Ask for Magic

Chapter 767 The Change of the Fire Red Star!

Under the flash of several flashes, the jade slip appeared in the western area of the fire red star. As soon as it broke into this area, it immediately twisted the void in front of it. Tian Lin stepped out and caught the jade slip. After sweeping the divine consciousness, there was a smile on his face. For a moment, he couldn't hide the Going straight to the sky, he obviously left Huo Chixing to visit several of his friends in outer space to conspire in this matter.

Another year, Su Ming has been in this fire red star for four years. In the next two years, he never went out in the cave. In this retreat, he has been absorbing the flesh and blood power of the blue stone all the time.

On this day, Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes in his knees. A large number of blue stones in front of him were broken into pieces. When a trace of flesh and blood poured into Su Ming's body, he noticed that there were four long rainbows roaring near outside the cave.

The four people in these four long rainbows have a person's breath that Su Ming is familiar with. It is Tian Lin. Although the remaining three people are strange, there is no exception. All of them are the masters of the world!

Su Ming shook his big sleeves, and all the fragments of blue stones in front of him immediately dissipated. He got up and shook and walked out of the cave. His gray hair fluttered in the wind, and his white clothes were transformed by the holy robe of the stars, and his body floated with the wind.

Su Ming's holy robe of the star has never been able to control it all, but his defense is also quite amazing, and no matter how it is damaged, it will recover as usual in a moment. In those years, when he fought with the old girl Meilan, no one could see the clue of Su Ming's star robe, and even the old

The big dog turned by the bald crane quickly ran out of the cave with Su Ming, looking at the sky like beside him, with a look full of disdain.

As for the red python phoenix looking coldly at the sky under the mountain at this moment, its body is too large, so even if it is just a circle, it looks like a hill.

These four long rainbows roar in the sky, approaching in a blink of an eye. At present, one person is Tian Lin. He saw Su Ming at a glance and smiled.

"It's an honor for Tian to have Brother Lao Su waiting here." Tian Lin smiled and his body flashed, and he appeared in front of Su Ming. The three long rainbows behind him came in an instant, and stood behind the mountain peak at the same time. The three powerful divine powers swept directly at Su Ming unceremoniously.

Although these three divine consciousnesses are not murderous, this undisguised sweep also reveals their hegemony.

"This is what Tian Daoyou said about Su Daoyou. It's just a one-to-one repair. I don't have any hope for the plan Tian Daoyou said before at this moment. These three are a middle-aged man and an old man, and the last one is a half-year-old dwarf.

The old man's crane hair is childlike, slightly hunchbacked, and his eyes are dim, but if you look at his eyes carefully, you will find that the pupil of his right eye is already upright.

He stood there. He looked indifferent and couldn't see the joy and anger, but he swept to Su Ming's consciousness. But it reveals a sense of coldness.

As for the middle-aged man, he is of medium-looking, his skin is darker, and a scar runs through his face from the left corner of his mouth, which makes his yellow teeth exposed when he speaks, giving people a rather ferocious sense of horror. His body is different from the thinness of the divine wasteland, but extremely burly, standing Facing the city wall.

He has no hair. Even without eyebrows, with a naked upper body, you can see that there is even a chain penetrating in its chest, as if it grows on its body.

It was this person who said the previous words.

The half-height dwarf next to him looked like a smile. He is very kind. His little hands and feet seem to have no danger at all. His hair is tied into a braid behind his head. At this moment, his hands are put together and reach into the sleeves of his arms, like the shopkeeper of a mortal town.

Regarding the words of the bald middle-aged man, Tian Lin frowned, looked at Su Ming apologetically, turned around and stood between the strong man and Su Ming, and looked at the middle-aged man with a wry smile.

"Why does Brother Ye do this? On the way, Tian has already told everyone in detail, including Brother Su, and I have also explained for Brother Ye. If we want to make a big plan together, we can't rub against each other."

"Hmm." The middle-aged strong man snorted coldly and ignored Su Ming, but he agreed with Tian Lin's concept.

"Brother Su, let Tian introduce you to me. This is Long Li's Taoist friend of Tianlun Star. Brother Long's cultivation is amazing, and he is better at many magical spells, and his talent is strong." With Tian Lin's words, the old man of the three looked at Su Ming indifferently without saying anything, but nodded slightly.

Su Ming glanced at the old man. The pupil of the man's right eye made Su Ming feel extremely dangerous.

"This is the Taoist friend of Yeshentong of Saturn. The Taoist friend is full of magic power, and his cultivation is not bad. He even realizes the power of the origin of the earth. In the depths of the earth, he can burst into stronger cultivation. In those years, he even fought with some Zhenwei and died. Now his injury has As Tian Lin said, the bald middle-aged man smiled gloomily at Su Ming. He seemed to be a reckless man, but in fact, his words just now had his own intention.

