Ask for Magic

Chapter 771 Induction from Aliens

Su Ming looked as usual, but his inner vigilance had reached the highest level. Even if he hadn't come to this point, if he suddenly gave up, he would be very unwilling, then he had planned to leave immediately.

After all, others are unaware of it, and only the feeling that someone is watching from behind. In this mysterious place of seal, it can't help but make people feel hairy.

At this moment, these people in Tian Lin stepped into the channel and galloped all the way forward. In this fiery red star, the countless white filaments that could only be seen under the projection of the Zhenwei beam around here, have been... fragmented.

Nearly one-fifth of the position was completely crushed, and there were signs of fragmentation in the rest. In fact, this phenomenon did not happen when Su Ming and others stepped in, but when all the fierce beasts in the whole Fire Red Star broke away from the seal, and those seals all collapsed.

Even if Su Ming and others do not enter here, the white filaments here will still slowly weaken.

And in the deepest part of the seal, the area not too far from Su Ming and others at this moment, where there is an endless purple-black magma, the soaked skeleton, and the black sword that pierced its skull at this moment, is trembling violently.

As if this sword was about to be forced out, the skeleton's eyes flashed more, and even the two pierced swords in other positions on his body were slowly loosening.

It is even on the face of this skeleton. Now, while the faint light of its eyes flashes, there seems to be some signs of recovery of flesh and blood. A trace of flesh and blood covered his bones. Make the skeleton look as if it is resurrecting!

"I feel... the breath of shaping the underworld..."

But at the moment when the flesh and blood of his face recovered a little, suddenly, in the area where the skeleton is located, countless white filaments suddenly appeared. These filaments are intertwined into nets. One-fifth of the net disappears, and the rest is constantly slowly disintegrating, but it can roughly maintain the frame. Obviously, this net composed of countless white silks is the seal to suppress this alien Red Fire Marquis.

The white net is silently centered on the skeleton from all directions. Suddenly condensed, they directly penetrated each other on their bodies. The skeleton trembled all over, and the flesh and blood on his face suddenly became pieces separated from their bones.

start over and over again. The white net staggered nine times in a row, and when there was no flesh or blood on the skeleton's body, the net slowly disappeared again.

But the skeleton seemed to be used to this kind of thing. The sword of his skull was still slowly loosening in trembling, and the faint light of the skeleton's eyes gradually became stronger.

At the same time, the outside of this area surrounds countless dense beehive-like caves. In that cave, outside the diaphragm seals, Su Ming and his party are going at a very fast speed. It's just that soon, Tian Lin and others in front had to stop.

In front of them, a white light curtain appeared, which blocked the way.

"This second seal is several times stronger than the previous one. I need time." The dwarf Sun Kun looked at the light curtain for a long time and opened his mouth in a low voice.

Su Ming stood not far away. The bald crane was on his feet. He gasped lazily, looked at Sun Kun with disdain, and secretly said that if Grandpa He would take action. Then it can be broken at once, but since Su Ming didn't mean to let it take action, the bald crane was happy.

It just lay there. After looking around, it looked in a trance again.

"Damn it. Why do I feel like I've been to this place... No, it's a similar place..." The bald crane shook his head vigorously. But I can't remember too much.

Su Ming stood there silently. He was extremely vigilant. The closer he got to the depths of the seal, the stronger this feeling became. At this moment, his eyes fell around, all the cultivation in his body had been running, and the poisonous bees in his sleeve condensed Su Ming's spiritual soul.

Soon after, Sun Kun wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed to the light curtain under his hands. When he raised his right hand, a compass appeared in his hand. The compass pointer was turning rapidly, but it paused every ten breaths. Every time he paused, Sun Kun quickly raised his left hand and pointed to it. On the light curtain, the light curtain is like the surface of the water. After Sun Kun's finger falls, it will take the falling point as the center, and there will be layers of ripples.

When Sun Kun's fingertips fell for the ninth time, the ripples of the light curtain fluctuated more and more, and they were intertwined with each other, such as rolling waves on the light curtain.

"Expand your strength and hit these nine places at the same time!" When Sun Kun immediately opened his mouth, before Ye Shentong could take action, Tian Lin's eyes flashed beside him. When he raised his right hand, he saw nine rapidly growing trunks suddenly appeared in his right hand. The nine trunks touched the nine points of the curtain at the same time. With a muffled roar, the curtain of light immediately broke up, and Tian His face turned pale. When he stepped back a few steps, he suddenly changed his face and suddenly looked at the broken passage of the light curtain.

