are dense and sprinkled on the earth. At the same time, from a distance, if there is a huge seal, it will directly trap this big Ye Xianzong!

This is Su Ming's skill of life cultivation, the cold of winter.

With this technique, it is sealed in all directions, so that none of the immortals in the Daye Xianzong can escape from here, making this place a prison!

"Today, Su Ming came here to destroy... Daye Xianzong." Su Ming slowly opened his mouth, and when the sound echoed, there seemed to be endless echoes of Su Ming from the countless snowflakes around him. After these voices merged together, they formed a roar like the sky, and the half of the peak of the big Ye Xianzong trembled.

While saying this, Su Ming raised his steps and walked up the steps of the peak of Daye Xianzong in front of him. At the moment when his footsteps fell, the endless sword spirit burst out from the Daye Xianzong. With those sword spirit, there were 2,000 long rainbows.

In the 2,000 Taoist Changhong, there were 2,000 disciples of the Daye Xianzong. They were all red-eyed and galloped straight to Su Ming with those sword spirit.

behind them, with a roar echoing, more disciples of Daye Xianzong flew out one by one and rushed to Su Ming.

The sword in Su Ming's hand was hissing, longing for the red of blood, which made the main sword tremble violently. The hissing voice seemed to be begging Su Ming to let it kill to his heart's content.

Su Ming silently watched the thousands of people approaching. The coldness in his eyes became colder and colder. He raised his footsteps and took another step forward. With his steps, the steps behind him suddenly smashed into flying ash.

There were no superfluous words. At the same time as taking this step, thousands of people of Ye Xianzong had come to Su Ming. The sword in Su Ming's hand cut forward, and a head suddenly flew up, with a cavity of blood and dyed the tip of the sword red.

The sword flower scattered out, and immediately several heads flew up again. While the blood covered the eyes of Su Ming and the immortals, Su Ming took the third, fourth and fifth steps...

He walked up calmly, and countless immortals around him and the sword roared. The sword in his hand did not stop at all. Under the excited and bloodthirsty hiss of the sword spirit, he fell to the ground one by one and rolled straight to the mountain. ( To be continued) RQ