Ask for Magic

Chapter 773 Defction

"What is this...ah!!" As soon as Yeshentong said that, the ulcerative point of his right arm's wrist suddenly spread to his whole right arm at a very fast speed, and in an instant, his right arm became a piece of blood.

The poison from the poisonous bee not only destroys Ye Shentong's flesh and blood body, but also corrodes his cultivation, so that after the loss of his arm, it also reduces Ye Shentong's cultivation all of a sudden.

This sudden change happened so fast that Tian Lin and others almost noticed this scene, and the sad scream belonging to Ye Shentong came to their ears, echoing in the passage.

The scream was almost full of distortion. Between the sadness, the blue veins on Ye Shentong's face bulged, and his eyes were filled with blood in an instant. With his cultivation and determination, he could make him scream so lost. It can be seen that his pain at this moment has exceeded the limit he can bear.

Tian Lin's expression changed greatly, and he suddenly stepped forward to Ye Shentong. At the moment he stepped in, a bloody force immediately dissipated. The dissipation of this smell immediately made Tian Lin's eyes shrink. He had a strong feeling that he must not touch the melted blood on Ye Shentong's body, otherwise, he would Annoying.

While hesitant, he saw that Ye Shentong not only lost his right arm, but also half of his body flowed down like water, and the bones exposed inside also became juice.

All this is a long story, but in fact, from Yeshentong to Su Ming to now, it is only a few breaths of time. This Yeshentong is worthy of being a respected person in the world. In the face of the poison from the poisonous bee in his body, he forcibly raised his mind in this miserable scream. He quickly raised his left hand and grabbed it, and immediately seven or eight medicine bottles appeared in his hand, swallowing seven or eight different antidote pills in a row.

No matter how he swallowed the antidote, he still couldn't stop the spread of the toxin. His legs trembled, and even his legs turned into juice, and his whole body fell into the blood. While it looks extremely embarrassed, it also has a sense of misery.

But after all, he is a person of Jiezun's cultivation, and most of his body has melted. At the moment when his cultivation was greatly reduced, he reluctantly raised his half-melted left hand and slapped him fiercely. You can see the skull on the melting forehead.

Under this beat, Ye Shentong let out a shocking roar, and the remaining cultivation of his whole body broke out in an all-round way. At the moment when his whole body was about to melt, the Yuanshen broke away from his body.

Almost at the same time as Yeshen Tong's primordial spirit left his mind, the little half of his remaining body fell down and completely became blood in the blink of an eye. Only his primordial spirit was extremely gloomy, floating in mid-air, trembling. Looking at Su Ming's eyes showed horror and panic, and he was even more resentful and unbelievable.

"Unfortunately, if you can decisively give up this body and yuanshen to leave the body earlier, then your cultivation can be retained more." The sarcasm in Su Ming's eyes dissipated, and he looked as indifferent as ever. He said calmly.

While he was speaking, there was a bee on his shoulder that looked like no threat at all. The wings of the bee trembled slightly and made a soft buzzing sound. The thorns on his tail had been put away, but it was just the buzzing sound. But it made Tian Lin and others look all solemn.

Tian Lin looked at Su Ming. He was the person who cared most about Su Ming in everyone, but this degree of concern only regarded Su Ming as his identity as his own. However, after his yuan god's rebellion, his cultivation increased for a short time, which made him attach great importance to Su Ming. Naturally, it has been reduced a little.

He has always felt that even if Su Ming has some threats, it is mainly the red python and the strange power of rules, as well as eight-colored crystals, and perhaps some mysterious places, but in his opinion, under absolute cultivation, all means are tricks.

But until now, he was shocked to find that he greatly underestimated Su Ming's horror, did not exert the power of the rules that seemed strange to him, did not follow the red python, and did not even use the eight-color crystal. The other party just took out a new pet beast, which could poison Yeshen Tong to such a terrible extent.

Although this is related to Ye Shentong's care, and Su Ming's behavior is almost a sneak attack, but this is the divine wasteland of the law of the jungle. Su Ming's behavior can't be said to anyone at all. After all... Yeshen Tong's action is in front of them, and they acquiesced in the

"This man's cultivation seems ordinary, but he is mysterious and has many means. Not only can he break the seal, but there is also a red python phoenix in front of him, and then there is this poisonous bee... Even if he thinks, it is estimated that many of all the fierce beasts of the fire red star today can be manipulate Tian Lin looked extremely solemn. While the idea came to his mind, he held his fist and bowed to Su Ming.

"Brother Su's hidden so deep that Tian made Tian guess before. Unexpectedly, Brother Su was rumored to be a rare forbidden spiritual practice in the four real worlds." When Tian Lin smiled bitterly and opened his mouth in a low voice, the face of Yeshen Tongyuan beside him immediately changed. When he looked at Su Ming, the resentment in his eyes trembled, and the shock was deeper.