At the same time, Sun Kun, Ye Shentong and the hunchbacked old man Long Li also changed their faces. Su Ming's eyes also shrank, but with the breaking of the light curtain, a pure atmosphere of the realm emanating from it.

"The breath of the position is really the power of the position, so strong. If I can practice here for a few years, I am sure that I can break through and step into the middle of the position!!" Long Li was moved. When he stepped forward, the rest of the people also quickly stepped into it.

Su Ming was still the last, but after stepping into the broken light, even if he was a little short of breath, he saw the passage wall here at a glance, which was composed of a dark blue stone wall. The flesh and blood scattered in the dark blue stone wall far exceeded what he obtained on the surface.

It can't even be compared at all, like the firefly and the bright moon.

"The power of the position of this place is only the periphery. The deeper it is, the stronger it is. The seal of the six light curtains can not be opened at all at ordinary times. Now, due to the collapse of the seal outside, it is in the process of collapse and is weakened by a large scope, which gives us a chance.

So... if you stay here and don't move forward, you will regret it." Tian Lin opened his mouth faintly, and when his voice echoed, he walked to the depths of the channel first, with his back to the crowd. No one saw the strange light in his eyes at this moment. In addition to excitement, there was more of expectation and madness in the light.

Long Li took a deep breath of the place that contained the power of the world, showed his decisive look, and went straight to the depths of the channel. As for Sun Kun and Ye Shentong, after looking at each other, they also chased after them.

Su Ming was silent all the way. At this moment, his right hand was raised and pressed on the rock wall. His right arm circled between withered and fullness several times before he raised his hand, but in such a while, his increased flesh and blood power absorbed those blue stones in the outside world for months.

"It's worth it in the danger of wealth!" Su Ming's eyes flashed and he galloped forward, but his sense of vigilance not only did not decrease, but also became stronger.

Almost the moment when everyone roared in this passage, suddenly, in the last Su Ming, his whole body suddenly stood up, and a strong crisis suddenly permeated his mind, and there was a sharp roar in his ears, which came rapidly from behind him.

Su Ming grabbed the bald crane without hesitation, and his body turned into a long rainbow. Without any reservation, he unfolded all its speed, and the whole person directly caught up with the four people in front of him.

"There is a change in the back!" Su Ming immediately opened his mouth, his footsteps were non-stop, and the speed was faster. At this moment, everyone else also felt it. His expression changed greatly one after another, but he saw behind everyone, with the sharp roar, there were many dense... red silk threads!!

"How can there be so many!" Ye Shentong's scalp was numb, and he roared and strode forward crazily. Other people were also under the change of expression, and they all launched their strength in a horend.

But this is a channel. There is no way left and right, only front and back. At this moment, there are too many red filaments. I'm afraid that once anyone is caught up, the end of the game must be death.

Road, only ahead!

In this crisis, the speed of the five people has not been retained, and they can immediately see their respective standards. The fastest is not Tian Lin, but Long Li. This person can only see a shadow, followed by Tian Lin. Under the rebellion of his primordial spirit, there is no physical limit. At this moment, it is only a little slower than Long

The third one is not Ye Shentong or Sun Kun, but Su Ming!

Su Ming has always been good at speed. At this moment, with all his strength to explode, even Ye Shentong and Sun Kun are difficult to surpass, but this is because of the channel, coupled with a short-term outbreak, if it is in the outside world for a long time, then Su Ming's speed will slowly slow down, unable to enter the real boundary Keep it.

With the explosion of everyone's strength, they immediately pulled the large number of red filaments behind them far away, and the sharp roar in their ears also faded a lot, but the sense of crisis still existed.

A moment later, suddenly a dragon hummed in front of him, but he saw that his body rolled upside down in an instant and spewed out a mouthful of blood. Tian Lin also stopped suddenly, looking extremely ugly.

In front of everyone, another layer of light curtain suddenly appeared at this moment. The light curtain is now flashing. Obviously, Long Li just wanted to break it away directly with his strong cultivation, but he was shocked back. It can be seen that the third light curtain is several times more powerful than before.

"I need half an hour." Sun Kun's face was pale. After looking at the light curtain, he immediately spoke sharply.

"You don't have to open this light curtain in half an hour, because we are dead. Dear Taoist friends, we will do our best at the same time. Don't make any reservations, at the moment of life and death!" Tian Lin looked serious, swept his eyes on Su Ming, and said sharply. ( To be continued) RQ