Ask for Magic

Chapter 718 Long-lost Smile

A red snowflake fell on Chen Xin's face. It did not melt, but with a trace of cold, like Su Ming's words, gently with a wisp of strange breath, fell into Chen Xin's ears and passed into her mind.

There is still blood at the corners of Chen Xin's mouth. The red color of the blood is the same as the color of the snowflakes on her face, which makes people unable to tell whether it is blood or snow.

Perhaps, the reason why the word snow is similar to the rhythm of blood is that it exists in the dark.

"There is no reason... If there is, you are Su Ming, and you are... Su Ming who grew up with me." Chen Xin wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, looked at Su Ming, and the complex look disappeared, replaced by a touch of gentleness and smile.

Su Ming was silent. When his right hand was raised, the killing sword in his hand trembled and excited. Su Ming suddenly waved to the sky, but he saw the blood flash. If a bloody lightning was born in the sky and the sky, it went straight to the sword that came in mid-air and roared away.

A shock shook around, forming a ripple of circular shock, which suddenly roared above Su Ming. The coming sword was directly torn apart, and the air wave ring was like drawing a dividing boundary between heaven and earth.

"Thank you." Su Ming spoke softly.

"Su Ming, everything in Wushan is illusory, but... there is also real. Lei Chen is real, and Grandpa is also real... and Bai Ling... She also has a real side." Chen Xin looked at Su Ming. She could feel that if a person's past was false, the unreal feeling would drown the whole person like a tide, which would make people involuntarily question everything, and even not know what was true.

"You killed Beiling. Presumably, the proud people of other sects, who integrated into Wushan and grew up with you, have all died... But Su Ming, their death is just a wisp of distraction.

The past of Wushan was a long time ago. Each of us woke up after the reincarnation. They have gained a lot of creation and insights from the inside, and have become the real pride of their respective sects.

Now that you are still in this barbarian land, the ones you killed are to maintain your reincarnation again and again. In order to make you confused, the distracting that must exist, they... are not dead in the clan of the immortal clan. Chen Xin looked at Su Ming and told the truth.

"So...what about you?" Su Ming spoke lightly.

"I'm also a wisp of distraction. I can feel the consciousness of my dignity at the moment I see you. I can feel my own complexity and... nostalgia." Chen Xin looked bitter and shook her head.

"I have been practicing since I was a child. The most colorful memory in my life over the years is the scene in Wushan. I really hope that... I can never wake up in that reincarnation, all the time... in Wushan..." Chen Xin's face was pale and bitter murmured, as if she was not talking to Su Ming. What's more, it's the self-compressed for a long time.

When Chen Xin murmured, the nearly ten thousand disciples of Ye Xianzong in the sky changed their positions rapidly one by one. Under the staggering, it gives people the feeling that the sword array in the sky has changed again. A sword spirit, which is much more powerful than before, condensed out and galloped towards Su Ming in the sky.

"Su Ming... Some of us have chosen to forget you, but there are still some... I have always remembered you, remember Wushan, remember growing up together in the reincarnation.

Wushan has become the past, but it... in your heart, also in our hearts. Chen Xin raised her right hand. At the moment of saying this, more blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth. In that blood, her face quickly withered and gradually cracked.

Chen Xin's words echoed, and Su Ming looked at it fiercely. What he saw was that Chen Xin dissipated quickly, and her body was like ashes at this moment.

"My distraction violated the oath. I told you too much truth in this barbarian land. This is the punishment of the oath. The distracting soul is scattered, but they can't control my original dignity, Su Ming... Don't blame Beiling... He is no longer him..." Chen Xin whispered, closed her eyes, and turned into flying ashe , dissipated between heaven and earth.

Su Ming was silent, and his expression was a little complicated. The big sword above him galloped into his body. But at the moment when the sword spirit was approaching, Su Ming's left hand had already raised and grasped the sword spirit fiercely. In the roar, the sword spirit collapsed. With Su Ming as the center, the mountains and rocks under his feet were The storm swept through the broken peaks until the more violent roar, the half of the peaks under Su Ming's feet collapsed.

In the fragmentation of the mountain peak, Su Ming looked down at the sword in his hand. The color of the sword was red and full of blood. He looked at his clothes and hands, and he could even feel the countless sad ghosts outside his body.

Those are all immortals who died in his hands.

A deep fatigue appeared in Su Ming's mind again. This feeling of fatigue, for many years, is not the first time, but this time's fatigue is deeper than before.