"This last one is Sun Kun Daoyou of the Dark Radiant Star. Sun Daoyou is good at arrays and is also known as many treasures. He is famous for his poisonous attack." After Tian Lin finished speaking, the dwarf, who seemed to be a shopkeeper, hugged Su Ming kindly and smiled cheerfully.

"Brother Tian praises me. Brother Su, don't listen to him talk nonsense. What's the name of the place? It's just running around in this abandoned land of Shenyuan to beg for food.

It's just everyone's respect for giving face. Don't take it seriously. Sun Kun shook his head repeatedly in his laughter, as if there was no danger at all, which was very touching.

"Brother Su has been introduced to three people on the way. Brother Su's cultivation is not bad, his physical strength is strong, and he has more rules and magic skills. Even Tian admires him very much." Tian Lin looked at the three people. When he opened his mouth, Su Ming nodded indifferently.

Before, whether it was the sweep of the three gods or the provocation of Naye Shentong, his expression did not change at all. At this moment, he was completely cold and said nothing.

His calmness made the middle-aged strong man Ye Shentong's eyes flash. Even the dwarf Sun Kun was smiling and looked at Su Ming more, but the hunchbacked old man was unmoved.

"Well, the people have gathered, and there are still six years left for Zhenwei to patrol. I'll wait as soon as possible." Tian Lin looked at the sky and immediately opened his mouth.

"Why didn't you see Meilan Daoyou?" Sun Kun, the dwarf, said with a smile.

"Meilan Daoyouzhi is different from us. She won't come." Tian Lin shook his head, avoided this topic, and looked at Su Ming with a solemn look.

"I don't know how many days it will take for Brother Su to release all the fierce beasts sealed by the fire red star?"

"One month." Su Ming said calmly.

"Well, a month later, after Brother Su released all the fierce beasts, the vitality of the alien overhaul will not continue to be absorbed. At that time, I hope three people will help me. According to the way Tian told the three people before, we will open the gap of the seal and step into the depths of the earth.

When we get to the depths of the earth, we still need Su Daoyou and Sun Daoyou to unfold your formation talent, so that we can move deeper. At that time, Ye Daoyou's body is strong, but you can open the way in the front. The dragon Taoist friend's magic power is amazing, and the divine consciousness is stronger than mine God rebelled against the body. With the body of Tian's yuan god, he assisted the dragon Taoist friend to explore the guidance, assisted Ye Daoyou to open the way in front, assisted Su Daoyou and Sun Daoyou, and weakened the seal. Tian Lin said categorically. As soon as his words came out, the three people next to him moved one after another, and even the old man Long Li, who had always been indifferent, was moved by him.

"The yuan god reverses the body and replaces the body with the yuan god. Tian Daoyou knows the future trouble of such a forbidden skill." The dragon was hoarse and said for the first time.

"Naturally, we know that once there is a slight mistake, the body will wither, and the yuan spirit will not last long, and will die horizontally. But only in this way can we have a greater grasp of this matter and multiply Tian's cultivation. Otherwise, we are all physical beings, and it is difficult to go deeper. Everyone, Tian has Please don't fight with each other, otherwise... Don't blame Tian for turning against others!" Tian Lin's words were suddenly gloomy and cold, and he always gave the feeling that he was gentle. At this moment, the sudden gloomy cold, coupled with the words of the yuan god's rebellion against the body, suddenly made the gloomy have a strong deterrent effect.

"Brother Su, everything please!" Tian Lin took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Su Ming.

Su Ming looked at Tian Lin. He thought of everything when the other party entered the illusion two years ago. After a long time, he also held his fist and bowed. He turned around and immediately went straight to the sky. The red python roared, and the bald crane turned into a big dog and followed him.

Three days later, the whole fire red star was shocked. In the sealed place of a foreign beast, there was a shocking roar. It was a fierce beast like a fierce tiger. It looked excited and rushed out of its sealed place.

Seven days later, the roar on the fire red star came out one after another, and a foreign beast god constantly rushed out of the place to seal them in various areas. The roar shook the fire red star in all directions, making all the monks shocked.

Half a month later, there was a shocking change in the fire red star, and more than half of the fierce beasts were released. The sky and the earth were dark, and the roar was shocking. In the stone house of the peaks in the eastern region, Mei Lan sat there silently, looking uncertain.

A month later, in the whole Fire Red Star, almost all the areas that sealed the alien beasts burst into a heinous roar, which was the sound of almost all the fierce beasts' desire for freedom after rushing out of the seal.

Following the change of the black ink star for ten thousand years, in this wasteland of the divine source, the second drastic change has been ushered in, this is... the change of the fire red star... ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket! ( To be continued) RQ