He is very clear about what forbidden spiritual practice is. They are a kind of extremely vicious monks. Their cultivation may not be very high, but there are many powerful fierce beasts around each forbidden spiritual practice. These fierce beasts seem to be controlled by this kind of monks. They are willing to follow them, and they can take death at any time. The monks fought.

Long Li stared at the poisonous bee on Su Ming's shoulder with a solemn look. His heart was also extremely shocked at this moment. You know, even if he asked himself to hit Ye Shentong so hard, he must pay some price. He must not do this so easily, but what happened at that moment, don't care about Su Ming's cultivation How is the process of this scene? If you only look at the result, Su Ming's amazingness immediately made him afraid.

Su Ming at this moment, even if he is not the cultivation of Jie Zun, in the eyes of everyone, he is undoubtedly a strong man who can make them pay attention to and be afraid!

Only at this moment, Su Ming, is really recognized by these old monsters from the bottom of his heart and can negotiate with them.

"What a domineering toxin, what an amazing speed. Brother Su's poisonous bee Sun asked himself that he knew many fierce beasts in the world, but he had never heard of it. Even among the top ten ancient insects, the only second-ranked shadow dragonfly and the first-ranked poisonous sea silkworm were comparable!

Brother Su has a lot of means, I'm afraid even if there are still a lot of hidden things now. Sun Kun's eyes narrowed, covering most of the light in his eyes, making it difficult for people to see the mind of his eyes and window, and there was a faint sense of caution in his words.

"It's not just Su who hides his cultivation." After Su Ming's eyes swept over the crowd, his right hand was overhauled, and the poisonous bee on his shoulder immediately disappeared.

When Sun Kun opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, suddenly the buzzing of the red filaments in the channel suddenly increased. The almost sharp voice roared, dozens of feet away, the dense red filaments suddenly appeared. Their speed was extremely fast. At this moment, they came and completely sealed the crowd. All people's retreats.

Zhang Kun's expression changed, and Long Li and Tian Lin's eyes beside him also suddenly contracted. Only Yeshen Tong, although he trembled at this moment, his eyes showed madness in his eyes. He knew that it was difficult to escape from here in such a state. If he could see everyone die together, it would not a pity.

At this critical moment, Su Ming's eyes flashed. He did not choose to break the seal with the power of the bald crane. In his opinion, this matter must not be exposed to everyone. Otherwise, even if the current crisis is solved, it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

And Su Ming will never believe that these people in front of him will really have no way to break this prohibition. You know, even the Tianxiu who died in Su Ming's hands has prepared killers and life-saving skills in this wasteland, not to mention these real world-respecting people.

In front of us, although the red filaments are a big threat, the greater threat comes from each other, so Su Mingfang will be fiercely deterred. After all, his cultivation is the lowest among the people.

At this moment, Su Ming suddenly stepped back a few steps and leaned directly against the rock wall. The dark blue rock wall threw out the power of blood and quickly melted behind Su Ming at this moment. Looking at Su Ming's appearance, it was obvious that he wanted to dent his body to avoid those red filaments. Lin.

Sun Kun's eyes narrowed, and his hands immediately pinched behind him seven times in a row. Suddenly, his body overlapped seven times, and Long Li's eyes also flashed. When he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, the roar suddenly sounded like in his ear. The red filaments dozens of feet away came in an instant The figure of the crowd was directly submerged.

Almost the moment when the red filaments covered this place like the sea, the five-way seals outside Su Ming's body flashed violently, but in the sea of red filaments, Sun Kun's body retreated seven steps under the shadow of overlapping body. When he retreated, he directly penetrated the light at the moment when he touched the light curtain The curtain showed a proud smile at the corners of his mouth, and he retreated and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

While he disappeared, a low roar came out in the impact of red filaments. It was Long Li. His whole appearance had completely changed, and he looked like a black fog composed of countless shadows. He rushed into the seal and disappeared into the light curtain in some way.

At this time, a huge roar echoed violently in this channel, which was the sound of endless filaments of the Red Sea hitting the light curtain!

Su Ming was in the rock wall, and the roar kept coming in front of his eyes. His five-way seal light kept collapsing, and the more poisonous bee flashed in front of him and reluctantly resisted, but the corners of his mouth showed a sneer. He saw Sun Kun and Long Li's behavior and knew that his previous judgment The reason for procrastination is that it causes more deaths and injuries and one more deaths, so there is less power for one person to divide the boundary.

"That's good, everyone depends on their ability." Su Ming's eyes are cold... The update will resume tomorrow, and everyone will take care of it. ( To be continued) RQ