Su Ming wanted to close his eyes, but his eyes could not be closed, and his expression changed dramatically at this moment. The fatigue in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and his breathing was even rapid, because...

At the moment when the mountain was torn apart, he felt the breath of the second brother!!

Without any hesitation, Su Ming raised his left hand under the pinch and waved forward. At this wave, the wind roared and rolled all the gravel around him backwards. In an instant, all the dust caused by the collapse around him dispersed, clearly revealing the earth.

That is the land where the peak of Daye Xianzong was originally located. At this moment, there is a ball of light tens of feet in size on the land.

The ball of light flashed colorful light, and there were light fog around the edges. In the ball of light, there was a black twisted figure. The figure could not be seen clearly, because he had no appearance, and it was completely a flocculation shadow formed by a wisp of black gas.

Inside and outside this light ball, there are six huge chains. These six chains penetrate the ball of light and connect with the dark shadow, as if they are integrated into its god, as if sealed.

The other end of these six chains is buried in the earth, and there is a great array on the earth. This array is extremely complex, and its function is unknown, but Su Ming can see that one of the functions of this array must be suppression.

suppress the dark shadow in the light ball, and it also needs the whole peak of the Daye Xianzong to be suppressed at the same time, so that this formation makes the light ball usually dissipate under the peak of Daye Xianzong without any breath.

Now with the collapse of the peak of Daye Xianzong Mountain, this light ball has been revealed.

Almost at the moment when Su Ming saw the earth formation and the light ball clearly, he saw that the black shadow in the light ball seemed to collapse in the distortion. Six wisps of black gas of death scattered from the black shadow and went straight to the formation along the six iron chains. This was obviously not the black shadow volunteered, but by the six chains. Suck it raw.

Six black gases are integrated into the earth formation, and in a blink of an eye, it turns into a magnificent spiritual power of heaven and earth, spreading...

Su Ming looked up to the sky and let out a crazy roar. His eyes were cracked, leaving blood, like blood and tears. He should have seen that in the area where the Great Ye Xian Sect is located, the aura of heaven and earth is much stronger than other sects, but he has never paid much attention to this matter.

He didn't expect that the Great Ye Xianzong had done such a crazy thing.

It is a formation that can transform some kind of life into the aura of heaven and earth. The six chains are the pipeline to absorb some kind of life, and that kind of life... is the dark shadow in the ball of light.

This ball of light is a seal, and the shadow in it is the source that Su Ming is familiar with and the root that makes him crazy at this moment.

"Second brother!!" Su Ming's roar, with hoarseness, with his anger and madness, originally Chen Xin's words made Su Ming tired in silence, and even stopped the killing of Daye Xianzong.

However, after seeing the second brother, he saw the weak figure of the second brother who seemed to dissipate at any time, and Su Ming's murderous intention was raised again.

"Daye Xianzong, Xianzu..." Su Ming's body suddenly shook and went straight to the earth. As he approached, Su Ming approached the formation of the earth in an instant. The sword of his right hand was raised. Under the cut, the sky and the earth roared, and his killing sword was directly cut on the chain.

A huge anti-shock force rolled upside down and rushed into Su Ming's body, making Su Ming's mouth crack, and the blood filled his body retreated three steps.

Although he said he went backwards, the chain clicked and collapsed directly from the middle. The chain was by no means unusual. If Su Ming did not have a sword in his hand, it would be difficult to break it easily.

At the same time as one of the six chains was broken, the person of nearly ten thousand Ye Xianzong in the sky cut off a sword again and roared straight to Su Ming. Even every disciple of the nearly ten thousand Ye Xianzong bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out blood. Their blood became a bloody sword under the action of this sword array, nearly The bloody sword was like a rain of swords. After the huge sword spirit, it came to Su Ming.

At this time, with the disconnection of a chain, a faint voice came out of the ball of light, and the twisted shadow was even more at this moment. For example, the restrictions pressed on the body were reduced, and there was a slight condensation from the erratic, making the floc-like fog faintly condense into a body. Although it But it was much clearer, revealing a... pale, but smiling face.

That's... the face of the second brother.

He seemed to have experienced unimaginable pain. The pale face was something Su Ming had never seen on the second brother. The smile on the second brother's face was still as gentle as in his memory. He insisted on raising his head, as if to face the sun. In that smile, he looked at Su Ming.

"Little brother... With the smile of the second brother, please recommend the ticket! ( To be continued) RQ